Chapter 32 The Origin of Ten Thousand Kinds of King Bodies
"This method..."

The existence of taboos in the restricted area once again couldn't help but change my color and feel a little chilly.

This secret technique can really threaten them and make the Supreme bleed.

If you're not careful, you might really end up being buried.

And they discovered that since the day Shi Xuan walked out of the Immortal Mountain, they could no longer understand Shi Xuan even a little bit.

Apart from the familiar supreme principles, the other party seemed to have changed into another person.

"Stone Emperor..."

In the Beidou restricted area, there was a supreme voice with a solemn voice, filled with murderous intent and fear.

This immortal enemy really makes people have to be vigilant.


The war halberd roared leisurely.

Floating around Shi Xuan.

Declare the end of this battle.

The glory that represents the pinnacle of the true heavenly hegemony has completely come to an end.

The universe is silent!

No one thought that after becoming the Lord of the Underworld, the Dacheng Cangtian Hegemony, which had been sealed since ancient times, would come to a tragic end like this.

Doing the math, this is the third supreme being to have fallen in just a hundred years.

The changes in this world are somewhat confusing.

Similarly, this battle also showed the world a fact——

Supreme invincible!
To defeat the Supreme, only a character of the same level is possible.

Even for special and powerful physiques such as the Cangtian Hegemon Body and the Ancient Holy Body, which are said to be able to fight the Supreme after reaching perfection, they can be said to be half a step to the Supreme, with combat power that can even crush the Supreme Weapon. However, in the end, they are only "half a step" away from that level. The field is still a step away!
It's just a battle that can make the true Supreme bleed. The result is that the Dacheng Hegemony or the Holy Body will die.

All sentient beings in the entire universe and those restricted areas in the Eastern Wilderness of Beidou.

A pair of ruthless eyes looked through the illusion, staring coldly at the starry sky that was flooded by billions of rays of divine light and chaotic energy pouring down from that peerless halberd——

That majestic and heroic figure, covered in blood, showed the power of overwhelming the mountains and rivers, just like the figure of an immortal king descending to overwhelm the world.


Take a breath.

The galaxy dimmed.

It turned into the most original essence, like a torrential waterfall from the nine heavens, and was led over.

It immediately submerged Shi Xuan, who was covered in blood and was constantly running Jiuzimi to heal his injuries. The treasure body was shining brightly, replenishing the consumption of the previous fierce battle.


The ancient star of Heavenly Soldiers is within the Heavenly Lord Wheel Sea.

Quasi-Emperor Gong Yangchen has been waiting here for a long time.

His face was flushed at this moment, and he was a little excited.

The strength of his supreme being was beyond his imagination.

However, within a hundred years, three supreme-level taboo beings were killed in succession.

At this moment, his heart was full of excitement. He seemed to have seen the grand scene of his supreme being defying heaven and becoming an immortal in the future, leading himself and others to become immortals.

At the same time, he carefully held a treasure tripod in his hand and handed it over carefully.

This is a quasi-emperor weapon, and it contains no less than a hundred royal body origins that he has obtained over the years.

Some of them were obtained through archeology, some were sealed after he captured them alive using his own secret deductions, and some were obtained by having his Tianji sect members search for them.

After respectfully presenting the tripod in his hand——

Gong Yangchen once again raised a piece of divine source above his head and said piously:
"Supreme Rongzhen, this is the holy body captured by my subordinates in a holy place on the Emperor Burial Star."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Shi Xuan nodded with satisfaction. Originally, he thought he still needed to make a trip by himself.

Unexpectedly, Gong Yangchen worked hard enough to go to the Emperor Burial Star to arrest people.

If he guessed correctly, this ancient holy body in the Dao Palace realm should be the one that was mentioned in the book and was cultivated by a holy place in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou thousands of years ago.


With the origins of the ancient holy body and the heavenly hegemonic body in hand, the origins of thousands of rare king bodies are now collected.In this case, only the origin of the transformed Holy Spirit and the Yuhua Emperor who is about to run away is left in the Yuhua Ancestral Temple in Beidou Zhongzhou.

