Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 63: Immortal Cauldron, Immortal Bell, Immortal Tower, Immortal Palace!

Chapter 63: Immortal Cauldron, Immortal Bell, Immortal Tower, Immortal Palace!
This huge sound spread throughout the entire universe. Even the Forbidden Zone Supreme and Gai Jiuyou couldn't help but be moved. Many people's expressions changed in horror.

"No way! His Majesty Emperor Xuan is the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain that is known as one of the greatest sources of darkness in history?"

In the universe, many resurrected ancient powerful men felt that God was playing a joke on them and others.

At the same time, they also understood why for decades, no matter how much they explored, the origin of this Emperor Xuan remained so mysterious that no trace could be found.

Where could this group of little shrimps be able to track down the most powerful person who was once in the supreme realm? ! !

"You think Emperor Xuan has now destroyed the past and re-enlightened the Tao, will he still be the same as before?"

Someone seemed to have thought of something and was about to speak out, but immediately shut up.

The powerful ones in the Emperor's Forbidden Realm are not something they can figure out, and they are also not something they can easily discuss.

Of course, the focus of the Forbidden Zone Supreme, Gai Jiuyou and others is different from that of this group of guys who can't reach the realm of the Great Sage at most.

"Did Hell's ideas and experiments really succeed?"

"The Stone Emperor has really transformed into the only Chaos Holy Spirit in all eternity? The blood energy is so amazing, like a furnace of heaven and earth. He is only a quasi-emperor in the seventh heaven and has already surpassed ordinary enlightened supreme beings."

In the restricted area, some people's expressions changed drastically, they could not calm down, and some could not sit still.

Because Shi Xuan really got rid of the self-destruction in the past, and now he is about to achieve enlightenment again and take charge of the Tianxin Seal again.

This is unimaginable, and they would not believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes.

At the same time, this also reminded them of the Mythical Emperor, who also attained enlightenment again.

Moreover, now that Shi Xuan has created his own method, I am afraid that his own fear is even greater than that of the emperor who established the heaven, and is comparable to the ancient myth and the legendary Huangtian Emperor.

"Really transformed?"

"Even his own Tao has completely changed. If it weren't for the big halberd, I wouldn't have recognized it at all."

The outer starry sky, the remote wilderness of the universe.


The blood energy that is as strong as the oven of heaven and earth is like an eternal true dragon, roaring there to shake the past, present and future.

Chaos and mist filled the air, and the Holy Spirit surrounded him, but Shi Xuan's majestic figure was clearly visible, extremely majestic and majestic.

The Qi that was no longer deliberately suppressed and began to be released, the avenues of heaven and earth were trembling, and there was a faint trend of collapse. The eight ancient ancient worlds were rumbling, and the colors of the supreme beings in the restricted area were changing.

Because before they became enlightened, they were far from such a terrifying level.

"The Chaos Holy Spirit is truly extraordinary!"

There is supreme wonder, with passion, fear, and desire.

Without Shi Xuan deliberately concealing it, most supreme beings could sense that Shi Xuan was not a simple chaotic body.

Rather, it is the only chaotic holy spirit body in all eternity.

This is a terrifying physique that combines the advantages of the Chaos Body and the Enlightenment Holy Spirit. It is definitely ranked first in ancient and modern times.

It was too terrifying. Such a physique could be called a born emperor, an absolute emperor.

"Stone Emperor. Emperor Xuan"

In the restricted area of ​​Xianling, an ancient figure revived.

The aura was extremely trembling, and he was actually repairing the Dao Fruit, and he couldn't help but be born.

"Such a qi machine"

"I'm afraid even Wu Shi is not as good as him. Can he really surpass the Mythical Emperor and be on par with the Desolate Heaven Emperor?"

Not only him, but in the Taichu Ancient Mine and other Beidou Seven Forbidden Areas, there are immortal runes lighting up the sky, blood flowing through the sky, and unparalleled energy surging.

Such a supreme imperial body is worthy of their birth, even at this critical moment when the road to immortality is about to open.

Because as long as you can obtain such an imperial body, it will not be a problem to live another life, and you can even achieve enlightenment again, like a mythical emperor, superior to ordinary ancient emperors.

