Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 27 Transformation, the future, and divine punishment

Chapter 27 Transformation, the future, and divine punishment

The cold light shines all over the world!

The pitch-black halberd had a shocking gap and was stained with Supreme blood.

But it is still powerful and unstoppable.

The Prison Suppressing Emperor was directly pierced through the chest by Shi Xuan and carried into the starry sky. His bones were covered with bones and his blood was dripping with blood.

"The Underworld King suppresses the prison!"

The ancient demonic sound of hell erupted, shaking all the eight wastelands. Shi Xuan was blasted so hard that his chest collapsed and he vomited blood and flew out.


The prison king went completely crazy.

There is no consumption at all, and it is even desperate.

The only thing he wanted to do was to drag the other person to be buried with him, and he was unwilling to admit that he would be weaker than a junior.



Divine power is vast, laws are boiling, and chaos is surging.

A large area of ​​​​the star field has been completely reduced to chaos by the battle between the two, and the scope of the impact is unimaginable.

The confrontation between shields and halberds, the collision between halberds and spears, blood splattered with every blow.

Both of them are extremely domineering and confident. No one is willing to give in easily, and they fight to the point of madness!

Shi Xuan was even killed until his body was filled with clear blood holes one after another, his bones were thick, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken.

The internal organs were smashed to pieces by the Prison Emperor.

But the Prison Emperor was even more miserable, with his body split in half.

The head was chopped off and he almost died.

If he hadn't mastered the secrets of the unparalleled Holy Healing Dharma, I might not have been able to hold on.

this battle.

Just like what the Supremes predicted, it was extremely tragic!
The prison-suppressing emperor was filled with rotten energy, and the energy of transformation was flowing, which made people feel frightened.

The supreme beings could not help but feel chills in their hearts.

"Hey, it's really tragic..."

In the Donghuang restricted area, there was a supreme sneer, with coldness and ridicule:
"This guy, Stone Emperor, is quite full of energy and blood, and I don't know how much fortune he has swallowed up."

"The old guy from the underworld is dying, he is going to perish!"

In a certain restricted area, there are taboos.

No one knows the real name of the hometown in the underworld. We only know that many supreme beings were already in the underworld before they attained enlightenment. Their glorious years were too long ago.

It can be regarded as one of the oldest forbidden zone supremes in this era. It is considered unbelievable to be able to survive until now.

"The aura of Huandao makes me feel a little palpitated."

In the Divine Ruins, there was also a Forbidden City Supreme who spoke with fear.

Even non-existences like them at the same level would have to stay away from the power of a generation of supreme Taoists.

"Why does the Stone Emperor's vitality not weaken at all?"

At this moment, the Forbidden City Supreme couldn't help but express his doubts.

"I don't care whether they are dead or alive..."

There was also a Supreme Being who said coldly:
"No matter what, I will strive for immortality!"

He paid such a high price, gave up his glory and past, and slept for endless years just to become an immortal!


In the vast starry sky, the Prison Suppressing Emperor roared.

He was so weak that his blood was drying up.

Senhan's ancient shield was knocked upside down again, the immortal war spear in his hand whined, and the blazing light dimmed.

The golden battle suit on his body was pierced, and many fragments flew up mixed with blood, piercing the void and annihilating the galaxy.

But they were all imprisoned there, unable to sputter into the wastelands of the universe.

Shi Xuan, who was covered in blood, had blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. His chest had been pierced by a war spear before, which had consumed a lot of energy. However, he had enough energy and blood, so it was not a serious injury.

At this moment, the whole body was glowing, flesh and blood were reshaped, bones were regenerated, and the God of Order was sonorous, as if the sound of chanting could be heard across eternity.

Runner's word secret, repair injuries.

"That's it. Today I bathe in the blood of the Supreme and embark on my invincible path..."

He roared loudly, and the sound spread throughout the world, shaking the world forever.

His eyes were as blazing as the sun, with a cold murderous intent.

He rushed forward on the Nine Secrets, and the big halberd slashed down wildly.

At this moment of the war, there is nothing left to say. The battle will only end if one of the two sides falls.


The Prison King has no nonsense.Wielding the Immortal War Spear and holding the ancient black gold shield, he came forward to kill.

However, he was too weak and his vitality continued to decline.

The war spear and shield were smashed away, and the whole person flew hundreds of millions of miles, with blood splattering everywhere.

Endless divine chains of order intertwined, clattering and trembling, carrying the terrifying power of heaven and earth, suppressing him!


