Chapter 33 Refining the Imperial Weapon
The fluctuations in the supreme weapon refining are all shocking.

Fortunately, not only the layout of Lingbao Tianzun was left here, but also a peerless imperial formation laid out by Shi Xuan, which was enough.

Shi Xuan had already made plans for his own tools to carry and protect the way.

And he has collected a lot of immortal gold materials over the years, and now it is time to re-train this halberd and turn it into his own supreme killing weapon.

As for the heavy weapon that carries his own path, he plans to wait for the successful transformation and then use his own body to fuse with the remains of his supreme beings obtained by killing three supreme beings in a row to refine a world-shattering treasure.

He has already made up his mind that if he kills the Supreme Being in the future, his Supreme Body will be integrated into the protective weapon and become the foundation.

As for those shocking immortal gold materials, they were refined into his halberd to become his indestructible killing weapon.

"Yes, thank you Supreme!"

Gong Yangchen was so excited that he could only kowtow again.

But at the same time, his body moved and he quickly retreated to the edge of Tianzun Wheel Sea.

Regarding the peerless killing formation here, he has the supreme mark inserted into his body by Shi Xuan, so naturally he will not be treated as an outsider and blasted to pieces.

How many people in the world can meet the Supreme Weapon Refiner?
Even the emperor's son who inherited the blood of the Supreme God would rarely have such an opportunity!

Not to mention, this is to the extent that there is no divine weapon, and other supreme immortal materials are added and re-refined to sublimate it again and turn it into a supreme warrior.


The peerless energy soared into the sky.

Countless creatures trembled in fear in front of the Ancient Star of Heavenly Soldiers. They couldn't help but kneel on the ground and kowtow towards this side.


At the same moment, the entire Tianzun Wheel Sea was filled with celestial glory, carrying unparalleled energy.

At this moment, after experiencing two forbidden beings such as Lingbao Tianzun and Shi Xuan, the blessed formation began to revive.

Shining in the void, mysterious and ancient patterns spread all over the void, sealing this sea of ​​stars, not wanting to make too much noise.

"Buzz rumbling..."

The blazing fire rose up.

Shining with stunning immortal runes, they are so densely packed and complicated that they give people a splitting headache. They almost destroy their souls. The Supreme Dao Fire burns down the void and the sky!
If it weren't for the guardianship of the formation and Shi Xuan's deliberate control, there was no intention to destroy the world at all, the entire ancient star of heavenly weapons and the surrounding star field would have been turned into nothingness immediately.

"Quack... clang clang..."

The great halberd forged with dragon-patterned black gold shattered into pieces.

In fact, it was still decomposing, and the fragments turned into powder one after another.

But the weapon spirit inside did not disappear, but was integrated into every grain of fairy gold powder invisible to the naked eye.

We must re-accept the baptism, cultivation, and sublimation of the supreme Tao, and undergo a major transformation.


Sensing the crisis, the broken ancient tower, the broken Prison Emperor's war spear, and the fragments of the Demon Emperor's ruler were all struggling.

Because even if the weapon spirit is wiped out, the mark of the Supreme Dao Mark will still remain, and it is unwilling to be absorbed and smelted by other Supreme Weapons.

But they were imprisoned there and there was no way they could escape.

As for the artifact spirits and marks of the Divine Mark Purple Gold Bell and the Ancient Chaos Tower, they had already been completely wiped out because their former owners were too weak, and they did not resist at this time.

"Do you still want to resist?"

The terrible fire rumbling.

The power of the shocking law surges, interweaves, and gathers.

In an instant, the world-shattering materials such as Divine Mark Purple Gold, Eternal Blue Gold, and Dao Tribulation Gold were submerged. It was so hot that it almost evaporated the entire Immortal Lake, carrying the aura of burning all things.

Tens of millions of miles away, even Gong Yangchen, who was watching from a distance with his heavenly eyes open, couldn't help but feel a little frightened, and his scalp felt numb.

If it weren't for the extraordinary nature of this land and the guarding of the peerless formation, this star field would be destroyed in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

The unparalleled energy will spread throughout the universe.


