Chapter 41

As one rises and fallses, large swaths of chaotic mist spew out, just like the surging tide, sweeping across the ancient world.

Shi Xuan walked with one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings on his back, and walked to the pool of Chaos Holy Liquid where he was born after his transformation:
"I didn't expect that in the process of transformation, something like this would be born. It reflects the past, present, and future, making people sink in and unable to extricate themselves. Is it the Sansheng Pond?"

Shi Xuan remembered that the original work once mentioned that such divine objects would be born when a peerless figure reaches nirvana.

For example, Samsara Lake and Soul Pond are two of the three major divine objects in the book.

The Reincarnation Lake is the result of the transformation of the first Heavenly Lord in mythology, the Hades Emperor.

The Shenhun Pond was left over from the rebirth of the Immortal Emperor's soul, the first emperor in ancient times.

The two people mentioned above are definitely the first ones among all the emperors and emperors in ancient and modern times.

Now the Chaos Holy Liquid left behind after Shi Xuan's transformation reflects the past and present, the future and the present. In terms of supernatural powers alone, it is even better than the Samsara Lake and the Soul Pond.

Does this mean that his current potential is at least comparable to the two, and it is not impossible to even be slightly better than the two.

After all, one must know that the physique he has successfully transformed into now is a chaotic holy spirit body that has never been seen before.

Suddenly, above the sky, the myriad ways of heaven and earth shone for eternity, bursts of Sanskrit sounds were like the chanting of ancient sages, and a totem appeared, transforming this place into chaos, an era before heaven and earth opened up.

The next moment, the heaven and earth are roaring and surrendering.

"I am the Tao!"

Shi Xuan was feeling this strange state, and his Taoist heart was strong.

The chaotic body is born with its own laws of chaos, and can smelt all the ways of heaven and earth into its own body. It can be said to be the humanoid version of the mark of Tianxin.

The Holy Spirit is known as the Son of God and is born to be loved by all things in heaven and earth.

The Chaos Holy Spirit body combines the advantages of both the Chaos body and the Holy Spirit.

At this moment, Shi Xuan could honestly say that it would not be an exaggeration to call Tiandiwandao a licking dog at the level of a boiling sheep in the national server.

At this moment, he could command thousands of people with just a raise of his hand, turn over and become a master, and become a white moonlight-level existence that is unattainable to all the people in the world.


The mighty blood energy converged, the one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings on his back dissipated, and the endless Chaos Holy Spirit energy disappeared into the body.

A mark was struck towards the mist-shrouded dragon lair.


A supreme Tao body that was crushed by eternity and carried a terrifying aura flew out of the dragon's lair.

This old but still majestic corpse had the same face as Shi Xuan.

This is the supreme Tao body that Shi Xuan shed after his successful nirvana.

As he raised his hand, another corpse appeared in this ancient world. It was another remains of a supreme being that Shi Xuan had obtained after killing three supreme beings in a row.

"Then it's time for my important weapon to carry the Dao appears!"

Shi Xuan's transformation was complete, completely abandoning the previous Tao and Dharma to evolve his own path to invincibility.

Therefore, he cut off all his former Supreme Dao Dharma and left it in the shed Supreme Dao body.

However, the Chaos Holy Spirit body he transformed into was so extraordinary that it was already at the pinnacle of immortality as soon as it was born.

If he hadn't had a big plan for his reconstructed Zhan Dao and deliberately suppressed it, he would definitely have been in a realm above that of a saint when he was born.

But despite this, once he succeeds in slaying the path, his cultivation will experience a spurt of improvement, and he is likely to be directly promoted to the quasi-emperor realm.

Once you kill the Tao, you will directly cross several great realms and be promoted to the quasi-emperor realm. If you tell such a thing, no one will take it seriously.

All this is just because his background is so deep.

You must know that he is a chaotic holy spirit body that has devoured the origins of tens of thousands of king bodies and the emperor-level holy spirit origin that became the emperor. With such a rich foundation, it is not an exaggeration to be an emperor as soon as he is born.But he no longer wanted to simply preach.

Just as he has big ambitions for killing Tao, he also has big plans for enlightenment.

Of course, the most important thing at this moment is to sacrifice the two supreme Tao bodies here to refine his Tao-carrying weapon.

His Dao-killing catastrophe needs to be overcome with a Dao-carrying weapon to be perfect.

His eyes were focused on the two supreme Tao bodies in the dragon's lair whose breath alone was enough to overwhelm this world.

Shi Xuan thought to himself, if he hadn't been a supreme cultivator, with his current cultivation level, he might not be able to do anything with these two supreme Dao bodies even if 1 years had passed.

Time flies, and several years have passed.


As a rumble sounded, a figure in green stepped out of the Eternal Dragon Cave and stepped out from the Qinling Mountains in Zhongzhou.

The chaotic Holy Spirit was lingering, and the whole person seemed to be shrouded in a mist, full of inexplicable Tao rhyme, and thousands of laws were permeated, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

"Cut the way, cut off endless obsessions, and destroy endless illusions!"

Shi Xuan's deep eyes were as sharp as knives, and a frightening force arose throughout his body. He looked at the sky calmly and indifferently, and said to himself:
"The great road is my way!"

He was very calm. When he said these words, there was nothing firm or impassioned. His heart was peaceful.

In an instant, the ancient scriptures resounded in the five secret realms of the human body, including the Wheel, the Dao Palace, the Four Pole, the Dragon Transformation, and the Immortal Platform. The five secret realms in Shi Xuan's body simultaneously emitted immeasurable light, and the aura that wanted to ascend the ten thousand paths was released.

In his body, there are many vague portals that manifest again, like connecting one world after another, deep and mysterious, in which the ancient laws of the Holy Spirit of Chaos are gestating and evolving the principles of all things in the world.

At the same time, the all-powerful charm on his body became stronger and stronger, and the whole person looked like an emperor of heaven born from chaos.

To rebuild his life, he is not cutting the path now, but stepping on it.

Step on all the paths of heaven and earth, and walk on his invincible path.

Cutting open the void casually, Shi Xuan's figure disappeared directly into the Beidou Star Territory.

A few breaths later, in the outer starry sky hundreds of millions of miles away from the Beidou Star Territory, a figure in green arrived.

next moment--

"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

An inexplicable heavenly voice came from somewhere, resounding from everywhere in the starry sky. It contained Taoism, it was so ethereal that it was difficult to distinguish between men and women!
The next moment, the vast outer starry sky and void suddenly collapsed, as if a mirror suddenly cracked.

Then, a blurry figure walked out of the mirror. It was a figure in green clothes, and the whole starry sky looked like the Emperor of Heaven himself.

He came from the nine heavens, and an ancient monument was suspended above his head. There were strands of chaotic holy spirit, with an aura of incomparable eternity and desolation.


On the ancient stone tablet, there are dragon seals, phoenix seals, and iron hooks and silver strokes. They are vigorous and powerful, and convey an indescribable Taoist charm.

It was an ancient rune that seemed to have been born before the creation of the world. The terrifying laws of the Holy Spirit of Chaos flowed on it, which was too terrifying.

As soon as the figure in green clothes appeared, I felt that the power of the great avenue in this world was surrendering, and countless ghosts of the dead gods and demons were kneeling down to worship and welcome his arrival.

The great road surrenders, the dead gods and demons worship!

How amazing this scene is!

Simply stunned!
He walked step by step up to the void, looking up at the highest point in the dark sky.

The sky monument above the head is speechless, but it is taller than the entire sky.

(End of this chapter)

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