Chapter 60 New Law Completed
Because of Shi Xuan's method, a brand new path really took shape, and he found the real threshold.

This made God feel that it was a brand new system that was too terrible and needed to be truly obliterated.

This is the beginning, but it is so scary.


There were thousands of lightning bolts, boundless, each one carrying a terrifying aura of destruction, and they all struck Shi Xuan, a terror that had never been seen before.

At this moment, Dao Ze between heaven and earth changed his previous attitude of trying to please him, and now wanted to obliterate him.

The ancient monument in the sky trembled, and at the next moment, an emperor's figure in blue actually walked out, his hair flying wildly, and all kinds of terrible secret techniques were used by him to crush this terrible wave of heavenly punishment.

This heavenly punishment was too terrifying, full of destructive intent, and almost split the entire ancient road in the starry sky into ashes.

"This is not the Great Enlightenment Tribulation, this is the legendary Dharma Creation Tribulation!"

"Oh my God! His Majesty Emperor Xuan is going to create a new method that is unique to him!?"

This group of old antiques were horrified, terrified, and chilled.

It seemed that he understood why Emperor Xuan didn't seem to be enlightened at all, but God sent such a terrifying punishment.

Even a high-level quasi-emperor might not be able to withstand this attack just now.


Dark red terrifying lightning poured down like a waterfall, and the entire void was like a mirror, constantly exploding and collapsing as it became dissatisfied with the cracks.

There is a terrible power flowing in it, and even the void cannot recover.

The terrifying scene, like the end of the universe, made the heroes tremble and panic.

"Gulu! This is not a tribulation. This is obviously destroying the world."

"Could it be that His Majesty Emperor Xuan really wants to create a new method that is unique to him, so God has sent down such a shocking punishment?"

Many powerful people are trembling, and many people are speculating on what kind of terrifying method can anger God. Otherwise, it would be impossible to send such a terrible punishment.

The terrifying aura continues to rise, and the power of the heavenly punishment is also increasing, each one stronger than the other.

With that peerless energy that destroyed the world, even many powerful men who were hundreds of millions of miles away couldn't help but turn pale and feel their scalps numb.

In the mythical battlefield, Gai Jiuyou couldn't sit still and crossed the void directly, wanting to see what great things this Emperor Xuan had done.

Heaven's punishment continues, and Shi Xuan is creating laws.

Now he has fallen into a mysterious state of enlightenment, forgetting both things and himself, and is not disturbed by the outside world.

Shi Xuan's whole body was shining brightly, the five secret realms were shining together, and endless chanting sounds could be heard.

The limbs, internal organs, and every inch of flesh and blood are now covered with all kinds of mysterious runes, shining with endless divine brilliance.

There are twelve regular meridians, eight strange meridians, and a total of twenty heavenly meridians in the body, imprinted with endless divine patterns, which connect the acupoints of the whole body to form the human universe, which is constantly roaring.

Obviously, the first level of Shi Xuan's new method is no longer limited to twenty heavenly veins, but has evolved the human body into a vast ocean, and those heavenly veins are the "channels" of the human body's vast ocean——

Through these passages, all the acupoints of the human body are connected to one place, thereby opening the hidden portals in the human body and leading to the hidden treasures of the human body.

This is the first realm Shi Xuan created—the Heavenly Vein Realm!

Exploring the mysteries of the human body, cultivating powerful divine patterns, carving out divine chains based on the twenty heavenly meridians of the human body, linking the body's acupoints, evolving the surrounding heaven and sea, simultaneously opening the portal of the human body, and stimulating the endless divine energy hidden in the human body. Tibetan.

Qi and blood transform heaven and earth, can refine everything, and evolve supreme supernatural powers. This is the vision of the perfection of the Heavenly Meridian Realm.

At the same time, you can also cultivate your own Taoist soldiers.

Tao soldiers are similar to the Tao soldiers who were sacrificed in the secret realm of Falun Hai. Only when the heavenly veins are perfect and condense the human body and the universe can Tao soldiers be born——

It is a supreme warrior forged using the human body as a furnace, possessing all kinds of unpredictable abilities.

Of course, if you have supreme divine materials, you can also join them in forging to improve your own warrior level.

The Heavenly Vein Realm is about cultivating divine patterns, casting Heavenly Veins, connecting human body's acupoints, and evolving the surrounding air and sea.

