Chapter 75
Shi Xuan's eyes were cold. He also used the Cangtian Monument in his right hand and the Emperor Xuan's Halberd in his left hand. He used the stele and the halberd together, and moved his words secretly. He stepped on the Chaos Heaven and Earth Scroll, and his whole person turned into a divine light.

It seemed that they had traveled through time and space, and they faced each other instantly, ancient monument against ancient monument, and war halberd against war halberd.


The unimaginable and terrifying collision of huge forces actually erupted with the sound of gold and iron clashing. Sparks flew out. At this moment, the void exploded like a mirror, and endless stars exploded directly.

For a while.Two Xuan Emperors seemed to appear between heaven and earth.

Under everyone's attention, the two Xuan Emperors fought fiercely together in an instant, like two streams of light piercing the sky. The speed of the fight was unimaginable. Stars exploded and were crushed into powder.

A moment ago, the two of them were fighting in this star field——

However, the next second it immediately appeared in the starry sky hundreds of millions of miles away, which was extremely terrifying.

Journey to the Nine Secrets!

This ancient and powerful unparalleled secret technique, which has been passed down forever, has been practiced to the extreme by them. They have almost reached the supreme secret of Xing Zi Secret and mastered the law of time.


The two figures were engaged in a fierce battle. The Cangtian Monument was used as a brick, and the Xuan Emperor Halberd was used as a fire stick, colliding together in an extremely brutal manner.

It shattered the sky and suddenly turned into streaks of light. At this moment, the battle between the two seemed to be the only one in the world.

Breakthrough all methods!

Neither of the two figures seemed to have used any forbidden techniques and secret techniques, and simply relied on the power of their physical bodies to conquer.


The two ancient monuments collided suddenly, and a huge wave erupted. Wherever it went, the void was turned into powder, and everything ceased to exist. It was extremely terrifying.


The two figures were like swiping fire sticks, and the Emperor Xuan's halberd collided savagely again.

This is the most intense battle, with fists hitting the flesh, and every blow is the most beautiful aesthetic of violence.


The two figures fought together regardless of the matter, their needles facing each other, and they collided countless times in an instant. Endless black cracks filled up, and the entire starry sky collapsed in an instant.


The terrifying power created endless sparks, making large areas of Chaos Thunder Tribulation seem to collapse.

At this moment, the two abandoned the Cangtian Monument and the Emperor Xuan Halberd and began a hand-to-hand fight.

Lightning Xuan Emperor punched out, and the light shone in all directions, which was extremely terrifying.

Shi Xuan was also not to be outdone. He exploded with his invincible palm power and struck out with one palm, shattering the universe and the galaxy and killing Emperor Lightning Xuan.


The sky collapsed, the thunder sea exploded, and even the heavenly tribulation was shattered.

There is no difference between this humanoid lightning except that it cannot perform the ultimate killing state 'Tiandao Dao Dao' like Shi Xuan.

At this moment, both of them are standing on the top of the Divine Forbidden City. It can be said that they are unparalleled in ancient times and extremely powerful.

Fists to the end, then the Heaven Finger, the Hand of Gods and Demons, the End of Heaven and other forbidden secret techniques
Shi Xuan opened and closed, fighting with his other self, and his body was stained with blood.

In order to hone his Tao and Dharma, he did not display the unreasonable ultimate form, but tried his best to suppress himself and remain consistent with the humanoid lightning.

Therefore, the battle was very enjoyable and brutal.

The divine power of both sides seemed to never be exhausted, and every shocking secret technique was displayed without any scruples.

Shi Xuan is deliberately suppressing himself, so that he can force himself to surpass himself, and at the current point of no progress, he can once again sublimate and surpass himself at the moment.


The two halberds were fighting fiercely, roaring and glowing, just like Shi Xuan and human lightning, neither of them willing to give in.

On the other side, billions of rays of divine light drooped down from the Sky Monument, each one extremely thick and powerful, enough to crush a star. The endless Divine Chain of Order burst out in an instant, suppressing the counterfeit on the opposite side. "clang!"

The counterfeit Cangtian Monument did not dare to show weakness, and suppressed it with incomparable power.