But they were still waiting and watching, and were not in a hurry to rush out immediately.

Because Shi Xuan has to go through a tribulation next, and this tribulation is destined not to be simple.

The heavenly punishment of creating a law is a punishment that is comparable to or even surpasses the great catastrophe of enlightenment, so they are still waiting.

When Shi Xuan falls into weakness after overcoming the tribulation, he can take a strong strike and give him a fatal blow. In this case, at least he won't have to pay too huge consequences.

At this moment, the starry sky outside the territory.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing, and the dark sea of ​​thunder suddenly changed.


Chaos surged, lightning intertwined, and it became the most terrifying ocean.

Thousands of feet of chaotic thunder and lightning struck down, and everyone saw one grand building after another in the chaotic mist.

"What, impossible!"

At this time, all the ancient powerful men who saw this scene could not calm down. That kind of building was too shocking.

"I once saw it on a broken monument left over from an unknown era. It was the layout of the ultimate ancient heaven that even the Emperor had not actually completed. How could there be such a thunder disaster?"

A white-haired old quasi-emperor lost his voice and said in shock.

He has lived through countless eras and has a very high status. At this moment, most of the strong men gathered around him. What he said naturally caused great shock, and many ancient strong men were in an uproar——

I wish I could go up to the sky immediately and take a closer look.

But no one dared to move. Not to mention them, not even Gai Jiuyou dared to provoke the power of the Heavenly Punishment, otherwise he would be in great trouble.

"Gulu, how could there be such a catastrophe!?"

"Forbidden Zone, Immortal Mountain, Stone, Emperor, no, the magic created by His Majesty Emperor Xuan must be so amazing!"

As the identity of the Lord of Shixuan Immortal Mountain was revealed, many people were unable to react for a moment, and some did not know how to address the Emperor Xuan in their minds.

"All the wonders of the ancient palace are the result of divine punishment and the condensation of thunder and calamity, but they seem to really exist. It's so amazing."

Everyone was stunned and stunned by this scene, their eyes fixed on the ancient heaven that evolved from the sea of ​​thunder.


Above the extremely violent thunder calamity, ancient heavenly palaces stand side by side one after another, and there are many ancient palaces. They look simple and vicissitudes of life, grand and majestic, exuding an ancient atmosphere that does not belong to this era.

The heavenly palaces one after another are very majestic, and the divine tiles above flow with brilliant golden light, as if they are made of divine gold that has been tempered thousands of times.

It doesn't look like it was formed by a thunderstorm at all. The railings are carved with jade, the stairs look like white marble, simple and solid, and the palace is shrouded in chaotic mist.

Shi Xuan carries a purple-gold sun on his back, surrounded by [-] rings of the Holy Spirit of Chaos. He hangs an ancient monument to the sky above his head and holds a Xuan Emperor halberd. He is like an ancient emperor coming to the world, majestic and unattainable.

In the mysterious Third Eye, the gray-white chaotic Holy Spirit Principles lingered, looking through the sea of ​​thunder that covered the heaven and earth.

"My way has been established, you can't deny it!"

There was a faint sound from heaven, which shocked the heaven and earth. The void seemed to be trembling, making all the heroes frightened.

At this moment, the ancient heaven above exploded, and pieces of ancient artifacts flew out.

The first piece is a tripod, a round tripod with three legs and two ears. Chaos fills the mouth of the tripod, suppressing it and attacking it.

Then a big bell rang, making the stars tremble.

Then there is an ancient pagoda, which has the power to suppress the 33rd level of heaven.

Then there was a fairy palace where the supreme aura circulated.

The attack power of the four supreme immortal weapons is extraordinary, as if four living emperors have come across time and space, and are much stronger than ordinary imperial weapons.

God's will is like a knife!

Shi Xuan created a brand-new practice method, which touched God and sent down a shocking punishment to test whether he was qualified to shoulder the supreme honor of creating a method by himself.

The power of the four immortal weapons that have covered the universe from ancient times to the present is unpredictable, and it is really terrifying.


