Chapter 48: Battle over, breakthrough

"It's Emperor Xuan and Quasi-Emperor Jiuyou who are fighting!"

At this moment, the details of both sides of the war have already been exposed to the eyes of the old antiques from the major ancient life stars who were awakened by the aftermath of the battle.

Due to the advent of the Age of Ending Dharma, all major ancient starry sky roads have lost their former splendor.

Therefore, like Shi Xuan, Gai Jiuyou once passed by major ancient stars, visited many holy places of great religions, and left his name in the vast universe.

Many ancient stars of life know that in this most incredible age of the end of the Dharma, there is a genius who is going against the sky to break the oppression of the Qing Emperor, create eternal myths, and prove the truth and become the emperor.

So for these thousands of years, the legend of a genius named Gai Jiuyou has been circulating in the universe.

Until another mysterious genius appeared. He called himself Emperor Xuan. He was just like Gai Jiuyou back then, and even more defiant than him. He suppressed the emperor's soldiers with his bare hands and left safely.

Now, these two peerless monsters who defied the will of heaven in the most unbelievable age of the End of Law, finally face each other.

The major ancient stars of life are boiling.

Some dusty old antiques couldn't help but come out. They wanted to see the demeanor of these two peerless monsters who occupied all the splendor of this era.

I even want to witness an absolute legend——

In this era of Dharma-ending, where all great power has ceased to exist, and in an era under the suppression of the Qingdi Dao, there is a legend of defying heaven and becoming emperor.

The war in the universe is coming to an end.

This star field is about to collapse.

In the past half month, this war had damaged one star field, and they went to the next star field.

For a long time.

Throughout the universe, countless ancient stars felt the despairing aftermath of the war.

That's right, just the lingering power makes people feel like the end is coming.

Another hard hit!

The black and yellow of the universe is roaring, and the starry sky is pale.

Gai Jiuyou felt the transformation of his body, which seemed to be a pool of stagnant water. Finally, in this series of battles, there was a slight fluctuation. This fluctuation was the opportunity for a breakthrough.

He also felt that his whole body was about to be broken apart.

He didn't know how to describe this mysterious genius who called himself Emperor Xuan.

The opponent didn't seem to use all his strength, and every blow seemed to be suppressing him, lest he accidentally kill his opponent.

He was very familiar with this state.

Because before meeting this Emperor Xuan, he had always been here like this.

In this law-ending era, the opponents he encountered were really weak. If he didn't suppress his own fighting power, he might be able to kill the opponent with just one punch.

However, I didn't expect that one day I would meet such a person, suppressing my own combat power because I didn't want to kill my opponent.

He felt that even for a Chaos Body, such combat power was a bit beyond the realm of possibility.

He has absolute confidence in himself, otherwise he would not want to break the Qing Emperor's suppression of the avenue and prove himself as the emperor.

So what if it is a chaotic body!
He, Gai Jiuyou, was never weaker than anyone else in his life.

Then, this Emperor Xuan really made him unable to see through.

Suddenly, Shi Xuan seemed to have changed into a different person.

His face was indifferent, and one hundred and eight rings of Chaos Holy Spirit were shining brightly around him, and the power of the supreme law dropped down to protect him.

What kind of great law is this? Even Gai Jiuyou was a little frightened.

The power coming from the front made it difficult for him to understand what kind of power it was.

"No, this is not the Chaos Body, this should be called the Chaos Holy Spirit Body!"

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou finally understood why he couldn't figure out this Emperor Xuan.

Chaos Holy Spirit!

Can such a physique really exist?
Isn't this bullying?
Shi Xuan carries one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit Rings on his back, controlling all laws of heaven and earth, just like an emperor of heaven, invincible to all laws.At the same time, this power affects Gai Jiuyou and suppresses his avenue.

In an instant, Gai Jiuyou felt that his Taoist heart seemed to be covered with a little dust, and his combat power dropped by several percent.

"I have invincible hands of gods and demons, and I dare to destroy the heaven, earth, sun, moon and stars!"

A word called out.

Only one palm broke through the sky and crossed from one end of the starry sky.


The universe seemed to have completely darkened, and a huge palm that covered the sky and sun came down horizontally. The roaring sound was even more intense than their previous battle.

Gai Jiuyou was horrified. This blow was many times more terrifying than the first one. The two were simply not on the same scale.

Gai Jiuyou's expression was fanatical, and he had been fired from the anger that had been dormant for eternity. The injuries on his body made him break through to his limit.

And at this moment, the opportunity for breakthrough is unprecedentedly high, coming from the pressure of Shi Xuan's palm——

Let him see the threshold of the Quasi-Emperor Eighth Heaven, and the door has opened in front of him, which can be easily stepped into!

"I have a song called Jiuyou, and I would like to ask Emperor Xuan to taste it!"

Gai Jiuyou shouted coldly. Although his face was pale, his aura was stronger than before.

He knew that Emperor Xuan had previously suppressed his own combat power just for training, but now this attack was the final victory.

Therefore, this battle should be over.


The universe rolled into a big storm.

Gai Jiuyou's body was sent flying a million miles away by Shi Xuan's palm, and the quasi-emperor's body that had been tempered for thousands of years almost collapsed.

The eyebrows cracked, and the immortal runes symbolizing the avenue on the Immortal Platform dimmed.

With just one blow, Gai Jiuyou suffered heavy injuries.

But he was still very happy.

He has been waiting for such a hearty battle for a long time. At the same time, the threshold of the Quasi-Emperor Eighth Heaven has been opened to him. He is sure that he will be able to cross the Seventh Heaven and be promoted to the Quasi-Emperor Eighth Heaven in less than ten years.

Likewise, on the other side of the starry sky——

Shi Xuan stabilized his retreating body and felt the terrible thunder disaster that was about to fall on the sky. He was in a good mood.

As long as he survives this thunderstorm, his realm will be promoted to the third level of the quasi-emperor. At that time, his combat power will double again, and he will truly approach the perfection of the ninth level of the quasi-emperor.

This is the terrifying thing about the Chaos Holy Spirit.

With the realm of the third heaven of the quasi-emperor, he spans the chasm of the sixth heaven and approaches the realm of general enlightenment of the ninth heaven of the quasi-emperor.

When the time comes, coupled with his supreme cultivation base, he will have the confidence to compete with those guys in the penalty area.

"Emperor Xuan, 30 years later, Jiuyouhui will come back for advice!"


Gai Jiuyou naturally knew that the other party's gains were greater than his own. He had already half-stepped into the third level of the Quasi-Emperor. He was just waiting to overcome the tribulation, so naturally he would no longer be an eyesore here.

At the same time, he has to go back to absorb the gains of this battle and lay the solid foundation for breaking through to the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

This battle that affected countless living ancient stars has finally come to an end.

The final ending made all the star field creatures watching the battle take a deep breath.

"It was Emperor Xuan who won in the end!"

"As expected, it's him. Even the Nine Nether Quasi-Emperor is no match for him!"

Those ancient strong men who were awakened from their slumber were silent. They did not go near the battle between Emperor Xuan and Quasi-Emperor Jiuyou because the fluctuations in the battle caused by these two extremely powerful young men were really terrible. , affecting almost a large area of ​​the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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