Chapter 22 Teenage Ambition
After arranging everything, Shi Xuan set his sights on the Tianzun wheel in front of him.

In the original work, Ye Fan and others also collected the divine liquid from Tianzun Lunhai and brought back stewed meat, but they could not take away much and could only collect a ladle of bitter sea.

But he was different. After he severely damaged the Lingbao Killing Formation and then blasted it into the depths of boundless chaos, this Tianzun Wheel Sea became his private property.

The entire Tianzun Wheel Sea rolled and boiled, and the entire sea area began to capsize.

Slowly, the purest essence of life rose up from the surface of the wheel sea. It was the supreme origin belonging to Lingbao Tianzun, and strands of it converged towards Shi Xuan.

To refine the entire Tianzun Lunhai naturally does not take a short while.

And outside this Tianzun wheel sea, he spent a lot of energy to create a world-shattering formation with secret formations.

In other words, even if a living emperor breaks into this place, he will be blocked for a moment or three.

Within this period of time, it was enough for Shi Xuan to wake up and kill the incoming enemy.

It can be said that unless a figure of the level of Emperor of Heaven comes in person, this place will be as peaceful as Mount Tai.

Speaking of which, in the original work, a monkey entered the Tianzun wheel sea. Now that Shi Xuan is about to refine the entire wheel sea, he doesn't know whether the monkey will be seen in future generations.

A heavenly wheel sea comparable to a star field rose up. Shi Xuan sat cross-legged at the purest heavenly life spring, and streams of the purest essence in the world poured into his body.

Shi Xuan's eyes were closed tightly. He slowly lost consciousness of the outside world and kept all his mind inside his body.

This is the chakra of Lingbao Tianzun. Although a lot of its origins have passed away in the long years, what is left behind is still amazing.

The essence of Lingbao Tianzun flowed into Shi Xuan's body, and every flesh and blood in his body was jumping for joy at this moment.

Starting from cells, then veins, bones, and internal organs, his originally decayed Supreme Tao body seemed to be revitalized.

This is a terrible creation!

This means that he is slowly regaining the ancient emperor status he lost in the past, and wants to transform back into the invincible ancient emperor in heaven and earth.

However, this process is long, and I don’t know if he can really regain the lost Tao Fruit after refining the entire Tianzun Wheel Sea.

But he can be sure that as long as he completely refines the entire Tianzun Wheel Sea, the benefits he will gain will be huge. Although he may not be able to return to the peak of his prime, he will at least be able to regain more than [-]% of his former combat power.

At this moment, the cells in Shi Xuan's body were being reorganized, old blood was being continuously drawn out, and new blood was being produced. Avenues were wrapped around his body, and his whole person was filled with Tao charm.

There is no Jiazi in the mountains, and it is cold and I do not know the year.

It is talking about a state of cultivation, and it is even more terrifying for people who fall into enlightenment. They cannot feel the passage of time at all.

Shi Xuan's current state is not enlightenment, because he has already attained enlightenment, and now he wants to regain his former enlightenment.

The years passed by little by little, and decades of the world slipped away from the fingertips. The years did not leave any traces on Shi Xuan's body.

From the outside world, Dao Dao's suppression has become even more severe.

On the Big Dipper Ancient Star, all the great powers have disappeared, and even the monks in the Immortal Stage realm are rarely seen.

Hualong has become a powerful figure in the Beidou Ancient Star, and the elders of the Holy Land family have emerged one after another in the Four Extremes realm.

The entire universe seems to have entered the Age of Ending Dharma.

In the universe, the saint has long since disappeared.

The mighty saint who once was crushed to death by a hair seemed to have become a legend and was named the ancient saint.

Of course, in such an era, there was a young descendant who came out of Zhongzhou and walked the ancient road alone.

The young man has great courage and wants to follow in the footsteps of the Qing Emperor, become an emperor in this most impossible era of the end of the Dharma, and break the eternal taboo legend.

Another hundred years have passed by in a hurry.

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged in Tianzun's Life Fountain, his eyes closed tightly, motionless from time immemorial, like a rock.

The whole body is surrounded by complex and unpredictable Taoist rhymes, and the Tao of order is intertwined and submerged, exuding great majesty, making people dare not blaspheme.

In the sea of ​​​​wheels in the dark sky, the center of the vast sea cannot be said to be the vast sea.

Originally, Lingbao Tianzun's wheel sea was as big as a star field, but now it has become the size of a normal ocean.

The man in green clothes sat cross-legged in the air, floating like this without any external force, surrounded by the dark and heart-devouring true fire of the avenue.He seemed to have turned into an eternal stone statue, motionless.


A gate appeared.

A figure walked out of the space passage.

"Supreme, my subordinates have lived up to their high expectations and have collected all the royal bodies, supreme ancient scriptures, and supreme ancient artifacts in the secret realms you mentioned at the beginning!"

Gong Yangchen knelt on the ground.

Respectfully, he raised the dark, cold and sharp halberd above his head with both hands, and presented it to him.

In addition, there are still a few broken pieces, but they are surrounded by immortal light and have strong energy. The remaining weapons are made of feathered green gold, a piece of Taoist calamity gold the size of a human head, and several pieces of brilliant radiance carved from divine materials. Ancient scriptures.

These are the creations Gong Yangchen brought back after hundreds of years of traveling and following the coordinates Shi Xuan gave him.

"Those royal bodies have been sealed with divine crystal liquid, and this is the Zhizi secret among the nine secrets found by my subordinates."

Gong Yangchen answered respectfully.

Over the course of hundreds of years, his cultivation has achieved a leap.

Having already reached the first level of Quasi-Emperor, it is obvious that he has gained a lot during this journey.

When he was observing the meanings and insights of the scriptures left by the Supreme Being, he once fell into a mysterious state of enlightenment, and his stagnant cultivation was improved.

In addition to taking the elixir of immortality, he has accumulated a lot of experience.

"Is the Quasi-Emperor in the First Heaven?"

The closed eyes slowly opened, and the blazing divine light was restrained.

Shi Xuan's eyes swept over Yang Chen and understood everything. The reason why it took so long was because the other party fell into a rare state of enlightenment and made some progress.

The right hand is raised in vain.

The supreme power directly supported Gong Yangchen to stand up.


The war halberd made of black gold with dragon patterns buzzed.

Returned to Shi Xuan, where he was ups and downs.

This is the supreme divine weapon that has followed him for several lifetimes. Now that he has returned to him, he seems to feel his familiar aura, and the gods are happy.

"Reporting to the Supreme Being, on the way back, my subordinates met a young man with a king's body that even the subordinates have never seen before. The subordinates wanted to capture him and offer him to the Supreme Being, but they wanted to be captured. He ran away, but I hope the Supreme Atonement will be made!"

Originally, Gongyang Chen was not prepared to talk about this kind of thing. After all, he was a majestic quasi-emperor, but he did not capture a junior, but let him run away.

But he really didn't dare to deceive a supreme being, so he boldly spoke out.

"Can you find out the origin?"

"Reporting to the Supreme Being, according to deductions by my subordinates, he is likely to come from the Beidou Emperor Burial Star."

Hearing this, a look of surprise flashed in Shi Xuan's eyes.

If he remembered correctly, this person was probably the one who was called one of the regrets in the original work.

Unexpectedly, he had already started to appear.

It seems that I don't have much time, I have to seize the time.

Well, hell, here I come.

I don’t know if you are ready.

(End of this chapter)

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