Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 61 I am Emperor Xuan, and I am also the Emperor of Stone

Chapter 61 I am Emperor Xuan, and I am also the Emperor of Stone

The sonorous and powerful Heavenly Sound of the Great Dao seems to have reversed the course of time, shaking the past, present and future.

At this moment, Shi Xuan's whole body burst out with immeasurable light and holy glory.

At the same time, his realm naturally reached the Seventh Heavenly Bridge, which is the Seventh Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor.

"Tianmai, Condensation Pattern, Kaiqiao, Ming Palace, Stepping to Heaven."

Gai Jiuyou, who had been witnessing this scene in the starry sky, had to admire:
"The complexity is simplified, and there are only five realms. It is really amazing!"

Different methods, it is obviously impossible to directly judge whether they are superior or inferior in this way.

In particular, Emperor Xuan's new method has just been created and can only be regarded as a prototype. It still needs a lot of time to perfect and reach perfection.

Although it may not be really superior to the current secret realm method.

Again, regardless of whether it is suitable for others to practice, the method created by Emperor Xuan is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.

Since Gai Jiuyou is so close to breaking through the threshold of the eighth heaven, standing in the eyes of the quasi-emperor's ninth heaven, he can naturally see that this is an unusual path. Once he truly succeeds, his future achievements are destined to be no better than those in the secret realm. The achievements of the Dharma are much weaker.


The clouds of calamity that cover the sky and the sun, and cover the sky, surge and emerge, as if the world is annihilated.

The entire universe was shaken, and the destructive energy that seemed to destroy the entire universe made all living beings in the universe tremble and crawl to the ground, terrified.

"That is."

"How is it possible? Create laws and punish heaven?"

"who is it?"

One after another, huge and terrifying spiritual thoughts came towards this side one after another, and those sleeping and dormant beings in the restricted area were awakened by this terrifying world-destroying thunder disaster.

Everything was shaken inexplicably, and the lightning disaster that seemed to destroy the world made existences like them change color, their scalps became numb, and chills came out.

"What an amazing Qi machine?"

A series of cold and blazing eyes looked through the illusion and stared at the starry sky outside the territory.

More than twenty huge spiritual thoughts swept over, enough to shake the nine heavens and ten earth. When they noticed the figure sitting cross-legged on the top of the starry sky, surrounded by the chaotic holy spirit energy, it was so hazy that it was impossible to see clearly, they couldn't help but be a little shocked.

Even these supreme beings in the restricted area did not recognize Shi Xuan's identity at this moment.

Because not only has Shi Xuan's aura changed, but his old ways have also been abandoned, which is unimaginable.

Beyond common sense.

Completely abandon your own way, completely cut off everything in the past, and start all over again.

Even these supreme beings who look down upon the past and the present would not have thought that there would be a person so crazy.

"Could this be the legendary chaotic body that has never been seen before?"

In the Beidou Forbidden Zone, I immediately felt that the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth was unstable and rumbling, so some of the Supreme Beings who were sleeping deeply were also awakened.

"how is this possible?"

"No, it doesn't look like that."

"It's more like the Holy Spirit enlightening me."

"Who is this? It's really amazing. He actually created a new method. Is this to prevent the Emperor Huang Tian who has been praised for eternity from being more beautiful than before?"

"That energy gives people a very dangerous feeling, and it can completely threaten the perfect supreme being."

"With the level of the quasi-emperor in the seventh heaven, he can rival the Great Emperor Ban Wuque. Could it be that this is another mythical emperor?"

These restricted area supreme beings were all moved and frightened.

Everyone was looking at the blurry figure sitting cross-legged on top of the starry sky, whose face could not be seen clearly.


The chaotic body, the enlightened Holy Spirit.

With these two supreme physiques, it would be no exaggeration to say that he was born with the body of a great emperor.

Millions of years have passed, and except for the Stone Emperor, there are few examples of the Holy Spirit becoming enlightened.

In millions of years, the Chaos Body has only appeared once in the Age of Mythology.

Now, in this Dharma-ending era, has it really happened?And they are all concentrated on the same person. Is this possible?
At this moment, even with the invincible Taoist heart of these restricted areas, he couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

Chaos body plus Tao Holy Spirit, this is really scary.

"Is it really possible to defy nature?"

The Supreme One spoke quietly, but the light in his eyes was extremely blazing, and his heart was not at peace.

In fact, many people are excited, and beams of light are shooting into the sky in the penalty area, indicating that they are trying to restore the birth of the Supreme Fruition.

Because the other party's vast energy and blood, coupled with the secret of the origin of the Chaos Holy Spirit Body, the only godless body in eternity, made them excited and worthy of study.

If we can deeply study and analyze the mystery of this godless body, I believe there will be no small gains.

Maybe he could regain control of the Emperor's destiny, and maybe have a chance to get a glimpse of the opportunity to become an immortal.

Moreover, the opponent created a new method of his own. If he could capture such a treasure body, he might be able to live in this imperial body, continue to complete this new method, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the legendary Emperor Huang Tian.

However, these supreme beings are still waiting, and creating a new method is only the first difficulty.

The next law-creating heavenly punishment is the real disaster. Only after it has been overcome can this method be truly completed.

They have no shortage of time and can wait for this person to pass the punishment of law creation before taking action.

As for if you can't get through, it would be easier to just take action to seize this innate emperor's body.

"is it him?"

At this time, in the Taichu ancient mine, there was a Supreme Being whose eyes flickered with surprise and uncertainty.

He seemed to be thinking of the Stone Emperor who fell silent thousands of years ago. He made some vague guesses, but was not sure, with suspicion and exploration.

In the past, the underworld has always wanted to plunder the origins of many royal bodies and create the legendary chaotic body.

And since he was born in the underworld, he naturally knew that most of the plan in the underworld had been completed.

Moreover, the Stone Emperor just happened to seize the creation of the underworld for countless years a thousand years ago. In addition, the Stone Emperor himself is the ancient emperor who became enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

It's really doubtful.


Chaos energy surges and Holy Spirit energy lingers.

The vast energy and blood penetrated Xiaohan, becoming the only one in the world.

It is as vast as the sea of ​​stars, as if it wants to melt everything in the world, illuminating everything in the nine heavens and ten earths.

"Come on the halberd!"

A sound that seemed to have traveled through eternity spread across the entire universe and resounded in everyone's ears.


Just as Shi Xuan finished speaking, a halberd gleamed away from the eternal tranquility, reappearing the true meaning of the creation of the world, like the resurrection of a chaotic god and demon.

This halberd light that destroyed everything shook the universe for eternity, as if it was going to cut through the eternity of time and space.

The next moment, a pitch-black halberd shining with six colors of brilliance turned into a shocking divine light and tore through the void.

"That euphorbia."

"How is this possible?"

Until this moment, those supreme beings who were paying attention to this place were looking at the sudden appearance of the great halberd with shocked expressions on their faces, and their pupils could not help but shrink.

By this time, if they still couldn't recognize that figure, they would really be calling themselves supreme in vain.

Almost every supreme being knows that the creation of the underworld was obtained by the Stone Emperor. They have already made guesses, but they are just not completely sure.

"He is the Stone Emperor!"

In the Taichu ancient mine, the Corpse Emperor screamed out.

The vast beam of light penetrated the sky, and the aura shook Bahuang. There was an urge to immediately revive the Dao Fruit and fight.

"I am Emperor Xuan, and I am also the Emperor of Stone!"

"Today, this emperor, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, creates a law and proves the Tao, and the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth listen to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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