From the outside to the inside, after the Tianmai realm, the divine patterns penetrate into the bones, further promoting the leap in life levels.

Imprint the mysterious and powerful divine patterns into every inch of bone marrow, meticulously and meticulously, repeatedly tempering every bone of the human body, evolving powerful secret techniques, and promoting the evolution of life——

Allowing the human body to transform towards a higher level, it can unleash earth-shattering power with every movement of its hands and feet.

This is the second realm of the new method, the Condensing Pattern and Bone Refining realm, also known as the Condensing Pattern Realm.

In this realm, of course, it is not just as simple as tempering the divine bones and making them stronger.

The Condensing Pattern Realm not only has to engrave and imprint the mysterious and mysterious supreme principles into every inch of bone marrow.

It is also required to combine with the Tianmai Realm, after tempering all the bone marrow and bones of the human body——

It must be based on the surrounding air sea cultivated in the Heavenly Meridian Realm and the divine bones engraved in the Condensing Pattern Realm as the framework to condense the human body and the universe.

At this point, one can achieve the magic with every gesture, allowing people to exert their ultimate combat power and crush their opponents.

"Crack rattling."

As time passed, the bones on his body were roaring and glowing at this moment, and the bright and blazing light almost illuminated the heaven and earth.

In a daze, it seemed as if a universe was opening up, filled with chaos and haze, and surrounded by billions of holy spirits.

"The human body has nine orifices, which are integrated with the internal organs. Cultivating the orifices is to refine the internal organs!"

After creating the Condensation Realm and evolving the human body universe, he created a complete path to the third realm.

The nine orifices of the human body are the basis and turn into the third realm of the new method - the orifice opening realm!

The nine orifices of the human body correspond to the nine orifices of the human body. The nine orifices are the nine changes. One change leads to the next level, the ultimate leap, endless possibilities!

The flesh becomes a god, shaking the years.This is the world in Shi Xuan's eyes. He is enlightening and creating methods, which is completely different from what others see.

The chaos of the Holy Spirit is swirling around him, ripples are coming, and the divine light is sweeping across, covering his body and making it invulnerable to all means.

"This is!?"

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

At this moment, in their eyes, Shi Xuan's body had a somewhat ethereal and fairy-like feeling, like an immortal coming to earth, otherworldly.

Shi Xuan is still creating magic, cultivating heavenly veins, opening up the divine treasure in the physical body, and condensing the human universe.

Open the nine orifices, and the nine orifices are nine changes, one change to the next, and the final leap.

At this point, the physical body can communicate with the spirit.

At this moment, the fourth of the five secret realms in his body, the wheel sea, the Tao palace, the four poles, and the dragon, actually vaguely resonated with the first three realms of the new method.

At the same time, the four secret realms are actually merging with the first three realms of the new law, evolving into the most solid foundation of the new law, and a supreme mystery is gestating in it.

"The human body has a true spirit, so my path will naturally respect the true self!"

"All roads are false, but I am the only true one!"

Shi Xuan was injecting his own beliefs, firming up his thoughts and ideas, and wanted to carve out his own way and law.

"The nine are the ultimate and the ten are the fullest. After the nine apertures there should be the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows!"

Shi Xuan whispered, and the chaotic holy spirit filled his head, forming nine flowers of the avenue from his ears, eyes, mouth, nose and other two orifices.

After that, another chaotic green lotus bloomed from the ancestral aperture between his eyebrows, evolving into chaos. There was a vague figure standing in it, as if it had split the eternal chaos and illuminated the eternal river of time and space.

"A bit of true spirit enters the ancestral orifice, the barrier between life and death is broken, and the Yin Shen Dharma comes out!"

He gradually found a certain trajectory, and the aura of the emperor that had been cut off gradually appeared on his body, which was much more terrifying than the peak state in his heyday.

But now, he is only a quasi-emperor in the fourth level.

He has been cultivating Taoism for many years, but this time it didn't take long. He opened his eyes, and all kinds of Tao and Dharma were intertwined in his heart. The nine orifices of his human body, including the eyebrows and ancestral apertures, were all glowing.

At this point, the fourth realm of the new law has been completed.

Heavenly Vein Realm, Condensing Pattern Realm, and Awakening Realm!

And this fourth realm is the Palace of Life.

The life palace realm is divided into four stages.

The first stage: a little bit of true spirit enters the ancestral orifice for enlightenment.

