Chapter 38 Emperor Yuhua is such a good person
After successfully obtaining the most important source of the Emperor-level Holy Spirit in this trip——

Shi Xuan began to take his time and walked through ancient temples, understanding the scriptures and secrets along the way.

He will then be silent for a long, long time.

Based on the Holy Spirit origin of the Feathered Emperor, he smelted the origins of all kinds of king bodies into one body and transformed into his own Chaos Holy Spirit body.

Therefore, he planned to take a walk around the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple and relax.

After being in this world for so long, he finally saw a bright future.

At this moment, even with his indifferent nature, he couldn't help but feel a little joy and joy.

As time passed, he saw many treasures in the temple in front of him, but except for two fist-sized pieces of purple gold with divine traces and red gold with phoenix blood, the others remained untouched.

Looking at the two pieces of fairy gold in his hand, Shi Xuan whispered:

"It seems that gathering all the Nine Immortal Golds to help the Black Emperor Halberd evolve is a long-term task."

These two pieces of immortal gold are too small and can only be used to refine some small items, but cannot be used to refine war halberds.

He has no doubts about whether he can collect the nine immortal golds, use the nine immortal golds as the basis, and smelt the chaotic dragon energy root obtained from killing the Holy Spirit to cast his Dao-protecting weapon, the Xuandi Halberd.

It’s just that this time probably cannot be solved in a short time, and we must be prepared for a long-term struggle.

Walking to the last central ancestral temple, Shi Xuan entered and obtained a mysterious scripture recorded in the green gold of immortal tears - "The Sutra of Immortality".

This is an ancient scripture that condenses all the efforts of the first life of Emperor Yuhua. If someone obtains it, it can create an immortal holy land.

Therefore, even for today's Shi Xuan, this is a big gain.

He sat cross-legged and carefully comprehended the "Eternal Transformation Sutra", corroborating its profound meaning with his own great path.

Immortal light was dancing, Taoist sounds were ringing, and Shi Xuan sat alone among them, as if he was an immortal who was about to become an immortal.

Following this Taoist rhyme, the cells in his body seemed to have changed, turning into an immortal, consistent with the great Tao of the outside world, evolving the secret of becoming a flying immortal, and thousands of immortals chanted Emperor Xuantian in unison.

As he continued to comprehend, a hazy figure slowly appeared in this world, explaining the way to become a flying immortal.

This is the imprint left by the Emperor Yuhua when he attained enlightenment here.

At this moment, he seemed to have traveled across time and space and saw the first life of the once-incarnated emperor.

After completing his enlightenment, Shi Xuan came back to his senses and couldn't help but sigh in his heart:
'The Feathered Emperor, not bad! '

At this moment, he was becoming more and more satisfied with the Yuhua Emperor, who not only generously gave him the source of the Emperor-level Holy Spirit, but also had a discussion with him regardless of his previous grudges.

Emperor Yuhua's behavior made Shi Xuan sigh, there are still more good people in this world.

Then go and get the other two ancient scriptures, and he can officially start his transformation.

Shi Xuan's eyes became intense and he disappeared into the starry sky in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived at a place deep in the Northern Territory, one of the five Beidou Territories. For the creatures of this ancient star, it was a terrifying and dangerous place.


The terrifying holy-level formation still had time to show its power.

It was crushed and collapsed by the vast imperial power.

The Quasi-Emperor's Array and the Ancient Emperor's Remnant Array were revived one after another, erupting with shocking light and murderous intent.

"Who dares to break into my forbidden area of ​​Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest..."

A powerful man from the ancient times who was sleeping in the Divine Source Liquid and shouldn't have woken up at this time was awakened one after another, broke open the Divine Source Liquid and rushed out.


A flawless white palm pressed down across the void.

Under the terrifying supreme divine power, neither the emperor-level residual formation nor the quasi-emperor formation could completely block it, and they collapsed and disintegrated one after another.

"Brush—" A blazing light shot into the sky.

Stopped in front of Shi Xuan.


Ten Thousand Dragon Bells glowed, and hot fluctuations penetrated the sky.

One after another, the terrifying divine chain of order emerged, trembling and buzzing with a roar, carrying overwhelming energy, trying to confront Shi Xuan.

"I'm only here for one person, don't force me to kill all your dragons' nests!"

Shi Xuan spoke coldly.

After successfully obtaining the origin of the Holy Feathered Emperor, he no longer needs to worry about anything. So what if he is sensed by those guys in the restricted area?
This small Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest is not even worthy of their eyes, so how could it be born?

