Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 70: Will transform into Tao and want to fall asleep

Chapter 70: Will transform into Tao and want to fall asleep

The Corpse Emperor's giant palm that covered the sky and the sun, enough to destroy the entire Ziwei Star Territory, was finally stopped.

"It's you."

The Corpse Emperor stared at Gai Jiuyou standing in the starry sky in the distance, his voice a little cold.

"You want to find Emperor Xuan, I won't interfere, but whoever dares to massacre living beings, I will take action!"

"They're just a few ants, just kill them!"

The Corpse Emperor didn't care. In his mouth, the trillions of creatures in the Ziwei Star Territory seemed to be no different from ants. He could trample them to death whenever he wanted.

"It's not like I haven't killed someone like you before!"

Gai Jiuyou's eyes were full of murderous intent, his eyes were blazing, and he shouted sternly:
"Come and fight, watch me kill you!"

"Junior, how dare you insult this emperor?"

Feeling the disdain in Gai Jiuyou's heart, the Corpse Emperor was furious, and the terrifying beam of light penetrated Xiaohan, shaking the past, present and future. The fiery figure stood there, suppressing the fear and trembling of the people.

"Don't say it's just an incarnation. Even if your true body comes, I will not be afraid of you today!"

After the 30-year-old battle with Shi Xuan, and then watching the whole process of Shi Xuan's creation of the new law, Gai Jiuyou realized in his heart that he had already stood on the threshold of the quasi-emperor's ninth heaven, but he had not survived the thunder tribulation. That’s all.

Therefore, with his current combat power, he has absolute confidence to directly kill this incarnation of the Corpse Emperor.

Immediately, the war was about to break out.

The other supreme players in the penalty area were watching the show and had no idea of ​​taking action.

This junior named Gai Jiuyou has already become a hero. Unless his true form comes, he can't even think of killing him.

And now that the Corpse Emperor has "volunteered" to help everyone find out the depth of this junior, these restricted area supreme beings are extremely happy and will naturally not interfere.

Even if later, the Corpse Emperor couldn't hold back and his true form was born, and both of them were injured in the fight, they could drink their divine blood to make up for the losses caused by Shi Xuan's disappearance.

Subsequently, many supreme beings visited the Ancient Star of Heavenly Arms, but they also failed to find any trace of Shi Xuan, which was a pity.

"I don't believe he is dead. He must have hidden in the depths of chaos!"

The Supreme One spoke indifferently.

But even as a Supreme, there is no trace of Shi Xuan at all.

At the same moment, Beidou Zhongzhou, in the Eternal Dragon's Cave.

In the magnificent ancient world, dragon energy surges like a tidal wave. The rich spiritual energy is about to condense into liquid, filling the air with vigorous vitality.

Nine huge lifelike dragon heads poked out from the earth veins.

The holy pool guarding the center is constantly breathing in dragon energy.

In the ancient world, a magnificent formation evolved into endless formations, which were so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at them.

In the center of the holy pool, a figure sat cross-legged, with frost-white hair and even a lot of wrinkles.

This is Shi Xuan.

This ancient world that he had transformed into had many back-ups arranged by him, which even the current emperor would find difficult to detect.

Naturally, those supreme beings would not have thought that Shi Xuan, whom they had longed for, was actually in Beidou Zhongzhou, right under their noses.

In addition, the true form of the Supreme Being in the Forbidden Zone has been sleeping and will never be born easily. Therefore, this ancient world is the safest for Shi Xuan today.

Although the depths of chaos are also an excellent choice, there are many dangers in the depths of chaos. In addition, he suffered unimaginable damage, making it difficult to ensure his own safety.

This time was really the first time in several lifetimes that Shi Xuan felt a life and death crisis.

If he hadn't created a new method and cultivated the Xuantian Dharmakaya, it would have been very difficult to kill him. If it had been him before, he would have probably died in the hands of the three flawless ancient emperors.

You must know that even if the road to immortality is opened in later generations, only six or seven supreme beings will be born.

This time, in order to deal with him, there were three people who took action directly, including an ancient Tianzun from the mythical era.

In the dark, he didn't know how many pairs of eyes were staring at him.

If he hadn't already had a backup plan, he would have come up with a plan to escape.

If he is really contained, in his current state, under the noses of many restricted area supreme beings, he will definitely die.

However, the external incarnation that he had raised for decades and contained a trace of the origin of the Chaos Holy Spirit was just gone.His current state is very bad, and the Xuantian Dharma Body, which originally represented eternal immortality, inevitably exudes a rotten atmosphere.

