Chapter 78: Four spirits guard, and the Emperor of Heaven is born

"What do you think about the road to immortality thousands of years from now?"

"In this life? The road to immortality will begin in this life. Whether it's true or not, I want to see it for myself. After all, this is my only chance."

The ancient blood phoenix emperor transformed into an imperial soldier, and now he is almost at the end of his life. He has no choice but to take the legendary road to immortality.

"The Immortal Realm has changed. If one or two people become immortals in one lifetime, is that enough for the Supremes?"


The Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor hesitated. If Emperor Xuan's words were reliable, the Immortal Realm might have already suffered a big change. If one or two people became immortals in one lifetime, the consequences would be very terrible.

In the eternity of time and space, no one knows how many people are hiding in the dark. When this secret is discovered, the world will inevitably collapse. At that time, there will be no talk about the road to immortality, and the universe will cease to exist.

"What did Emperor Xuan discover when he said this?"

The former Lord of the Immortal Mountain, Stone Emperor, and now the Xuan Emperor, have undergone tremendous changes. Many of the Forbidden City Supremes are speculating that he may have undergone an unimaginable transformation.

But due to the supreme combat power of Emperor Xuan, no one dared to mention this aspect.

"The path to immortality changes, and the realm of immortality is lacking. If you enter the realm of immortality through the path to becoming an immortal, you will not become an immortal. You can only count yourself as immortal."

"What about becoming an immortal?"

"Relying on myself to survive in this world of mortals, so that the universe is immortal but I am immortal, and I can set foot on a higher realm in the future."

The Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor was shocked and uncertain. These few words overturned his cognition.

Even if you pass the path to becoming an immortal and enter the immortal realm, you cannot truly become an immortal. So what is he waiting for forever?
Moreover, listening to this meaning, the so-called immortal is only a realm of cultivation, not as supreme as everyone imagines. There is a higher realm above the immortal.

At this moment, Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor's heart was in confusion.

If he doesn't believe what others say, naturally he shouldn't mess with his Taoist mind.

But the one who said this was the Emperor Xuan who pioneered new methods, surpassed the mythical emperor, and was on par with the eternal mythical Huangtian Emperor.

"I hope Emperor Xuan can give me some advice."

"I came here to give you a chance. Before the Age of Mythology, the indescribable ancient era was hit to the fault line of civilization, and the Huangtian Emperor, who was rumored to be the only immortal in the ages, also disappeared."

"Is the opportunity that Emperor Xuan mentioned related to this incident?"

"Yes, there have been thousands of paths to immortality since ancient times. I can't say which path is wrong. I can only say that one's human power will eventually be exhausted—"

"The mortal world once said that the Foolish Old Man could move mountains. This emperor is willing to invite fellow Taoists to go to the Immortal Mountain to study new methods together and follow in the footsteps of the ancient and desolate Heavenly Emperor."

Now that the new method has been launched, Shi Xuan feels that it would be great to have another strong person from the Emperor's Domain perfect the new method.

As for why he chose the Blood Phoenix Ancient Emperor, he naturally felt that there was already Xuanwu in the Immortal Mountain, so how could there be no Phoenix? Of course, if there were two others, Shi Xuan would also agree.

"Thank you Emperor Xuan for your love, but in my current state, I may not be able to help you."

Regarding what Shi Xuan mentioned about pursuing the footsteps of the Ancient Emperor of Desolation, the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor fully agreed with him.

But to be honest, his current state is so bad that it is difficult to even stay awake at all times, let alone other things.

"I will renew your royal life for another 2000 years."

As soon as these words came out, the gold-plated phoenix wings shook and glowed with divine light.

Shi Xuan's words reminded him of old things.

It is said that the reason why Emperor Zun was the Immortal Lord and extended his life for 2000 years was because he made a furnace of Nine-turn elixir. Many of the main ingredients were the fruits and vines of the elixir of immortality...

It is extremely precious and rare in the world. Finally, it was supplemented by Emperor Zun's supreme power to become a heaven-defying medicine.

"Did Emperor Xuan find the Nine-turn Immortal Pill?!"

The Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor could not suppress his excitement and asked urgently

You know, that is not an ordinary two thousand years, but the real "emperor's destiny".

