Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 74 The emperor is invincible, the battle between Xuan Emperor

Chapter 74 The emperor is invincible, the battle between Xuan Emperor

The frontier of the universe.

At this moment, somewhere in the eternally silent starry sky, the stars are vast, and little meteors pierce the sky.


Lightning flashed and thundered, and the catastrophe came suddenly and violently, flooding the whole world in an instant.

In the void, a vague figure stands tall, with messy hair flying, a sky monument hanging on its head, a Xuan Emperor halberd in its hand, and a purple-gold sun on its back, walking around one hundred and eight chaotic Holy Spirit rings, looking at the nine heavens.

At this moment, the stars in the sky were rumbling and trembling, as if they were about to fall, with an unparalleled domineering aura that stood on the eternal blue sky.

When his eyes opened and closed, endless stars were annihilated, and the universe returned to chaos. The divine light was so frightening that people could not look directly at it.


Pieces of thunder seas exploded, endless thunder light flooded the entire sky, and terrible catastrophes poured down like a vast ocean, which was extremely terrifying.

The thunder sea was so huge that it was not much different from the law-creating heavenly punishment that Shi Xuan suffered back then, and it enveloped the void of the universe.


Shi Xuan hung the heaven monument on his head, held the Emperor Xuan Halberd in his hand, and carried the purple-gold sun on his back. He circled one hundred and eight rings of the Holy Spirit of Chaos and ascended to the sky to receive the baptism of thunder tribulation across the eight bridges in the sky.

Shi Xuan roared loudly, opened his mouth and inhaled, almost all the endless heavenly tribulations in the vast sky were drained by him, put into his body, and forcibly refined.

This scene was too terrifying. The vast sea of ​​thunder and the endless calamity were almost drained and swallowed into Shi Xuan's body, causing him to emit infinite light and radiance.


The universe of the human body is constantly glowing and roaring, bursting out with electric light, and ancient and mysterious chanting sounds are coming from the "ancient stars"——

It seems to have spanned eternity, coming from an extremely remote and mysterious ancient era.

Behind Shi Xuan, a heaven-reaching dharma body emerged. The dharma body seemed to come from chaos, surrounded by the terrifying principles of the Holy Spirit of Chaos, and the aura of the beginning was permeated!
This is the supreme dharma body that Shi Xuan created and cultivated - Xuantian dharma body!
The dharma body took one step forward, and then merged with Shi Xuan, becoming the only one. Shi Xuan was like the emperor of heaven coming to the dust, taking one step forward, and boarded the bridge of the eighth level of heaven and earth. Behind him, a chaotic world was being opened up.

Immediately, the thunder disaster between heaven and earth became even more terrifying.


The entire void exploded, and the stars in the sky trembled. Countless stars in this world were exploding, like fireworks blooming.

As Shi Xuan completely climbed onto the Eighth Heaven and Earth Bridge, seas of thunder piled up on top of each other, turning into a mass of darkness, and the violent and destructive aura was extremely oppressive.


The sky collapsed, the sky in the ten directions collapsed, and the black abyss of the universe became a piece with no end in sight.

The entire starry sky was submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, and terrifying thunder tribulations struck Shi Xuan.

The sea of ​​thunder was overwhelming and was about to completely submerge Shi Xuan.

The place was vast, filled with blazing world-destroying lightning, extremely violent.

As the terrifying ocean-like sea of ​​thunder poured down, one after another figures appeared in the chaotic thunder light, walking step by step, like one emperor after another resurrected.

These are human beings descending from the chaotic thunder sea hundreds of millions of miles away. Each one of them dominates the nine heavens and overlooks the eternity. Not to mention other things, but their energy is comparable to that of the ancient emperors.


The fiercest battle between heaven and earth broke out, and more than a dozen young emperors moved and bombarded Shi Xuan.

"That's all you can do."

Shi Xuan stared at the sky, his eyes were blazing, and he spoke provocatively.

Immediately, he climbed directly into the sky and rushed into the sea of ​​thunder. He was so angry that he was so angry that he moved to the sky with a unique and unique style.

A terrible war broke out. A dozen young emperors and shadows looked down at the universe and the stars. Each one of them had unparalleled strength. Each of them had been the leader of an era. At this moment, they reappeared the glory of that year.

