Chapter 37: Borrowing from the Origin of Feathering

No.30 six-story small world.

Among the mountains, there are temples one after another, grand and magnificent, simple and natural, with colorful haze, or densely imprinted ancient scriptures, offering sacrifices and Zen singing together, and the atmosphere is myriad.

These auspicious scenes and auspicious signs make the ancient cave even more extraordinary. The stone body is vague, roughly human-shaped, and looks like sitting cross-legged. It is very rough, but it is undeniable that it has become the center of the world at this time.

The Yuhua Emperor is really going to Nirvana and become the Holy Spirit.

And it was an immediate success.

Shi Xuan could feel that in this area of ​​heaven and earth, there was a great natural formation that was isolating all the breath. It was vaguely like the birthplace of the Holy Spirit. There was a great formation descended from the sky, isolating the breath of the Holy Spirit so that the Holy Spirit would not be destroyed. If a person interrupts the opportunity of conception midway, there will be no possibility of success.

Fortunately, Shi Xuan himself was an ancient emperor whose Holy Spirit became enlightened. It was easy to deal with a Holy Spirit who was in Nirvana.

Even this Holy Spirit was once a great emperor who attained enlightenment.

Shi Xuan isolated all his energy, walked to the ancient cave, and stared at Shi Ti with burning eyes.

The whole body is crystal clear, simple, round and radiant, and it is about two feet high.

It's like a placenta conceived between heaven and earth, flowing with inexplicable Taoist charms, which is incredible.

Well, I checked it carefully, it’s a big deal.

Then do it!
Having made up his mind, Shi Xuan began to prepare for the first step of borrowing his origin from Emperor Yuhua.

In the Yuhua Ancestral Temple, Shi Xuan walks between heaven and earth, with dragon veins intertwining under his feet, just like a divine dragon reviving, integrating with the principles of the universe, and actively pulling the great creation between heaven and earth.

And above those dragon veins, there are many thin gray lines. They are no more than the thickness of a hair, but they are magical and extraordinary. They condense the terrifying laws of ten thousand ways and are full of powerful ancient aura.

The gray light is not very dazzling, but it can steal the first glance of everyone who steps into this ancestral temple, just because it is so extraordinary.

The Law of Ten Thousand Daos that actively pulls the world is like a living creature, possessing the most powerful divine energy of life. The dragon energy of Zhongzhou's ancestral veins rises and falls with it at the same time, resonating with the Law of Ten Thousand Daos, and becoming a spiritual and spiritual being.

When you look closely, you can still feel the faint sweetness on these thin lines, which is a symbol of the level of life.

This is the original creation of heaven and earth. It represents the identity of the Holy Spirit as the Son of God. It is the creation of heaven and earth and is extremely precious.

Later, it was carved by Shi Xuan, an ancient emperor whose Holy Spirit had attained enlightenment, and the dragon veins in the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple were ignited, just like the finishing touch, completely stimulating the mighty power belonging to all the ways of heaven and earth.


After all, this side's natural formation is lacking, and it seems that it has suffered heavy losses.

Shi Xuan guessed that this should be the handiwork of that ruthless man.

He was curious, why didn't that ruthless man just kill Emperor Yuhua?
Now that you have found your enemy, why not take action?

Could it be that you are waiting for the Ascension Emperor to achieve nirvana before letting him die of frustration?
Thinking about it this way, it seems that after the Emperor Nirvana in the original work successfully lived his second life, he was indeed very miserable, even more miserable than the Golden Crow Emperor.

He casually destroyed some of the arrangements that the Ascension Emperor had made, causing him to spend hundreds of thousands of years of effort for no reason. Then he finally achieved nirvana and lived a second life, but he could only die in frustration.

Well, this is quite cruel, it should be what that cruel person did.

Fortunately, he was not unprepared.

After sighing, Shi Xuan took out the formation diagram and twelve formation flags that had been prepared long ago and were refined with the body of a Dacheng Hegemon.

Then he used the Secret of Formation to mobilize the power of heaven and earth, fuse the great formation here, and weave an indestructible cage for Emperor Yuhua, wrapping him in it.

After everything was ready, Shi Xuan sat cross-legged in the center of the world.

