Chapter 59 Enlightenment?Create a law!
"what 's wrong?"

"Is there someone who wants to be enlightened?"

The whole starry sky is full of flying sand and rocks, lightning and thunder, the sound of gods crying and ghosts weeping, and even the skeletons of gods can be seen emerging, and there are various strange phenomena.

The thunder sea was so black that it almost covered the endless sky. The red electric light flashed and the void collapsed, which was extremely terrifying.

In the entire star field, all the powerful men above the saint level were aware of the oppressive aura that shrouded the sky, as if it was destroying the world. They seemed to feel the wrath of God and could not help but tremble.

Everyone knew that this terrifying thunder sea was not aimed at them, but they still couldn't help but tremble.

In the center of the mythical battlefield, Gai Jiuyou looked at the dark area, his face changed drastically for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel frightened.

If it is just to create your own way, God will at most send you visions and wonders, but they will not be so terrifying.

Therefore, there is only one possibility. This Emperor Xuan is creating his own method. Wanting to create another system of practice is really an act against heaven.

Once it is accomplished, it will be regarded as the best of all times and will have immeasurable merit in future generations.

God had a feeling that he would bring down a great calamity and would punish him with heavenly punishment.

The first is to prevent its completion, and the second is to test whether the creator of the law can withstand such supreme glory.

At this moment, Shi Xuan was as quiet as a rock, sitting cross-legged on a purple-gold sun, surrounded by one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings——

There was a kind of supreme majesty spreading out on its own, and ancient characters jumped out one after another in the five secret realms, spinning around him.

Every word is made of divine gold, dazzling and dazzling. It is imprinted in the void and turns into pieces, making the sky rumble.

Zen chants, sacrificial sounds, demonic drinks, divine roars, and other heavenly sounds are all intertwined in the past, present, and future. They span the universe and are united together.

Shi Xuan was sitting cross-legged on the bluestone. The ancient characters of "Da Dao" were densely packed and scattered with fairy lights, which made him appear otherworldly, as if he had come from the past, present and future across time and space.

There is one realm of dust, endless dust, connected to one portal after another, and there are thousands of realms in the world.

The same is true for the human body, which contains endless portals. During the process of cultivation, monks are like opening one portal after another to release their true nature.

Shi Xuan is creating laws, creating his own Tao and laws. He wants to turn his understanding of Tao into reality and engrave it on this world.


A red thunderbolt that was ten thousand feet long, carrying a terrifying destructive energy, crashed down, blasted open the endless void, and headed towards Shi Xuan, who was sitting quietly.


Before the red lightning fell, the sky monument above Shi Xuan's head trembled, and a figure in green clothes wearing an emperor's robe rushed towards Lei Hai, buying time for him to create a method.


The emperor's shadow in green slid his hands to control the laws of heaven and earth, turning into a furnace of heaven and earth, standing on the top of the sky, with gray-white divine flames boiling, almost burning down the sky.


The Heaven and Earth Furnace directly incorporated the terrifying thunder and lightning into it and forcibly refined it, but then the terrifying lightning struck down.

This is Shi Xuan's body of the Holy Spirit after his own transformation, fused with the remains of the body he got from beheading the Supreme Being, and refined with the power of the Supreme Chaos Holy Spirit. It is mysterious and unpredictable. It can borrow the master's Tao Fruit and display shocking secret techniques. .

Shi Xuan's vast energy and blood no longer suppressed, soared directly into the sky, penetrated the sky, roared, broke through the black sky, and shocked everyone.

"It's that ancient monument!"

"That's right! It's definitely Lord Xuan Emperor!"

"Lord Xuan Emperor, is he going to achieve enlightenment?"

At this moment, many powerful people have guessed who made God send such a terrifying punishment. Looking at the punishment that is like the destruction of the world, everyone is guessing - Emperor Xuan is enlightened! ?
At this moment, Shi Xuan was in a strange state of silence. The purple-gold sun combined with one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings to form a strange world. The long-lasting sound of heaven and earth came from the great avenue, allowing him to see the great avenue of heaven and earth. some of the most essential things.

At this moment, the meridians hidden in his flesh and blood were glowing and crystal clear. Each of the meridians contained powerful potential.