The invincible battle suit made of gold from Dao Tribulation was blasted through and dimmed. The prison emperor's limbs were pierced, and even the head immortal platform was suppressed by the divine chain of order.

The whole person was split in half by Shi Xuan's halberd.

"Junior, accompany me to transform into the Dao!"

The Prison King's face was stained with blood, and he roared angrily. He was extremely weak and completely despairing.

It was impossible to survive.

Unless the current emperor commits suicide and then lets him drink the emperor's divine blood.

He mobilized the power of heaven and earth, resolutely wanted to transform into a Tao, and wanted to drag Shi Xuan to be buried with him.

The brilliant light like feathers could not help but rise from the sky. At this moment, it seemed as if it was about to become a flying fairy. It was the power of Tao transformation.

Thousands of things roared incessantly, and the entire universe clearly felt this huge fluctuation, and they were all filled with horror.

In the eight wastelands of the universe, pairs of cold and terrifying eyes were watching coldly.

The strong power of Dao transformation surged and burned, and the endless light illuminated the nine heavens and ten places. It had the aura of a world-destroying Dao, which made Shi Xuan's hair stand on end.

"The halberd rules the world!"

Without thinking, he gave up the idea of ​​killing the opponent and seizing his supreme body, and blasted him with a domineering halberd.

The incoming Prison King was hit millions of miles away, smashing into pieces of galaxies. The terrifying power seemed to reopen the world and recreate reincarnation. It wanted to obliterate the opponent's body and accelerate the time for his transformation. .

The whole person walked on the journey of the Nine Secrets and reversed time and space. In an instant, he went back hundreds of millions of miles and was far away.

No one can stop the supreme transformation.

At least, the existence of the humanitarian field cannot stop it.

"Ah ah ah..."


"Buzz rumbling..."

The heaven and earth roared endlessly, and all the ways manifested themselves.

The vast power of transformation flooded the starry sky, and the brilliant light soared into the sky. The trajectory of the avenue reflected the utmost beauty. It was so beautiful that people fell into it, as if they were following the transformation. It was shocking and terrifying!
It was so intense that even high-level quasi-emperors could not look directly at it, their eyes were burning and stinging, and blood and tears flowed freely.

The light of Tao Transformation, which was so terrifying that it made the Supreme One's scalp tingle, was constantly chasing that fiery figure.

However, Shi Xuan stepped on the Xingzi secret and covered endless distances in an instant, even reversing the years. Pieces of light of time flew out of the moving trajectory, which was faster than the common sense of the world.

No matter how hard the Prison Suppressing Emperor tried to use the power of Tao Transformation, he could not drag the other party to be buried with him.

"The eternal plan will eventually come to nothing! I don't accept it!"

"I hate it!!!"

Most of the prison-suppressing emperor's body has disappeared, and his whole body continues to merge into ten thousand ways!
Full of unwillingness and anger, with deep resentment.

"Ah! That's..."

The prison-suppressing emperor, who was transforming into a Tao, could be said to be in harmony with all Tao. At the last moment, he seemed to have seen a glimpse of the future.

A figure that crushed eternity, exuding the aura of the Holy Spirit of Chaos, a peerless Emperor of Heaven, occupying the end of the long river of time, overlooking the past, present and future...

"Take away the creation that has gone through countless years in my underworld...I curse you to die badly, junior!!!"

The Prison Suppressing Emperor understood everything in an instant, and roared with great shock and fury!
He hates it!
That should be your own glory!
If he creates a real chaotic body, he may not be able to figure out a way to get rid of the broken body, and he is not willing to admit that he will be worse than a junior in future generations.

"Chaos Saint"


A blast of heavenly punishment is coming!

The roar stopped abruptly.

The message that the Prison King tried to shout out at the last moment involved the great secrets of heaven and earth, and there was a terrifying punishment from heaven that cut off his words.

A blazing and extremely brilliant light.

Billions of thunders gathered together, carrying terrifying destructive power, penetrating the entire universe at this moment, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths, reflecting the past, present and future!

"This is……"

"Punishment to destroy the world!"

"What exactly is going on? How could such a natural punishment be triggered for no reason..."

The world-destroying Qi machine made the people's souls collapse, and they were all frightened and inexplicable, and even the Supreme One couldn't help but feel chills in his scalp.

The world has completely lost the aura of the Prison Suppressing Emperor!

Even if the supreme coercion is eternal, logically speaking, there should not be such a punishment from heaven, which makes them confused.

(End of this chapter)

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