Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 67 Walking in the Way of Heaven, Director General 1

Chapter 67 Walking the way of heaven, in charge of everything

Four supreme figures flew out, almost causing the mythical battlefield to shatter and disintegrate.

"Come again!"

Shi Xuan's eyes were cold and shining with blazing runes.

The surging Qi and blood rumbled, as vast as the sea of ​​stars, the chaos and haze surged around him, and the endless Holy Spirit energy lingered around him.Unparalleled majesty.

The whole person is majestic and majestic, and his momentum is like the roar of a real dragon, shaking the sky.

His movements showed great majesty, like an unparalleled heavenly emperor who dominated the world, controlling the nine heavens and ten earths, and suppressing the past, present and future.


The Cangtian Monument in the right hand and the Xuan Emperor Halberd in the left hand.

The two supreme warriors broke out, shaking the sky and shaking the past, present and future.

Shi Xuan turned the Sky Monument into a brick, and directly shot it horizontally at the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Staff, which exploded and shattered the stars in an instant.

The Xuan Emperor Halberd in his left hand slashed down, directly hitting the two people in the other two directions.


The entire sea of ​​stars turned into nothingness.

Endless chaotic energy rages continuously.

The terrifying residual power broke through the mythical battlefield and spread to the outside world.

Heaven, earth, and the universe seem to have fallen into destruction and are about to reopen again.

The large black cracks spread in all directions, swallowing up vast swaths of galaxies, making one's scalp numb.

The gorgeous blood of the Supreme God was sprayed out directly, extinguishing a large area of ​​stars.

At this moment in the mythical battlefield——

The battle clothes made of feathered green gold screamed sonorously, and the light dimmed a lot.


Pieces of sparks accompanied by the blood of the Supreme God spattered, burning down large swaths of the sky, and countless big stars were destroyed in one fell swoop.

The Lord of the Divine Ruins, whose jaws were cracked by the shock, almost slipped out of his hand with the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Staff.

The bright red blood flowed, crystal clear and sad, very hot, and it was unknown what race it came from.

"Well, well, the Chaos Holy Spirit Body, is it really so amazing? I'm really looking forward to it."

The fist was twisted out of shape, with bones exposed and blood dripping from it.

Xiaoyao Tianzun laughed angrily. He had forgotten how it felt to bleed for countless years.

The green gold bottle of Immortal Tears clanged, bursting out with immeasurable divine light, and endless order and laws emerged, blessing Xiaoyao Tianzun.

He didn't allow himself to show weakness.

It is even more unacceptable that he will be weaker than a junior in future generations.

As one of the Mythical Nine Heavenly Lords, how could he admit that he was inferior to others?

Not to mention, Shi Xuan has now cut off all Dao Fruit and rebuilt his cultivation, and has not yet returned to the realm of the Emperor.

At best, he can only be regarded as a half-step ancient emperor who has achieved another kind of enlightenment.

"Cough cough."

Shi Xuan was coughing up blood step by step at this moment, looking extremely miserable.

This scene was even more realistic than before, as if he had really suffered an unimaginable blow.

"Ah, kill!"

Looking at Shi Xuan's blood-soaked appearance across from him, he was clearly still pretending to be weak and teasing himself and others, which was simply unforgivable.

The Lord of Samsara roared angrily, his blue hair flying like a god and a demon, and he struck forward again with his fist wrapped in the supreme armor.

The feathered lapis lazuli battle suit erupts with dazzling light, stimulating the endless power of heaven and earth. It is so gorgeous and brilliant that one can't help but get lost in it, but it is too dazzling to look directly at.

"Is it really going to go against the grain?"

"The Stone Emperor will never have such fighting power!! Is it because of the Holy Spirit of Chaos? Or is it because of the new method?"

The supreme beings dormant in the restricted area could not help but take a few breaths of cold air, and all of them were moved.

As the same supreme beings, they believe that the gap between them should not be that big.

If it were them, I'm afraid they wouldn't be much better than the current Xiaoyao Tianzun, the Lord of Reincarnation and the Lord of Shenxu.

They are a little unsure whether the Chaos Holy Spirit is too heaven-defying?Or is it that the new method created by Shi Xuan is too powerful! ! ?
With an unenlightened body, is it possible for a human being to stand up to the three ancient emperors and the Heavenly Lord?

Even the head of the mythical Nine Heavenly Lords, the Emperor who once established the Heavenly Court, can't do it.

