Chapter 50 The Nine Levels Emperor is opened
Dozens of stone pillars are lined up in a row, standing tall and majestic. There is the Sun Emperor holding the Sun God Tower, and all the four regions surrender;

There are also fighting saint emperors holding immortal iron rods, as if they are about to transform into immortals;
There is also a man and a woman, standing side by side, as if they are the only ones in the world...

In addition, there are also great human emperors whose names have been passed down through the ages such as Wu Shi, Hen Ren, Heng Yu, and Xukong.

There are nearly twenty stone pillars with imprints, and more are empty. Not all ancient emperors are recorded on them.

Shi Xuan continued to move forward, and there was a closed door in front of him. Stepping into this door, there were nine imperial passes.

According to legend, one can become emperor by passing through the nine imperial passes.

Halfway through, a huge stone monument suddenly appeared, towering into the clouds and exuding a shuddering aura.

It is recorded in the book that if there are enough people who can walk here and carve their mark on the stone tablet, the Imperial Road will be opened.

At that time, no matter where they are, a portal will appear to bring people here. Of course, you can choose not to come.

But that refers to the golden age.

In today's Dharma-ending era, under the suppression of the Great Dao, it will naturally not be so simple.

Shi Xuan looked up and saw that the stone tablet was empty, with only one name engraved on it——

Gai Jiuyou!
This is what it is like in the Age of Ending Law. Among all the ancient roads in the starry sky, only Gai Jiuyou arrived here and left a mark, and there was no one else.

With Shi Xuan's supreme cultivation background, this so-called Nine Levels Imperial Pass is naturally unable to stop him. He can enter whenever he wants.

However, feeling novel in his heart, he still raised his hand and left his imprint on the stone tablet - the word "Xuan Emperor".

After doing all this, Shi Xuan began to study the restrictions here.

In this age of Dharma End, it is naturally impossible to wait for the Imperial Pass to be opened actively, and can only be left open passively.

After a while, as Shi Xuan took a long breath, a light gate appeared a hundred feet in front of him.

It was just a light spot at first, but it expanded in the blink of an eye. The light door was one foot wide and three feet long. It was extremely holy, with faint symbols flowing on it.

At the same time, vast fluctuations emanate from the light gate, causing clear sensations hundreds of millions of miles away.
"what happened?"

"Is this the opening of the Imperial Pass?!!"

The light gate leading to the Imperial Pass stands in the starry sky, eye-catching, as if it is a portal leading directly to the heavenly palace, and it is extremely sacred.

"Why is the Imperial Pass opening at this time?"

People who noticed the opening of the Imperial Pass were filled with doubts.

You must know that this is the end of the Dharma era. Apart from Emperor Xuan and Quasi-Emperor Jiuyou, there is no third genius who can go to the Imperial Pass and leave his name.

Logically speaking, the Imperial Pass should not be opened.

Immediately, a piece of news came out from the ancient road of the human race, causing all beings in the universe to explode.

"Emperor Xuan walked through the ancient road of the human race and went to the Imperial Pass?"

"What! God sensed Emperor Xuan's supreme talent and specially opened the Imperial Pass?!"

"What! Emperor Xuan has never been seen before, so the Emperor's Pass opens on his own initiative to allow Emperor Xuan to enter?"

The messages were so shocking that people seemed unable to speak.

The ancient powerful men who woke up all said they couldn't understand.

Myth, ancient times, ancient times.
Several epochs have passed, and not everyone has thought about forcibly opening the Imperial Pass, but in the end they all failed without exception.

Even the ruthless Emperor and the Wushi Emperor, who are famous throughout the ages, can only wait for the opening of the Imperial Pass.

Now, this mysterious Emperor Xuan who suddenly appeared can actually make the Imperial Pass open on his own initiative! ! ?
Is that human being?
"Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road? When I see Emperor Xuan's way, it becomes empty!"

"Xuan Emperor is invincible!" "Xuan Emperor is eternal!"

At this moment, in the vast universe, countless living ancient stars, and too many strong men were shouting the name of Emperor Xuan on their own initiative, praising Emperor Xuan's supreme majesty.

At the same time, more and more ancient powerful men are awakening and want to go to the ancient human city, waiting for a glimpse of Emperor Xuan's peerless style.

At the same moment, deep in the universe, there is an uninhabited ancient star.

The white-haired old man looked at the light door at the top of the starry sky, his eyes full of yearning.

According to ancient legend, as long as you pass through the Nine Emperor Passes, you will be able to attain enlightenment and become an emperor.

But now, the door of the Nine Levels Imperial Pass is opening to him, as if to tell you to come in quickly.

"Master, you."

"It doesn't matter, this so-called Nine Levels Imperial Pass is of no use to me."

Gai Jiuyou had a smile on his face, knowing that this old servant was worried that Emperor Xuan would achieve a world-shattering fortune at the Nine Levels Imperial Pass and was worried about him.

If he were in the Great Saint Realm or even the first level Quasi-Emperor, he would really need to visit this imperial gate.

But now that he has half-stepped into the eighth level of the quasi-emperor, not far from the forbidden realm of the great emperor, then the ninth level of the imperial pass is dispensable to him, like a piece of chicken.

Not bothering to care about the outside world, Shi Xuan entered the Imperial Pass in one step.

The first moment he stepped in, he felt a powerful teleportation force envelope him, and then disappeared in a thousandth of an instant.

Of course, this was the result of his lack of resistance, otherwise the power of teleportation would not have been able to move him at all.

A road suspended in mid-air appeared in front of him. The road was ten feet wide and surrounded by white, as if it were in the sky.

The next moment, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and countless chaotic energy suddenly appeared in the sky, rolling continuously, and almost instantly formed a chaotic dragon. Its body was thousands of miles long, and its scales shone with black light.

The endless power radiates from Shenlong, making people tremble. I am afraid that even the powerful of the first-level quasi-emperor may not be able to defeat it.

Shi Xuan was silent, it seemed that the difficulty of the trial was arranged based on the strength of the entrant in the Nine Levels Imperial Pass.

The Chaos Divine Dragon roared and spit out golden flames, but was slapped down by Shi Xuan, which enveloped the entire Divine Dragon as if there was a vast world.

In an instant, the divine dragon disappeared and turned into a ball of chaotic energy, which was swallowed by Shi Xuan.

"It tastes good, it would be nice if I put some sugar in it."

As a sweetheart, Shi Xuan would definitely not be happy without sugar when eating tofu nao.

Then, he kept walking, and several more opponents appeared, none of them weaker than the previous Shenlong. Even if they were at the same level as the Divine Dragon, they might not be able to defeat him, but in the end, they couldn't sustain even one move.

Shi Xuan went directly to the end of the first level.

The clouds and mist rolled, and a golden avenue appeared, carrying Shi Xuan to another larger portal.

After a few more breaths, Shi Xuan passed the second level.

Shi Xuan arrived at the fourth gate like a broken man.

There are some magic spells engraved here, and Shi Xuan completely understood them at a glance.

Let’s not talk about his vision of supreme cultivation, but just saying that he is a chaotic holy spirit body that is unique in all time. In addition, when he was killing the Tao, he found a new way and climbed up the ten thousand ways——

His cultivation is definitely to the level where God is chasing after him to feed him, and he has to consider his appetite to make the meal more delicious.

Next, Shi Xuan's speed didn't stop for even a moment.

The fifth level. The sixth level. The seventh level.
(End of this chapter)

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