At the same time, his own energy and blood were severely depleted, the origin of the Chaos Holy Spirit body was still burned, the realm aura was unstable, the illusory Dao Fruit that was consistent with the Xuantian Dharma Body was turbulent, and a Dao Transformation aura filled the air.

"The corpse emperor?"

The moment the Corpse Emperor started to destroy the Ziwei Star Territory and wipe out the Tianji Sect together, he felt it and opened his eyes with cold killing intent.

Beside him, the Emperor Xuan Halberd and the Sky Monument were floating there.

In addition, he also planted the ancient ginseng and flat peach elixir that he forcibly obtained from the Shenxu restricted area.

The two magical medicines are independently pulling the creation of this ancient world, washing Shi Xuan's cracked and necrotic body.

Although this ancient world has consumed millions of years of accumulated creation after his transformation, it is still a rare treasure in this universe.

After planting the two magical medicines, there was a tendency to return to the treasure land of creation before Shi Xuan's transformation.

"His Majesty."

In the distance, Gong Yangchen's face was filled with worry as he was thrown to the ground by Shi Xuan.

Because His Majesty Emperor Xuan was in really bad condition, and the Qi that transformed into the Dao frightened him and made it difficult to get close to him.

"I'm about to fall into a deep sleep, so you can retreat in this ancient world and stand guard."

When it comes to the taboo realm of the Supreme, although Gong Yangchen is of little use, it is still better than nothing.

The reason why he took him with him was because of his loyalty over the years.

As for whether Gong Yangchen would rebel and have inappropriate thoughts about him while he was sleeping.

In that case, not to mention the grand formation that he had put a lot of effort into setting up in this ancient world, just talking about the Cangtian Monument and the Xuandi Halberd would naturally teach him how to do things.

"Your Majesty, why don't you devour the old slave and restore some energy and blood?"

Shi Xuan was a little surprised, how could this guy who once said he didn't want to die say such nonsense now.

Facing Shi Xuan's appraising gaze, Gong Yangchen's heart was beating loudly, and he regretted his impulsive words just now. But even if he had said it, he had no way out and could only stand on the spot.

"No, you are of no use to me."

Shi Xuan looked at Gong Yangchen for a long time before he spoke.

"Although the situation is very bad, I will not die. You can just wait here for me to wake up."

He was in terrible shape.

First came the Magic-Creating Heavenly Punishment and the Immortal-Slaying Platform, and then the three intact Ancient Emperors. No matter how profound his background was, in the final analysis he was just a young monk in the seventh realm of the heaven, equivalent to the seventh level of the quasi-emperor.

The decaying Dao aura is getting stronger and stronger.

Immediately, Shi Xuan stopped talking nonsense and used his last strength to build a spirit-gathering array based on the four divine objects such as the Cangtian Monument, the Emperor Xuan Halberd, the Peach Eternal Medicine, and the Semi-divine Medicine Ginseng Fruit Tree, gathering all the creations of this ancient world. Then, he fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, outside.

The extraterrestrial starry sky battlefield.

Under the watchful eyes of many restricted area supreme beings, Gai Jiuyou powerfully killed the incarnation of the Corpse Emperor.

However, during this process, even though the Ziwei Star Territory was protected by the Supreme Emperor Formation, it was affected, resulting in numerous casualties.

The Tianji Sect in the west of China is almost wiped out!
Immediately, the immortal light in Taichu's ancient mine surged into the sky, the laws of the extreme roared, and the unparalleled ancient emperor's divine power swept across the sky and the earth.

Gai Jiuyou did not take a step back at all. A terrifying power that approached the Emperor's Domain spread out. He stepped on the eternal blue sky and looked directly at the Taichu Ancient Mine with blazing eyes.

At this moment, an ancient emperor, a man respected by the universe in the post-barren and ancient times, and hailed as the future emperor of the human race, crossed the long river of time and space to recreate a battle between the emperor and the emperor.

In the end, as the Taichu Ancient Mine fell into silence, the battle between the Supreme Gods still did not begin.

Gai Jiuyou's figure also disappeared, and no one knew where he went.

All I know is that from now on——

Emperor Xuan and Emperor Jiuyou, who were once famous in the universe and claimed to have captured the elegance of an era, fell silent one after another.

The universe became calm again, as if this is what this most incredible age of the end of the law should be like.

(End of this chapter)

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