Chapter 71 Morality, Amitabha, Hengyu, Void

In the unknown starry sky, Gai Jiuyou, who had powerfully suppressed the incarnation of an ancient emperor, was confused at the moment.

All this was just because there were four people standing in front of him at this moment.

There seems to be chaos here. There is an old Taoist priest and a monk.

Two more figures slowly emerged from the chaos.

An unrivaled hero who seemed to have come from ancient times, he was heroic, tall, vigorous, extremely powerful, and his eyes were deep.

The other person has an ordinary appearance, nothing extraordinary, not to mention Yingwei, but it makes people feel at ease.

Seeing these four people, Gai Jiuyou was a little frightened.

Because he seemed to think that the four of them had a unique aura.

"We are waiting for you."

Four voices spoke at the same time.

Easy-going, compassionate, heroic, peaceful.

Four temperaments.

Four... Great Emperors!
Gai Jiuyou looked at the four people in front of him. He knew that these four people were not phantoms in existence and ancient times, but the four powerful men of Gai Dai who really existed.

In the past, they were co-respected in the universe, and they were invincible in an era.

This easy-going Taoist priest is a moral celestial being.

The merciful monk was Emperor Amitabha, who never killed a single person in his life.

This heroic and majestic man is Emperor Hengyu.

That person with an ordinary temperament is the greatest Void Emperor in the history of the human race. He was never weak in his life. He supported the most difficult and difficult period of the human race with his blood-stained demeanor, and calmed down the dark turmoil.

At this moment, these four people seemed to see Gai Jiuyou's turbulent heart, so——

The Taoist said with a smile on his face: "The old Taoist name is Li Er."

The monk put his hands together and said with a compassionate face:
"Poor monk Sakyamuni."

The heroic man also said: "

I am Shennong, not who you think. "

But the next person, like the Great Emperor of the Void, revealed his identity, which was...

"I am the Yellow Emperor."

Gai Jiuyou took a deep breath and said:
"I know that you are not the Moral God, the Amitabha Emperor, the Hengyu Emperor, or the Void Emperor, but you are no different from the four of them."

As a powerful person who has already stood on the ninth level of the quasi-emperor, can go retrograde and defeat immortals, and is almost on the verge of establishing himself in the realm of alternative enlightenment, Gai Jiuyou can naturally see the unique state of the four of them at this moment.

Although these four peerless experts are indeed no longer the Great Emperor who once stood at the pinnacle of the universe, it cannot be said that they are completely different people.

Just because they are the bodies of the four great emperors.

The human body, body and soul are indispensable, and they are the life continuation of the great emperor in another sense.

Gai Jiuyou looked at Emperor Hengyu and Emperor Void with emotion in his heart.

These two ancient human race emperors pacified the restricted area, fought against the great supreme, and even killed several of them, protected the human race for a lifetime, and still silently guarded the human race after death.

As for the other two people, Emperor Amitabha and Daode Tianzun, they are also extremely powerful men who have been famous throughout the ages.

Regarding the sudden appearance of these human emperors to stop him, Gai Jiuyou naturally knew that they were not hostile.

However, now that the four former great emperors have appeared at the same time, I don’t know what they mean. This is Gai Jiuyou’s curious question.

"A few great emperors showed up specifically to block my way. I don't know what they mean?"

Gai Jiuyou stood in front of the four people and asked in a calm tone.With his current level of cultivation, he can already keep up with the Emperor and the Emperor, so even when facing the former Great Emperor, he can treat him equally.

Huang Di, who had channeled the corpse of the Great Emperor of the Void, had nothing to say at this moment. He was as ordinary and steady as his temperament, and directly explained his purpose:

"In this era, the rumored road to immortality will begin. At the same time, the darkest turmoil in history will come after the road to immortality begins..."

They were all taboo strong men who once dominated an era. Each of them could predict the future where the road to immortality would begin in this era.

As the most powerful men who were once famous throughout the ages, Huang Di, Shen Nong and the other four people naturally knew that the road to immortality was about to begin.

"However, we are all dead after all. The ancient emperor is dead, and we are just corpse spirits. We no longer have the power to overwhelm the universe. Before you appeared, our plan was to at least protect you in the dark turmoil. The ancient star of the Ancestor Star allowed it to remain safe and sound in the darkest turmoil, leaving behind the fire of the human race..."

They were the great emperors of the human race before they were alive. Even if their real bodies were dead, and now they are psychic corpses, they are still the emperor's body after all.

With the four great emperors united, even a current great emperor cannot be said to be a sure winner.

Even so, the four of them said they could only protect the ancient planet Earth and preserve fire for the human race.

From this we can see how terrifying the greatest dark catastrophe in history will be after the road to immortality is opened.

"This was our calculation aeons ago. If there are no accidents and no one becomes emperor in this post-ancient era, this will be the last thing we can do for all sentient beings in the universe."

Shennong said in a deep voice.

The dark catastrophe is sweeping across the entire universe. Naturally, it cannot only affect the human race. This is a major event involving all life in the universe.

However, in the post-desolate ancient era, the world has changed dramatically, and practice has become difficult.

Later, he was suppressed by the Qing Emperor who defied heaven and attained the Dao, and then became the Great Dao——

Therefore, this is the most unbelievable age of the end of the law in all eternity, an era with almost no hope, but it is destined to usher in the most terrifying dark turmoil in history.

However, Shennong also said that if there is no accident.

However, now the accident happened.

As for why the four of them found Gai Jiuyou instead of Emperor Xuan.

This is also very simple, naturally because Emperor Xuan cut off everything in the past and rebuilt it.

But his identity as the Supreme Lord of Darkness cannot be changed, nor can his sins of once launching the dark turmoil.

"I didn't expect that in this era, we would wait for you!"

Huang Di looked at Gai Jiuyou with a lively look, feeling very happy, as if he was happy that the human race of this era could have Gai Jiuyou.

"I really didn't expect that in such an era, the human race could actually have an outstanding person like you. One person went up against the sky and conquered all the heroes in the universe. Your appearance allowed us to find out from the darkness of silence. That light called hope.”

Gai Jiuyou heard these ancient emperors praising him face to face.

Compared with these four famous emperors and gods, to be honest, Gai Jiuyou can only compete with the field of alternative enlightenment. It is a bit embarrassing to say that he suppressed the heroes of Yuuchi.

After all, he had just had a back-and-forth fight with Emperor Xuan's Taoist body.

However, Gai Jiuyou didn't think too much about this kind of thing. He asked directly:

"So, how many great emperors are there today?"

Moral Heavenly Lord smiled and said:
"Your talent is amazing, but the Qing Emperor who came to enlightenment in the ancient times of the wilderness really makes us feel inferior. It may be difficult for you to break through the Qing Emperor's suppression. Therefore, we are here to help you."

Regarding the power of the Qing Emperor, Gai Jiuyou can be said to be one of the monks who knows the best in this world.

After all, he had resisted Qing Emperor's suppression and got to where he is today step by step.

Huang Di, who had an ordinary face, said crisply:
"Although the four of us are corpse spirits, we still have the invincible avenues of the great emperors in our bodies, existing in our flesh and blood. For ordinary people, these avenues may affect their lives and suppress their practice, but they can Help you sharpen your path——"

"If you can break through the suppression of the Imperial Dao by the four of us, then your chances of breaking through the Qing Emperor's Dao suppression and becoming emperor in the future will be much greater."

(End of this chapter)

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