Chapter 73 Jiuyou controls the universe, Emperor Xuan appears

Qinling Mountains in Zhongzhou, in the cave of the ancient dragon.

In the void, there are ancient scrolls emerging, surrounded by four spirits, dragons and tigers worshiping the heavenly king, gods and demons kowtow, and all spirits worshiping and other extraordinary scenes.
The once magnificent ancient world is now like a wasteland of nothingness. The earth is as dark as a demon, full of cracks, and full of coldness and desolation.

A divine cocoon about two meters long and more than one meter wide floats in the center of this ancient world. It is crystal clear, shining with a frightening chaotic brilliance, surrounded by endless Holy Spirit energy, and mysterious runes are all over it. The aura of the beginning is permeating the air, as if it has existed since the beginning of the world.

If anyone saw this scene, they would be so shocked that they would be speechless.

This is simply like a divine egg born between heaven and earth before the creation of the world, breathing in the mist of chaos, lingering in the Holy Spirit, filled with the breath of the beginning, and with ancient and mysterious Tao runes flashing.

"Click, click, click."

Suddenly, a sound like the cracking of an eggshell sounded from the hall, and the divine cocoon surrounded by endless chaotic holy spirit actually cracked.

"The emperor is back"

A soft sigh came from the cracked divine cocoon, and a figure filled with chaos, mist, and holy spirit, whose figure and face could not be seen clearly, rose from the void.

Judging from the voice, the figure seemed to be a young man over twenty years old. Through the vague and chaotic Holy Spirit energy, one could see a pair of deep eyes, but there was a vague sense of the vicissitudes of time.

The chaotic fog gradually dissipated, and the young man's figure gradually became clear.

This is an extremely heroic man, wearing a blue imperial robe, flying cloud boots, and long black hair shawl. He has a handsome face, as rich as jade, and a heroic spirit between his eyebrows. He is extraordinary in everything. One cannot look straight.

"This time, I almost died."

The man's expression was calm, his eyes were resolute, he raised his right hand slightly, and slowly grasped it, as if he was trying to grasp something. His whole person revealed a strong confidence and majesty from the inside out, which was shocking.


Feeling the familiar aura, the Cangtian Monument and the Xuan Emperor Halberd trembled slightly, and the sound shook the entire ancient world and broke the tranquility of the entire ancient world.

Now the Xuandi Halberd has been smelted with the seven immortal golds of Divine Mark Purple Gold, Dao Tribulation Gold, Immortal Tears Green Gold, Phoenix Blood Red Gold, Feathered Green Gold, Dragon Pattern Black Gold, Eternal Blue Gold and Chaos Dragon Qi Root, and it is far more powerful. Better than ordinary imperial soldiers.

It is rumored that there are nine immortal golds in Zhetian Universe. It is said that gathering all nine immortal golds can refine a supreme immortal weapon.

Although it is good to listen to this, after all, the three famous immortal weapons in Zhetian Universe have nothing to do with the nine immortal golds.

But Shi Xuanzhi is gathering the nine immortal golds to create an indestructible killing holy weapon for himself.

Nowadays, there is still a lack of two major immortal golds, namely, Guangbai White Gold and Destiny Orange Gold. These two immortal golds have been rare since ancient times, and no one has ever obtained them. Shi Xuan doesn't know who to look for even if he wants to fight against the autumn wind.

Therefore, collecting the nine immortal golds is still a long-term task.

As for the Cangtian Monument, after he killed three ancient empresses of the Immaculate Heavenly Lord, on the Cangtian Monument, there were three more lines on the emperor's robe of the cyan emperor's shadow, which became more and more mysterious and unpredictable. There was a faint law of the supreme immortality. Pregnancy is extremely scary.

Caressing his two Taoist weapons, Shi Xuan couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

This time's experience was indeed a bit more dangerous. The creation of law and the three perfect ancient emperors were not that simple.

If he hadn't created a new method and cultivated the Xuantian Dharma Body, which was a bit difficult to kill, and the origin of the Chaos Holy Spirit Body was so terrifyingly powerful, he would have had no choice but to die.

