Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 64: Crossing the Immortal Platform, the Supreme Appears

Chapter 64: Crossing the Immortal Platform, the Supreme Appears
(PS: The name is spelled wrong, it should be Chapter 63!)

This battle affected the entire universe, and many ancient stars disappeared directly, were shot down, crushed into cosmic dust, and turned into fly ash.

The sea of ​​thunder in the heaven has not disappeared, but although there are many chaotic divine thunders intertwined, no other terrifying visions have descended.

"Is the creation of law and the punishment of heaven over?"

Many powerful people are looking at the edge of the universe at the moment, looking at the motionless thunder sea, and can't help but wonder.

"It stands to reason that even if it is a law-creating and natural punishment, there should still be a glimmer of hope, and it should be over!"

"Yes, the four great immortal weapons are like the actions of the four supreme beings. Such a punishment from heaven is so terrifying."

"But the thunder tribulation in heaven has not disappeared, which proves that there may be variables. No one knows what the creative punishment sent by God will be like."

As soon as he said this, many powerful people showed strange expressions and looked towards the edge of the universe, only to see——

Shi Xuan's head hangs on the Heaven Monument, with a big halberd flying across the sky in his hand. He carries a purple-gold sun on his back, and stands surrounded by one hundred rings of Chaos Holy Spirit. Although his aura fluctuates, it is far from being considered a serious injury.

Logically speaking, the four immortal weapons seemed to scare people to death if they were taken action by the four supreme beings.

It is more terrifying than the ordinary enlightenment catastrophe.

But when looking at the imperial shadow in blue, everyone felt that the eternal punishment of creating magic should not end so easily.

Sure enough, the next moment—

In the sea of ​​thunder in the heaven, a mysterious Taoist platform landed. It was so extraordinary, with billions of auras of light. The Taoist platform was hazy and peaceful, like a heavenly treasure falling to the human world.

However, when Shi Xuan saw it at this moment, his body felt chilly and he had goosebumps.

This is a terrible fact. You must know that he did not feel this way when facing the four immortal weapons before.

The moment he saw this Taoist platform, he seemed to remember something, which made his hair stand on end, and a strong sense of crisis arose in his heart.

The sense of crisis was unprecedentedly strong.

Cut Sendai!
In Shi Xuan's eyes, a Taoist platform appeared with a guillotine on it. It looked peaceful from a distance, but when viewed up close, it made people's hair stand on end, with chills all over their body, from head to toe.

Except for Shi Xuan's vague guesses, almost no one even at the supreme level knew the meaning of this guillotine.

But the moment they saw the guillotine, everyone knew that this guillotine was absolutely terrifying.

I'm afraid this guillotine is the real decisive blow of this law-creating and heavenly punishment.

Because this guillotine is so shocking, it is rumored that even immortals who have not been seen for eternity can only die under this guillotine.

There is still a glimmer of hope to survive the catastrophe, but when this thing appears, it is simply despairing and almost impossible to survive.

Of course, in a sense, this guillotine is actually a heavenly calamity. It is a divine punishment contained in it. It is a huge calamity sent by God. It exceeds the realm that the world should have. Even if it is faced by an immortal, it is likely to die.

Shi Xuan knew that his new method had far-reaching influence, and it was a unique and terrifying method that escaped from the secret realm.

But he didn't expect that his crude new method could disturb the Immortal Killing Platform.

However, the emergence of Immortal Killing Platform also proved the terrifying new method created by Shi Xuan on the other hand.

Whether they are peerless geniuses or unparalleled powerful men, they will all bleed in front of them, and those who can survive by chance will be the supreme and powerful men who are famous throughout the ages.

Even the Emperor Zun, the Immortal Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor and the Wushi Emperor, who are the supreme emperors and powerful men who stand at the pinnacle of the Zhetian Universe, have probably never seen this immortal-killing guillotine.

In a sense, this time he was truly on the same line as the Emperor Huangtian from the eternal myths and legends.

The immortal-killing guillotine has never been heard of, whether in the mythical era, the ancient era, or even the ancient era.

If Shi Xuan was not a time traveler, he would not be able to recognize this Immortal Killing Platform.

It has to be said that this is a big test. Even Shi Xuan feels that this immortal-killing guillotine is definitely the most terrifying crisis he has encountered in his several lifetimes of practice.

