Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 26 If you can’t do it, let the Emperor of Hades come!

Chapter 26 If you can’t do it, let the Emperor of Hades come!

"Ahem, you are not the only one who masters the nine secrets of mythology!"

The Prison Emperor's eyes were intense and cold.

I saw the Holy Glory flowing through his body, and the Operator's Secret, the holy healing art passed down from ancient times——

The shocking injury on the chest was repaired at an alarming speed, and the white bones and crystal flesh were regenerated.

There was no intention of backing down at all.

Immediately waved the Supreme Fist and attacked!

Unparalleled fist power soaring into the sky!


The battle between the Supremes.

It's destined to be tragic.

Because they were all invincible in an era, they all once dominated the world, and they were all among the most amazing people in ancient times. No one can kill the other easily.

The Prison Suppressing Emperor roared angrily, and the sound shattered the galaxy.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

His hair was disheveled, his supreme fist power shocked the world, and he fought like crazy!
The golden battle clothes of Daojie were clanging, covering the whole body of the Prison King. The immortal war spear and ancient shield in his hand were fully revived, and the monstrous divine order broke out, its power shocking the world.


The euphorbia danced wildly, drawing a path of Tao that ordinary people could not fathom, and every blow shocked the world.

Halberds collide with spears, fists collide with palms...

The void trembled, completely collapsed and annihilated, and chaotic energy surged.

The large black cracks are extremely exaggerated and can easily swallow up pieces of stars.

The two of them were killing each other like crazy, regardless of anything.No one would be outdone, and the starry sky was stained with blood.

"My merits are eternal, but an old man still wants to go against the will of heaven!"

There was blood on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't bother to wipe it off. Shi Xuan's eyes were cold and blazing, with murderous intent.

He was also covered in blood, both his own and that of the Prison Emperor.

The jet-black war halberd made of dragon-patterned black gold had cracks in its originally shiny and sharp halberd blade. It was hard to imagine how intense this battle was.

"Heaven Finger!"

He was extremely strong and killed him with one finger.

The divine chains like feathers were clanging, unimaginably gorgeous, extremely beautiful and brilliant, stimulating the unparalleled power of the avenue, suppressing the wails and surrenders of thousands of people, and suppressing the Prison Emperor.

The starry sky returns to chaos, with billowing chaos and mist surging.

The finger that covered the sky and the sun carried the terrifying principles of order, and there was a faint ancient divine voice, which spread across the ages, as if it wanted to control the heaven and the earth, crushing the eternity, making people unable to help but tremble.

"The Underworld King suppresses the prison!"

The Prison Suppressing Emperor roared, shaking the whole sky.

His hair was dancing wildly, his blazing fists were covered in immortal gold, and his fists soared into the sky and were unparalleled, blasting out.

The black void could not withstand the attacks of the strongest and collapsed directly.

Stars and rivers were directly blasted through, and he was not willing to be outdone and killed them.


The violent collision made the world seem to collapse.

The universe will return to its original starting point, and large areas of star fields will be directly wiped out and turned into powder without leaving any traces.

Countless stars were exploded, and even the ancient forbidden land of the underworld was affected. The boundless territory was instantly transformed into a tribulation, and nothing was left.


This is the despair that makes all living beings powerless.

The unparalleled duel between the Supremes, even the aftermath is shocking, nothing can stop it!

"Go dance with Qingcang!"

Shi Xuan looked up to the sky and roared, opening his mouth to swallow a galaxy.

With a majestic appearance, he kept dancing his halberd and slashed down towards the Prison Emperor.

The operation is all secret, the combat power is increased to the limit, and the divine law of order surrounds the whole body, making it dazzling.

He had obtained the secret of calligraphy in his early years and had practiced it to the extreme. His whole figure seemed to have directly reversed the time and space, much faster than people imagined.

Even if the Supreme Being in the restricted area had not been born, he would not be able to capture and lock his figure.

"Forcing me to this point, junior, you will only die!"

The Prison Emperor was not afraid and spoke coldly.

The longer the battle lasted, the weaker he looked and his body was covered in blood.

It even smells of decay.

