Chapter 47 The Battle of the Nine Nether Emperor

"Gai Jiuyou?"

He stood in the sky of Eternal Star with his hands behind his hands and spoke indifferently.

Under this sentence.

"Emperor Xuan, with that move you just made, this era with you and me is the real golden age!"

The incomparably tall young man who stepped on the planet on the soles of his feet, at this moment, his body was phantom, and he stepped out in one step.

Take this step.

"My name is Gai Jiuyou, and I am the great emperor of the human race after Qing Emperor!"

With these words, his body changed from the image of the emperor above the universe to the size of a normal person, but it was slaughtered by a killing power that was even more terrifying than before.

At this moment, Shi Xuan looked at this majestic figure that was different from the old and sickly figure recorded in the original work, and his heart moved.

Gai Jiuyou is known as a great regret in Zhetian.

In the most unbelievable age of the end of the Dharma, the evildoer went against the sky and almost broke through the suppression of Qingdi Dao and became an emperor.

"Xuan Emperor, how about a battle outside the territory?"

Gai Jiuyou was full of fighting spirit and invited again.


Shi Xuan was silent, then nodded.

Gai Jiuyou, the quasi-emperor of the seventh heaven.

It was worth his while to fight.

Although his realm is the quasi-emperor level two, to be honest, the realm below the supreme is of little significance to him. If he wants to, he can become an emperor immediately.

Although in the quasi-emperor realm, every step forward is a huge difference, definitely one step after another.

Nowadays, there is a gap of five heavens between Shi Xuan and Gai Jiuyou. This gap is definitely bigger than the gap between the realms of Lun Hai and Saint.

Not to mention that the other person was Gai Jiuyou, whose talent shocked the ages.

But Gai Jiuyou felt a dangerous smell, and he had a hunch that he might not be his opponent in this battle.

Extraterrestrial starry sky——

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou changed his previous appearance, his eyes flashed with coldness, and a divine picture rose from above his head. On it was a star full of incomparable ancient meaning, which actually revealed the meaning of "Emperor".


It is this Emperor Burial Star that has special significance in the entire universe!

It is on this ancient star that countless deities, ancient emperors and great emperors are buried.

This is a miracle that cannot be replicated!
Unexpectedly, Gai Jiuyou could comprehend such a supreme killing technique.

The divine picture rushed towards me, and a magnificent ancient star appeared in the universe.

Suddenly, the vast galaxy could not bear this kind of power.

One after another, the big stars "pop" and "pop" went out, as if thousands of fireworks were lit in the dark universe.

Under the suppressive power of the Big Dipper, thousands of big stars died instantly!
At the beginning of the war, Gai Jiuyou had no unnecessary nonsense at all. He launched all kinds of killing power as soon as he took action. It seemed that he had been waiting for this battle for too long and was a little impatient.

He was walking alone in this age of Dharma-ending that had never been seen before. He had been waiting for an opponent for too long.

Shi Xuan was under the suppression of Beidou Guxing.

It should be said that this entire galaxy was suppressed by Beidou.

Faced with such terrifying power, Shi Xuan had a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

This Gai Jiuyou is worthy of the boasts about him in the original book. His talent is indeed good, even some emperors and emperors are not as good as him.

His body shines in the universe, which is the light of small worlds. The images of these worlds appear in Shi Xuan's palm.

Under the pressure of Beidou, Shi Xuan calmed down and slapped Beidou Star with his backhand.

The hands of gods and demons evolved a universe, heading straight towards the suppressed Big Dipper Star.

In an instant, in the universe.

A dazzling galaxy faces the ancient Big Dipper.

They are all grand images to the extreme.

The stars have become as small as dust under these two huge forces, not to mention the creatures on the stars, which are even more dusty than dust.Two peerless forces collide.

All regions of the universe were shocked.

"This, this is comparable to an emperor-level war!!"

"Are there two great emperors fighting?!"

"There are two great emperors fighting?!!"

"Who are they!"

"So scary!"

A shocking battle unfolds in the universe.

The terrifying fluctuations that roared out embarrassed the galaxies for billions of miles, and thousands of big stars kept flickering and extinguishing.

The slightest wisp of Qi coming over and over would be the complete destruction of a star.

The stars that should be huge in the universe, in the face of this level of war, are so small that they are not even a speck of dust.

"This must be the Great Emperor's first-level battle fluctuation, right?"

"What kind of terrifying existence is the two of them in the war, and the power of the war shook the entire universe."

The powerhouses in the countless star fields exclaimed.

This kind of war that has affected the Wanfang Star Region has naturally awakened many ancient sleepers.

"Great Emperor? No, not really. These two are still quasi-emperors!!"

"Have you not entered the Great Emperor? Do you have such terrifying power?"

"It shouldn't be! In this Dharma-ending era, why is there such a terrible war?"

"Such a terrifying battle? Could it be that someone wants to become an emperor?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Not to mention the suppression of Qingdi Dao, even in this era of Dharma Ending, it is impossible for anyone to be able to prove it!"

Outside the star field of the war.

boom! !

The continuous bombardment was a collision between two figures in the galaxy. Beidou Ancient Star and the Hand of Gods and Demons fought to no avail.

They then began a purely physical battle, punching and kicking, punches to the flesh, and the surrounding void was violently violent.

Terrible space cracks appeared.

Half of this galaxy has been destroyed!
The place where the war passed has become a dead place of desperation. The aftermath of the two's Dao rhyme is enough to last for thousands of years. The cracks in the galaxy and the black hole that have been beaten are a permanent place of death, and the saint king dare not enter lightly.

The white-haired old man's eyes flashed coldly:
"The Lord's talent is unparalleled in ancient times and today. As early as in the realm of the Great Sage, he was able to defy the heavens and defeat immortals and compete with the strong men in the quasi-emperor realm. Now he is standing in the seventh level of the quasi-emperor. With the blessing of the divine forbidden realm, he has great strength. No less powerful than an ordinary quasi-emperor from the ninth level—"

"This Xuan Emperor who suddenly appeared, with a realm no higher than Quasi-Emperor, is actually able to resist the Lord. Does such talent really exist?"

The white-haired old man is an unparalleled powerful man who has stepped into the quasi-emperor level with one foot.

At this level, he is too aware of the gap in the quasi-emperor realm with each step forward.

Even though he is only the last sliver away from the quasi-emperor realm, he is still not enough in front of the strong men of the first level of the quasi-emperor.

However, this mysterious Emperor Xuan was actually able to defeat the Master of the Seventh Heaven of Quasi-Emperor at the level of Quasi-Emperor Two Heavens!
The white-haired old man felt that his world view was about to collapse.

At this moment, he didn't want to believe his eyes.

"No, this kind of smell"

Suddenly, the white-haired old man stared straight down at Emperor Xuan, who was carrying one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings and surrounded by billions of gray-white terrifying auras, his eyes as wide as light bulbs.

"Chaos body!"

The white-haired old man was shocked and uttered these three words in disbelief.

He finally understood why this Emperor Xuan was able to defeat the Lord of the Seventh Heaven at the level of the Quasi-Emperor of the Second Heaven. It turned out that he had the kind of terrifying physique that had never been seen before.
The chaotic body that claims to be bound to become an emperor!

While the white-haired old man was thinking wildly, the battle in the starry sky continued.

The more he fought, the more frightened Gai Jiuyou became. This Emperor Xuan's combat power was so terrifying that it was a bit scary.

Even with his indestructible Taoist heart, he was a little frustrated.

With a gap of five heavens, it should have been a devastating battle.

But he didn't expect that he would be beaten from the beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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