"Buzz rumbling..."

The supreme imperial law boils.

Submerged in the void, blazing and dazzling.Gong Yangchen, who has already attained the second level of the Quasi-Emperor, is sitting cross-legged in the area on the edge of the Tianzun Wheel Sea.

I don’t know how long it took, whether it was one month, two months, or half a year.

As time went by, as the Shixuan forging went deeper, he could no longer wait and see. His eyebrows were cracked, his open eyes were stinging, and bright red blood was flowing. He had no choice but to give up, not daring to be greedy for more, and to be honest. Concentrate on understanding what you have gained previously.

He was able to climb to the second level of Quasi-Emperor in a hundred years, which can be described as an unprecedented miracle.

From this we can imagine how much good fortune he gained when he took Shi Xuan's halberd to the archaeological site.


Endless dao fire burned the sky, the void continued to distort and collapse, and the boiling chaotic energy surged, still forging the most powerful killer.

The fairy light in the center is the blazing light that is smelted together by several kinds of immortal treasures such as divine mark purple gold, Daojie gold, dragon pattern black gold, feathered green gold, eternal blue gold, and chaotic dragon energy root. It's so dazzling that it's impossible to look directly at it.

Shi Xuan is like a supreme demon god, standing under the vast sky.

His gestures were changing like flying, and there was no magic way to evolve, intertwining a patchwork of laws and order, all of which were immersed in the fairy light.

This kind of weapon refining method is absolutely amazing, even those who were once invincible in the world and swept through an era will be amazed.

"Clang!", "Clang!", "Clang!"...

The sound of forging and tempering kept coming from the dazzling fairy light in the center, like a beating drum. Each sound coincided with Wu Dao, like the pulsation of the universe, and seemed to knock on the hearts of all living beings.

At the final stage, even the protection of the Peerless Imperial Formation could not completely cover up such shocking fluctuations.

A terrifying air mechanism leaked out, causing countless creatures to tremble and crawl on the ground in fear.


"It's the Ancient Star of Heavenly Weapons..."

"This aura? It's that guy Stone Emperor. What happened again?"

"Could he be fighting the Supreme again?"

A Supreme Being who was not sleeping deeply was disturbed, and his cold and ruthless eyes looked at the Ancient Star of Heavenly Soldiers with the intention of exploring.

However, on top of the Ancient Star of Heavenly Weapons, there was a peerless murderous intent that burst out, bursting out with immeasurable light, blocking out all divine thoughts. Unless you were born, you would not be able to understand it at all.

Only one peerless figure can be seen standing proudly.

"Lingbao Tianzun?"

Some people's pupils shrank sharply, surprised.

Thinking that Shi Xuan had captured the amazing fortune left by Lingbao Tianzun.

For a time, they were even more afraid of Shi Xuan.

No one thought that Shi Xuan could really find the amazing creation left by Lingbao Tianzun.

You must know that that is the most murderous being among the mythical Nine Heavenly Lords, the peerless Heavenly Lord who is rumored to have killed immortals.


In the restricted area of ​​Xianling, a sleeping ancient figure spoke coldly, with deep hostility.

He has existed for a very long time, and even the existences in many forbidden areas are only aware of his existence and do not know his true origin.

He has a deeper understanding of Lingbao than most people, and he also knows that it is an eternal enemy.

At this moment, a junior from later generations got something left by Lingbao, and had to be vigilant and alert.

In Tianzun's wheel sea, weapon refining continues.

"Brush, brush..."

Ancient and mysterious marks one after another, containing the power of the heavenly law, are constantly surrounded by extremely majestic and unpredictable supreme runes, and are penetrated by Shi Xuan into the fairy light.

In the center of the blazing fairy light, blazing fire burned the void, and endless laws and orders were intertwined.


Within the fairy light, a large halberd vaguely appeared.

The mighty roar turned into the sound of heaven and earth, as if it spanned the long river of time and came from ancient times;

(End of this chapter)

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