Chapter 65: Freedom, reincarnation, and the ruins of the gods
"Samsara, Shenxu, now that you are here, why do you still hide your head and show your tail?"

With cold yet blazing eyes, he swept across two directions in the depths of the starry sky. Shi Xuan resisted the urge to cough up blood and shouted.


"Stone King!!"

"You are too crazy!"

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you!"

At this moment, deep in the starry sky, there are two monstrous qi surging, which makes the people tremble, panic and uneasy, and can't help but kowtow.

The beam of light soaring into the sky swept the sun, moon and stars.

The Lord of the Divine Ruins, the Lord of Reincarnation, and the Supreme Lord of the Three Great Forbidden Zones appeared one after another, coming out powerfully to kill Emperor Xuan, who had just passed the punishment of creating law and heaven, and seize his destiny.

As the eternally invincible Supreme, they are extremely confident. Even if Shi Xuan was once on the same level as them, they would still have the confidence to kill each other——

No matter whether the other party has some hidden agenda, they are confident that they can suppress it with all their strength.

The vast energy and blood flowed through Xiaohan.

These three are all very strong and really scary.

Not only could the Prison Suppressing Emperor, whose blood had been so depleted that he was about to die, be able to compare with him, but the half-assed Dacheng Hegemon Body was even more difficult to compare with.

Each of them is an ancient emperor and deity who once dominated an era and was invincible in heaven and earth.

Everyone's energy and blood are still sufficient, and they are not afraid of whether Shi Xuan is hiding some back-up plan.

Because there is only one other Supreme who can deal with the Supreme.

Similarly, the emergence of three supreme beings from the restricted area to capture Emperor Xuan and seize creation also completely shocked all sentient beings in the universe.

For a time, everyone ran as far as they could.

Not to mention that the aftermath of the battle between the Supreme Gods is enough to crush them, but if during the battle, a certain Supreme Being from the restricted area loses his vitality and blood and directly operates on them, they may not know how they died.

In the starry sky outside the territory, big stars shattered one after another, and star rivers turned into dust. At a glance, the eyes were full of desolation.

The battle between the Supreme Gods has not yet begun. The four most powerful men have already crushed countless stars around them and crushed billions of miles of void just by releasing their breath.

"Stone Emperor, I will take your blood and flesh to become an immortal. Don't worry."

The Lord of Shenxu shouted loudly, and the phoenix blood red gold staff in his hand exploded into thousands of flowers, shocking the universe!
Shi Xuan took this move forcefully, and in an instant, blood poured out, spreading for a million miles, and the aura on his body dropped by one level again.

"Stone Emperor, become my nourishment on the path to immortality!"

The Lord of Reincarnation drank softly, and millions of rays of fairy light came out from his mouth. It was his law and Tao, which turned into a galaxy diagram, and the divine chains of order were intertwined, which was very dazzling.

This is the true supreme forbidden technique, covering the sky and the sun at this moment, covering the entire universe.

The Lord of Samsara is too powerful and will kill Shi Xuan as soon as he takes action and seize his innate imperial body.

"Heaven Finger!"

Shi Xuan was silent. After coughing out a mouthful of blood, the Chaos Holy Spirit at his fingertips attacked the Lord of Samsara like a bunch of horseshoes.

If one wants to separate heaven and earth, no matter where he escapes, he will be locked.

One wants to reopen the world, destroy all laws, and make the world empty.

These two incomparable beams of light are so vast and so dazzling!
With a pop, blood flew up, and Shi Xuan's body was penetrated by the divine chain of order, causing him to stagger and almost land in the void again.

The Lord of Samsara groaned, resisting the urge to vomit blood, and looked at Shi Xuan with a little more confusion in his eyes.

How could he feel that Shi Xuan had withdrawn part of his power at the last moment of the blow just now, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss.

However, the Stone Emperor cut off the past and rebuilt it. At this moment, he was only in the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor and suffered serious Tao injuries.

Even if he creates new methods, how can he resist the Supreme Being with the terrifying and powerful body of the Chaos Holy Spirit?

