Chapter 34 Xuan Emperor Halberd



A simple halberd flew across the sky, being submerged by the endless supreme Tao fire and being burned.

It shines brightly and brilliantly every inch, and is extremely gorgeous. It is made of five immortal golds plus six immortal treasures including a chaotic dragon energy root, which are smelted together and forged together. Senhan's halberd blade is even more murderous and terrifying. .

The shiny halberd body is intricately lined with mysterious and ancient patterns. There are hundreds of millions of creatures lying on corpses, gods and demons bleeding, thousands of immortals coming to court, and the creation of the world...

All kinds of shocking totems, as if they really existed in the past, are reproduced with supreme means, which makes people horrified and unbelievable.

The chaotic dragon energy surges endlessly.

A single strand of energy is enough to easily crush the stars.

Wisps of terrifying blazing light burst out, carrying a fierce evil spirit!
It is pitch-black and endless, chaotic and turbulent, and it seems to destroy the sky and the earth when it moves through.

The word "Xuan Emperor" is simple and mysterious, but it also contains terrifying murderous intent, making people's scalp numb.

The aura that overwhelms all ages made Gong Yangchen, a quasi-emperor who had just awakened from enlightenment, unable to help but kneel down.


Seeing that the weapon refining was completed, Tianzun's wheel sea instantly calmed down, the peerless killing formation fell silent, and the runes all over the sky shrank.

It sank directly into the ground and disappeared again.

"Finally finished!"

Immortal symbols shone in his blazing eyes. Staring at the euphorbia in the void, Shi Xuan smiled.

Even with the addition of various immortal materials, this euphorbia could not directly cross the limits of imperial weapons and break through to the ranks of immortal weapons.

After all, the Immortal Artifacts are important to the Immortal Law, but the materials are secondary.

Just like no matter how much fairy material is added, it will never be possible to refine the emperor's weapons without attaining enlightenment and becoming an emperor.

Even if Shi Xuan has been fully sublimated at this moment, regained the invincible Dao Fruit of the past, and can recast the Supreme Artifact with the supreme Supreme Law, his current achievements are ultimately limited, and he is still far from being a true immortal.

Moreover, it was still several kinds of immortal materials short of what he expected.

But he believed that it would not be too difficult to replenish the remaining fairy gold materials in the near future.

After all, although immortal gold is hard to find, there is plenty of it in the restricted area. Killing a few supreme beings or destroying a few imperial weapons should be enough.

This halberd will definitely turn into a truly peerless immortal weapon, conquering the heavens with him, and creating glory with the supreme immortal blood.

"Buzz rumbling..."

The pitch-black and cold war halberd swayed, the unparalleled energy was earth-shattering, and the entire void seemed to split open and return to chaos.

Wisps of peerless Qi burst out as if they were unparalleled in the world, and immeasurable immortal light spurted out, making people tremble.

Shi Xuan stands with a halberd in his hand, looking majestic and heroic.

As the halberd danced, the void collapsed under pressure, and the boiling chaotic energy couldn't help overflowing.

The whole person turned into a blazing sun that illuminated the eight wastelands and the world. If one statue could stand forever in the long river of time, he would look down upon the past, present and future and dominate the ups and downs of the world.

"That euphorbia..."

"He blended it into other immortal gold materials and sublimated it again..."

In the restricted area of ​​the Eight Wildernesses of the Universe, those supreme beings who have not withdrawn their spiritual thoughts and are still paying attention to the ancient stars of the Heavenly Weapons all have their pupils shrinking sharply, and they cannot help but feel a little moved.

"I'm really going to be a god, and I've incorporated more than one or two kinds of supreme fairy gold!"

There are supreme beings in the restricted area who are amazed, but inevitably fearful, and a bit hot.

In the future, this will definitely be a formidable enemy.

No one thought that Shi Xuan, who had killed himself, would never hibernate again.

He will be as arrogant and resolute as some supreme beings, and would rather die of old age or become a Taoist than live in contentment.