Breaking the barrier between life and death and cultivating the Yin Shen Dharma can trigger the great avenue of heaven and earth, which is called the first ladder to heaven.

The second stage: With the nine orifices of the human body as the root and the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows as the base, a nine-level bridge between heaven and earth is built. The extreme of yin generates yang, evolves the dharma of yang and god, interweaves the avenues of heaven and earth, and approaches the essence, which is called the second ladder.

The third stage: Based on the human body's heavenly veins and the universe, the ten orifices serve as guides. The extremes of yang generate yin, and the extremes of yin generate yang. Yin and yang work together to form the chaotic law. You can control the original avenue of heaven and earth, add Tao and principles to your body, and have unlimited Climbing to the supernatural is called the third ladder to heaven.

The fourth stage: The chaotic dharma is integrated with the human body and the universe, yin and yang are understood, life and death are understood, the dharma is connected with the spirit, the form and spirit are unified, the true spirit is awakened, the supreme dharma body evolves, and the world is created, which is called the fourth ladder to heaven.

The first three realms of the new method, Tianmai, Condensation Patterns and Kaiqiao, are from the body to the spirit.

Then the fourth realm of the new method, the life palace realm, is from the spirit to the body.

The first three realms of the new method and the fourth realm complement each other, and finally the form and spirit are unified, the true spirit awakens, and the supreme Dharma body is achieved.

The Dharmakaya is me, and I am the Dharmakaya.

When a monk reaches this stage, he can be called a person with great supernatural powers, and he can follow the rules of the law.

He has the characteristics of being lifted up from the ninth heaven and his body is immortal.

Even if there is only a speck of dust left in the Dharmakaya, he can return against the will of heaven and have initially glimpsed the origin of the great avenue of heaven and earth.

"There are extreme realms in heaven and earth, and nine are the extremes, so it is called nine bridges in the sky!"

The Nine Bridges in the Sky are divided into nine realms, corresponding to the Nine Heavens of the Quasi-Emperor.

In this step, the Dharma body should be used to step on the nine-level bridge of heaven and earth formed by the nine orifices of the human body. Every time one steps on the bridge of heaven and earth, the true spirit will merge with the Dharma body.

When the Dharma body is independent on the bridge of the nine heavens and the earth, the true spirit and the Dharma body are nearly integrated, and the illusory Tao of oneself condenses the illusory Tao fruit, and one will become a Taoist.

Then the Dharma body and the illusory Tao and fruit merged and were fully sublimated. The true spirit and the Dharma body merged and became one. They stepped up to the sky and ascended to the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows. This is the ultimate Tao, corresponding to the realm of the great emperor.

At this point, the five realms of the new method, the Heavenly Meridian Realm, the Condensing Pattern Realm, the Aperture Realm, the Life Palace Realm, and the Stepping Heaven Realm are completed.

As a former supreme master, he has mastered too many ancient methods. He has been in charge of the Seal of Heaven's Heart for two lifetimes, and has clearly understood the origin of the great avenue of this world. Now he is trying to create his own method.

Although it is only a rough creation, it is shocking.

The new method was born on the basis of the method of the secret realm, and then the complexity was reduced to simplicity. There are only five realms, and there is a true meaning of great simplicity.

At this point, his whole body is transparent, and the five secret realms are glowing. The four secret realms of Wheel, Sea, Dao Palace, Four Poles, and Dragon Transformation, as well as the first three realms of the new method, Tianmai, Condensation Patterns, and Kaiqiao are combined into a whole.

And the Xiantai Secret Realm, which represents the deepest mystery of the Secret Realm Law, is also integrated with the Life Palace, the fourth realm of the New Law.

This is a very strange state. In his eyes, he can see nine slightly illusory bridges between heaven and earth. They are based on his human body universe, with the nine orifices of the human body as the roots, and the supreme bridge between the eyebrows and the ancestral orifices. Overpass.

At this moment, it is because the new method is new, especially the final step to the sky is too mysterious, and it will take time to perfect it in the future, so the nine bridges of heaven and earth seem to be covered by the supreme mist, looking a bit illusory.

But no matter what, his law has been revealed and the way has been accomplished!
At this moment, God seemed to be completely angry, and the monstrous punishment was like the Milky Way above the nine heavens pouring down, penetrating through the sky.

But there was no way to stop Emperor Xuan’s majestic and mighty heavenly voice, and the whole world was shaking:

"My way is done!"

(End of this chapter)

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