Chapter 43 Heaven’s way of fighting
"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

The vast heavenly voice came from unknown sources, but it carried an aura that could command the world.

Then, the laws of heaven and earth began to become vaguely chaotic, and the lightning aura of the nine humanoid emperors was suppressed by more than [-]% out of thin air.


Above the sky, in the depths of the Thunder Sea, a vast and endless realm of chaotic Holy Spirit emitted a powerful aura of supreme power.

Shi Xuan carries one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings on his back, just like the Emperor of Heaven coming to the dust, with a sky monument hanging on his head, standing in the vast and majestic realm of Chaos Holy Spirit.
At the highest point in the sky, the endless void was submerged by endless divine power due to the fierce bombardment. Cracks in the void appeared one after another, as if it was the end of the world.

If not, Shi Xuan, who evolved the Chaos Holy Spirit realm based on the supreme origin of his own Chaos Holy Spirit body, had isolated this world-destroying scene, I am afraid that stars millions of miles away from Fang Yuan would have directly Being crushed.

The vast gray-white true blood soared into the sky, surrounded by the endless power of the Holy Spirit Law of Chaos, as if it was going to penetrate the heaven and earth and crush all eternity.

As time went by, Shi Xuan's face turned pale, his energy and blood surged, and mysterious and ancient gray blood continued to overflow from the corners of his mouth——

But his eyes became more intense, and the black and white Dao lines kept rotating and flashing crazily, almost as if they were coming to life.

It is impossible for one person to fight against the Nine Emperors without getting hurt.

Even if he wasn't blown away immediately, he was considered powerful.

What's more, Shi Xuan was able to suppress the nine young emperors by himself, which would scare people to death if he told it.


As a huge bell rang, a big bell of chaos, the power of the Ten Thousand Principles directly in front broke through the suppression of the Chaos Holy Spirit Dao Realm and suppressed it towards Shi Xuan.


As if Shi Xuan's mind had been severely wounded, the chaotic holy spirit realm transformed from his own origin began to tremble violently, and a crack seemed to appear faintly.


A mouthful of gray-white blood suddenly spurted out and fell on the sky monument above his head.

The next moment, on the ancient stele, the "Cangtian" brand carved from the ancient dragon seal and phoenix seal began to hover.

Suddenly, a world of chaos was about to open up, and at the same time, his eyes became even more intense.

"The Beginning Emperor?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Almost at the same time, another shrill wail sounded.

I saw a black tank that was swallowing chaotic haze, like a bottomless black hole, and directly and invincibly swallowed the Yin and Yang Dao tank that was confronting it, and the terrifying power of the Ten Thousand Dao Laws turned into a light rain.

Then, an unclear figure rushed out and struck Shi Xuan with a palm from an unknown distance away.

Soon, he directly smashed the Ten Thousand Dao Laws to pieces. It was extremely powerful and directly tore through the terrifying blockade of the Chaos Holy Spirit Dao Realm, heading straight towards Shi Xuan.

"The real battle begins at this moment."

Staring at the many phantoms of the emperor in the void, Shi Xuan's face was as pale as white paper, but his eyes were blazing and profound.

One hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings shone behind him, and the Ten Thousand Principles around him seemed to have the breath of life in an instant and came to life. The breath around him was slowly getting stronger, and his combat power was gradually recovering.

The terrifying chaotic Holy Spirit energy is almost boiling, gray-white energy and blood are rising into the sky, roaring continuously, penetrating the sky, the heaven and earth are converging and resonating, and there is a faint hint of surrender.

"Ten thousand ways are my salary, and all heavens are eternal."

Shi Xuan seemed to be merging with the Cangtian Monument, and a taboo aura began to linger around him.

At this moment, Shi Xuan seemed to be standing above the heaven and earth, and even the starry sky was trembling.

His face has turned rosy again, and Ji Zi Mi is constantly running in his body——

After several times, ten times the combat power was superimposed, and the supreme Chaos Holy Spirit erupted. In an instant, he entered the unspeakable taboo realm!