This is a bloodbath, where heaven and earth are in harmony, chaos breeds, and billions of thunders and lights cover a large area of ​​the universe.

Countless people were trembling, as if they had returned to the era dominated by Emperor Xuan 800 years ago.

"I have invincible hands of gods and demons, and I dare to destroy the heaven, earth, sun, moon and stars!"

The Sky Monument in Shi Xuan's right hand was like a brick, evolving into his supreme secret magic hand of gods and demons, he shot it horizontally and directly shot the two young emperors who rushed up into a shower of light. "The end of heaven - the end!"

Immediately, the Xuan Emperor Halberd in his left hand slashed out, using his second forbidden magical power, the End of Heaven, to attack several emperors' shadows alone.


A man with black hair like a waterfall and a cold light in his eyes, like a god descending from the sky and landing a punch, majestic.

The emperor was the last of his generation and suppressed an era. There was no one in heaven or on earth who could rival him, and no one who could become the great emperor was weak.

Shi Xuan's face was calm. To be honest, in his eyes, ordinary emperors are just that. Only the most powerful emperors like Wu Shi, Wu Ren, Ling Bao, Immortal, and Emperor Zun are qualified to be him. opponent.


When the void was shattered, endless stars exploded. In the face of this earth-shattering battle, the entire starry sky seemed to be trembling.

At this time, on an ancient star hundreds of millions of miles away from the battlefield, Gai Jiuyou's eyes locked on a young emperor in the thunder tribulation.

That is Qingdi!

In his hand, there was a green lotus as his weapon, and he slashed straight down towards Shi Xuan, and the divine flower soared into the sky.


A big collision occurred at close range between Shi Xuan and a dozen young emperors and shadows. It was so bright and dazzling that it made people frightened. The sea of ​​thunder was boundless and the disaster was immeasurable.

The entire starry sky boiled, turning into a boiling ocean of divine power, constantly shattering and annihilating, one star after another exploding.

At this moment, in the restricted area of ​​Beidou East Wasteland, many supreme beings had woken up, and their gazes spanned the endless void and landed on the figure in green.

Compared to 800 years ago, the opponent has become much stronger.

But this time, the other party appears so arrogantly that it may not be nice.

The universe is deserted and the war is still going on.

Shi Xuan circulated the new method he created, Xuantian's Dharma Body became one with him, and the Purple Gold Sun controlled one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings, evolving into a Chaos Heaven Map Scroll.

He stepped on the Chaos Heaven Map Scroll, with the Sky Monument in his right hand and the Emperor Xuan Halberd in his left hand. He stood on the top of the Divine Forbidden City and suppressed dozens of young Emperor Shadows forcefully.

This was a melee and bloody battle, until the sun and moon lost all light, and the stars were dimmed.

Every young emperor's shadow is as powerful as the emperor's resurrection, and even Shi Xuan is a little overwhelmed.

Of course, if he activates his ultimate state——

The field of "the way of heaven, everything is done by the general manager" can still crush these imperial shadows.

However, he was determined to use the Heavenly Tribulation to hone his newly created Tao and Dharma, so naturally he didn't want it to end too soon, otherwise he would lose the pleasure.

I don’t know how much time passed, but a dozen young imperial figures gradually dispersed.

next moment--

The Heavenly Tribulation was violent, and a human-shaped lightning bolt appeared, carrying one hundred and eight Chaos Holy Spirit rings. The figure was blurred, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, stepping down step by step from the peak of the Thunder Tribulation.

This time, although there was only a human-shaped lightning bolt, it swallowed up the mountains and rivers, covered the sky, and exuded an unrivaled domineering aura that made people tremble, looking down upon it for eternity.

But these are not the point. The point is that everyone who paid attention to this scene discovered that the human-shaped lightning seemed to be another Xuan Emperor.


Two bolts of lightning struck down from the sky, turning into an ancient monument and a halberd.

At this moment, everyone was even more certain that the human-shaped lightning that descended was none other than Emperor Xuan himself.

The huge thunder catastrophe sounded, like a horn declaring war.

Immediately, the majestic figure launched a decisive attack on Shi Xuan without hesitation.

The same ancient stele in the right hand, the halberd in the left hand, the stele and the halberd are used together, and the secret method of killing is evolved, boundless, and suddenly attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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