"Although we have collected the origins of thousands of king bodies, the Tianji Sect still needs to continue to search for rare king bodies such as the ancient holy body, the body of the sun, the body of the moon, etc. There can be no mistakes."

After taking over the ancient holy body, Shi Xuan looked at Gong Yangchen and said:

"Although you have taken the elixir and lived another life, there is no need to be born again. When I succeed in nirvana, I will find you."

A quasi-emperor monk can still do a lot of things.

In particular, a quasi-emperor monk who majored in Tianji Taoism was of great use even to a being of the Supreme level.

However, the purpose of collecting the royal body has been achieved, and the next matter of concealing the secrets from others naturally does not need to be worried about by Gong Yangchen, the quasi-emperor.

You must know that in the universe right now, this is the real Age of Ending Dharma. Many ancient stars that once were glorious are no longer visible to even powerful monks.

And before Nirvana is successful, Tianji Sect's mission of collecting the bodies of kings in the world needs to continue and cannot be let go.

In order to gather the final source of the king's body, his actions were not small. Especially today, he not only snatched the underworld, but also directly marked the ancestral star of the hegemonic body, which will inevitably arouse a lot of suspicion.

After all, no one can be a simple person.

Therefore, in order to prevent those guys in the penalty area from knowing their true identity, they must know that they are still continuing the experiment in the underworld and have not yet succeeded.

Otherwise, if the guarantee is not complete, several supreme beings will come to rob it directly that day.

At this critical moment of nirvana and metamorphosis, such a thing must not happen.

Therefore, it is necessary for Tianji Sect to continue to search for the king's body in the world and send a message to the supreme beings in the restricted area. He is still continuing the plan of the underworld and has not yet completed it.

Moreover, it has never been easy to transform into a chaotic spiritual body that is rare in the ages.

He himself didn't have much confidence, so he could only take one step at a time.

Cultivation is meant to compete with God for destiny!

If you don’t go down step by step, who knows what the scenery will be like at the end of the road.

"Yes, Supreme!"

Gong Yangchen kowtows.

He understood the meaning of his supreme being.

Tianji Sect has been working for a Supreme Being over the years, and many people know it.

Even though Shi Xuan didn't really want to create a chaotic body, he wanted to swallow the origin of thousands of king bodies.

Even the most loyal soldier Gong Yangchen didn't know this news.

Naturally, the supreme beings in those restricted areas don’t know either.

Over the years, Shi Xuan has already been prepared.

For so many years, Gong Yangchen has been asking the disciples of Tianji Sect to search for the body of the sun, the body of lunar yin, the body of Yuanling, etc.

Except for Shi Xuan himself, even Gong Yangchen, the founder of Tianji Sect, doesn't know how many king body sources Shi Xuan has collected so far.

As he raised his right hand, supreme power emerged.


The halberd made of black gold with dragon patterns roared, seeming to respond to Shi Xuan.

His big hand brushed over the great halberd that had followed him in battles for two lifetimes. Shi Xuan's eyes were as deep as the abyss, carrying unparalleled majesty.

Dao Yi Xunxun waved his hand, and one after another light groups shrouded in fairy light flew out.

"This is."

Gongyang Chen's scalp was numb when he saw it, he was shocked, his mouth was dumbfounded, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

The whole body is ice blue and shimmering with divine brilliance, it is eternal blue gold;
Blazing and dazzling, with stunning light and vitality, it is the purple gold with divine marks;

There are also feathered green gold and dao tribulation gold.

The Chaos Dragon Qi is surging, surging, full of cracks, and the ancient tower has lost its spirit. It is an absolutely unimaginable rare fairy treasure - the Chaos Dragon Qi root!

It is no less than peerless fairy materials such as purple gold with divine marks, black gold with dragon patterns, and eternal blue gold.

His hands continued to slide, and strands of fairy light and marks merged into the void.

"It just so happens that I want to practice this halberd again. You can stay and watch."

Shi Xuan gently stroked the halberd and said calmly:

"Whether you can gain something or not depends on your own destiny."

(End of this chapter)

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