Terrifying but terrifying aura erupted from Shi Xuan's body, sweeping across the sky and the earth, and the entire sky was trembling.This is the pinnacle of the realm that even the ancient emperors found difficult to set foot on. It is so dark and unpredictable!
In an instant, Shi Xuan seemed to be a completely different person, his combat power increased more than ten times, as if he had stepped directly onto the top of the Divine Forbidden City!
"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

The inexplicable sound of heaven spread throughout the world, Shi Xuan's hair flew in chaos, the vast chaotic Holy Spirit Realm continued to tremble, and the invisible power of ten thousand ways continued to rush out and merged into Shi Xuan's body.

Inciting the great power of the world and the myriad ways, it doubled its own combat power. This is the ultimate killing state of the Chaos Holy Spirit body when Shi Xuan steps on top of the myriad ways!
He named this state——

"Heaven will fight for you!"

At this moment, the stars thousands of miles away seemed to have fallen into deathly silence, and Shi Xuan seemed to have become the only true god, independent in the nine heavens.

At this time, at the highest point in the sky, in the endless thunder sea, just when Shi Xuan broke through the top of the Divine Forbidden City and stood on the top of the realm——

The nine young emperors also almost broke into the divine forbidden zone the moment Shi Xuan stepped through the peak realm, exuding astonishing power and power, which was frightening.


At this moment, the nine young emperors all stood in the forbidden realm of the gods, showing their invincible grace with every gesture.

I didn't even want to give him much time to think. They all directly used the forbidden secret technique and blasted towards Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan wants to step up to Wan Dao, which is treason according to the law of Wan Dao.

In fact, if it weren't for Shi Xuan's own Chaos Holy Spirit, a White Moonlight-level existence that could call all the world a licking dog, I'm afraid it would have been a direct punishment of annihilation!

These humanoid lightning bolts are tangible manifestations of the myriad ways of heaven and earth!
This battle was not a fair duel from the beginning!

There is no fairness at all!

Either defeat the myriad ways of heaven and earth, or be chopped into pieces by the myriad ways of heaven and earth!

This is a multiple choice question with a clear answer!

In an instant, nine young emperors who had set foot in the forbidden realm of the gods came at them almost at the same time. They even joined forces to strike a shocking blow at Shi Xuan at the same time. They were going to kill him completely!

This scene was really too terrifying. All the heavens screamed, and the void was torn to pieces in an instant like a picture scroll. The vast and endless divine power boiled.

"Clang clang."

Suddenly, a series of Devouring God Chains from unknown sources penetrated Shi Xuan's body, trying to refine it alive.


Following an explosion, a big bell of chaos roared and slammed towards Shi Xuan.

This is the Wushi Emperor Bell!

The next moment, another imperial mirror that seemed to carry a void world suddenly flew up, shining beams of shocking divine light towards Shi Xuan, which was extremely terrifying.

This is a void mirror!

Almost at the moment when the nine young emperors took action, the Taoist realm of the Chaos Holy Spirit continued to condense, and finally slowly merged into Shi Xuan's body.

He stepped on the mysterious Tao map, and the Xingzi secrets operated autonomously, as if he had stepped into the realm of time in an instant, and narrowly avoided the combined attack of the nine deadly secret arts of the Emperor's Tao.


Shi Xuan pointed out, and the true meaning of the Heaven Finger exploded, as if across endless time and space, exuding blazing orange-gold divine light, directly suppressing the Emperor's Bell in the void.

At the same time, Shi Xuan stepped on the secret code and rushed in front of the ruthless emperor at an astonishing speed, blasting out with the hands of gods and demons containing endless killing intent.

The ruthless emperor also directly blasted her peerless imperial palm towards Shi Xuan, which was enough to suppress ancient and modern times.


In an instant, the three of them collided together, and then the combined blows of the other seven great emperors also landed on the ancient monument of heaven. The next moment——

The terrifying power exploded, tearing the space tens of millions of miles into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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