Between his brows, powerful divine soul power continued to surge into the surrounding formations, continuing to strengthen the cage arranged for Emperor Yuhua.

Time passed like this bit by bit, and Shi Xuan did not move for half a month, except that thousands of divine lights erupted from his body from time to time.


In an instant, the heaven and earth trembled, and supreme pressure rippled out from the stone body under Shi Xuan's body, shaking the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple. In an instant, billions of dragon energy continued to surge.

The stone body was extremely bright, and the power of ancient dragon veins fell down, causing thousands of ripples of chaos.

At this moment, the stone body that originally looked like a dead object shone with endless purple-gold divine light, and heavenly sounds rushed out of the cave. In a trance, it seemed that a great emperor was gestating in the stone body. "hold head high!"

A dragon roar came from ancient times, and then a gray true dragon was seen rising into the sky, carrying the stone tire, and leaping to the highest point in the sky.

"Have you finally responded?"

"It's too late, Yu Hua, I have determined your origin today. Even if Ye Fan comes, you can't stop me. I said so!"


A dragon roar rose into the sky, just like a real dragon resurrecting. The silent Ji Dao law in Shi Xuan's body revived, and thousands of Dao roared.

At this time, he was like a heavenly emperor, stepping on the head of the real gray dragon, so sacred!

"It's now!"


The boundless brilliant rays of light flickered, and in a trance, countless rules of heaven and earth descended from somewhere——

In the meantime, the killing formation diagram refined by Dacheng Hegemony resonated with the formation flag.

Shi Xuan concentrated his attention and took the initiative to use his supreme body of enlightenment through the Holy Spirit——

He took the initiative to conform to the peerless formation he had set up previously, to be in harmony with heaven and earth, and to be in harmony with all the ways.

Gradually, his mind became empty and empty, and his breath seemed to be uniting with the thousands of purple thin lines between heaven and earth, and he was truly feeling the power of the rules between heaven and earth.

In ancient times, there were monks who paid attention to the unity of man and nature.

At this moment, Shi Xuan, who is the enlightened Holy Spirit, is one with the rules, and one with the Tao.

"The great road is formless and nourishes the heaven and the earth; the great road is ruthless and moves the sun and the moon; the great road is nameless and nourishes all things."


His figure became majestic and motionless, and his true body gradually became blurred, as if it had turned into chaos, everything ceased to exist, and Taoism disappeared.

On that piece of pure land, there is something mysterious and strange. The chaotic dragon air current in Zhongzhou's ancestral veins is being aroused, and the rules of heaven and earth are being pulled by the power of the underworld, containing the stone body within it, isolating the outside world.

The originally magical stone fetus turned into a dead thing again.

At this point, Shi Xuan used the power of the rules of heaven and earth to cut off the spiritual consciousness of the stone fetus of the Holy Spirit that Emperor Yuhua had transformed into, and turned it into a dead object.

Originally, it shouldn't be so simple to seize the origin of a great emperor.

But whoever made the Feathered Emperor evolve into the Holy Spirit did a great job.

There is no difference from the real Holy Spirit.

This gave Shi Xuan an opportunity to operate.

It really corresponds to that saying, the Holy Spirit is responsible for success and the Holy Spirit is responsible for failure.

Although the Holy Spirit is known as the Son of God and is blessed by nature, they are very weak before they are born.

Even though the Yuhua Emperor, as an ancient emperor, could borrow part of his power before Nirvana, who made him meet Shi Xuan, who was enlightened by the Holy Spirit?

This can really be regarded as a master's degree.

Of course, although it sounds simple, the power of the blow delivered by Emperor Yuhua at that moment was real.

If it weren't for the iron bucket he had laid for Emperor Yuhua, even if he could successfully borrow the origin of Emperor Yuhua, he would have alarmed those guys in the restricted area, and he might not be able to do anything good by then.

No one can ignore the origin of a great emperor.

But the consequence of this is that the one-time killer weapon he refined with the body of a Dacheng Hegemon after 300 years of sacrifice completed its mission, and finally shattered with a scratching sound.

Fortunately, he successfully borrowed the source of the Holy Spirit from Emperor Yuhua, so there was no loss in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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