Chapter 72 Riding a dragon and horse, leaving Kunlun

Gai Jiuyou heard the words of the four people in front of him.

He was really stunned.

If it weren't for the fact that he was very sure of the identities of the four people in front of him, he would also have a clearer understanding of the character of the two ancient emperors, Hengyu and Xukong.

Especially the Emperor of the Void, whom he admired very much.

How can there be such a good thing in the world, he did nothing, and all kinds of great creations smashed over.

The four former ancient emperors did not hesitate to spend great efforts and use their own original avenues to help him practice!
Who in the past and present has had this honor?

If a few other people had come here, no matter how they heard it, it would all be a huge conspiracy.

However, at this moment, Gai Jiuyou felt that it was very reasonable and would not doubt it.

Just because the people in front of me were all former human emperors.

Just because one of them is Emperor Void!
They are so simple and direct. In this era, they saw the hope of avoiding the human race from the dark catastrophe, for the human race to avoid death, for all living beings to avoid sacrifice, and for everything they once guarded.

He cannot be as noble as Emperor Void and sacrifice everything for all sentient beings, but this does not prevent him from believing in the character of Emperor Void.

"Fellow Daoist Jiuyou, get ready, we are about to begin!"

Shennong shouted in a deep voice.

At this moment, after the four great emperors understood their intentions, they did not have any extra words.

They didn't care at all whether they knew Gai Jiuyou before. They only knew that the young man in front of them was an extraordinary figure who defied the will of heaven in this most incredible age of the end of the law——

He is an unparalleled talent that the human race has never seen before!

It is the ray of hope they found in the biggest dark catastrophe in history after the road to immortality.

That alone is enough, enough that they are willing to pay no matter how much.

Everything, for the calamity of the future darkness and turmoil can be smoothed out!

Four peerless experts could be so informal, so how could Gai Jiuyou be so pretentious at this moment.

He has great ambitions to break the Qing Emperor's path of suppression and become emperor, so now——

Let’s experience the path of the four great human emperors who were once famous throughout the ages.

Immediately, he bowed respectfully and said with a smile:
"Jiuyou thanks the four great emperors, please!"

This sentence is not only a thank you, but also a kind of acceptance.

It's like taking a burden from the hands of the ancient emperor.

Just like in the past, after the Saint Ya Dacheng Holy Body decayed, the Great Emperor of the Void stepped forward, took over the burden, and carried everything.

The scene is the same now. Like a fire passed down from generation to generation, after the disappearance of the last great emperor of the human race, the Wushi Emperor, in this end of the Dharma era suppressed by the Qing Emperor's Avenue, someone finally took over the things of his predecessors.

Yes, another great emperor of the human race after the Qing Emperor of the demon clan, the Nine Nether Emperor!

Earth, in the Kunlun Mountains.

The five most powerful men, all at least from the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level, came here, and for a moment——

The earth-shaking changes caused 99 Longshan Mountains to tremble.

The Great Emperor's formations, which had been laid out since ancient times, were rotating on the earth, as if they were all welcoming the arrival of the five people.

The life of the four great emperors is invincible, like a hammer, like tempering a piece of immortal material, making it into an immortal.

As soon as he started, Gai Jiuyou felt four mountains rising in his heart, making him breathless.

Until this moment, he didn't know how far the gap between himself and the real ancient emperor was.

Although he is only one step away from enlightenment now, this step is as big as a chasm, even wider than the gap between the Quasi-Emperor First Heaven and Ninth Heaven.

This last step is the real leap from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Great Emperor, that should be an existence at another level of life.

It is a god who lives alone in the nine heavens, and there is an indescribable gap between it and the quasi-emperor realm.

At the same time, Gai Jiuyou's cultivation was also tempered by the four great emperors, and he fell to the quasi-emperor eighth level again.

It took him thousands of years to reach the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor. However, in the past 30 years, his cultivation has made leaps and bounds, spanning two heavens, and reached the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor.Such a breakthrough is rare in history, but it also caused flaws in his originally flawless foundation.

In normal times, such shortcomings would be innocuous, because he has already survived the great catastrophe of enlightenment and achieved the status of a great emperor.

However, this is a hopeless era of post-desolate ancient times and the end of the Dharma, coupled with the Qing Emperor's suppression of the great road——

Therefore, he is still far from being able to break through the suppression of the Qing Emperor and become an emperor in this most incredible age of the end of the Dharma.

