Chapter 40 Chaos Holy Spirit Body

"The great road of yin and yang, the endless chaos"

The majestic sound of scriptures kept coming from Shi Xuan's body.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the dragon's cave, Shi Xuan began to continuously operate the nirvana method of the "Xuan Tian Jing".

A terrifying dark light appeared all over his body, which was extremely weird, turning into a black hole, exuding a terrifying aura that made people feel heart-stopping.

In an instant, a terrifying attraction burst out, as if it wanted to swallow up everything in the world.

Against the powerful pressure of the stone body, countless divine chains of order swept out, trapping the emperor-level origin that was born after the feathered emperor turned against the heavens and turned into a holy spirit. The strange and dark black light flooded the entire dragon. hole, swallowing it alive.

It's scary and audacious.

If this stone body had not had its spiritual consciousness cut off and turned into a dead object, I am afraid that if Shi Xuan did this, it would most likely be exploded.

You must know that this is everything about a complete emperor, and it contains the emperor's strongest Tao and Dharma.

"Clang clang."

One after another, the blazing divine chain of order turned into the sharpest sharp weapon in the world, piercing through the pieces of divine source in the void.

Those special royal bodies that were originally sealed but still alive completely disappeared in an instant without any surprise.


The Divine Chain of Order is dazzling, shining with strange brilliance, and is connected to Shi Xuan, who is sitting in the center of the dragon's cave, with a fierce light all over his body, as if he is about to swallow the sky and the earth, and is drowned by endless order and Tao.

The purest origins of these tens of thousands of king bodies were extracted and submerged into Shi Xuan's body.

Unparalleled brilliance soared into the sky, accompanied by huge fluctuations.


Between heaven and earth, there is a supreme formation resurrected.

It seems that it can suppress the eternity and reverse the past and present.

It dropped billions of chaotic dragon energy, sealing the world.

Otherwise, most of this most mysterious land of creation would be destroyed in an instant.

The mysterious chanting sound echoed in this ancient world, as if it really spanned the long river of time and came from the distant ancient times. It was distant and grand.

One after another, the blazing runes seemed to really illuminate the past, present and future, which were extremely mysterious and difficult to fathom.

"Clang clang."

Billions of divine chains of order and endless fragments of the law were wildly intertwined and intertwined, and the gorgeous divine flower completely submerged the entire dragon cave.

A large glistening cocoon several feet high was formed, crystal clear, directly wrapping Shi Xuan's entire body inside.

In an instant, a large amount of dense water and vigorous vitality in the entire dragon cave continued to converge into the big cocoon.


The nine huge real dragons roared there as if they had come to life.

The huge dragon head spits out liquefied chaotic dragon energy.

The creation of the entire ancient dragon cave is continuously gathered together.

If Shi Xuan hadn't prepared an ancient formation in advance to protect him, such a huge movement would never have been concealed.

It will definitely alert those supreme beings sleeping in the forbidden area immediately.

It is precisely because of such a peerless formation that isolates this world that Shi Xuan can safely transform here without worrying about those supreme beings deducing his position.

In the final analysis, those supreme beings will not keep reviving all the time, and they cannot afford it.

At this critical moment when they had been waiting for eternity and the Immortal Road was about to begin, they did not want to waste any energy and blood.

The big cocoon floats up and down in the ancient dragon's cave, constantly swallowing the essence of heaven and earth.

He is overflowing with light and dazzling, with streams of supreme power flowing, and thousands of mysterious gods of order intertwined, creating endless mystery.


Pictures of Dao appeared on it.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The mark of a peerless genius and a rare king's body appeared.

One after another, figures like gods and demons stood there, towering over the sky, and they all roared and roared in unison, so violently that the entire Eternal Dragon Cave boiled.

The divine power is shocking to the world, and the bodies of tens of thousands of proud kings want to break free, not wanting to be swallowed up like this.

Years go by.

Thousands of years passed by in a flash.

During these thousand years, the universe's Dharma-Ending Age has not improved at all, and more than [-]% of the ancient living stars in the entire universe have fallen silent.

Not to mention the emperors and emperors who have attained enlightenment, it is difficult to even see the existence of the saint realm.

On the once prosperous stars, it is difficult to see half-step powers in the Immortal Realm.

Beidou Zhongzhou, within the ancient realm of the Eternal Dragon Cave——

Nine huge dragon heads guard the dragon cave in the center, spewing out the purest dragon energy and essence of heaven and earth in the world, which is magnificent and majestic.

The dragon's energy swept over and washed away, turning into small creatures, flying and circling there. The dragon's energy was so abundant that it was dense and dense.

A piece of seemingly holy and flawless fairy mist, surrounded by chaotic dragon energy, covered the dragon cave in the center, making it impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

If there is a supreme being who uses his third eye to see through the illusion, he will find that——

This dragon's cave was originally full of vitality, but the divine fluid of the living dead and flesh and bones had disappeared.

Instead, there was a pool of pure white crystal chaotic liquid.

The sacred light rain kept washing away, as if it was transforming people into flying immortals. It looked very holy, but also extremely weird.

He reflects the past, present, and future, making people feel in a trance, as if they have entered reincarnation, indulged in it, and cannot extricate themselves.

It is extremely sacred, and there are faint hints of aura, without the slightest hint of evil, darkness, violence, or murderous intent.
But it makes people feel like falling into an ice cellar, like facing a devil's abyss, there is great terror in the dark.

Very weird.

One can't help but feel chilled in the teeth and body.

In the corner, a small fairy mansion hangs in the air.

There is a fairy fetus shaped like a placenta of heaven and earth, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, absorbing the endless creation and vitality of this ancient dragon cave to nourish itself.

Above the Immortal Fetus, billions of wisps of Chaos Dragon Qi dropped down, guarding silently there, and the simple and vast Taoist aura filled the air.

The three-foot-high fairy cocoon is crystal clear and floats in the dragon's cave.

The endless Tao is intertwined with order, and the strands of Holy Spirit Tao Qi and Chaos Qi are lingering, flowing out of the strongest fluctuations, mysterious and holy.

"Kacha, kacha."

I don't know how long has passed.

Cracks appeared on the fairy cocoon, and they gradually grew larger.

The fairy cocoon was shattering directly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The mighty aura swept out, the Holy Spirit Dao Qi and Chaos Qi spurted out like a tide, and patches of light rain danced. The laws of ten thousand Dao were in harmony. It was very sacred, as if a heavenly emperor was coming.


The majestic aura penetrated Xiaohan.

Incomparably blazing, like a furnace between heaven and earth, it is enough to shake the past and present.

If it weren't for the great formation guarding this world, the entire Beidou Star Territory would be shaken, and the vast blood energy rising into the sky, like a sea of ​​stars, could be seen from a long distance away.

A slender, stalwart figure loomed.

He walks like a dragon and steps like a tiger, with a majestic appearance, stepping out from this fairy mist.

Chaos was shrouded in mist, and the laws of heaven and earth were actively pulled and transformed into Tao principles, evolving into one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings and carrying them behind -

Sacred and majestic, unable to see the face clearly, very mysterious!

"Thousands of years have passed, almost failed in nirvana, only narrowly escaped death and succeeded by luck"

(End of this chapter)

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