There are still thousands or even ten thousand years before the Immortal Road opens. With Shi Xuan's current state, he will never survive that time if he doesn't kill himself.

In other words, when the Immortal Road opens in the future, Shi Xuan will be their biggest enemy.No one knows what the situation is like on the Immortal Road. Anything can happen, so everyone else except yourself may be an enemy.

"It's just a weapon, no matter how powerful it is, so what?"

In the ancient mines of Taichu, taboos exist and the murderous intent is fierce.

However, the next moment there was a monstrous beam of light shooting into the sky, and the vast blood energy burned down the sky like an oven of heaven and earth. It was obviously not peaceful.


The refiner is over.

It has been more than a year.

The universe fell silent again.

Although the Qing Emperor has passed away, under the suppression of his great power, the end of the Dharma era in the entire universe has not shown signs of easing, and seems to be further deepening.

In Tianzun's wheel sea, things have already changed drastically.

It is no longer as lifeless as it once was.

The fairy lake is clear and full of life, reflecting a bright moon and stars.

The vast pure land is very ethereal and has a vague Taoist charm.

Emperor Xuan's halberd floated up and down next to Shi Xuan's Taoist platform, shining brightly. He exhaled spiritual energy by the lake and accepted the baptism of the laws of heaven and earth.

Next to the bank is a half-foot-tall demigod plant.
This was a semi-miraculous medicine cultivated from the roots of the ginseng fruit tree, one of the legendary elixirs, that was found in an ancient tomb during Gongyang Chenman's cosmic archeology.

At this moment, it is planted in the fairy lake.

Lao Pi is like a dragon scale, vigorous and powerful, two or three feet tall, with lush branches and leaves.

Its whole body is crystal clear, the Tao is permeated, and it is full of brilliance. It has about thirty fruits that are as big as half a fist and look like babies.

Those thirty fist-sized, baby-like, lifelike ginseng fruits have huge effects, but they are not as effective as one-third of the elixir.

In addition, there is an old purple spirit fruit tree, which is about one foot tall and bears bright fruits, taking root next to it.

Shining like jade, the dazzling branches and leaves dance with the wind and rustle.

In addition, there are a large number of ancient medicines, all of which are full of vitality and verdant. They are all aged and precious medicines, which are enough to make those great sects who suppress a region jealous and crazy.

Spiritual beasts and auspicious beasts are galloping and flying, playing happily on the shore.

The gleaming and cold halberd was suspended in front of Shi Xuan.

Its evil spirit is restrained, and it doesn't look as murderous as it did when it was just recast.

It turned into a simple halberd, with strands of fairy light shining dazzlingly, and billions of strands of chaotic energy constantly falling down, carrying an indescribable Taoist charm.

Pictures and patterns are clearly visible, including the Supreme Being bleeding, beasts roaring in the starry sky, and gods and demons kowtowing...

Vaguely, it seemed as if there was an invisible figure sitting cross-legged inside, reciting ancient and mysterious scriptures, invisible and inaudible to mortals.

Although the murderous intent was restrained, the terrifying murderous intent that overflowed still made Gong Yangchen, the quasi-emperor, feel a little chilly.

"In order to find the origin of the king's body, the Tianji Sect has grown rapidly in recent years, and it has offended many forces."

Shi Xuan was indifferent and said calmly:

"I'll let you take this halberd back and guard the Tianji Gate."

He will make the most critical plan next. The Yuhua Emperor may not be simple, he needs to act secretly.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he will not appear again for a long time.

The Emperor Xuan's Halberd was a supreme warrior that he forged by refining several kinds of rare immortal gold.

Although it may be inferior to immortal weapons like Chengxian Cauldron, it is already better than ordinary imperial weapons.

Although he doesn't care whether the Tianji Sect is dead or alive, he still said what he said before. A monk who is in the quasi-emperor realm and specializes in the method of Tianji deduction can do a lot of things, so Shi Xuan doesn't mind leaving Gong Yangchen. A little backhand.

(End of this chapter)

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