Chapter 69
As Shi Xuan left the Sea of ​​Samsara coughing up blood step by step, the hanging hearts of all sentient beings in the universe finally let go.

You must know that once the Supreme God War begins, the impact will be too great.

No one can be spared, even those extreme forces may encounter catastrophe.

But now that Emperor Xuan has left the Sea of ​​Reincarnation and has no intention of continuing to other restricted areas, everyone no longer has to worry about accidentally being crushed into powder by the aftermath of the Supreme God War.

This is the current situation in this universe.

The weak have to pray for charity from others even for the most basic survival.

To the joy of all sentient beings in the universe, the supreme divine thoughts of each restricted area are heading towards the Immortal Mountain.

I want to get the detailed situation in the Immortal Mountain at this moment.

They saw with their own eyes that Shi Xuan walked into the Mountain of the Immortal coughing up blood step by step. They were not sure whether Shi Xuan's current state was just pretending to be weak for fishing, or whether he had really suffered unimaginable damage.

Many supreme beings are naturally inclined towards the latter possibility, but the power of Shi Xuan who killed three ancient emperors in the previous battle really shocked them.

They wanted to take advantage of Shi Xuan's weakness and seize all his creations, but they were afraid that Shi Xuan's current serious injury was all just for themselves and others to see.

However, they searched all over the Immortal Mountain, but could not detect any trace of Shi Xuan's breath.

It seemed like he never showed up at all.

But obviously everyone saw Shi Xuan enter the Immortal Mountain with their own eyes!
At this moment, there was a supreme killing formation rising across the sky in the Immortal Mountain.


The moment the Peerless Emperor Formation awakened, the extremely terrifying destructive energy made the entire universe tremble.

Countless creatures all felt the aura of destruction that made their souls tremble, and they lay prone on the ground, terrified.

Immediately afterwards, one after another the incarnations of the Supreme Divine Mind were born and climbed to the Mountain of Immortality.

The immense coercion swept across the nine heavens and ten lands, making everyone in the eight wastelands tremble.

"This breath."

"It's a word secret!"

"With great skill, he used his own divine blood as the basis and combined the secrets of the Ji Dao with the laws of the extreme to build such a peerless formation!"

"It's such a deep conspiracy. I'm afraid it was planned thousands of years ago."

"Just a mere imperial formation wants to stop me, what a wishful thinking!"

They were all the strongest men who had dominated an era. Even though this formation was laid by Shi Xuan without hesitation of his own supreme divine blood and with the secret of composition, it could only barely stop these supreme beings for a short time. time.

Entering the Immortal Mountain, these supreme beings understood everything immediately.

It turns out that the figure that visited the three restricted areas not long ago was just a Taoist body of Shi Xuan.

At this moment, many supreme beings no longer wanted to pursue Shi Xuan. He used some method to prevent them from sensing that it was a Taoist body.

Even these supreme beings had tried to strike before, and the opponent did have the power of the extreme.

At this moment, they just want to find Shi Xuan, and then use his emperor blood to make up for themselves and others.

"Burn my true blood, calculate the sky and the earth, and follow the shadows"

The cold and ancient spell, carrying a chilling murderous intent, echoed throughout the universe.

A trace of crystal blood flowed out, so gorgeous and sad that the Corpse Emperor even did not hesitate to consume his energy and blood to deduce Shi Xuan's current traces.


The incomparably blazing law and order completely overwhelmed the Corpse Emperor. The huge fluctuations made all living beings in the universe feel as if they were facing a disaster, as if they were facing an abyss or falling into hell. They could not help but feel chills from head to toe, and their scalps were numb.

Hazy shadows emerged one after another, but collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

Not long after, the dazzling order and law disappeared with the shining divine flower rising into the sky.

The corpse emperor's face was very ugly, and after all, no trace of the stone emperor could be found.

"Stone Emperor, that guy won't die, right?"

There is a Forbidden Zone Supreme sneering.

This is not lying.

By now, they have long understood that Shi Xuan killed three ancient emperors in one battle - he must have suffered unimaginable damage, and coupled with the injuries left by the Heavenly Punishment of Creation, his condition is definitely not good. Where to go.

Otherwise, the person who visited the three restricted areas before would not be a Taoist body.


One after another, extremely blazing, vast and majestic lights and shadows, carrying the majesty of the sky, swept out from the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou, and landed in the Ziwei Star Territory one after another.

They all know that there is a small sect here working for Shi Xuan.

Therefore, they all came here at the same time, trying to find out something.

Similarly, the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone directly used his great magic power to communicate the rules of heaven and earth. He wanted to use forbidden secret methods to go back in time and check whether there were any traces of Shi Xuan here.

One after another, vast beams of light shot into the sky, directly shaking the nine heavens at this moment, causing the sun, moon and stars to change their trajectories.


"Oh my god, so many supreme beings are born. Could this mean the world will be destroyed?"

The eight wastelands trembled, all sentient beings in the universe were terrified, and the whole world was shaken.

One after another, the mighty pressure was unabashed, making countless creatures in the entire universe tremble. They couldn't help but fall to the ground and kowtowed.

These restricted area supreme beings, after realizing Shi Xuan's current state, were born one after another like cats smelling a fishy smell.

Although it is not the real body, it is just an incarnation.

But it still contains their ultimate laws, which is very terrifying.

It's not about boosting the ambitions of others and destroying one's own prestige.

This is the truth!
If you really want to take action, don’t look at these as just the incarnations of many supreme beings——

But I am afraid that even ordinary mid-level quasi-emperors are not enough for them to kill, and only quasi-emperors above the eighth level can let these supreme incarnations take a look.

"I didn't feel his breath"

"Perhaps, maybe he really fell."

More than ten rays of light and shadow stand hundreds of millions of miles above the Ziwei Star Territory, overlooking the entire Ziwei Star Territory.

Those pairs of eyes with powerful runes looked at the entire Ziwei star field, scanning every space to search for traces of Shi Xuan.

Intentionally or unintentionally, they are far apart from each other.

Because as the supreme being in the restricted area, they only believe in themselves and are afraid that some old scumbag will attack them secretly.

Each incarnation is extremely blazing and auspicious, making it impossible to look directly at it.

This exaggerated number makes all sentient beings in the universe despair.

Emperors and emperors, who were rare in ancient times, now appear ten at once.

These forbidden areas are indeed unfathomable. It is unimaginable how many people have cut off the Supreme Attainment Status and entered the forbidden areas to hibernate throughout the ages.

There must be many supreme beings still dormant in the restricted area and have not yet awakened.

"Since it can't be found, there is no need for this star to exist."

The incomparably huge palm covered the sky and the sun, spanned the vast starry sky, and directly pressed down on the entire ancient Ziwei star.

Endless people trembled, and were forced to kneel to the ground by the terrifying power, kowtowing in fear.


The Supreme Formation revived, the sky was filled with brilliance and runes, and the endless divine chain of order clanged, trying to stop this big hand.

As a big star that has produced more than one ancient emperor, Ziwei Ancient Star is naturally not that simple, but even if the Supreme Formation is revived, it can only block that giant palm for a short time -

One by one, the terrifying beings were watching with cold eyes, showing no intention of intervening.

The huge ancient crape myrtle screamed, as if it was about to disintegrate in the next moment.

At this moment, a roar came from the depths of the starry sky——

"You dare!"

(End of this chapter)

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