Chapter 66 The Battle of the Supreme God Begins

Gai Jiuyou narrowed his eyes and looked solemnly into the depths of the universe. He knew that Emperor Xuan had unparalleled combat power.

But this time, there are three perfect emperors, the supreme beings who have been sublimated to the extreme. There has never been such a powerful enemy in ancient history.

If Shi Xuan had returned to the Emperor's realm, he had no doubt that Emperor Xuan would be able to kill the three supreme beings.

But now he is no more than a quasi-emperor in the seventh heaven!

Beidou Donghuang, the Dark Supreme among the seven restricted areas no longer talked about it, and watched this scene intently——

For all eternity, they are worthy of being called the Gods of War. As enlightened beings, no one will feel that they are defeated by others.

But when the three ancient emperors arrived, even if they had the invincibility, they still felt endless pressure.

Shi Xuan responded calmly, looked at the three supreme beings who had reached the highest level of sublimation, and said with a calm smile:

"It's a pity that I only caught the three of you. It seems that my acting skills still need to be improved!"

With the three invincible emperors, he might have been in trouble before the method was created, but now that he has achieved the method of invincibility, what will happen if there is another one?
"You are too arrogant and you are destined to pay the price in blood."

The Supreme Reincarnation shouted coldly.

As the former ancient emperors and deities, the three of them have an invincible heart and consider themselves to be the best in all time.

Now he is so despised by a quasi-emperor from the seventh heaven, even though this person was once an ancient emperor——

They must also kill the other party and use the other party's blood to wash away the humiliation suffered by themselves and others.

"Mythical Battlefield Battle!"

Shi Xuan said calmly
Once the Four Emperors start a war, it will inevitably affect the universe. Although they don't care about the common people, they still don't want to cause irreversible damage to this universe.

Only the mythical battlefield that has been passed down from ancient times can withstand the battle between emperors and emperors.

The three supremely sublimated emperors did not hesitate at all. At this moment, they thought they were invincible and would not lose to anyone.

Fearless, step into the mythical battlefield.

This sudden battle shocked the entire universe and frightened countless people.

The last time the Emperor Wuque joined forces to kill someone, according to historical records, it was probably the mythical emperor who established the Heavenly Court.

The Immortal Emperor, as the supreme emperor who started the ancient era, may have such achievements, but there are no detailed historical records, and no one knows about it.

Similarly, Wu Shi and Ruthless Emperor, who are famous throughout the ages, have never had such achievements according to historical records.


As one of the mythical Nine Heavenly Lords, Xiaoyao Tianzun, he took action directly.

More decisive and powerful than the Lord of Samsara and the Lord of Shenxu, he wants to kill Shi Xuan.

The green gold bottle of fairy tears roared endlessly.

In an instant, it turned into a gigantic bottle, with billions of rays of divine light hanging down. It was extremely gorgeous and dazzling. The divine chains of order intertwined and converged, and the invisible power entered the body of Xiaoyao Tianzun.

He slapped it out with one palm.

Extremely blazing.

Across the endless stars and the vast sea of ​​​​stars, he struck directly from the edge of the universe to the mythical battlefield.


Stars exploded one after another, unimaginably gorgeous.

"Mythical Nine Heavenly Lord, I want to ask for advice!"

Shi Xuan's momentum was like that of a dragon. The sky monument in his right hand turned into a brick, transformed into the invincible hand of gods and demons, and he swung out suddenly.

The Milky Way turned into powder, as bright as fireworks.

The giant palm covering the world was directly blasted through.


The miserable blood spattered and burned down a large area of ​​the galaxy.

Xiaoyao Tianzun's palms were bleeding, but there was not much anger, but a terrifying calmness.As an old antique who has lived for countless generations, it goes without saying that he has good fighting skills. No matter what situation he encounters, he will not let his clarity get out of control.

"Immortal Tears Green Gold?"

Shi Xuan's eyes were blazing, staring at the supreme bottle that was completely green, extremely bright, and gorgeous in a weird way.

He finally had some comfort in his heart. Over the years, he had searched the universe, but he had never thought about finding the remaining nine immortal golds to sublimate his Xuan Emperor Halberd again, but he had not gained anything.

The Xiaoyao Tianzun fished out now happened to bring him the Immortal Tears Green Gold among the four missing immortal golds.

By the way, there is also the phoenix blood red gold brought by the Lord of the Divine Ruins.

The Lord of Reincarnation is not so good. He only has a battle suit made of feathered green gold. He is really poor.

The other two directions of the battlefield——

The Lord of Samsara, who had black hair shawl and wore a feathered lapis lazuli battle suit, said quietly:

"Stone Emperor, I must drink your divine blood today!"

"Forcing the three of us to come this far, you are proud of yourself!"

The Lord of the Divine Ruins stepped into the starry sky, his whole body shimmering with red light, filled with disdain and contempt.

His hair was red and boiling like a flame.

He is very majestic, his eyes are also red, shining with unknown runes, which is captivating.

The phoenix-blooded red gold staff in his hand was as red as blood, brilliant and dazzling, with a fiery aura.

Obviously, it was another piece of immortal gold that Shi Xuan lacked, Phoenix Blood Red Gold.

"Stone Emperor, since you dare to tease us and seek your own death, then you can't blame us!"

The Lord of the Divine Ruins looked directly at Shi Xuan coldly, extremely conceited and cold, with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes, and a desire for Shi Xuan's natural imperial body.

Shi Xuan's energy and blood were definitely withered back then, but compared to now, he could definitely be regarded as a reborn person.

If one could gain insight into the secret of the Chaos Holy Spirit Body, the only innate imperial body in eternity.

There is no reason why he can't live another life like Shi Xuan now, or even be able to attain enlightenment again like the mythical emperor.

Moreover, you must know that Shi Xuan also created a new method. After seizing this treasure body, it is possible for them to take over Shi Xuan's important task and compete with the Ancient Emperor of Heaven to become the ancestor of one method.

This kind of chance is no less than their lifelong pursuit of immortality.


The supreme staff in his hand erupted with brilliant crimson light, as if it was going to burn everything, and directly killed Shi Xuan.

Now that you have chosen the ultimate sublimation, you can no longer waste time.

"Junior, you will pay the price for your behavior of teasing me!"

Xiaoyao Tianzun, who had a green gold bottle of immortal tears hanging on his head, with immortal runes shining in his cold eyes, violently punched him to kill.

As the creator of the Nine Secrets of Mythology, every step he took seemed to be on the long river of time. It was so fast that it was impossible to fathom. In an instant, he traveled hundreds of millions of miles and was in front of Shi Xuan.

The Lord of Reincarnation also stepped forward, and the battle suit made of feathered green gold bloomed with brilliance, incomparably gorgeous.

He turned into a flash of light and radiance and rushed forward suddenly.

The three ancient emperors and Tianzun took action at the same time. Tens of thousands of laws shook together, thousands of immortal lights bloomed, strands of divine chains of order fell, and blood filled the sky, flooding the place, shaking time and space, and leaving traces of time.

"What a powerful blow."

Shi Xuan sighed with emotion, and then used the Cangtian Monument in his right hand and the Xuan Emperor Halberd in his left hand. He used the monument and the halberd together and shot them out without mercy.

He carried a purple-gold sun on his back and walked around one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings. He was invulnerable to all laws, the chaos was filled with mist, and the holy spirit was surging, sweeping through everything in the universe and cutting off the laws of the great road.

With a pop, blood splashed for millions of miles.

The next moment, I saw——

Four figures flew out and smashed down the endless stars in the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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