At this moment, Shi Xuan looked more and more majestic, sitting cross-legged like a supreme god, with black hair shawl, and a body as bright as made of divine gold. The five secret realms bloomed with immeasurable fairy light, full of immortal aura.

The Cangtian Monument chimed, and streaks of divine light fell down. On the monument, endless Dao marks emerged.

The figure wearing the robe of the Ten Thousand Dao Emperor was surrounded by the terrifying chaotic Holy Spirit energy, as if it was really going to cross the long river of time and space and manifest itself in this world.

In his body, it was like there were three thousand Buddhas singing in meditation, and it was like there were three thousand demon lords roaring, rotating around him, and the heavenly sounds of the great avenue roared continuously.

The ancient scriptures and ancient Dharma that Shi Xuan had practiced were roaring, like a Taoist body chanting sutras, profound and unpredictable, integrated into his flesh and blood.

Between his eyebrows, on top of the Immortal Platform, the gray-white figure shines brightly, blooming with the endless principles of the Holy Spirit of Chaos. The strands are like divine chains of order, linking to every part of the body.

Constantly blending, constantly blending, all the scriptures and mysteries merged together, evolving into a terrifying invincible method, a brand new Taoism.

The Tao that belongs to him, the Dharma that belongs to him, is taking shape step by step and will appear in the world. It will be different. He will create his own path of practice and practice the Taoism.

There are a total of twenty meridians in the human body, divided into twelve regular meridians and eight extraordinary meridians, also called twenty heavenly meridians.

Each of the heavenly veins contains infinite potential and endless divine power. If all of them can be penetrated, it will allow people to explode with extremely powerful power.

When everyone is born, except for the twelve main meridians that are open, the eight extraordinary meridians are blocked.

However, with the improvement of cultivation, the eight extraordinary meridians in the body will gradually be penetrated by divine power. Therefore, almost no one specifically tries to open up the eight extraordinary meridians, but allows them to take their own course and be penetrated naturally.

For example, Shi Xuan himself, with the terrifying power of his Chaos Holy Spirit body, does not need to deliberately penetrate it. The eight extraordinary meridians are naturally penetrated as soon as he is born.

Therefore, no one is stupid enough to specialize in cultivating the Eight Meridians, thinking that it is the lowest cultivation method. These are the martial arts methods.

There are martial arts cultivators in this world, but compared to monks, these martial arts cultivators are at most better than ordinary people.

These martial arts cultivators specialize in cultivating the eight extraordinary meridians, but the vast majority of martial arts cultivators live for most of their lives and pass away and wither like ordinary people.

Even those who have a great chance to achieve success will find ways to join a certain sect in the later stage and start to specialize in secret realm methods.

But at this moment, Shi Xuan had a flash of inspiration, as if he had caught some important inspiration, and he carefully observed the meridians in his body that connected the whole body——

"What if instead of simply cultivating the meridians, we could use our own meridians as the basis to carve powerful divine chains, and then use the human meridians and divine patterns to connect the acupuncture points all over the body to unlock the human body's divine treasures and condense the human universe."

With a thought, the vast energy and blood soared into the sky, gradually began to condense, and turned into a real furnace of heaven and earth, gurgling and roaring.

At the same time, Shi Xuan's whole body was full of tai, twelve main meridians, eight extraordinary meridians, and all the acupoints in his body were roaring continuously and began to tremble, crystal clear as jade, and gray-white true blood gurgling out.

"Plop flop."

The glittering and translucent heart beats continuously, steadily and powerfully, accompanied by some indescribable law.

Starting from the heart, pieces of mysterious runes gradually spread to the 720 acupoints around Shi Xuan's body. At the same time, all twenty heavenly veins were glowing, and some terrifying Tao was born from the heavenly veins.

At this moment, Shi Xuan's whole body was shining brightly and fiercely, and the purple-gold sun commanded one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirits surrounding his body.

The ancient monument suspended above the sky hummed softly, and the terrifying principles of the Holy Spirit of Chaos dropped down, looking somewhat sacred and vague.


The sky and the earth roared, and thunder bursts fell from the sky, aiming directly at Shi Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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