Chapter 39 Transformation Begins (I woke up late)

The sleeves and robes swayed.

A blazing divine light took the human race great sage sealed in the divine source and randomly disappeared into the depths of the universe.

He has no interest in unsealing it. At best, he is just a monk of the Great Sage, and cannot yet enter Shi Xuan's Dharma Eyes.

If someone is lucky enough, he might get this opportunity in the future.

"Then it's time to get started."

The "Sun Sutra" and "Taiyin Sutra" have been obtained, and everything is ready. Shi Xuan knows that it is time for him to initiate nirvana, transform into an unprecedented chaotic holy spirit body, and start his own invincible path.

Tianzun wheel sea.


The rhyme of the Dao rumbled, carrying a terrifying pressure.

Shi Xuanruo sat cross-legged, the eternal supreme monarch, and began to carefully observe, appreciate, and understand all the collected ancient scriptures and ancient methods.

"The Art of Innate Creation", "Lingbao Sutra", "The Fragment of the Demon Emperor Sutra", "The Taiyang Sutra", "The Taiyin Sutra", "The Fragment of the Hengyu Sutra"...

Except for a few complete ancient scriptures, most of the others are fragments of ancient scriptures collected by Tianji Sect over the years.

However, in his current state, these ancient scriptures only serve as a reference, so it makes no difference to him whether they are incomplete or complete.

Shi Xuan is like a king who has been sitting cross-legged in ancient times, towering and motionless, submerged by the traces and tracks between heaven and earth, hazy and majestic, mysterious and incomprehensible.

However, sometimes his whole body would glow and make sonorous sounds, with mysterious scripture sounds constantly coming out.

Let the ancient ginseng tree next to the demigod medicine jump for joy and joy, with its whole body crystal clear, and quietly listen to this most rare and profound sound of ten thousand ways.

Opportunities like this are rare.

Because there are not many people who are qualified to stay with a supreme being for a long time when he contemplates ancient scriptures and his Taoist heart merges into heaven and earth.

After spending hundreds of years observing, appreciating, and understanding the collection of mysterious supreme scriptures and various ancient Dharma, the harvest is unimaginable.

There was no rush to start transformation, Shi Xuan continued to accumulate in silence.

Ten years, 50 years, 100 years
The avenue rumbled, countless auspicious colors rose up, and the blazing light streamed hundreds of millions of feet, completely flooding the area.

But Shi Xuan had no intention of moving from beginning to end.

"The human body is one, and it is transformed into two qi. The Tao stands in one, and it is divided into Yin and Yang. The yin is the most flexible and tough; the sun is the most rigid and fierce..."

A whole hundred years.

A figure, surrounded by Taoism, is like an eternal god, sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform, motionless from eternity.

At this moment, his whole body was glowing, including flesh, blood, and bones...

There is a mysterious and majestic sound of chanting scriptures constantly coming from the body, which makes people shocked and awe-struck.

Endless scriptures and mysteries were transformed into runes all over the sky, flying, swirling, and gathering around him.

Glittering, wisps of chaotic energy, mysterious and majestic.

The laws of heaven and earth are drawn independently, and they sing slowly.

Sometimes it transforms into an ancient pagoda, with billions of chaotic energy hanging down;

Sometimes it transforms into a great cauldron, swallowing all things;
Sometimes it turns into a pot shape, spewing out chaotic light...

This is a rare vision of the great road.

Only by truly understanding the rules of this world and the existence of taboos in Taoism can we trigger the transformation of the Tao.

Rumor has it that in the distant Immortal Ancients, all those who can trigger this great vision are shocking beings.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xuan would come across such a forbidden vision on his journey to enlightenment.

If it were told, even the supreme beings in the restricted area would be horrified.

“After sitting there for a hundred years, something will eventually be accomplished.”

Opening his eyes, the dark pupils were as deep as the abyss, with an awe-inspiring majesty that could not be blasphemed. Shi Xuan looked calm:

"Let's repair the remaining shortcomings slowly after the transformation is completed." After all, the Chaos Holy Spirit body has not been transformed at this moment, so there is no way to know how powerful this physique is.

Therefore, even with his vision of the ancient emperor's field, it is difficult to deduce a truly suitable ancient scripture.

He still needs to complete his transformation later, and then truly comprehend his own supreme ancient sutra based on his own situation.

"Just call it "Xuantian Sutra"!"

This scripture is just a rough draft and needs to be improved.

But he believes that after the transformation is successful in the future, if he continues to improve and evolve, he will surely turn it into a godless scripture that will shock the past and the present.


Covering the sky and the sun, like a vast ocean, the fairy lake that was so full of spiritual energy that it could not be dissolved was refined into the palm of his hand by Shi Xuan with great magical power.

Among them, the demigod ginseng fruit tree swayed slightly, and the thirty fist-sized divine fruits on it were crystal clear, but they were still some time away from maturity.

Shi Xuan is ready to leave this Tianzun Wheel Sea.

Therefore, he took away the fairy lake and the demigod medicine. As for those precious medicines, he was not prepared to take them away.

Even the bluestone beneath him was prepared to stay here.

This piece of bluestone had already been engraved with his Dao marks hundreds of years after he realized the Tao. Although it was useless to him, it was of great use even to ordinary quasi-emperor monks.

You might even get some of his inheritance with this piece of bluestone.

He did this naturally to see if any lucky junior in the future would be able to enter here and take away the good fortune of this place.

Therefore, in order to prove that the junior was really lucky, he was not even prepared to withdraw from the imperial formation here.

If that junior can really enter here under the protection of an imperial formation, then it proves that he is indeed lucky, and the good fortune he has left here will be given to him.

You must know that the creation of this place, although it is only exposed from the cracks of his fingernails, is no less than the foundation of some holy places.

Beidou Zhongzhou, in the cave of the eternal dragon.

In the magnificent ancient world, dragon energy surged like a tidal wave. The extremely rich dragon energy condensed into a liquid, filled with vigorous vitality.

Nine huge lifelike dragon heads poked out from the earth veins.

Guarding the dragon's lair in the center, he was constantly breathing in dragon energy.


"It's done!"

Looking at the peerless formation guarding this area of ​​heaven and earth, Shi Xuan was very satisfied.

It is true that he did not hesitate to waste his own supreme divine blood, just to set up a great formation that sealed the sky and the earth, isolating the world.

Shi Xuan was going to have a showdown with the supreme beings in the restricted area and transform under their eyes.

Therefore, he decided to choose his final place of transformation in this ancient dragon cave where Zhongzhou's ancestral dragon energy gathered.

This place can raise a dragon-veined holy spirit from the ninth level of the quasi-emperor. It is an absolute treasure in the world and can guarantee that his transformation will be more successful.

Of course, in order to provide a layer of insurance for his transformation, he did not hesitate to use the blood of the Supreme God to set up a protective formation and seal off this world.

He is confident that if he doesn't show up on his own initiative, even a current emperor will not be able to discover the place of his transformation.

In the dragon's cave, he also planted the ancient ginseng tree.

"Brush brush"

The terrifying coercion of the Holy Spirit of the Imperial Path manifested, and the stone body of the Emperor who was cut off from his spiritual consciousness emerged in the void, sweeping across the entire Dragon Vein Ancient World.

Immediately, another dazzling divine source emerged, dazzling and dense.

The entire vast ancient world was illuminated so intensely that I couldn't open my eyes, as if it was being burned, and I couldn't help but shed tears.

Among these divine sources, there are either royal body origins of different colors sealed, ancient corpses, or living creatures.

It makes one's scalp numb.

(End of this chapter)

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