Chapter 49: With one word, the thunder calamity dispersed
This result is somewhat unexpected.

Jiuyou Quasi-Emperor, this is an invincible genius who is truly famous in the entire universe in this era of law-ending.

Since he was born in Beidou, he has been a strong man in the saint realm as soon as he appeared in the eyes of all living beings in the universe.

He walked alone through the lonely ancient road of the human race, and then pushed the ancient life stars one by one. Later, he was promoted to the quasi-emperor realm and suppressed countless ancient life stars.
He is walking alone in this Dharma-ending era. He is lonely, but he is also great.

Because of him, this Dharma-ending era will be dazzling.

Because of him, many people say that this is a different kind of golden world, a golden world that belongs to him alone.

However, until this day, a mysterious prodigy suddenly appeared, calling himself Emperor Xuan, and actually directly suppressed the quasi-emperor of Jiuyou who had taken away the glory of an era.

This is really something that many people didn’t expect.

However, it shocked more people. In this era, there are two people who are so defiant that they are definitely better than any golden era in history.

They are lucky and may witness a miracle, a legend.

A legend who broke through the suppression of the Qing Emperor's Dao in the Age of Ending Dharma and became the emperor by defying heaven and proving the Dao!
So more and more dusty old antiques were born.

They want to witness the true legend of this era.

As the first battle between Shi Xuan and Gai Jiuyou came to an end, the originally silent starry sky seemed to be revitalized.

An ancient powerhouse who named himself because of the advent of the Age of Ending Law began to appear one after another.

Among these people are saints, saint kings, and even some great saints.

But there is no quasi-emperor.

Moreover, the aura of these people is decayed and old, and they have an aura that is different from that of the geniuses of the world.

And this is the true portrayal of this age of Dharma ending that will never be seen again.

The ancient era ended with the death of Emperor Wu Shi, and then entered the post-ancient era of Dharma-ending.

Afterwards, the Qing Emperor rose against the sky and brought some vitality to the universe.

But that era was as bright as a shooting star and fleeting.

With the enthronement of the Qing Emperor and the suppression of his Great Dao, the Age of Ending Dharma has further deepened. Under the suppression of the Great Dao, it is difficult to see even the mighty.

These powerful men above the saint level are all left behind by the last Qing Emperor era.

This is an incredible era of Dharma apocalypse.

It is precisely because of this that the appearance of Gai Jiuyou and Shi Xuan can cause such an uproar in the universe.

Talent can be called a genius and evildoer who has taken away the glory of an era.

Click! !

A large vortex appeared in the universe, a black mist, condensed on a starry sky, and contained terrifying power.

"It's a catastrophe!!"

"The Emperor's Tribulation!"

"That Emperor Xuan has advanced again."

Above an ancient star.

There was a big man with yellow teeth, his arms folded across his chest, his eyes dimly looking at Shi Xuan's location in the starry sky.

"Chaos body?"

He was a little confused. The sudden appearance of Emperor Xuan looked a bit like a chaotic body, but it seemed to be obviously different from the chaotic body.

Chaos body, the first constitution passed down from ancient times.

In the age of mythology, there was a legend that the Chaos Body injured a mythical deity before he became enlightened, causing him to die from serious injuries.

I see.

In that dry starry sky where Shi Xuan was crossing the tribulation.

Shi Xuan stood above the starry sky with his hands behind his back, as if he were stepping on a chaotic world, carrying one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings on his back, and all the imperial power in his body was contained within.
next moment--

"Let's go!"

On the top of the independent starry sky of Shixuan, the ancient monument of the sky directly escaped into the boundless thunder sea, suppressing billions of miles of galaxies, just like the emperor of the universe, dusting away the dust in the universe with his robe.

Swish! !

The terrifying tribulation thunder, which was as powerful as the star field, saw the sky monument shaking lightly, and the thunder sea of ​​hundreds of millions of miles directly dissipated in an instant.

Millions of miles away in the starry sky, those veteran saints who emerged from the dust saw Shi Xuan break up the quasi-emperor's catastrophe before he took action!

