Chapter 20 Live another life as a worker
Shi Xuan's idea is crazy.

He actually wants to use the origin of the emperor-level Holy Spirit of the Feathered Emperor as a basis to smelt thousands of rare king bodies and transform into a chaotic Holy Spirit body that has never been seen before.

This is definitely a crazy, bold idea!

It's a big gamble.

If he failed, he might even perish.

And if it succeeds, it will be able to create a peerless immortal foundation that will last forever, and the future will be limitless.

The chaotic body is born with the laws of chaos, and can command thousands of ways. Even if there is a great emperor in the world, it can achieve enlightenment without being suppressed. It is really a walking mark of the heart of heaven.

Not to mention the Holy Spirit at the level of an emperor.

The Holy Spirit is known as the Son of God, and he is born with a destiny that defies heaven. What's more, the Holy Spirit at the level of the Great Emperor is also a replica of the Tianxin Seal.

These two things alone are enough to scare people to death.

If two amazing creations come together in the same person, it is really hard to imagine what kind of terrifying and invincible being will be created.

"A lifetime of longevity?"

Great Sage Gong Yangchen’s heart beat wildly.

Then came endless ecstasy.

"Elixir of Immortality."

His face suddenly flushed, and his breathing inevitably became rapid.

There is undoubtedly only one possibility to live another life.

That is, the supreme being directly gave the elixir of death.

He has lived for too long, and his aura has already decayed. Even if he continues to seal it with the divine source, he will probably die due to the thousands of years of support.

Therefore, only the legendary elixir of immortality can bring him back to life.

As for spending the Supreme Essence and Blood to extend his life, he has no hope at all, because the Forbidden Zone Supreme is not such a person at all.

"Yes! Minister Gongyang is willing to do anything for the Supreme Being!"

His face was flushed and he looked extremely excited.

A Supreme Being comes to your door and asks you to live another life——

As long as you help him work, no one in this world will be unwilling to do so.

Moreover, he was not qualified to refuse at all.

It is even possible that from then on, his Tianji Sect would rely on a Supreme Being to become the ultimate power at the top of the universe.

As for the other party being the restricted area supreme, does that have anything to do with him?

Ask the Ji family of the Emperor Buried Star Void Emperor, who have the most enemies with the Immortal Mountain. If this Supreme Lord comes to visit them, will they dare to refuse?

Now that he lives another life, I am afraid that he can break through the Great Sage and become a supreme being like the Quasi-Emperor.

why not!

"very good!"

Shi Xuan stands proudly.

The big hand waved a blazing divine light, covering Gong Yangchen who had no time to react, and led him to disappear directly into the Ziwei Star Territory.

The terrifying pressure disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared at all.

"Ancestor, Supreme..."

But the more than ten disciples of Tianji Sect were all a little shocked and had not yet recovered from the previous shock.

They never expected that their former ancestor of Tianji Sect was still alive.

Some even couldn't believe that there was a great emperor who came specifically to look for their ancestor.

The Qing Emperor has been incarnate for thousands of years, and it is impossible for a great emperor to be born in this world. In other words, it is the supreme being of the restricted area who was born before, the supreme being who killed a supreme being.

Even though the disciples of the Tianji sect are good at deduction and divination, no one dares to take the risk to try divination.

The first rule of the Tianji Sect is not to overestimate your capabilities and deduce great horrors and great secret taboos.

And things involving those taboos are the greatest horrors and secrets in the world. No one dares to deduce them, otherwise there will be disaster.

Heavenly soldiers, ancient stars, Heavenly Lords, Wheels and Seas.

Shi Xuan brought Gong Yangchen back here again. "here it is……"

Gongyang Chen looked at the fairy lake filled with vitality and mist in shock. He couldn't believe it and his heart was surging.

With his blood exhausted and his life span short, he almost couldn't help but want to rush into the fairy lake and drink the fairy liquid with strong vitality and natural fragrance.


"Here was once the ancient star that Lingbao Tianzun's head evolved into after the transformation failed, and this is where his Tianzun wheel sea is..."

Shi Xuan, who was dressed in green clothes, stood with his hands behind his back, facing the vast black ocean, his majestic face like a knife, a little emotional.

He is the supreme Taoist and has a reserved aura, but his unparalleled heroic appearance is full of great majesty, which still makes people awe and dare not offend him.


A bright divine source emerged and flew in front of the Great Sage Gong Yangchen.

There are crystal clear fresh fruits about the size of a fist sealed inside. The alluring fragrance cannot help overflowing, and the rich vitality makes people drool.

It closed its eyes tightly, as if it was sleeping, pink and cute, like a fairy turtle that was truly born from the creation of heaven and earth.

It's hard to believe that it's just a holy fruit.

"This is?"

Gong Yangchen's eyes stared straight, unable to remain calm.

He hurriedly grabbed the dazzling divine crystal, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble, and he became excited:

"The legendary elixir of immortality, the basalt elixir?"

It's not like he has never been to the Emperor Burial Star before, and looked out from the outside of those restricted areas, but in the end he didn't dare to risk going in to collect herbs, because rashly breaking in would definitely lead to death.

Even if he masters the Ji Dao Emperor's weapons, it won't work.

"Not bad!"

Shi Xuan nodded lightly.

The Xuanwu magic medicine, also known as the Long Live Immortal Medicine, grows in the Immortal Mountain. Over the past countless years, he has picked some.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me the holy elixir. I will never forget the grace of rebuilding it!"

Gong Yangchen knelt on the ground, his eyes red, full of excitement and endless gratitude.

Shi Xuan took out the Xuanwu magic medicine and extended his lifespan for a lifetime. This undoubtedly helped him rebuild his life span as he was about to become a Taoist!
"You need to restore your vitality first. I have something to tell you!"

Shi Xuan said indifferently.

He subdued Gong Yangchen and gave him the elixir of death, but he was not just for idle people.


Although I don’t know what the Supreme Lord wants him to do, a mere “ant” in the realm of a great saint——

But compared to getting the elixir and surviving for the rest of his life, Gong Yangchen was willing to give it a try, even if he had a narrow escape.

Only when you are truly close to that realm can you realize how vast the gap is between yourself and the real quasi-emperor realm. There is an abyss of difference between the two, separated by an insurmountable chasm.

What's more, the Great Emperor who is sitting on the Nine Heavens!

The rumbling blood energy penetrated the sky.

But the vast fluctuations quickly subsided.

If Shi Xuan had not set up the Imperial Formation here in advance, I am afraid that this vast momentum would shake the entire ancient star.

As an ancient emperor, he has the ability to master all realms, so his formation cultivation will naturally not be too weak.

What's more, he also learned the supreme secret of the formation of the word secrets on the Lingbao Killing Formation.

If he carefully arranges a killing array, not to mention fighting against the Supreme Being like the Lingbao Killing Formation, but he can still block the Supreme Being for a moment or three.

After taking the elixir, Gong Yangchen's old body completely disappeared.

Instead, there was a young man with an ordinary appearance but a calm demeanor, with uncontrollable joy on his face.


Suppressing the surging emotions, Gong Yangchen stood respectfully, waiting for Shi Xuan's instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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