Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 35 Traveling to Zhongzhou, hoping to borrow the origin of the great emperor

Chapter 35 Traveling to Zhongzhou, hoping to borrow the origin of the great emperor (additional update for the boy with the white horse)

Gong Yangchen kowtowed in thanks, raised his hands above his head, and took the Emperor Xuan Halberd with great respect.

Over the years, under his instruction, the Tianji Sect has desperately searched for the king's body that was born in the world, or secretly conducted archaeological work, and it has indeed offended a lot of forces.

Now that this Supreme Being is still active in the world, no one dares to target the Tianji Sect.

But if the Supreme Lord just lets go, it won't be long before the entire Tianjimen is torn to pieces by a pack of evil wolves.

"Go back!"

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged on the Taoist platform and closed his eyes.

The whole body was luminous, extremely blazing, as graceful as a fairy, and mysterious and grand scripture sounds were constantly coming out.

Colorful brilliance lingers, quietly listening to the avenue.

Holding the Xuandi Halberd respectfully, Gong Yangchen retreated silently.

If this Supreme Transformation fails, he will become silent from then on.

At that time, I am afraid that Tianji Sect alone will not be able to defend this Emperor Xuan's halberd.

Fortunately, now that the Age of Ending Law is coming, most of the powerful people in the world are secretly hiding in the corners of the universe, waiting secretly.

time flies by

300 years passed by in a hurry.

With Shi Xuan's silence, the universe fell into eternal silence.

Those restricted area supreme beings no longer revived and entered a deep sleep.

After all, staying awake, even if you don't break out of the seal, still requires qi and blood.

At this critical stage when the Immortal Road is about to begin, every trace of energy and blood is extremely important to these supreme beings, and they cannot be wasted in vain——

Just one sentence made the Supremes feel distressed.

At this moment, Tianzun Lunhai is at -

A formation diagram is extremely blazing, revealing the energy that suppresses the eternal.

Around it, red glow shot into the sky, and twelve bloody formation flags were arranged in all directions.

In conjunction with the killing formation diagram, there is a Qi that blocks the world and isolates everything.

Every formation flag is bright red, as brilliant as blood, extremely red.

This was made by Shi Xuan using the dried remains of the Dacheng Hegemon body in Tianzun Wheel Sea. Combined with the secret combination he got from the Lingbao Killing Formation, it can be combined into a set of great killing weapons——

In this mass killing formation, even if a Supreme Master is completely revived and returns to his former Dao Fruit, the terrifying fluctuations still cannot be transmitted.

Unfortunately, this set of killing array is only a one-time use.

But this is normal. It is normal that such a heaven-defying killing formation can only be used once.

And this is the feast Shi Xuan prepared for Emperor Yuhua.

With this set of killing formations that he had painstakingly cultivated for 300 years, he believed that no matter how extraordinary this feathered emperor was, he could only turn into his food.

It's a pity that only [-]% of them are sure of success.

If he was given more time to prepare, he would be [-]% more confident, reaching a [-]% success rate.

Although today's [-]% certainty is a bit risky.

But he can't wait. If he waits any longer, I'm afraid that Emperor Yuhua will soon be completely transformed, and then he will implement the golden cicada's escape plan and escape from the Yuhua Ancestral Temple in Zhongzhou.

In that case, it won't be that simple to find him.


Da Dao felt that this killing array was against the heavens and sent a terrible disaster to prevent its birth.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are dense black clouds of calamity, there is thunder, and ghosts cry and gods howl.

"This is……"

"Oh my god, what is that supreme being going to do again?"

The world-destroying aura shrouded the ancient star of Heavenly Arms, and the pressure made the star seem to burst.

The creatures of this ancient star were all a little frightened and couldn't help but kneel on the ground and kowtow in worship.

At this moment, even if the creatures on this ancient star are afraid of the Supreme, they can't help but feel a little bit of complaint.If you say you want to retreat, just retreat. We can't afford to offend you. You can do whatever you want.