Several figures stared in inexplicable fear at the terrifying figure that was so fierce and so powerful that it was impossible to look directly at it. Their eyes were burned, and tears could not help but flow.

"Supreme Ancient Emperor, my Ten Thousand Dragons Nest has been sealed since ancient times. No one should offend your supreme divine power!"

A strong man from the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest who was in the saint realm, trembling and uneasy, knelt down and saluted, and then spoke bravely.If it weren't for the immortal brilliance of Wanlong Bell that protected him.

I'm afraid that he will be shaken by the terrible coercion immediately and his body and soul will collapse. There won't be any accidents.

"Give me the great sage of the human race who you suppressed here in the ancient times!"

Shi Xuan spoke indifferently.

He wanted to transform into an unprecedented chaotic spiritual body, and those two ancient scriptures were of great reference significance to him.

Tai Yin and Sun, which one is strong and which one is weak.

Yin and yang work together, and the world is called the emperor.

Ancient scriptures that have been able to leave their name forever since ancient times are naturally not simple.

In the Northern Territory of Beidou, in the lair of thousands of dragons.

There were bursts of mourning and weeping.

The ruins were torn apart and in disarray.

It's hard to believe that this is the habitat of the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest that once suppressed the universe in ancient times.

An atmosphere of sadness enveloped the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

Fortunately, apart from most of the clan's land being destroyed, the dust-covered strong men had no impact.

However, after this incident, everyone in Wanlong Nest fell into confusion.

The environment of heaven and earth has changed drastically, and it is becoming more and more serious.

It's still far from being born.

Their Ten Thousand Dragons Nest does not lack divine source, but the divine source liquid can only be refined by beings at the level of the Great Emperor.

The fact that there are so many powerful people in their clan who have become self-proclaimed is thanks to the Dragon King, who defied heaven and became a Taoist in the ancient times, and refined a lot of divine source liquid and kept it.

"It's all that damn human race's fault. If I had known better, I would have killed him directly!"

Looking at the ruins around him, a strong ancestral king in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest wanted to cry bitterly.

It was obviously Shi Xuan who caused their current miserable situation in Ten Thousand Dragons Nest.

But he didn't even dare to feel resentful, for fear that those beings would sense it immediately.

That is the supreme being who rules the world and is invincible throughout the ages!
Even the Dragon King, who was also in charge of the Tianxin Seal back then, was not necessarily stronger than the other party.

I can only resent the sealed human race great sage.

Now it's better. The human race didn't get the inheritance of the two ancient scriptures, and I and others were harmed so much that they had to be born early.


The light of the Ten Thousand Dragons Bell gradually disappeared, and it escaped into the depths of the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, into a human-sized piece of Divine Source Liquid.

Even it can only remain silent.

After all, it is not the Wanlong Emperor who swept across the world, but the supreme weapon left behind by the Wanlong Emperor to guard the Wanlong Nest.

Even if you can threaten the other party, the final result can only be that you are beaten up. The other party may have to pay some price, but it may not be truly unbearable.

It's impossible to overestimate your own capabilities and fight the other party just for this little loss!

Otherwise, when the human woman forced her way into the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest and seized the Chaos Dragon's Nest as a burial place, it would have already stopped her.

"King Ancestor, do you need to wake up the princess?"

Ignoring what happened in Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, Shi Xuan directly tore through the void and came to the depths of the starry sky.

He didn't attack the dragon in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, just for the sake of the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor. If the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor really came out to fight, he would accompany him.

It just so happened that he wanted to gather more supreme Tao bodies to refine the Tao-carrying weapons after his transformation.

A dazzling piece of divine source, a full two meters high, just floating in the void.

Sealed in it was a scrawny primitive old man with shriveled skin, his upper body was naked, and his lower body was simply covered with an animal skin skirt.

His hair was messed up, and there were a lot of blood stains on his body and animal skin. The blood exuded a faint holy power.

Apparently he had killed many monks above saints.

There is a red chain on his body. This chain is at least a great holy weapon. It is covered with runes and is deeply embedded in the flesh and blood of the old man like a soldering iron.

In addition to sealing, this chain also suppresses the opponent's soul, making it difficult for him to break out on his own.

Shi Xuan had no intention of destroying the divine source, and his unparalleled divine thoughts stirred up the terrifying power of order.

With the complicated and unpredictable principles of order, he sank into the opponent's immortal platform, and intercepted the "Taiyin Sutra" and "Sun Sutra" he wanted from the soul that fell into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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