Chapter 17 Punch Supreme
In an instant, the ancient tower flew millions of miles away, blasting through every big star. Even the splashing sparks annihilated large swaths of the galaxy.


The two figures were killing each other like crazy.

The galaxy was destroyed, and the dead star fields were all turned into ruins one after another.

At this point, I don’t care about anything else.

He continued to punch and kill with his supreme pride and invincible belief. Under such circumstances, neither of them was allowed to take a step back.

Qingcang Supreme's supreme body was blasted with cracks and exploded by the invincible fist seal.

Only the bloody head was left.

But Shi Xuan was not much better, half of his body was maimed and dripping with blood.

The blazing Supreme Blood continued to fall down into the starry sky, burning down large areas of the star field, and the spread was horrifying.

The war was too tragic.

"Cut the sky and destroy the gods!"

Not caring about taking the lead in reorganizing his physical body, Supreme Qingcang's eyes were fierce and his immortal platform was shining brightly.

The beam of light soaring into the sky shook the nine heavens and shocked the underworld.

Once again, the former Zi Mi combined with the innate holy skills of the original Taoist body blasted Shi Xuan, whose body was half-crippled, in an attempt to completely wipe out the opponent's soul.

This kind of killing is really terrifying.

The innate holy art of the original Taoist body was originally a great killing art that specialized in killing people's souls. After achieving the supreme status, it can be said to have been sublimated to a level that can make ghosts and gods weep. It can also be perfectly integrated with the former secrets. It can't be said to be earth-shattering.

However this time.

The huge dark halberd fell, bursting out with immeasurable power of order, firmly blocking the blow.

The next moment, the secret weapon was activated, and the dark halberd suddenly hit the head, sending it flying.

The flesh and blood were blurred and looked extremely miserable.

"Ah——" Supreme Qingcang roared.

Blazing light burst out, trying to reorganize the body regardless of consumption.

But in the blink of an eye, Shi Xuan rushed forward violently, and the Emperor's Fist exuded the terrifying divine law of order, sweeping away with infinite power.


The Eternal Blue Gold Tower roared incessantly.

Endless divine chains of order intertwined, forming a dense network to stop Shi Xuan.

The invincible fist swept across the starry sky, shattered the galaxy, powerfully broke the endless divine chain of order, and turned the holy killing technique violently displayed by Qingcang Supreme into nothingness.

Immediately, Shi Xuan's body, limbs, and facial features seemed to be evolving into a killing array——

At this moment, Shi Xuan used himself to evolve a supreme killing formation and hit the head of Qing Cang Supreme.

The whole head exploded directly, and a large area of ​​the galaxy was annihilated.


"This is... the set of nine secrets!"

The supreme beings in the restricted area were shocked and could not calm down.

They did not expect that Shi Xuan actually mastered the secret of composition, and in just a short time, he was able to innovate and practice the secret of composition to the extreme.

Use your physical body to evolve into a killing formation, killing people invisibly.


"Ah! Junior, you are looking for death!"

Roaring sounds, filled with endless anger and endless killing intent soaring into the sky!
All creatures in the entire universe can't help but feel terrified and have a sense of crisis that a catastrophe is imminent.

The majestic mythical ancient supreme being was beaten to death by a junior from a later generation with one punch.

This made Supreme Qingcang, who had always been arrogant and believed in eternal invincibility, completely furious.


The incomparably brilliant light gathered together, dazzling and shocking the world.

In an instant, a figure formed again.The forbidden existence that has returned to the supreme realm is different from the other, and it is really difficult to kill.

Shi Xuan's blow just now had clearly shattered the opponent's spirit, but it still failed to kill a supreme being.


The Eternal Blue Gold Tower roared.

The endless divine chain of order manifested and was suppressed with a crash.

He waved the Supreme Fist and attacked directly, intending to kill Shi Xuan to avenge his shame.

"Is the anger of the weak useful?"

Shi Xuan was very strong and only responded with unparalleled attacks.

The bloody Supreme Body glowed brightly. The taboo healing technique recorded in the "Innate Creation Jue" that had been nurtured by him for millions of years and modified several times by him was operating to its extreme. The horrific injuries were visible to the naked eye. Replied at a fast pace.

It's not like he couldn't take a risk, try his best, and kill the depleted Qing Cang Supreme without hesitation.

However, you must know that his enemy is not just Qingcang Supreme, there are countless guys in the Beidou Donghuang restricted area who are secretly paying attention.

If he suffered a serious injury, even if he killed Qing Cang, it would only be a wedding dress for others.

You must know that in this world, there is no such thing as propriety, justice and shame. Everything speaks with strength.

He must ensure that after the war is over, he still has enough power to frighten the group of guys who are spying in secret.

In the outer starry sky, the war is still going on.

Qingcang Supreme used the former secrets again and again, combined with the innate magic of the original Tao body, to form a terrifying killing technique and attack Shi Xuan's Immortal Platform.

But since Shi Xuan suffered a loss once, how could he be fooled again?
Shi Xuan used his halberd to protect the center of his brows, and then he started to run wildly, exerting his strongest fighting power, punch after punch to destroy Qing Cang's reassembled immortal supreme body, and blood spattered millions of miles.


The Qingcang Supreme, who was covered in blood and even had difficulty recovering from his broken arm, roared in anger.

He was the supreme figure of the generation, but he was beaten at will by a junior like a sack. While feeling ashamed and angry, there was also a hint of chill in his heart.

Because if this continues, he will really have to be beaten to death with one punch after another by this junior.


The trip to the Nine Secrets involves taboo methods in the realm of time.

In an instant, time, space, everything was in chaos, so fast that it simply transcended the common sense of the world.

Time fragments were flying, Qingcang Supreme barely managed to avoid his head, but he was still punched through the chest by Shi Xuan.

In an instant, blood spattered 30 miles, the chest collapsed, and the immortal supreme body was dissatisfied with the terrible cracks.


The supreme beings in the restricted area were moved again.

It is not that no one among them has mastered the secrets of Xingzi, but few can reach the level of Shi Xuan.

This is the supreme secret of Xing Zi Mi, which involves the realm of time and can evolve supreme offensive magic.

"Heaven Finger!"

Incomparably blazing light, containing the terrifying divine power of order, gathered at Shi Xuan's fingertips.

Without mercy, Shi Xuan will send Qing Cang, the ancient supreme being, into reincarnation.

The mysterious power of heaven and earth is gathering, and the terrifying Gate of Heaven emerges, carrying a terrifying aura that makes the hair on the hair stand on end, and has to prepare for it.

The laws of the great avenue emerged, and the power of heaven and earth roared, like a finger destroying the sky and obliterating the nine heavens and ten earths.


Supreme Qingcang screamed, and most of his body was wiped out, shattering the terrifying Gate of Heaven above the sky. The entire world was turning into nothingness, and was completely driven into ruins.

Gods cry and ghosts howl, and all demons descend into the world.
The shocking and terrifying scenes left one with chills in one's teeth and body, but they were shattered in an instant.
Time fragments flew out, and unparalleled power gathered at his fingertips.

"That's it, Qing Cang!"

Shi Xuan, with his messy hair and shawl, transformed into an emperor of heaven who dominated the nine heavens. Jue Hexing, the second of the nine secrets, was running wildly. Combined with his Cangtian Finger, one of the forbidden magical powers of enlightenment, the aura of supreme terror filled his body.

Qing Cang was not given any chance to breathe at all.

(End of this chapter)

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