The simple green cauldron roared, and everything in the world on the cauldron wall seemed to come to life, shining brightly and suppressing it towards Shi Xuan.


The mysterious bell floats in the void, swaying and glowing, chiming softly, disappearing in the void, and the mighty bell wave shocks the world, coming towards the stone ripples. "boom!"

Under the pressure of the ancient tower, the stars in the sky were wailing, like a scroll, constantly shaking, tearing, and collapsing, leaving behind a series of dark cracks.


Under the suppression of the Supreme Bronze Immortal Palace, everything became empty, the heaven and earth shattered, and it seemed that everything would return to nothingness.


The Cangtian Monument and the Xuan Emperor Halberd directly cut through the void, flew into the sea of ​​thunder, and fought with four of the most famous immortal weapons in the ancient and modern history of the sky-covering universe.

Billions of wisps of chaotic holy spirit are lingering, each wisp is enough to easily crush a star.

That extremely terrifying energy caused the void to crack and the sky to rumble and tremble.

At the top of the starry sky, Shi Xuan stood there with majestic appearance. He looked directly at the sea of ​​thunder, and nothing could block his sight.

Across the boundless void and sea of ​​thunder——

The Cangtian Monument and the Emperor Xuan Halberd seemed to sense their master's gaze.

There is no concealment of the unparalleled aura that seems to destroy the world and crush all eternity.

"That's the Desolate Tower, the Immortal Bell, the Bronze Immortal Palace, and -"

"The legendary immortal cauldron of Emperor Zun, the head of the mythical Nine Heavens."

"His Majesty Xuan Emperor is so bold that he uses his own imperial weapons to defeat the immortal weapons. Does this mean he wants to compete with the mythical emperor and the legendary immortals?"

In the vast universe, countless sentient beings were all terrified, feeling that a disaster was imminent, cold sweat streaming down their faces, and their faces turned pale.

Even Gai Jiuyou and the Supreme Beings in the restricted areas were frightened.

Each of the four immortal weapons condensed from the power of creation and punishment was no weaker than ordinary supreme beings, but now they were unable to defeat Shi Xuan's halberd and ancient tablet.

Especially that ancient monument, it felt to them like another Shi Xuan, as if a supreme being was taking action.

And that halberd was smelted with at least five kinds of immortal gold and stained with the divine blood of several ancient supreme beings. Every blow carried the power to destroy everything.


The halberd is flying across the sky, its blade is bright, and the spirit of the weapon inside is resurrecting, like a real god.

Extremely domineering and cold, he suddenly struck forward.


The ancient stele was even more horrifying. In a trance, I saw the imperial figure in blue awakening on it and displaying a variety of terrifying forbidden techniques that were so powerful that it was unimaginable.

This battle was too terrifying, no less than a real supreme battle.

Big stars trembled and exploded like fireworks.


The void collapsed, shaking like a scroll, and chaos surged.

The huge fluctuation of divine power flooded the entire area and turned into a boiling ocean.

The euphorbia and the ancient stele, these two supreme weapons, seemed to be truly alive, blazing so dazzlingly that it was impossible to look directly at them.Overwhelming the Nine Heavens.

"Tiandao Divine Seal!"

The two soldiers took action together, and the unparalleled sound exploded like thunder.

The extremely gorgeous Divine Seal of Heaven penetrated all the ways of heaven and earth at this moment, turning into an invisible web of order. It rippled out. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed and the avenues retreated.Punishment on behalf of heaven.


Even Gai Jiuyou and the Forbidden City Supreme couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

I never expected that these two weapons could actually perform such forbidden methods. It was really like another supreme being taking action.

Is this really just an imperial weapon?
I'm afraid some people will believe it if it's said to be an immortal weapon, right? !


The waves of chaotic energy are vast, and there seems to be a force coming from somewhere to destroy everything in the world.

The Emperor Xuan Halberd and the Cangtian Monument turned into the most intense light.

It seemed as if there was a faint blessing from the origin of heaven and earth, transcending the constraints of time and space, and moving towards the suppression of the four immortal weapons.

