Chapter 42: Suppress the Nine Emperors (recommended above)

Shi Xuan looked up to the sky and roared, his head full of black hair standing upside down.

At this moment, the sound of the gray-white chaotic Holy Spirit blood flowing in his body rumbled like a tsunami, like thunder, and exploded into thousands of powerful fragments——

Countless divine chains of order were born, and the terrifying divine power of heaven and earth filled the air, and the haze shrouded it, as if there was an emperor of heaven dormant in it.

At this moment, only the figure in the light curtain remained.

Above the sky, there are thousands of divine lights, thousands of auspicious clouds, and golden dragons hovering among them.

On the ground, golden lotuses as big as mountain peaks rise from the ground, flowing out of the breath of heaven and earth.

Auspiciousness descends from the sky, and golden lotus springs from the earth!
This is the legendary wonder of slashing the path. In ancient books, it is God who blesses the taboo existence and congratulates it for crossing the heavenly barrier. Even ordinary great emperors and ancient emperors do not have this honor.

However, under Shi Xuan's direct gaze, these wonders were all transformed by thunder, surging with world-shaking divine power.

Such a catastrophe, if Shi Xuan had not had the foresight to activate the formation and directly escape hundreds of millions of miles away from the Beidou Star Territory, I am afraid that the existence in the restricted area would have been alarmed by now.

Even so, an ancient star of life that is relatively close and thousands of miles away——

Both the monks and the lay people felt a sense of panic in their hearts, as if a disaster was imminent and the end had arrived, like a sharp sword hanging over their heads.


The next moment, the golden lotus representing auspiciousness, carrying endless killing power, landed on Shi Xuan's body, making a thundering sound of metal explosion!


Golden lotuses exploded one after another, gathering thunder as huge as the falling of the Milky Way. The lightning flashed across the sky, making the sky and the earth completely white, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Endless lightning surged, and the gorgeous auspicious colors and golden lotuses exploded, each one falling like a galaxy. The bright electric light distorted and shattered the void, and the heaven and earth seemed to be overturned, leaving a vast expanse of white.

The powerful weapon carrying the Dao, the Cangtian Monument hangs above the head, and the supreme laws of the emperor emerge. The terrifying heaven and earth are being pulled by the Cangtian Monument, integrating countless thunder lights into the body, and blessing the Heavenly Sword formed by the Chaos Holy Spirit, which is constantly in the ancient stele. On it, there are imprints engraved belonging to the myriad ways of this world.

Thunder represents the majesty of heaven and earth, and it also contains the power of the laws of heaven and earth. This is a violent transformation.

In his body, one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit imprints were manifesting, guarding his body to prevent the terrifying ten thousand thunder tribulations from obliterating the divinity of his physical shell.

Between the eyebrows, on the gray-white Chaos Holy Spirit Immortal Platform, is a miniature version of Shi Xuan sitting quietly cross-legged, being washed away by the thunder sea of ​​heavenly swords transformed into one after another terrifying lightning.

Slowly, it seemed that the emperor's robe of heaven was formed by the fusion of thousands of marks, and was draped on the villain's body.

Thousands of heavenly sounds resounded in the sky, and the chaotic holy spirit fell down all over the sky. The gray-white little man was wearing the emperor's robe of heaven. Behind him, the chaotic world was opening up, and the sun and the moon were spinning around in his eyes.

At the same time, above the void, Shi Xuan's eyes shone with divine light, and his black and white pupils penetrated the secrets of Taoism between heaven and earth.

At this moment, all the laws of heaven and earth descended here, and his whole body seemed to be the incarnation of all laws.

"At this moment, the truth is fulfilled!"

"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

Between heaven and earth, there is an inexplicable sound of heaven echoing, no one knows where it comes from.

I just feel a vast and powerful force filling every inch of space, which makes people feel an inexplicable sense of supremacy.

At this moment, Shi Xuan, with one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit Rings on his back and an ancient monument in the sky above his head, stepped up to the top of the Thunder Sea.

At this moment, his aura became more and more terrifying, as if an emperor of heaven had descended here, crushing eternal time and space, making all heaven and earth tremble.

Thousands of endless streams of light rose up, and the true dragon's beam penetrated the nine heavens.

Shi Xuan's whole body was as bright as glass, and endless heavenly sounds sounded between heaven and earth, and in the dark.At this moment, he truly felt the existence of all the ways in the world, and with every move he made, all the ways were changing because of him.

At the highest point in the sky, a vast ocean appeared. This was a divine sea made of thunder!

In just an instant, Shi Xuan's whole body was completely buried in it, accepting the torture and punishment of all the gods. Electric light as thick as the Milky Way struck his body one after another.

This is a magnificent scene, even monks in the quasi-emperor realm will be frightened when they see it.

This kind of catastrophe is the most terrifying thing in ancient and modern times. Any ray of light is far better than a big catastrophe caused by other monks.

But now, these thousands of tribulation lights have gathered together to form the first round of lightning of Shi Xuan's great tribulation and punishment.

This is a kind of doomsday punishment, a great destruction that almost no one can bear. It is so vast that just a ray of lightning is enough to destroy a genius.

Everything in the world is being destroyed——

Only the figure in green clothes was bathed in the terrifying thunder, with his hair flying wildly, and a hundred and hundreds of chaotic holy spirit rings manifesting around his body, using thunder light as water to wash away his body and soul.

This was a great destruction. The endless void was cracked open, and terrifying black abyss appeared. Only the figure in green in the center remained unchanged.

The Chaos Holy Spirit shines all over Shi Xuan, accepting the test of all the ways of heaven and earth.

Boundless and boundless, the catastrophes of the entire universe for thousands of years seemed to be concentrated on him alone.

The ancient and modern thunder and light merged into one, melting the terrifying laws of ten thousand ways into it, and tempering his body.

Every inch of his skin was dazzling, and every pore was spitting out electric light.


In the distance, a blazing beam of light came. It was a majestic figure. It was difficult to see his true face clearly, but the ancient mirror in his hand couldn't be clearer. It turned out to be.
"Void mirror?"

Immediately, Shi Xuan glanced aside again——


Flames poured down from the sky, and another huge furnace fell from the sky. Although it was lightning, it seemed to be made of phoenix blood red gold, one of the nine immortal golds. There was a majestic figure standing on it, and it was coming towards Shi Xuan at the same time.

At this moment, with a "boom", the void exploded!

A Green Golden Tower of Immortal Tears appeared in the sky, suppressing time and space for eternity, directly crossing the endless void, and crashed straight into Shi Xuan.

This is a female emperor of the human race whose reputation has been passed down forever—the Western Emperor of Yaochi!

The loud noise spread across the world again, and billions of thunders filled the sky and the earth. Another man with disheveled hair stepped forward, making big moves, with a majestic appearance that was invincible in the world.

Emperor Fuxi takes action!

And at this moment, five more humanoid lightnings came out of the thunder sea. At this time, a total of nine young emperors appeared to fight against Shi Xuan!


A big bell that connected to the body model lake rang slowly and suppressed it towards the Cangtian Monument above Shi Xuan's head.

At the same time, the other young emperors also took action and crushed Shi Xuan mercilessly.

"You can't!"

"So what if the Nine Emperors are resurrected? I will suppress them with all my strength!"

PS: This book is recommended, and I hope you will support it, vote, follow up, etc., please.
(End of this chapter)

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