Chapter 51: Break through nine levels in three days

"Enter the seventh level, the assessment results are excellent!"

The voice was devoid of any emotion.

But the echoes in the ears of all living beings in the ancient road in the starry sky made them tremble uncontrollably!

If they remember correctly, Mr. Emperor Xuan, you have only entered the Imperial Pass for less than a day!

Why did you get to the seventh level of the Imperial Level?

is it possible?

It's impossible to put!
Absolutely impossible.

According to ancient records, after the opening of the Imperial Pass, it took hundreds of years of experience. Why did it become a day when I arrived at your home!
More and more people kowtowed in the direction of the Imperial Pass, as if they were meeting the future peerless emperor.

They had a premonition that a peerless emperor would likely appear in this era, a supreme being that could rival the mythical emperor, the supreme emperor among emperors.

Shi Xuan came to the seventh level, and sure enough, there were some ancient scriptures engraved on it, including those from the mythical era, the ancient era, and the ancient era.

What is different from before is that a miracle medicine that is more than 10 years old is planted here.

As soon as Shi Xuan came in, this magical medicine actually ran to him, and there was a vague thought - begging for cover.

Shi Xuan did not refuse and put it away. After all, the miraculous medicine that was more than 10 years old was already one of the rare kings of medicine in the world.

One day later, a majestic voice spread throughout the ancient road in the starry sky.

Everyone understood once again that His Majesty Emperor Xuan had entered the eighth level of the Imperial Pass.

Then another day——

"Enter the ninth level, the score evaluation is excellent!"

Even though everyone was prepared, they were still frightened.

Breaking through the Nine Imperial Passes in three days?
At this moment, people seemed to be wondering whether they and others were dreaming!
Otherwise, how could such an incredible thing happen? ?

Even the white-haired old man who had always had absolute confidence in his master and believed that his master was unparalleled in history was a little shaken.

Such a perversion, in the war 30 years later, is my master really his opponent?


Although Gai Jiuyou was a little shocked, nothing in this world could shake his Taoist heart.

From the day he walked out of Beidou, he had set a goal. In this life, he must break the suppression of the Qing Emperor and become the emperor.

So what if Emperor Xuan is in person?

I should suppress it with all my strength!
I, Gai Jiuyou, am the great emperor of the human race after Qing Emperor!
My name is Emperor Jiuyou!
Shi Xuan arrived at the final point of the Imperial Pass, where the palaces were scattered and lightning intertwined.

There was a fairy phoenix flying, spreading its wings for nine days. A tall ancient tree grew on the chaotic fairy land, and the leaves on it made a rustling sound.

Each one is different. They are actually the Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment, Ancient Tree of Life, Flat Peach Divine Tree, Chaos Green Lotus, etc.

And each one exudes a powerful aura, boundless, each competing for glory.

Shi Xuan instantly understood the essence of these things. They were composed of terrifying thunder elements and were not real elixirs.

When these creatures saw Shi Xuan coming in, they immediately showed their fierce light and started to kill him. Each one of them was terrifying.

The immortal phoenix spreads its wings and strikes a million miles away;

Enlightenment leaves flew out one by one, tainted with a hint of imperial power. Each leaf was filled with brilliant runes, and fairy light was flying, faintly seeming to form an imperial formation.

Faced with so many attacks, Shi Xuan took the initiative to face them, tearing the Immortal Phoenix in half, uprooting the Enlightenment Tree, and blasting the head of the Kirin Magic Medicine... In the end, all creatures were included in the ancient monument of the sky. , to refine the essence of Thunder Dao, and use it to temper his heavy Dao-carrying weapon.

This important instrument that carries the Tao is already out of reach at this moment, unless one day he proves the Tao and becomes the emperor.

But these creatures have extraordinary origins. They are all left behind by the ancient emperors of the past. After refining, they can add a trace of the Cangtian Monument's heritage.

At this point, Shi Xuan, with overwhelming force, broke through the ninth level of the Imperial Pass in three days and reached the final point of the Imperial Pass.

Normally speaking, at this point, the biggest opponents should be the people of this life, with many people who aspire to be emperors competing against each other.

However, this is the end of the Dharma era. Let alone opponents, it is difficult to see even a genius who walks the path of the emperor.

Looking straight at the scene ahead, I saw endless fairy light, countless runes flying up, turning into various wonders, including palaces, chariots, real dragons, and murderous weapons...

Shi Xuan looked at it. In his eyes, these things were transformed from some scriptures of the ancient emperors. They were not complete chapters, but only the most essential meanings.

Shi Xuan counted and found that it actually contained scriptures left by seven ancient emperors or ancient emperors. It even included some scriptures from emperors in the mythical era, which gave him a lot.

Therefore, half a month has passed since I finished comprehending these.

After that, Shi Xuan sat here for half a year. He got up, looked at the situation around him, then got up and left.

Time goes by.

The end of the Dharma era is coming, and the entire universe seems to have fallen into deathly silence.

But one person erected a peak alone for everyone to look up to.


These two words spread throughout half of the universe, and many people have heard of them. In the Age of Dharma Ending, they go against the will of heaven, break myths, and become a monument.

His talent shocked the world forever, and even the Nine Levels Imperial Pass was opened for him——

Climb to the top of the Nine Levels Imperial Pass in three days!

With such an achievement, it would be unreasonable if he could not become an emperor.

Even in this most unbelievable age of the end of the Dharma, there are countless people who firmly believe that this Emperor Xuan will break the eternal myth, break through the suppression of the Qing Emperor, and become the emperor.

Later, it was spread that Emperor Xuan was a chaotic body that was rare in the ages, the first constitution passed down from ancient times, and the voice became even louder.

In the endless universe and the vast number of sentient beings, there are countless practitioners shouting the name of Emperor Xuan!

Of course, at this time, there are still many people who believe that Quasi-Emperor Jiuyou can attain enlightenment and become an emperor!
Gai Jiuyou, in the past 1000 years, has traveled through a large area of ​​the universe, leaving behind too many legends. He is a shocking monster who has taken away the fortune of an era.

In particular, there are rumors in the universe that Jiuyou Quasi-Emperor has already established himself in the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor and is only one step away from attaining enlightenment.

Those who chant the name of Emperor Jiuyou are even more confident!
"You tell me, if the Nine Nether Quasi-Emperor becomes the emperor first, and then the Xuan Emperor becomes the emperor in the form of chaos, what a rare myth it will be!"

"Since ancient times, two great emperors have not met each other, but in this era, it is very likely that two peerless great emperors will appear. Haha, we are so honored!"

"That's right! Haha, in this era there is Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou. This is the golden age that will never be the same!"

"Everyone, Emperor Jiuyou and Emperor Xuan had an appointment ten years ago. They will have another battle in 30 years. Now that the ten-year period is almost over, why not go to the Starry Sky Ancient Road to see the amazing battle between the two emperors? A big war?"

"Hahaha! Brother Wang, wait a moment and I'll go together. How about that?"

"Haha! That's exactly what it should be!"

"Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou have a 30-year agreement. How can we miss such an unprecedented battle?"

"Everyone, let us witness the creation of the eternal myth by Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou!"

(End of this chapter)

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