It was extremely brutal and fierce, the sharp halberd flew upside down, the ancient monument trembled, standing on the top of the starry sky in the universe, the vast chaotic energy surged, and the chaotic holy spirit kept shining and intertwining.

The power is unparalleled, just like two true supreme beings standing there, arrogating the past and present, making the common people tremble.

"Are these two weapons really going to defy the odds?"

There was a person in the restricted area whose expression changed slightly. Shi Xuan himself had not yet taken action, but just two weapons were enough to threaten existence like them.

"The war halberd devoured the flesh and blood of the Supreme Being. The ancient monument was made from the remains of the Supreme Being and underwent an unimaginable transformation."

In the restricted area of ​​Taichu Ancient Mine, the Corpse Emperor was filled with fear and his tone was cold and gloomy.

The cold eyes looked through the illusion, and were extremely cold, as if they could freeze everything in the universe.

However, many World Honored Ones did not pay too much attention to the shocking battle between the four immortal weapons, the war halberd, and the ancient monument——

From the beginning to the end, he was alert to the majestic figure surrounded by the mist of chaos and the aura of the Holy Spirit.

This former Stone Emperor, now the Xuan Emperor, and the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, one of the seven restricted areas in the Eastern Wasteland, is a terrifying enemy that they cannot underestimate.

Maybe, if you want to seize such a natural imperial body, you really have to do it now.

If they were allowed to successfully survive the law-creating heavenly punishment, I'm afraid they would never have a chance again.

Moreover, the road to immortality is about to open, and with such a powerful being, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble on the road to becoming an immortal.

They didn't think that Emperor Xuan, who had committed suicide, would have no idea about the path to becoming an immortal.

There is even a possibility that many supreme beings may even lose their lives at his hands and become nourishment on his path to invincibility.

Under the vast sky, Shi Xuan stands majestic and majestic.

Chaos permeates the whole body, hundreds of millions of strands of the Holy Spirit's fairy energy linger around, and the body is gleaming, as if it is made of bright white gold.

He is like an unparalleled heavenly emperor who comes to dominate the world and reigns for eternity.

With a single movement of his hand, he can suppress the nine heavens and ten earths.

He looked indifferently at the collision between the four great immortal weapons and the two great imperial soldiers. The pressure made all the realms rumble and tremble, and it seemed that all the realms of heaven and earth could not bear it——

The terrifying and monstrous energy that would directly burst into pieces would move the expressions of those supreme beings who were waiting with cold eyes, and become extremely fearful.

This battle was too terrible.

Although there was no human-shaped lightning, the four great immortal weapons were like four supreme beings taking action, exerting shocking power that even the supreme beings who had survived the catastrophe of enlightenment could not ignore.

If it were another person, even a taboo existence with an alternative form of enlightenment would surely perish in such a fatal blow.

Several times, the solid and immortal monument bodies and blades of the Cangtian Monument and the Xuan Emperor Halberd almost burst into pieces, and cracks slowly spread across the two weapons.

However, in the process of confronting the four immortal weapons, the two warriors seemed to have received some blessings, undergoing unimaginable transformations, and a supreme Tao was vaguely manifesting, which was extremely terrifying.

"God's will is like a sword, this is simply a decisive blow, Your Majesty Emperor Xuan."

The eight great beasts all looked longingly at Shi Xuan at the edge of the universe, because this was not an ordinary thunder catastrophe, this was a divine punishment sent by God to create magic.

This kind of natural punishment makes it almost impossible for people to see hope. No one has ever encountered it in all eternity.

Since the war, Shi Xuan can no longer continue to watch the show.

Although these four immortal weapons are not the original body, they are not weaker than the original body. Although the Cangtian Monument and the Xuan Emperor Halberd are against the heavens, they still lack some foundation.

I am afraid that only when Shi Xuan steps on the bridge of nine heavens and earth, reaches the highest level of sublimation, and enters the realm of the emperor again, will the Cangtian Monument and the Emperor Xuan Halberd be able to compete with the four great immortal weapons.


The last desolate tower was also blasted by Shi Xuan, and his two great soldiers were smelted into it. However, he himself also suffered some backlash, coughing up blood, and standing on the top of the starry sky with his green clothes stained with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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