Giving people the illusion that he might transform into a Taoist at any time.

"You can't do it, go and call the Underworld Emperor!" Shi Xuan sneered, and the great halberd struck across.

It directly hit the opponent's already damaged Daojie golden battle suit, revealing a fleshy fist dripping with blood and covered with bones.

Bleak blood splashed.

Even if the tiger's mouth is torn apart, he doesn't care at all.

As if he was not injured, he became more and more courageous as he fought, constantly performing shocking secret techniques and killing techniques, without giving the opponent any time to breathe.

"The galaxy collapses at the thought of it!"

The center of his brows glowed, the immortal platform was blazing, and a small man sat cross-legged and chanted sutras there.

A terrifying divine light became the only one in the world, stirring up the mighty power of heaven and earth, carrying the divine law of order.

Time and space seemed to be frozen in this moment.

Without any warning, it hit the Prison Suppressing Emperor and knocked him out.

"Cough cough..."

The Prison King splattered with blood.

His blood was dry and he was exhausted, and he was obviously weak.

Started to be suppressed by Shi Xuan.


He roared.

Such a result is unacceptable.

As an ancient god who attained enlightenment in the age of mythology, he reigned over the world and ruled the universe for eternity. He had an invincible belief that he was the only one who was supreme.

How could he be willing to admit that he was worse than a junior of later generations?

Even if my own blood is exhausted!

"Daoguo returns!!!"

He kept shouting angrily, with a fierce murderous intention and despair.

The whole body is luminous, and the skull palace emits a dazzling light. Immortal runes are shining, and terrible destructive energy bursts out from it.

The universe trembled, the heaven and earth roared, and the avenue rumbled, as if it was trembling and surrendering.

All living beings in the Eight Wildernesses felt the aura that was so terrifying that people couldn't help but tremble, and they were all forced to kneel on the ground, terrified.

I want to return to my former peak in an instant, even if it is just a short return.

He believed that it was enough to kill all enemies in the world, and he would not hesitate to kill the great enemy Shi Xuan.

"Immortality is made with my emperor's blood!"

The terrifying shocking blow lit up the nine heavens and ten earth, shaking the ancient world.

It seems that the three realms of heaven, earth and man are about to be destroyed and enter reincarnation again, and a large amount of chaotic energy cannot help boiling.

The golden battle suit of Daojie was penetrated and transformed, and the light curtain intertwined with the endless divine chain of order blasted through the chest of the Prison King again, causing him to spatter blood again and fly out.


The blazing and dazzling Supreme Blood, mixed with the white bones and organ fragments, burned down large areas of the star field, and even turned large areas of the galaxy into nothingness.

His powerful supreme body was full of cracks, and the ever-expanding aura of the world shrank in an instant.

"If you want to return, you can't!"

Shi Xuan's eyes were cold.

If it were other supreme beings, he might not be able to stop them.

But the Prison Suppressing Emperor has really lived for too long, his blood has withered, his whole body is incredibly weak, and he even faintly reveals the decaying aura of transformation.

If you want to accumulate the strength to return to your former supreme status, you need to prepare for too long, and you may not even be able to succeed.

"Send you on your way!"

The journey of the Nine Secrets was in motion, and the blazing figure rushed over in an instant.

The dark and cold halberd suddenly struck down towards the Prison Suppressing Emperor, its cold light shining in the sky, and it was about to split the opponent in half.

"Okay, okay, do you really think that I am old and decrepit?"

The crystal-clear Supreme Blood flowed, and the Prison-Suppressing Emperor laughed in anger.

Extremely domineering, he raised his fist to kill again.

The Daojie golden battle suit erupted with immeasurable celestial light, and the immortal war spear that pierced everything directly caused Shi Xuan, who was approaching with a big halberd, to retreat hundreds of thousands of miles away with blood splattered, and his majestic power was unparalleled.

But he was also almost split in half by the big halberd, and his bones were covered with bones.

The blazing blood flows, scatters across the starry sky, and burns down the stars, which is horrifying.

They are all the supreme beings who have once attained enlightenment and have been honored for eternity.

Who is worse than who in charge of Tianxin Seal?


(End of this chapter)

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