Immediately, Shi Xuan put away the slightly drained flat peach elixir and the semi-divine ginseng ancient tree.

Taking another glance at the Eternal Dragon Cave, which he had completely turned into a dead place, he knew that it would probably take more than a million years for this ancient world to recover.

"Your Majesty, it's really you"

The self-proclaimed Gongyang Chen looked at the familiar figure in the distance, and was so excited that he couldn't help but said in a choked voice:

"Old slave, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

"Praise to the Supreme Emperor Xuan!" No one knows how he got here in the past 800 years.

Seeing his master's aura disappearing completely, and then a strange force wandering around, turning this ancient world into a dead end, he almost despaired.

"Get up."

Because of Gong Yangchen's words in 800, Shi Xuan recognized this old servant and would support him if there was an opportunity in the future.

"Let's go, it's time to see what the universe is like now!"

Time flies, and it has been 800 years since the last time Emperor Xuan created a new method, killing three ancient emperors in a row, and attracting more than a dozen supremes to move together.

The news that Gai Jiuyou was going to break the Qing Emperor's Way to defy heaven and attain enlightenment has been circulating in the world for 800 years.

The news that Gai Jiuyou has ascended to the perfection of the Nine Heavens of the Quasi-Emperor and been promoted to the realm of alternative enlightenment has spread repeatedly in the past hundred years and has become very popular.

Especially 300 years ago, powerful fluctuations came from the outer reaches of the universe, shaking the entire world.

Many people saw through their Third Eyes that under the vast thunder tribulation, Gai Jiuyou alone defeated four ancient emperors and fought till the end of time.

Afterwards, many people recognized the identities of the four ancient emperors, which shocked the eyes of many powerful men in the universe.

Emptiness, eternity, Amitabha, morality.
Which of these four names is not the invincible emperor who once dominated the nine heavens?

In the following 300 years, every once in a while, you can feel the breath of the five most powerful ones shaking the universe. Many people know that it is the Jiuyou Emperor of the current world who is crossing time and space again, and he is fighting with the Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, and Amitabha Buddha. The Great Emperor and the four ancient Great Emperors of Daode Tianzun fought.

Now 300 years have passed, and although there is no definite news, many powerful people in the universe have a hunch that the moment when Gai Jiuyou will reach his ultimate sublimation, go against the sky, and face the suppression of the Qing Emperor's Avenue is not far away.

However, on this day, everyone seemed to have become hoarse in the Zhetian Universe, which was originally expecting Emperor Jiuyou to create an eternal myth.

All this happened just because Emperor Xuan, who was believed to have passed away 800 years ago by countless people, appeared again.

In the East Wasteland of Northeast China, deep in the Taichu Ancient Mine, one of the seven restricted areas.

Hanging above the sky, inside a majestic ancient coffin.

A figure that is majestic, upright, and impossible to look at is hidden in the dust.

As the only person who can cover the universe and prove the Tao through corpses, the Corpse Emperor is exuding a rotten death aura, which is very strong, and it seems that he may transform into Tao at any time.

But in fact, his energy and blood are sufficient even in the Forbidden Zone Supreme.

His gaze penetrated the endless void, and immortal runes shone in the eyes that were not cloudy at all, as if he was silently inspecting and deducing something.

"I'm afraid something really went wrong with that Stone Emperor guy. 800 years have passed and he hasn't shown up yet."

Deep in the ancient mines of Taichu, in a certain direction, a magnificent palace was suspended there, with a majestic and extraordinary young man also sealed inside.

"After so many years, if he was still alive, he would have been born long ago."

The heroic and extraordinary young man sent out his spiritual thoughts and said:

"You must know that even at his peak, facing the three intact Ancient Emperors, he would only be defeated, let alone cut off everything and start over."

"It's just that lately, I've become more and more uneasy."

"That feeling of uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger!"

With a faint sigh, the Corpse Emperor was about to retract his gaze and continue to sleep, but he didn't expect the next moment -

His pupils actually tightened, because at this moment, there appeared in his eyes
(End of this chapter)

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