"Whether it's the Chaos Holy Spirit or the new method, if we can understand its secrets, we can really gain a lot, and it can even help us get rid of this state."

The Forbidden City Supreme Lord Yousensen spoke, ruthlessly, with passion and greed.

This made many supreme beings flash in their eyes.

If given the chance, who wouldn't want to get rid of this self-destructed body, fight on the road to immortality with a stronger attitude in the future, and seize the slightest opportunity to become an immortal.

Of course, they are still waiting and watching.

I want Xiaoyaotian, Samsara, and Shenxu to test the depth of Shi Xuan.

Because even they themselves can't tell now that Shi Xuan is deliberately acting to fish?
He was really seriously injured.

"Junior, I will drink all your divine blood today!"


The three Ancient Emperors and Heavenly Lords were fully sublimated and turned into perfect enlightened beings, as terrifying as the demon gods of the universe.

A casual blow is enough to collapse the prehistoric universe, let alone the ultimate blow, which is a forbidden technique belonging to the Supreme Emperor.

"The years are forever!"

Xiaoyao Tianzun stepped on the secret of Xingzi, and the supreme power of time and space circulated. Thousands of waves resonated and moved, as if they were unified——

It turned into a long river of time and space, crashing down from the nine heavens, with unstoppable surging power, seeming to annihilate everything in the world.

"Extreme Emperor!"

The Lord of the Divine Ruins roared loudly, and the strange power was mighty, shaking the sky for eternity. All things revived and withered, and all the ways in the universe were harmonious. It seemed that there was a supreme emperor who controlled the universe and trampled everything under his feet!

The Lord of Reincarnation also took action directly.

The battle clothes made of feathered lapis lazuli are filled with millions of rays of auspicious colors, surging and surging.

This is the roar of his original law——

The reincarnation of the three realms, the alternation of past, present and future.

The three ancient emperors used their best tactics. The forbidden secret method of the emperors exploded, and the final blow burst out. It was blazing and boundless. The sun, moon, and stars exploded one after another, and the universe was devastated. .

The universe collapsed, the ages collapsed, and the long river of time was temporarily cut off at this moment.

It is the creation and the destruction of the world.

Destruction and rebirth coexist, the avenue and the end come together, sacrificing the blood of our emperor to the sky, asking the gods, and destroying the universe, which is a rare and shocking thing in the history.

Dare to ask heaven if there are immortals!
This is the doubt that every supreme being in Zhetian Universe has.

Therefore, after the Supreme Being attains enlightenment, the last forbidden secret technique is often used to kill the true immortals in the Supreme Being's imagination.

The supreme being has an invincible heart. Even if he kills himself and loses his former glory and pride, he will not think that he is weaker than others.

Now he is fighting against Shi Xuan with the same attitude as a true immortal.

"I originally wanted to discuss Taoism with three fellow Taoists, but there was nothing I could do."


The surging blood and vitality made the sky rumble and tremble.

Let those dormant in the restricted area, many of the blood-dry supremes, have hot eyes and jealousy, and their breaths are agitated.

His hair was flying like a waterfall, Shi Xuan's face was calm, and he stood proudly, standing majestically under the vast sky, majestic and majestic, surrounded by the chaotic holy spirit.

It's just that the gray-white blood that keeps flowing out of the corner of his mouth seems a bit disharmonious——

But it made Xiaoyao Tianzun and other three people even more furious. At this time, they were still pretending to be disabled and fishing!

It's really deceiving!

"Going the way of the sky, in charge of everything!"

The inexplicable sound of heaven spread throughout the world, and the mysterious stone hair flew in chaos. The purple-gold sun behind it controlled one hundred and eight chaotic holy spirit rings, evolving into a chaotic world!
The avenues of heaven and earth continued to tremble, and invisible forces of all kinds continued to rush out and merge into Shi Xuan's body.

Controlling the mighty power of the myriad ways of heaven and earth, he has exponentially increased his combat power. This was the ultimate killing state of the Chaos Holy Body that was activated by Shi Xuan after stepping on top of the myriad ways.

As he pioneered new methods, the Supreme Dharma Body joined him and stood on the bridge of the seventh heaven and earth, sublimating again.

At this moment, the entire universe seemed to have fallen into deathly silence, and Shi Xuan seemed to have become the only true god, independent in the nine heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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