"The creation of heavenly punishment that has never been seen before, coupled with this weird guillotine, this is a killer!"

Everyone was sighing. This divine punishment was beyond their imagination and understanding, and it refreshed their knowledge.

Similarly, the Forbidden Zone Supremes are also paying attention to this battlefield. This magic-creating natural punishment seems to be far weirder than they thought.

As soon as the guillotine appeared, even they felt a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous.

"Treading the Nine Realms of Heaven, are you afraid?"

Shi Xuan whispered, his eyes like blazing divine flames, staring closely at the immortal-killing guillotine.

Others didn't know how terrifying this guillotine was, but he knew something about it.

You must know that when he, the Third Immortal, stepped onto the road, he did not carry out such a terrifying killing blow.

Put away the Cangtian Monument and the Xuan Emperor Halberd, because the upcoming battle has already surpassed the level of these two weapons.


Without even thinking about it, Shi Xuan opened countless divine portals in his body, based on the universe of the human body, with the nine orifices as the root, and the ancestral orifice at the center of the eyebrows as his control——

Standing on the top of the thunder sea, Shi Xuan was dazzling. The next moment his spiritual will reached its peak, burning like a great sun, illuminating the past and present.

At this moment, the seven-level bridge of heaven and earth naturally appeared, seemingly connecting the past to the present and spanning the future.

Immortals, saints, gods and demons are all paying tribute.

Dressed in black imperial robes, the Dharmakaya stands on the seven-level bridge of heaven and earth, not knowing where to go from the past to the future, like a heavenly emperor inspecting the past, present and future.


As the sky sound of the great avenue sounded, his face was exactly the same as Shi Xuan's, and he stepped on the seven-layer bridge of heaven and earth, crossing the past, present and future, towards Shi Xuan, and became one with him.

At this moment, he carries a purple-gold sun on his back, surrounded by one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings, standing on the bridge of the seventh heaven and earth, overlooking the immortal-killing guillotine with a supreme posture.


The Immortal Slayer Taoist platform fell, and as expected, it went straight to Shi Xuan, accompanied by a strange and terrifying force that imprisoned the world.

The Taoist platform is not very grand, but it is very simple. All the fairy lights have converged, revealing its mottled true body.

It's not like it was transformed by a thunderstorm, it's no different from an ordinary stone platform in the mortal world.

The guillotine has an introverted fairy light, very deep, with a dark red blood light, as if it has drunk the blood of the most powerful person, and is born with a supreme killing intent.


After a brief silence, the guillotine made movement on the Immortal Killing Platform, and the metal trembling sound it made was shocking, making everyone who paid attention to this scene tremble with fear, as if there was a shadow of death hanging over their hearts.


The guillotine trembled, and then it slowly opened amidst the harsh metal friction sound. The dark red blade surface appeared, raised high, and unleashed murderous intent.

The sound was too terrifying. The sound of metal friction seemed to resound in the hearts of no one, making everyone's souls freeze as if they were falling into the abyss of the earth.


The next moment, when the dark red guillotine was raised high enough, the entire guillotine glowed again. The fairy light covered the sky and the sun, and the fairy blood rolled. It was too extraordinary.

"Move, is the execution about to begin?"

Some people were exclaiming, and they were all startled, feeling chills running down their spines.

Because this scene was too weird, too terrifying, beyond all of their imaginations.


The eight divine beasts couldn't help but speak out. In the past 30 years, they had long surrendered at the feet of Shi Xuan. At this moment, everyone was deeply worried, but there was nothing they could do.

Even if the emperor of the world faced this strange guillotine directly, he might not be able to get an advantage. They were only a mere saint king, worse than an ant.


In just a moment, Shi Xuan felt like he was locked in a ray of light.

You know, he created a new method, his true spirit merged with the Dharma body, and evolved a supreme Dharma body that is unique to him.

At this moment, he is already standing on the bridge of the seven heavens and the earth. With his foundation of the ancient emperor's reconstruction, his own great path has already formed the illusory Dao fruit. The Dao fruit and the Dharma body are combined, and his combat power is unparalleled in the past -

Even if the current emperor is in front of him, he can directly suppress it and blow his head off.

