Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 52: Thunder catastrophe is destroyed, the Supreme is coming

Chapter 52: Thunder catastrophe is destroyed, the Supreme is coming

Gai Jiuyou sat cross-legged in the starry sky, the endless thunder was vast, and the black clouds were overwhelming, covering the universe.

The powerful pressure caused the heaven and earth to tremble, the sun and the moon lost light, the stars shook, and even turned into cosmic dust after a "bang".

The immortal light was endless, but after just a few breaths, a dazzling light rain fell down, covering the starry sky.

Each one is extremely powerful, like a world-destroying blade. The light of destruction can make the first-level quasi-emperor bleed.

But Gai Jiuyou sat there cross-legged, motionless, letting the light rain drown him.

At this moment, his body seemed to be a bottomless pit.

The thunderclouds rolled, and the thick yin and yang energy hung down. Each strand was as heavy as a star. It was boundless here, forming a millstone, with the bones of strong men one after another engraved on it——

Many undead souls could be vaguely seen shouting, and then their souls were ground into powder, and vast fluctuations spread out, causing many strong men to change their expressions.

"Is this the Great Destruction of Chaos Yin and Yang?"

"The Chaos Yin and Yang Great Destruction Catastrophe is one of the top three thunder catastrophes in the world. Only those who are about to make the final leap to the Nine Heavens of the Quasi-Emperor and ascend to the Emperor's Forbidden Realm can enjoy it.

Moreover, he must be one of the heaven-defying figures and have the possibility of enlightenment.Emperor Jiuyou has just prepared to break through to the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor, is he already facing such a test? "

Although these ancient powerful men who had awakened from the dust were not very talented, they all had extraordinary knowledge, and they could tell the details of such a world-shattering disaster in just an instant.

But he was also frightened by Gai Jiuyou's terror.

The catastrophe of chaos and yin and yang that destroys the world. You must know that even some geniuses from the quasi-emperor ninth level who have achieved the catastrophe of Taoism are probably not qualified to let God send such a terrifying catastrophe.

This... simply breaks ancient history, despises the sages who came before, and looks down upon those who come after.

"I don't know if Emperor Jiuyou can survive it."

Some strong men looked worried, but soon they had no time to spare, and these people hurriedly retreated.

Because the fluctuations of the thunder tribulation were too vast and wide, even if they were ten galaxies away, they were still too close.

Fortunately, Gai Jiuyou escaped to the outer reaches of the universe in advance, otherwise I am afraid that this catastrophe alone would have destroyed many ancient stars and galaxies.

"Is this... Do you want to be enlightened?"

A white-haired ancient quasi-emperor felt the great calamity that made him want to kneel down. His face was full of astonishment. He had also seen several powerful quasi-emperors, but someone as powerful as Lei Jie Yes, there is only Gai Jiuyou.

"I don't know how evil Emperor Xuan must be to be able to suppress such a terrifying Emperor Jiuyou."

The ancient quasi-emperor sighed. He quickly ran away into the distance without looking back, fearing that he would be affected by the thunder.

"Gai Jiuyou...has his strength improved?"

Shi Xuan was sitting cross-legged in the universe, and a Qingluan of the Saint King realm was carrying him aimlessly in the universe.

He closed his eyes tightly, and every breath he took seemed to resonate with the dozens of stars near him.

As he moves, stars continue to escape his grasp, and stars join his resonance army.

As he breathed, occasionally powerful cosmic turbulence formed, carrying astonishing destructive power and rushing to the distance. Most of them dissipated in a short time to avoid harming flowers and plants.

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou stood on the top of the starry sky, fiercely contending with the thunder and calamity. The world-destroying disk composed of the energy of chaos and yin and yang seemed to have the power to destroy the universe.

The attack power was terrifying, and even he did not dare to test its edge easily.

The vast power shrouded Gai Jiuyou, dazzling thunder lights hung down from the sky and the earth, and the world-destroying disk shrouded Gai Jiuyou, and the two cooperated with each other.

Gai Jiuyou was taken into the World-Destroying Disk. At this moment, several galaxies were enveloped by the World-Destroying Disk, which was huge and boundless.

At the same time, the World-Destroying Disk not only attracts power from the thunder tribulation above, but also attracts secret power from the entire universe.

The endless light of the stars came in, and after being blessed by the World-Destroying Disk, it turned into rays of destructive power. There was yang in the yin, and yin in the yang. Each strand seemed to be able to obliterate the monks in the sixth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

Gai Jiuyou sensed that every part of his body seemed to be under attack from the thunder tribulation, as if there were hundreds of mid-level quasi-emperor masters attacking him at the same time, trying to kill him and prevent him from overcoming the tribulation. .

At the same time, all kinds of strange lights hung down from the thunder clouds, which were gorgeous and beautiful, blending into the Yin and Yang World Destruction Disk. At this moment, more than one strange force enveloped Gai Jiuyou, and actually wanted him to transform into a Taoist form.

There was also an attempt to take away his life, which was hard to guard against, and it was difficult to see where it was coming from. In the blink of an eye, Gai Jiuyou had a wisp of white hair.