The sonorous and harsh sound of metal and stone clashing resounded throughout the universe, and with a scratching sound, cracks began to appear on the surface of the counterfeit Cangtian Monument.

At the same moment, the counterfeit Xuandi Halberd could no longer hold up, and the body of the halberd was covered with cracks.

In the final analysis, counterfeits are just counterfeits and cannot possibly be as good as the genuine ones.

At this time, he felt that the power in the calamity was weakening, but Shi Xuan was not happy. He hadn't had enough of it yet!

Therefore, at the next moment, Shi Xuan directly ascended to the sky, broke into the thunder sea of ​​heaven, kicked over all the ancient barriers, and once again found the most powerful ancient emperor in ancient times and started a fierce battle with the emperor.

The Cangtian Monument and the Emperor Xuan Halberd were also thrown into the Chaos Thunder Sea by Shi Xuan, experiencing the baptism of tribulation and punishment from heaven and earth.

But this scene immediately stunned everyone.

Only now did these people realize that there was still such a way to overcome the tribulation?

You must know that ordinary people are not careful when going through tribulations, and try their best to survive the thunder tribulation.

Fortunately for this Emperor Xuan, he felt that the Thunder Tribulation was not lasting enough, so he directly launched the Thunder Tribulation.

At this moment, everyone didn't know what to say, and they could only stand in awe of the figure in green clothes even more.

At the same time, I warned myself over and over again in my heart that there is only the supreme Emperor Xuan in the world, and there is absolutely no lord of forbidden areas, the Supreme Darkness.

I and others don’t know anything.

Under the starry sky, there was silence and darkness, and everything returned to calm.

The figure in green clothes, with a sky monument hanging on his head, a Xuan Emperor Halberd in his hand, and a purple-gold sun on his back, stood surrounded by one hundred and eight chaos holy rings. There was no trace of what he looked like after the catastrophe. It seemed that the previous scene was not there at all. Same thing happened.

With the end of the great catastrophe, Shi Xuan has reached the top of the eighth level bridge of heaven and earth, leaving only the last and most important first level bridge of heaven and earth.

This last bridge between heaven and earth involves the origin of yin and yang in the human body and is the most important. Even Shi Xuan doesn't have a good clue now.

Ultimately, the new law is just a rough idea and will require a lot of effort to perfect.

The nine-level bridge between heaven and earth starts from the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, plus the front yin and back yin, totaling nine orifices.

Now Shi Xuan stands on the top of the bridge of the eighth level of heaven and earth, and has initially connected the seven orifices on the top and the eight orifices on the back yin, and the five realms of the new method have reached great success.

The True Spirit and Xuantian Dharmakaya have been mostly integrated, and their own great path has begun to condense the Dao Fruit.

It can be said that if he went back to 800 years ago, the so-called Immortal Killing Platform and the Ancient Emperor Heavenly Lord would be nothing, so what if he went to the Immortal Killing Stage with the three perfect Ancient Emperor Emperor Heavenly Lords!
Emperor Xuan should suppress him with all his strength!
After overcoming the catastrophe, Shi Xuan's cold eyes looked towards Beidou Donghuang and saw the forbidden area that had stood eternity unchanged.

In an instant, countless sentient beings in the vast universe felt an incomparable energy that seemed to destroy the world.

This frightened them and they could only kneel on the ground respectfully.

The heaven and earth rumbled, as if they were mourning.


The Emperor Xuan's halberd flew across the sky, directly cutting through the void, and arrived at the Taichu Ancient Mine, one of the seven restricted areas in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou.

The dark spurge hangs in the sky.

Shining with colorful light, billions of wisps of chaotic dragon energy lingered, each wisp being enough to easily collapse the eternal blue sky.

That extremely terrifying energy caused the void to crack and the sky to tremble.

"Corpse Emperor, 800 years ago you destroyed the disciples under my command——"

In the starry sky, Shi Xuan stood there, majestic and majestic. He looked directly at Beidou Donghuang.

Nothing could block his sight. Across the boundless void, he looked at the ancient coffin deep in the Taichu ancient mine and said coldly:

"Thinking of you is just a coward, and I am too lazy to fight with you, so I will let this halberd fight with you on my behalf. Let's understand the cause and effect!"

(End of this chapter)

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