Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 58: After the battle, something unexpected happened

Chapter 58: After the battle, something unexpected happened

After all, he here is just a Taoist body left behind when he was in seclusion ten years ago. Since the war, he has almost disappeared in this world.

"Xuan Emperor, how about you and I decide the outcome with one move?"

Gai Jiuyou could naturally sense that the body of Emperor Xuan was about to dissipate, so he suggested.

Immediately, the supreme emperor's way began to spread.

The entire mythical battlefield was involuntarily moving its power at this moment, guarding against the attacks of the two men.

The ethereal fairy-like Nine Nether Immortal Song changes instantly, and the supreme Tribulation-Transcending Immortal Song sounds. In the process of transforming the laws of the great road between heaven and earth, he uses the power of the great road of heaven and earth for his own use——

Behind Gai Jiuyou, one after another, terrifying shadows of gods and demons evolved, some of which were extremely sacred, and some of which were filled with demonic energy.
Some are full of Buddha light, and some are extremely cold.
A total of nine gods and demons are manifesting. If you look closely, you will see that the faces of these terrifying gods and demons are all the same as Gai Jiuyou's.

But the breath is completely different.

There is a supreme murderous god with murderous intent, as if he wants to kill all living beings.

There is an ancient and vast Taoist figure who seems to be coming across time and space.

All living beings are in fear. A Nine Nether Emperor is already so terrifying, and now these nine
Among them, the murderous god with murderous intent makes people feel that their souls are trembling.

Is this the rhythm that will destroy the universe?
At this moment, Shi Xuan felt that Gai Jiuyou was worthy of being an evil genius who could reach the forbidden realm of the Supreme Emperor alone in this era of law-ending.

He was actually able to smelt the Moral Heavenly Lord's method of transforming one Qi into the three pure beings and the Emperor Zun's supreme mysteries into his own taboo method, and create the nine great bodies.

I'm afraid this blow is enough to threaten ordinary alternative enlightened people.

Although he himself is only the Eighth Heavenly Perfection of Quasi-Emperor.

However, he is able to exert a power that is not weaker than that of an alternative enlightened person, and is worthy of being called the Great Emperor of the Nine Netherworld.

"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

The panic-stricken heavenly voice sounded in everyone's ears like the divine power of heaven and earth, and Gai Jiuyou's expression moved inadvertently.

Sure enough, the feeling that he had been dusted in the road in 30 years came again, and this time his feeling was much stronger than that in 30 years——

This time, the Immortal Song that he originally tried his best to overcome the tribulation seemed to be targeted by all the ways of heaven and earth, and was derailed by this world.

However, he has not been doing anything for the past 30 years, and he has been prepared for this situation.

"So what if all the ways of heaven and earth turn their backs, my imperial way will suppress all the ways!"


Gai Jiuyou's body emits the true meaning of the supreme Tao. If all the ways in the world turn their backs on him, he will be the only one to dominate.

Shi Xuan was not surprised. The Ten Thousand Dao Blockade would not work for a second time against a peerless monster like Gai Jiuyou.

However, these ten thousand blockades are just done by these licking dogs in the world to please him, and have nothing to do with him.

Shi Xuan was silent, with the ancient monument in the sky above his head, and a purple-gold sun on his back, walking around one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings, powerful and domineering.

Directly use your own supreme principles of the Chaos Holy Spirit to control all the ways of heaven and earth and open your own taboo realm——

God will fight for you!

Using the palms and fingers together, the God-Demon Hands and Heavenly Fingers evolved supreme offensive power, pressing down.

Gai Jiuyou's body merged with the shadows of the nine gods and demons, rising against the sky.

At this moment, the universe is trembling, the mythical battlefield is trembling, and the vague aura of chaos fills the sky.


Endless bright light!

The terrifying imperial energy is floating, endless laws are arranging, and everything in the world is silent at this moment.


Under everyone's attention, the two peerless emperors suddenly collided together, causing the earth to shatter and ghosts to cry and gods to howl.

The endless visions were disillusioned at this moment, and the cosmic storms under the starry sky were all extinguished.