There were also demons falling everywhere, countless naked fairies and witches, dancing in enchanting ways, trying to be with Gai Jiuyou and persuading him to enjoy life in time.

There are also hallucinations coming, saying that he has survived the thunder tribulation of the eighth level of the quasi-emperor, and then continues to advance by leaps and bounds, attaining enlightenment, becoming an emperor, and even becoming an immortal...


Thunder disasters are endless and impossible to guard against.In addition to the great catastrophe of chaos Yin and Yang, there are many smaller catastrophes, which are integrated with the great catastrophe of chaos Yin and Yang and are difficult to resist.

Endless holy light shrouded Gai Jiuyou, and the guqin made of phoenix blood red gold floated in front of him, accepting the training of thunder tribulation with him.
In just a moment, the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Qin deformed, and there was even a huge hole on the piano body.

The growth rate of his weapon could not keep up with Gai Jiuyou's, and now the power of Thunder Tribulation surpassed that of Phoenix Blood Red Gold Qin, which is now a quasi-emperor weapon.

However, Gai Jiuyou seemed to have been prepared for it, and he seemed to have long wanted to use the terrifying catastrophe to improve his Guqin.

After seven days and seven nights, the power of Thunder Tribulation was somewhat insufficient. The Phoenix Blood Red Gold Qin, which was also recast, now has even greater power.

It is not impossible to compare with ordinary imperial soldiers.

Of course, Gai Jiuyou was almost reaching his limit, whether it was his mental or divine power, he was almost reaching the warning line.

There are many scars on his body surface that have not healed yet.

After all, the catastrophe of chaos, yin and yang, and the great annihilation of the world is not just a matter of course. This is a catastrophe sent by God to test the emperor.

Many powerful ancient warriors were greatly shocked when they saw this scene through the Heavenly Dharma Eyes.

It's so powerful that even the legendary catastrophe of chaos and yin and yang can't stop Jiuyou. The sound of Jiuyou's great emperor is absolutely genuine.

But at this moment, a big black hand covering the sky suddenly appeared. It was huge and boundless, and its power was even stronger than the previous thunder tribulation.

The palm appeared, without mercy, directly covering Gai Jiuyou, trying to squeeze Gai Jiuyou in the palm of his hand, and then crush him to death!

At the same time, another dazzling light of destruction appeared, aiming at Gai Jiuyou, blocking all his escape routes. Compared with the black palm that covered the sky, it was not weaker at all!

The tyrannical power of Ji Dao swept across the world and shook the world. At the same time, two fatal attacks appeared at the same time, blocking all Gai Jiuyou's escape routes.

It was so sudden that no one expected that some powerful men who were close by and some monks who saw this scene through the Heavenly Dharma Eyes were all shocked.

At this moment, two words popped up in many people's minds at the same time - "Ji Dao"!
The true ultimate is no weaker than the reincarnation of the ancient emperor.

"The Supreme in the Forbidden Zone!"

These ancient powerful men naturally knew too many inside stories about this world, guessed the truth, and wanted to prove themselves and become emperors. The test of thunder tribulation was just one of them.

It's not even too dangerous. If you can get to this point, you can say that it's strange to be killed by lightning tribulations when you deal with them every day.

The real danger is that when the thunder tribulation is about to end, the Forbidden City Supreme who initiated the dark turmoil will take action.

Generally speaking, strong men who step into the Eighth Heaven or even the Ninth Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor may be targeted by the Supreme in the restricted area.

Because the thunder catastrophe faced by such a strong man is too vast and cannot be covered up at all.

He himself can also be said to be a little dragon, and the blood of the quasi-emperor eighth and ninth heaven monks also has extraordinary divinity, and the life essence contained in his body is more than the tens of billions of creatures in the entire ancient planet of life.

Similarly, the more defiant one is, the more powerful he will be after enlightenment.

Needless to say, Gai Jiuyou's talent was unparalleled. In this most incredible age of the end of the Dharma, he was so talented that he was even better than some emperors and emperors.

Many supreme beings don't want to see such a strong man appear again at this critical point where the Immortal Road is about to open, because this will cause a big change.

Gai Jiuyou naturally knew that he would be targeted by the Supreme, so he did not panic.

Who can reach this point in this Dharma-ending era, so what if he is the Supreme! ?

He, Gai Jiuyou, was never weaker than anyone else in his life.

It's a pity that he is only in the eighth level of the quasi-emperor at this moment. If he were in the ninth level of the quasi-emperor, he would fight a supreme being to test his way even if he suffered heavy losses.

He urgently needs enough opponents to test his Tao and Dharma.

And in this era of law-ending, apart from the Emperor Xuan, there are only these restricted area supremes.

Of course, the one who took action this time was just the incarnation of the Supreme Divine Mind.

At the critical moment when the Immortal Road opens, no Supreme Being will be born easily.

Therefore, at this moment, Gai Jiuyou's fighting spirit surged. If the Supreme Lord came in person, he would definitely not be a match for the Eighth Level Quasi-Emperor now.

But now that he is just the incarnation of the Supreme Divine Mind, what should he fear?
So, the next moment, a loud roar shook the entire universe——

"Come to fight!"

Immediately afterwards, the power of the Terror Emperor swept across the entire universe.

(End of this chapter)

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