Chapter 16 Nine Mysteries of Myth

"This is...the weapon of the Nine Mythical Secrets!"

"Not only did he forcibly control the supreme weapon, he even knocked back the opponent's secret technique..."

"No, it was only when Qing Cang was using his forbidden magical powers with all his strength that he had no time to take care of himself that he was able to forcibly control his weapon."

In the Beidou Eastern Wasteland, those non-existences in the restricted area could not help but change their expressions slightly.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xuan not only briefly seized control of the Supreme Tower, but even fought back the opponent's unsecret technique.

This made them all feel a little chilly.

Although he only briefly captured the Supreme weapon when Qing Cang's soul was unstable, it was scary enough.

This is definitely a manifestation of cultivating the Secret of Bingzi to the extreme, and it is not just a matter of simply mastering and dabbling in it.

"First it was Jun Zi Mi, then it was Xing Zi Mi, and now it's Bing Zi Mi. I'm afraid this guy controls at least half of the Nine Secrets of Mythology."

The Forbidden Zone Supreme said in a deep voice:
"This guy Stone Emperor is hiding too deep."

You must know that not long ago, he just had a battle with the Lingbao Killing Formation. I am afraid that the formation is the ultimate and he has mastered the secret of the formation.

The Nine Secrets of Mythology are the nine taboo methods created by the Mythology Nine Heavenly Lords.

Each of them is no less than the forbidden secret techniques created by beings like the Supreme, and may even be even better in some aspects.

With the Supreme Deduction, if you enter the Immortal Realm, you can continue to sublimate it and turn it into the Supreme Immortal Art.

You can imagine how stunning it is.

Whatever the strength, it shows the degree of divine power.

In particular, there have been rumors that when the nine secrets of mythology are combined into one, they will have the power to shock the world and defeat immortals.

You must know that the last person to gather all the Nine Secrets was the last of the legendary Mythical Nine Heavens, and also the recognized strongest among the Supremes, Emperor Zun.

Now the Stone Emperor has mastered at least four of the nine secrets, or even more.

I'm afraid that one day, it might be possible for him to gather all the nine secrets of mythology and evolve that kind of forbidden magical power.

You must know that the Holy Spirit is born with great creations and is known as the Son of God.

How amazing would it be for an ancient emperor who was enlightened by the Holy Spirit?
I'm afraid you really have great luck, right?

The crystal flesh and blood, the white bones, surrounded by the Divine Chain of Order and the Most Powerful Principle, seemed to be burning, without any blood flowing, and turned into a bright light.

The torn flesh and blood came together.

Shi Xuan's entire body was glowing, secret techniques were operating, and his injuries were healing at an astonishing speed.

"Secret soldiers?"

Qingcang Supreme's eyes were cold and blood could not stop flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Although the control of the Supreme Instrument was forcibly taken away in the previous blow, the power of the secret killing technique used by his imperial weapon Eternal Blue Golden Tower was greatly reduced, but he still could not escape unscathed.

He stared coldly at Shi Xuan, whose face was dripping with blood, his skull was almost blown off, and Sendai was seriously injured.

"Hahaha, it's interesting. After cultivating the former secret to the extreme, the power of the soul has increased to an unimaginable level, and it has even developed a killing technique that is specifically designed to destroy other people's souls!"

The fighting spirit was in the sky, but Shi Xuan didn't show any anger at all, and laughed deeply.


The flying halberd roared.

Under the urging of Yi Bing Zi Mi, it turned into a vast sky-reaching war halberd, and endless sun, moon and stars seemed to be revolving around it.

Billions of rays of divine light shrouded the place, and chaotic energy fell down.

Inside the pitch-black endless halberd body, chaos surges, containing the universe.

There are countless patterns engraved on it, including pictures of ancient ancestors offering sacrifices, pictures of gods and demons bleeding blood, pictures of wild mountains and rivers, pictures of all spirits lying on corpses...

It seemed as if they were really there, all glowing, and there were sounds of sacrifices, killings, beasts roaring, and chanting.

Shocking and dizzying.

It is so powerful that it can suppress the nine heavens and ten earths.


The Chaos War Halberd rose and fell, dripping with endless Chaos Qi, colorful, and instantly burst out with blazing and dazzling light and light, suddenly impacting.

It is very domineering and powerful.They must suppress the opponent together with the Eternal Blue Golden Tower.

Not only Qingcang Supreme, but also those restricted areas are changing color.


"Buzz rumbling..."

The halberd rose and fell, and billions of strands of chaotic energy surged, turning into the most blazing light in the world.

The eternal blue gold tower buzzes, stirring the laws of heaven and earth, dazzling and eye-catching. The incredible power is integrated into the body of Qingcang Supreme, constantly increasing his combat power.

Even if it is a secret method that does not specifically increase combat power, it does not mean that as a Supreme, there is no forbidden secret method that specifically enhances one's own combat power.

Even the forbidden secret method created by himself is definitely the most suitable forbidden magical power for the Supreme.

After all, that is the way of the Supreme Himself.

He roared loudly and pumped his fist wildly.

As the supreme pride, he did not allow himself to retreat or retreat.


However, the fist tower collided.

Blood splattered, his right fist twisted irregularly, and all the white bones were exposed, making people feel chilly.

The halberd only trembled, and he vomited blood and flew thousands of miles away.

And the Eternal Blue Gold Tower, which shook the nine heavens and ten earths, was not to be outdone and crashed into it.

But instead of hitting the dark halberd, it blasted out countless splendid divine chains of order, heading towards Shi Xuan in an attempt to suppress it.

"Clang, clang..."

The sound of gold and iron clashing was harsh, echoing between heaven and earth.

Billions of dazzling divine radiance and surging chaotic energy protected his master, making Shi Xuan invulnerable to all means, and directly and forcefully cut off those divine chains of order.

"Qing Cang, your life is here to stay today!"

Shi Xuan, who was covered in blood, looked up to the sky and roared, his hair flying wildly.

He was like a god and a devil, his invincible fist power swept through the sky and shattered the galaxy.

It is so vast that I am invincible. I raise my fist to kill them.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

The laws of the Jida roared, the essence of heaven and earth circulated, the injuries recovered at an alarming speed, Qingcang Supreme shouted angrily.

He waved the blood-soaked and bone-white Supreme Fist, showing no signs of weakness and fighting hard against Shi Xuan's blasting Emperor Fist.



The entire star field was completely destroyed and the void collapsed.

The blood of the Supreme God is flying out, and it is extremely gorgeous and poignant, making people unable to help but get lost in it.

But in the blink of an eye, a large swath of the starry sky burned down, and countless stars instantly turned into nothingness. It made people feel chilly, and their scalp was numb.

One after another, huge black cracks swallowed up a bunch of stars, as if they were about to destroy the world.

Huge fluctuations swept across the starry sky, causing fear and panic in the world!


The Dark Halberd shocked the world.

Its huge body shrank extremely, turning into a swift stream of light, which suddenly hit the face of the Eternal Blue Gold Tower that it could not avoid at all.


Sparks fly.

The Eternal Blue Gold Tower wails.

The light dimmed, and there were even clearly visible cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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