Chapter 21 Collecting the King's Body
"From today on, you will be responsible for collecting a rare king's body for me..."

Shi Xuan's deep eyes stared at the rejuvenated Gong Yangchen in front of him:

"I will refine the divine source liquid and give it to you. From now on, you will seal the found king's body."

"Collecting the bodies of kings in the world?"

Gong Yangchen's pupils shrank sharply and he looked at Shi Xuan in shock.

"Yes, I am now deducing the immortal heavenly power. Based on the origin of thousands of rare king bodies, I can completely get rid of this weak and disabled body, restore the flawless Tao fruit of the past, and strive for immortality!"

Shi Xuan's eyes were as blazing as the sun, and his aura was as strong as the abyss or the sea.

Even though he didn't deliberately target it, it still made Gong Yangchen, who was a little shocked, unable to help but tremble.

The shocking information made him unable to calm down.

"Ten thousand kinds? Supreme, this..."

Gong Yangchen was in trouble.

There are indeed countless king bodies in the world, but some special king bodies may not appear once every hundreds of thousands of years.

Even if he is proficient in the art of celestial calculation, it is impossible to find all those rare king bodies in a short time.

The cold eyes were filled with pressure, as if they could look directly into the deepest secrets in Gong Yangchen's heart, making him feel numb inexplicably.

"You don't need to worry, I will give you time..."

Shi Xuan was not surprised and said indifferently:

"What's more, the underworld has been collecting rare royal blood in the world, plundering its origins for experiments, and trying to create the most powerful creature... Even with your power, it is still impossible to find them all. I believe there are many in the underworld. By then, I can directly enter the underworld!"

As for whether you are worried about Gong Yangchen's betrayal?
What can a guy who is in the realm of a great sage and has very slim chance of even entering the quasi-emperor realm do?
He didn't expect the other party to directly collect all ten thousand kinds of king bodies for himself.


Gong Yangchen's body trembled.

The Supreme Meaning, this is to rob!

Shi Xuan turned around and looked down at Gong Yangchen.

The majestic gaze made him feel dizzy and uneasy on his knees.

"This is the whereabouts of some rare king bodies that I have discovered during my travels in the universe these days. With your strength and my supreme soldiers, you should be able to bring them out from those secret realms..."

He fired a ray of divine light and entered Gong Yangchen's immortal platform.

Although he didn't deliberately look for various king bodies, Shi Xuan's realm was so extraordinary that there were few places in the world that could hide it from him.Similarly, some things naturally no longer require him to do it personally, unless it is a special royal body that cannot be found.

Moreover, he needs to save more time to deduce and create the immortal scriptures, and does not want to be distracted by these small things.

"In that Demon Emperor's Cave, there are broken Demon Emperor soldiers..."

Shi Xuan sat down cross-legged, looked at Gong Yangchen who was kneeling there, and spoke calmly:
"But the essence of the fairy material is still there, and it can still be used as the material for the Ji Dao Imperial Armament to re-forge the Imperial Armament. You can bring it back to me."

"And those extreme scriptures!"

He waved his hand.

A blazing black light flew out.

This is an unparalleled war halberd. It is surrounded by gorgeous divine brilliance. Its whole body is dark and shiny. It has ancient and mysterious patterns. Its evil aura is astonishing, as if it will crush all eternity.

In the previous battle, the gap made on the sharp and cold halberd blade has disappeared.

"Yes, my subordinates will certainly live up to their high expectations!"

Gong Yangchen kowtows.

He raised his hands above his head, holding the dark halberd suspended in front of him with great respect. It was not revived, but the cold light was striking and murderous!


Shi Xuan closed his eyes.

In the Demon Emperor's Cave, a broken Demon Emperor Ruler is buried.

Because in his later years, he tried to force his way through the immortal path, but it ended sadly. Even the demon emperor's soldiers were broken, and the gods were close to destruction.

With Gong Yangchen's strength approaching the quasi-emperor level, knowing the approximate location, and also carrying his halberd, it shouldn't be difficult to bring it back.

He has now returned to the Supreme Realm and is at his peak.

Don't want to waste any time.

The effect of reasoning and enlightenment in this state is not comparable to that of falling into this field.


The rhyme of the Dao rumbled, carrying a terrifying pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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