However, now, facing this immortal-killing guillotine, he was imprisoned directly and found it difficult to break free.

Ordinary people simply cannot imagine that this great guillotine can be so terrifying.

It can be seen that the immortal light is like a chain, wrapped around his body, binding him, imprisoning him on the Immortal Killing Platform, and in front of the dark red guillotine.

"Your Majesty Emperor Xuan, are you really going to fail like this?" Someone was watching this scene closely, wanting to say something, opening his mouth and then closing it again.

Although the predecessor of this Emperor Xuan was the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, one of the seven restricted areas of Beidou.

But at this moment, there was still a sense of sadness in their hearts.

This has nothing to do with the status of Emperor Xuan's supreme status in the restricted area. I just feel that even if he is as stunning as Emperor Xuan, he will not be able to survive this heavenly punishment of creating magic. Who else in this world can pave the way for future generations?

This is a huge blow to some talented people with great ambitions and courage.

If Emperor Xuan who pioneered the new method really died on the Immortal Killing Platform today.

I'm afraid that after today, most people will no longer shout out the heroic words "I have no control over my fate".

Even though he was suppressed by the power of the Supreme Immortal Dao, Shi Xuan still stood proudly on the Immortal Killing Platform, with a tall and majestic posture.

The next moment, the dark red guillotine emitted a bright light, accompanied by the fairy mist, and then made a terrible metal friction sound as it fell from above.

"Is it really going to end like this? How unfair is God!"

"Can't the only Xuan Emperor in eternity create a new method? It's really shocking."

Some people feel sad in their hearts and feel that this should not be the case.

But there is absolutely no way to stop it. Even those supreme beings in the restricted area are restraining their spiritual thoughts at this moment and do not dare to touch the Immortal-Slaying Taoist Platform, otherwise they are afraid of catastrophic disaster.

In the Ziwei Star Territory, in the Tianji Gate, the quasi-emperor Gong Yangchen, who broke out of the divine source, looked at this scene, and his heart suddenly tightened.

He has never experienced dark turmoil. He only knows that everything he has now was given by Emperor Xuan.

Their Tianji Sect has long been tied to Emperor Xuan, or the Supreme Emperor of the forbidden area, the Stone Emperor.

"It is a blessing to be able to see such a punishment from heaven in my lifetime."

The Forbidden Zone Supreme believes that Shi Xuan will never be able to make a comeback. You must know that that power will suffer heavy losses even in their heyday, not to mention that once the Stone Emperor has rebuilt, he is now no more than a Quasi-Emperor in the Seventh Heaven.

At this moment, he became unscrupulous and looked towards the edge of the universe in a good mood, the figure in green on the platform of the Immortal Slayer.


Immortal light flew, blood splashed, and everyone saw a flash of red flashing from the guillotine.

But no one knows that only by drinking the strongest blood can this guillotine behave like this. The reason why it appears dark red is that it kills the strongest people in ancient and modern times.

"Your Majesty Emperor Xuan!"

The eight great beasts all shouted, and when the quasi-emperor Gong Yangchen saw this scene, his eyes turned black and he almost fainted.

He immediately turned into a ray of light and rushed to the edge of the universe. He wanted to see how his Majesty Xuan Emperor was doing.


On the Immortal Beheading Platform, the fairy light was restrained, the blood light dissipated, the ancient platform was mottled, and the guillotine returned to dark red, no longer brilliant and dazzling.

The fairy fog dissipated, and the place became clearly visible, and everyone looked at it together for the first time.

On the Immortal Killing Platform, a body was left, broken at the neck, the head fell into the sky, gray-white true blood scattered, chaos and mist filled the air, endless Holy Spirit energy lingered, it was very terrifying.

The eternally stunning Xuan Emperor, the Supreme Stone Emperor of the Forbidden Zone, and the Lord of the Immortal Mountain died like this?
Emperor Xuan is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. He cut off everything in the past and rebuilt it. He possesses the only body of the Chaos Holy Spirit in eternity and a Tao body. He can still suppress the unparalleled powerhouse Gai Jiuyou at the fourth level of the quasi-emperor.

Emperor Xuan, who defied heaven and pioneered new methods, really died like this?
This makes people feel unreal and dreamlike.