But you make big noises every once in a while and force us to kneel down. What does this mean?

It's too deceiving.

Of course, even though their hearts were full of resentment, they only dared to think about it in their hearts and did not dare to do anything else, not even to say an angry word.

But the next moment.


The long-lasting divine power spread out.

In an instant, a chaotic and turbulent euphorbia evolved. The cold light shone across Kyushu, carrying a heart-stopping evil aura.


It struck suddenly, shattering all the terrifying visions and turning them into nothingness.

Incomparably domineering and powerful, no God is allowed to disturb him.

In the final analysis, this is just a one-time Imperial Killing Formation, and it will not lead to a terrible disaster that would cause existences like Dong Cherang and Supreme to bleed.


With a roar, the entire outer starry sky, one star after another, dimmed directly.

The endless energy was like a river of stars, vast and endless, all rushing towards it, directly submerging Shi Xuan, who was as motionless as a bell.

His whole body was hazy, and in the surging chaos, two yin and yang fish kept intertwining, swimming, rising and falling...

Sitting there cross-legged, Shi Xuan seemed to be transformed into a flying immortal. He was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at him. The immortal light completely engulfed him.

It also has a terrifying Qi that seems to swallow up all souls, making people feel frightened. It seems that the ultimate transformation will begin directly at the next moment, and Nirvana will transform into an immortal fetus.

Eventually, the Tao map disappears.

Everything returned to silence, and the various visions dispersed.

The majestic figure sitting there cross-legged, surrounded by Tao, exudes great majesty and cannot be desecrated.

"After sitting idle for 300 years, I finally achieved something..."

His eyes opened, the dark pupils were as deep as abyss, with a majesty that could not be blasphemed and awe-inspiring, Shi Xuan's expression was calm.

He has made preparations, and the only thing left is to go to Beidou Zhongzhou and ascend to the ancestral temple.

Then he went to talk to the Emperor in Nirvana and tried his best to persuade him to voluntarily lend his Emperor-level Holy Spirit source.

Shi Xuan believed that Emperor Yuhua would have this awareness and be willing to help others, even this busy man.

Immediately, Shi Xuan put away the gift he had prepared for the Nirvana Emperor -

In an instant, it tore through the void and disappeared from the Tianzun Wheel Sea.

In Zhongzhou, outside the former first ancestral lineage, the void opened. Shi Xuan, dressed in green clothes and with a calm expression, appeared here quietly without attracting anyone's attention.

His next actions must be secretive and must be carried out secretly.

Otherwise, if Emperor Yuhua notices his arrival, this plan may not go so smoothly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shi Xuan also sighed.

The dragon vein in front of me is so powerful. It was once the longest ancestral vein in Zhongzhou, thicker than thousands of mountains put together!
Unfortunately, a huge palm print cut it into several sections.

Outside the ancestral veins, broken mountains can be seen, which were formed by the impact of the aftermath of the ruthless man's blow.

This place is located at the heart of the dragon vein on the central axis. It occupies all the creation of heaven and earth and seizes all mysteries. It is originally a secret place that defies the heavens.

However, after the ruthless man became enlightened, the oldest dragon vein in Zhongzhou was interrupted by her palm, and the dragon energy dissipated, reborn as several ancestral dragons in other places.

At that time, the Yuhua Divine Dynasty was the number one in Zhongzhou, and no one dared to disobey orders. It had supreme power, but it turned into ashes overnight, and even the imperial soldiers were shattered.

Since then, this Broken Dragon has instantly turned into a dead place from the previous pure land, becoming the most ominous area, almost without life.

The former heart of Zhongzhou is now barren of grass and dark, surrounded by black magic mist and dead air all the year round. I don't know what the light is.

Just looking at the black mist from a distance, here, the empress' original murderous intention still remains, and she can kill the saints who enter it!
However, in Shi Xuan's eyes, this was like a breeze blowing on his face, bringing nothing but a chill.

PS: More updates for the first tip received!Thanks for the support! !

(End of this chapter)

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