In other words, he is not worthy of becoming the Nine Nether Emperor who broke through the suppression of Qingdi Dao and created the eternal divine splendor.

Fortunately, he has now met four ancient emperors, and four of them are willing to use their own ways to hone their own ways for him.

Now, welcome the great creation of the four emperors.

In a short period of time, his realm aura was still declining.

Quasi-Emperor in the middle of the eighth heaven!
Moreover, it is still falling!
Faintly, there is a tendency to fall to the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor!
However, at the same time, the aura on his body became more vast, as if he was about to cross a threshold and leap into another realm.

Since the Age of Mythology, there has always been no emperor. There is only one great emperor in an era. He is invincible for a lifetime, overwhelming for eternity, and will amaze the past and the future. There has never been any precedent for several great emperors living together in the same life, and helping one person to cultivate without any selfish motives.

Gai Jiuyou's treatment is No. 1 in ancient and modern times!

Time is like running water, and hundreds of years fly by in a blink of an eye.

On this day, a creature left the Kunlun Mountains carrying a figure. It was red all over, like a burning cloud, with hooves like a unicorn and horns on its head. It turned out to be a dragon and horse.

The ancient emperor Fuxi's mount was a dragon horse.

It is rumored that the dragon horse bears the river map, and the mysterious turtle bears the Luoshu. They are all creatures that the Holy Emperor can only meet.

At this moment, a dragon-horse carrying a majestic figure like a sea and an abyss walked out of the Kunlun Mountains, continuing to start a person's journey in the Age of Ending Dharma.

But before leaving, the sight of the majestic figure seemed to see those four figures again.

At this moment, his steps seemed a little heavy for the first time, but there was only one feeling of solidity in his heart.

This is a feeling that he has never felt before. Ever since he stepped into the starry sky and climbed up against the sky alone in this era of law-ending, this feeling has never been felt before.

The Qing Emperor's power made him feel helpless.

Thousands of years have passed. Although he still maintains his previous belief in breaking the Qing Emperor's suppression and becoming emperor, he also knows that he will probably not succeed.

The reason why I haven’t stopped is because I want to give an explanation to my former self——

He, Gai Jiuyou, has never been weaker than anyone else in his life!
"Senior, don't worry, this human race emperor, I will take over Jiuyou!"

At the same moment, in the Kunlun Mountains, four figures with different auras looked at the figure that gradually disappeared into the depths of the starry sky, a smile flashed on their faces.

Hundreds of years passed, and they discovered that this descendant of the human race named Gai Jiuyou was much more outstanding than they had imagined.

Now as he breaks through the suppression of the Dao of the Four Emperors, as long as he continues on his path, he will be more than [-]% sure of breaking through the suppression of the Qing Emperor's Dao, creating an eternal myth, and proving the Dao and becoming an emperor.

On this day, the universe became lively again with the return of Gai Jiuyou riding a dragon horse.

"The Great Emperor Jiuyou is worthy of taking away all the strongest men of an era, and he actually surrendered a dragon and horse as his mount!"

"Emperor Jiuyou has appeared, and he doesn't know about Emperor Xuan."

"Shit! What kind of Emperor Xuan is, isn't he just a restricted area of ​​darkness?"

With the exposure of the identity of the master of Shi Xuan's Immortal Mountain, the universe that was once so enthusiastic about the word Xuan Emperor has once again experienced mixed success.

Of course, the so-called destruction is just daring to say a few bad words in private, but no one dares to disrespect Emperor Xuan openly.

Because this is a hard-earned reputation——

Create a new law and overcome the natural punishment of creating a new law!
A Taoist body suppressed Emperor Jiuyou and killed three perfect ancient emperors in one battle!

One after another, if taken alone, it would be a major event that would scare people to death and not pay for their lives.

And if it were all made by one person, it would be a supreme existence that could surpass the mythical Emperor and rival the Desolate Heaven Emperor.

That is, after hundreds of years of war, Emperor Xuan disappeared, and at the same time there was news that Emperor Xuan had passed away.

Otherwise, the entire universe would have no choice but to bow its head before Emperor Xuan, and would not even dare to have any resentment in its heart.

(End of this chapter)

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