Suddenly on the Immortal Killing Platform, the fallen head flew directly towards the headless corpse that had never been standing, and then all the gray-white true blood scattered in the starry sky flowed back and returned to the body.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

"Oh my god, Emperor Xuan didn't die, he actually survived? How on earth did he do it?"

In the universe, countless powerful people were shocked.

In the penalty area, those guys who were preparing to take action were also confused.

"That guillotine has obviously wiped out that guy's spirit. What's going on?"

As supreme beings, they naturally would not feel wrong. When the guillotine was cut down just now, all their vitality was absolutely wiped out.

Under such circumstances, even the Supreme Being was bound to die. How come that guy Stone Emperor was okay?

This is so unscientific.

"cough cough"

Shi Xuan's face was extremely pale, his eyes were dim, the one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings around him were broken, and the purple-gold sun behind him also fell into silence.

He staggered, his whole body had a trace of death, and he looked extremely weak.

Then, again——

With a "snap" sound, the center of Shi Xuan's eyebrows instantly glowed, cracks spread all over his body from the center of his eyebrows, and his whole body almost exploded.

Shi Xuan's body was crystal clear and sparkling. He wanted to reunite, but he could never heal.

The cracks all over the body revealed beams of white light, making it impossible to recover.

In such a state, anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that although Emperor Xuan had survived this unprecedented punishment from heaven, he had also suffered terrible injuries.

The Immortal-Zhan Dao Platform spread out, turned into a shower of light, and disappeared.

Then the thunder sea in the heaven above also quickly dissipated, leaving Shi Xuan standing extremely weak on the top of the starry sky.

"cough cough"

There was another cough. In the eyes of everyone, Emperor Xuan was now like a mortal who had been suffering from lung cancer for decades and was already terminally ill. Every time he coughed, he would spit out a mouthful of blood.

Under this situation, not to mention that the people paying attention to this scene are all monks above saints.

Even an ordinary person could tell that Emperor Xuan had definitely suffered a serious Dao injury, and it was not impossible to endanger his own Dao foundation.

Only Gai Jiuyou and the eight divine beasts continued to stare at the figure in green, as if they wanted to see something.

Gai Jiuyou had two battles with Emperor Xuan. Although the last battle was with a Taoist body, he still knew a little about Emperor Xuan.

Knowing that the other party is a wise man who hides his secrets, how could he keep coughing like a consumptive person in public.

As for the Eight Divine Beasts, they simply felt that the carvings on their master's head were a bit too loud, which did not fit with his usual elegant appearance.

Therefore, the nine of them all felt that Emperor Xuan had some bad intentions.

"cough cough"

Shi Xuan stood staggeringly above the starry sky, coughing up blood, and the gray-white true blood kept spilling, which was a bit sad.

Many people can see that the dense cracks in Shi Xuan's body are just brought together by Shi Xuan's great magic power. Once they are no longer suppressed, the entire body will definitely explode.

"His Majesty."

This is a ray of light coming from the universe, and the tone is full of concern.


However, before bringing that figure closer, Shi Xuan, who was staggering, seemed to suddenly feel something. He suddenly stepped on Xing Zi Mi, turned into a ray of divine light, and swept towards the sky.


The next moment, a big explosion suddenly occurred in the starry sky where Shi Xuan was. The entire void collapsed, boiling like magma, and a terrifying force swept out in all directions.

"Jidao is the supreme being in the restricted area!"

At this moment, everyone was frightened, their expressions suddenly changed, and they all ran away.

"Suffering such a terrible injury, even the elixir cannot heal it. I'm afraid you won't be able to survive for a hundred years."

A cold shout came, and an old man with white hair and white beard came out of the depths of the starry sky. He arrived in an instant and was incredibly fast.

His body was blurred, and wisps of Dao Qi fell down, suppressing the eternal blue sky, and he was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

This was a forbidden area supreme. He had arrived at some point. He took advantage of Shi Xuan's severe damage and almost succeeded in sneak attack. He succeeded.

"Cough cough."

Blood flowed from the corner of Shi Xuan's mouth, and his eyes were full of coldness. He immediately looked at the other two voids, and a supreme killing intent surged out.

PS: The name is spelled wrong, it should be Chapter 63

(End of this chapter)

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