"This..." Everyone shivered unnaturally.

Can this kind of thing happen?

Who is this!
Chaos can do this?
However, at this time, some ancient powerful men had awakened and realized the potential of the Ancient Sky Monument.

"Emperor Xuan is only at the first level of Quasi-Emperor, yet he actually created such a supreme weapon!"

"In the quasi-emperor realm, I have created a heavy weapon that is almost as powerful as an imperial weapon, and it has such terrifying potential. It feels like it is not a weapon at all, but a living god like the Xuan Emperor, with unlimited potential. , can continue to grow.”

"Could it be that this weapon can be promoted to an immortal weapon after Emperor Xuan becomes emperor?"


Since ancient times, there have been only three immortal artifacts in existence, the barren pagoda, immortal bell, and green tripod, all of which were not made by manpower.

After the collapse of the Immortal Domain, no one in the world has become an immortal, so how can one create a weapon of immortality.

However, now the powerful powers in the universe have noticed the terrifying potential from Shi Xuan's Cangtian Ancient Monument, which is a terrifying foundation that surpasses most of the imperial soldiers in the world.

Many people believe that in this era, someone will achieve enlightenment and become emperor in the most incredible age of the end of the Dharma.

And this person is one of Emperor Xuan and Quasi-Emperor Jiuyou.

Among the two, many people are more optimistic about Emperor Xuan.

It's just because everyone who has seen Emperor Xuan with their own eyes can see that Emperor Xuan's terrifying gray-white aura is absolutely chaotic.

Across billions of miles of stars, the big man with yellow teeth looked into those cold eyes, and a chill ran down his spine.

With just one glance, the big man with yellow teeth felt a sense of death rushing into his heart, and his soul seemed to be about to collapse.

Then the big man with yellow teeth turned into a escaping light without hesitation and flew towards the distant frontier.

The yellow-toothed man is only in the realm of the Saint King, but at this moment, his speed is even lower than that of many great saints.
Starry Road.

"Yes,'s that Emperor Xuan!!"

Someone looked at a young man walking into the ancient road in the starry sky and exclaimed loudly, his tone full of fear and shock.

"It's him!!"

Others found out at the same time.

The young man just walked into the ancient starry sky of the human race.

"Xuan Emperor, he came to the ancient starry sky road of the human race!!"

"What is he going to do?!"

"Are you here for a trial? He seems to be following the Ancient Starry Sky Road, but with his supreme strength at the Quasi-Emperor Realm, what help can the Ancient Starry Sky Road bring to him?"

Some people trembled in their hearts and their voices were trembling.

at this time.

As the leaders of the ancient Starry Sky Road of the human race, they gathered all the masters in a short time, and without hesitation invited the great sage who was hiding in the dust to come to the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

It can be said that this is the most noble courtesy given to Emperor Xuan.

Shi Xuan walked calmly through the major ancient cities of the human race, ignoring the frightened looks from around him.

There are 81 ancient human cities in total. It was like taking a tourist stroll in Shixuan. In one year, he came to the end of the ancient human road.

Of course, the human race guides on the ancient road who had been on tenterhooks because of his arrival also dispersed.

In their opinion, as long as Shi Xuan doesn't tear down the ancient human road, he can go wherever he wants.

At this moment, behind him, only the resurrected Great Sage is left, who is the leader of this ancient city No. 80 on the ancient road of the human race.

Although in this era due to the suppression of the Dharma Ending Age and the Qing Emperor's Avenue, this ancient human road is in vain. Apart from the indigenous people here, there is almost no genius who comes here to experience it.

But Shi Xuan still saw many different scenery, which made up for the part he was missing.

His previous position was too high.

Now from a different angle, he saw a different scenery and gained some novel insights.

This is absolutely beneficial to his practice.

Without stopping, he arrived at an ancient place half a quarter of an hour later.

An unknown majestic pass stands tall, surrounded by chaotic energy. It has existed for countless thousands of years, and time cannot erase its traces.

There is no one here, and there is eternal silence.

(End of this chapter)

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