Therefore, it must have just been an illusion.

Shi Xuan coughed up blood, backed away, and roared:
"You bullied me and seriously injured me. I will be punished in the future!"

"Stone Emperor, you have no future!"

"It's better to be obedient and help us!"

The three of them also understood at this moment that although Shi Xuan was severely injured now, the Chaos Holy Spirit was too terrifying. Even if a single person could defeat the opponent, it would take too long.In order to avoid long nights and endless dreams, the three of them decided to take action together and kill Shi Xuan before discussing the ownership of this imperial body.

The three supreme beings and Shi Xuan were fighting in the void. Chaos energy surged when they raised their hands, causing the universe to explode. It was like a shocking battle between gods.

However, the three supreme beings became more and more frightened.

The Lord of the Immortal Mountain, who was clearly seriously injured and about to transform into a Taoist form, was like a weakling. No matter what tricks they used, they just couldn't kill each other.

He looked like he was seriously injured and dying, but he just couldn't die.

On the contrary, every time they fought against him, several people's energy and blood surged, and their originally abundant blood energy was gradually declining.

At this moment, if they still couldn't react, if they and others were fooled by this guy Shi Huang, these three people would have lived in vain for countless years.



"Stone Emperor, you have insulted me too much!"

"The supreme cannot be humiliated!"

"Give me death!"

The three supreme beings were extremely angry. They could see that the Stone Emperor was deliberately pretending to be weak and fishing.

Even though he was surrounded by three people at this moment, he was still acting.

How dare you despise them so much and seek death!

"Looks like you're the only three fish today."

Shi Xuan looked in the direction of the seven restricted areas of Beidou Eastern Wasteland with some regret. With such superb acting skills, he only caught three fish.

He felt a little pity at this moment, after all, he had vomited a lot of blood just to fish.

This blood cannot be faked.

Even if he possesses the body of Chaos Holy Spirit, has a strong origin, and has created his own method, he is now in the seventh realm of Toutian, and his body of law merges with the true spirit, so it will be difficult for him to die.

But he really walked through the Immortal Killing Platform.

In this case, every trace of true blood is extremely precious.

And he had just practiced. In order to be realistic, all he coughed up was real blood.

Only three fish were caught at such a high cost, and the blood was lost.

"Extremely sublimated, I don't believe that he can survive without death in the presence of three flawless ancient emperors!"

The Samsara Supreme was extremely angry. They were all ancient emperors in the past. They had ruled the universe and were invincible for nine days and ten places. They were all number one in the universe. They thought they could not be inferior to anyone else.

But now he committed suicide in his old age, was fished by Shi Xuan, and was insulted like a dog walking.

This stimulated, their pride, stimulated their Dao heart.

"Eternal time has passed, and the emperor and the emperor have not met each other!"

"Today I will kill you to prove my great path!"

The Supreme Being of Shenxu roared angrily, and retrieved the first Dao Fruit.

"In the mythical age of my enlightenment, I used my unenlightened body to resist the three ancient emperors. Even the emperor couldn't do it!"

"I don't believe you are stronger than Emperor Zun!!"

Immediately, the eyes of Xiaoyao Tianzun seemed to bloom with divine light, and the sun, moon, mountains and seas rose and fell, just like the universe.

The three supreme beings have all reached the highest level of sublimation. They are all former enlightened beings, masters of the universe, and hold the mark of Tianxin.

Now that he has regained the imperial status, the world will inevitably interact with each other, and there will be a vision that has never been seen in the ages.

Wisps of celestial light are flying, auspicious purple air is falling, real dragons roar, Xuanwu paves the way, red bird soars into the sky, and white tiger kills, all of which gather a rare vision of the avenue in the world.

The three ancient emperors and the heavenly emperor descended into the human world.

It is rare in ancient and modern times, and it is difficult to find in the years. Even if the great emperor who became enlightened in this world faced this lineup, he would probably end in gloom, his Tao would disappear, and he would die.

(End of this chapter)

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