One after another, terrifying space cracks appeared, which were extremely dark, deep, and terrifying. Everyone on the ancient starry sky road hundreds of millions of miles away felt that the end was coming.

"Have Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou really not attained enlightenment yet?"

"Emperor Jiuyou has absolutely no enlightenment! And Emperor Xuan is at most a mid-level quasi-emperor!" A white-haired quasi-emperor said with emotion.

"This kind of power is probably enough to rival the real emperor."

Chi Chi!

In the mythical battlefield, the shadows of the nine gods and demons evolved by Gai Jiuyou still dissipated, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out, and the state dropped by more than one level.

His breath was sluggish, the quasi-emperor's principles around him dimmed, half of his head was cracked, and his skull was shattered.

But he was very excited at the moment, because after ten thirty years, he felt throbbing again. Faintly, he seemed to see the threshold of the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens waving to him.

If he can fight again, he is very sure that he will break through the quasi-emperor ninth level within a few decades and truly touch the realm of the extreme.

He looked at the dim and somewhat illusory body of Emperor Xuan over there, and exclaimed that it was a pity.

If this Xuandi Taoist body can stick to the incense stick for one more time, he will be able to truly seize that opportunity and truly find a chance to break through to the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

What a pity!
Why can't this Emperor Xuan's Taoist body last longer!

The next moment, as Emperor Xuan's body turned into a rain of light and disappeared into the mythical battlefield, everyone on the ancient road in the starry sky felt that they and others were dazzled.

Is Emperor Xuan dead?
Obviously Emperor Xuan had the upper hand in this final blow?
This unscientific!

They have thought about countless possibilities, even thought about Emperor Xuan being defeated, but they have never thought about this outcome!

Emperor Xuan is dead?

That's Emperor Xuan!

How could the only Xuan Emperor in eternity die?
"No, that's not Emperor Xuan, it's just the body of Emperor Xuan!"

At this time, someone suddenly realized something and shouted as if they had discovered some big secret.

"Yes, yes! It's just a body of Emperor Xuan!"

Immediately, everyone realized that the previous scene was indeed the phenomenon of the collapse of the Tao body.

"A body of Emperor Xuan can suppress Emperor Jiuyou?"

Suddenly, someone whispered in a low voice, but everyone's hearts were filled with turmoil.

Yes, if that is just one body of Emperor Xuan, does that mean that one body of Emperor Xuan is enough to suppress Emperor Jiuyou?

At this time, everyone was completely convinced.

This Emperor Xuan is really too enigmatic.

At the same time, everyone was speculating on how powerful Emperor Xuan was now.

I'm afraid even the Great Emperor can't do more than this.

A Taoist body suppresses the unparalleled Jiuyou Great Emperor. Once such a Xuan Emperor attains Taoism, he will definitely be comparable to the mythical emperor, and may even be no weaker than the Huangtian Emperor, the only immortal in the eternal legend.

Even though these people are all old antiques who have lived for who knows how long, they are extremely excited at this moment.

This era will eventually be remembered by everyone because of the word Xuan Emperor.

And they are witnessing the rise of an eternal myth.

At this moment, there was a great storm of wind and thunder in the sky and earth, lightning and thunder, and frequent visions, as if God had sensed that some heaven-defying person had done something great.

The wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the entire sky turned gray in an instant. Endless red lightning danced, and black wind swept across, roaring continuously, as if God was angry, as if the world was annihilated, and it seemed extremely oppressive.

The sudden change made all living beings in the universe tremble, become frightened, and flee in all directions.

On the ancient starry sky road, all the strong men were startled, feeling the terrible crisis that was like annihilation, and quickly fled towards the outer starry sky.

For a time, all the powerful people in the universe who were above the dust saints all felt at this moment, looking towards the ancient road in the starry sky——

Feeling the world-destroying peerless energy, they were all horrified and showed expressions of disbelief.

Gai Jiuyou has now recovered from his previous injuries. He looked across the endless void and seemed to see an emperor of heaven, carrying a purple-gold sun on his back, surrounded by [-] chaotic holy spirit rings, with an ancient monument hanging on his head, and thousands of people stepping on his feet. Up the road.


(End of this chapter)

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