At the level of the Blood Phoenix Ancient Emperor, he had already taken all kinds of ancient medicines, divine marrows, etc., including the elixir of immortality, and it was useless to take any more. Ordinary years cannot be compared with the 2000-year imperial life!
"There is no Nine Transformation Elixir."

Shi Xuan said in a deep voice:
"I can use my own energy and blood to invigorate your blood and cut your pulse, extending your imperial life for another 2000 years."

"Xuan Emperor, you."

It is no longer a secret that Shi Xuan possesses the body of Chaos Holy Spirit. Coupled with his current state, even the breath he exhales is a magical elixir of fairy mist for ordinary monks.And if it is his own Chaos Holy Spirit true blood, it may not be as good as the so-called Nine Revolutions Elixir in the rumors, but it is not much worse. There is absolutely no problem in extending the emperor's life for another thousand years.

"The chaotic ancient times have been destroyed until the sky collapsed, and almost an era was buried. Following the footsteps of the chaotic ancient emperor means entering the game. Have you thought about it?"

"Emperor Xuan is indeed invincible, but my Blood Phoenix has never been weaker than anyone else!"

"Yes, you are one of my Taoist friends of Emperor Xuan."

The next moment, a stream of gray-white true blood flowed out of Shi Xuan's body, baptizing the gold-plated phoenix wings.

Not long after-


Immortals were everywhere, the phoenix's cry continued, and a golden man appeared. This was the imperial soul of the ancient blood phoenix emperor.

Under the baptism of the Holy Blood of Shi Xuan Chaos Holy Spirit, he got rid of the shackles of the Phoenix Wings and the Gold Boring, jumped out, and began to recast his body.

"Thank you Emperor Xuan!"

The Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor bowed to Shi Xuan and offered his true blood to extend his life. It was worthy of him.

"There is no road to immortality in the world. The road to immortality has been traveled by generations of people."

Shi Xuan turned around, looked at the supreme beings who were about to move in various restricted areas, and shouted softly:
"Where are the Ancient Emperor Qilin, Ancient Emperor Xuanwu, and Emperor Wanlong?"

After half a stick of incense, four incomparable imperial auras boiled out of the Taichu ancient mine.

Majestic and majestic, surrounded by immortality, the ancient unicorn emperor with thick blue long hair.

Transformed into a golden phoenix wing, the blood phoenix ancient emperor whose body is radiant, golden and blood intertwined, lives forever with weapons.

And the Wanlonghuang with purple pupils as deep as the sea and surrounded by dragon aura.

He regained his youthful appearance again, with his black hair disheveled, like the Xuanwu Emperor of the God King.

All of a sudden, the four spirits and the four emperors gathered together, Xuanwu led the way, the real dragon cleared the way, the blood phoenix defended, and the unicorn bowed its head——

The universe senses that tens of thousands of golden flowers are falling down, and wisps of purple air are rising to welcome a heavenly emperor. The restricted area trembles, and the universe is shaken.

In the Immortal Tomb, the self-proclaimed God of Immortality looked at this scene, his heart trembled, he couldn't help recalling the past, and said with emotion:

"Flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year."

He thought of a period of time that, even if millions of years had passed, the Immortal Lord could not forget that period of time.

At the end of the myth, the last of the Nine Heavenly Lords defied heaven and lived a second life, abandoning all the Dharma and Tao in his previous life. Just like the current Emperor Xuan, he cut off everything in the past and once again realized the Tao and became the emperor.

Since then, he has been invincible in the sky and the earth, and all the nine heavens and ten earths have surrendered, and he is known as the emperor, ending the mythical era of the supremacy of the sky.

Established the ancient heaven, swallowed the universe, subdued the gods, ruled the heavens and all realms, and became the most noble person in all time.

"But the emperor dare not dare to follow the steps of Emperor Huang Tian, ​​how can Emperor Xuan do it?!"

Changsheng Tianzun looked at the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor indifferently. He was not optimistic about Emperor Xuan's so-called pursuit of Emperor Huangtian.

You must know that he has personally witnessed the emperor's defiance of heaven, but even he has not been able to follow the footsteps of Emperor Huang Tian.

"After all eternity, do you dare to ask if there are really immortals in this world?"

In the forbidden zone of life, there is a supreme emotion, generation after generation of celestial beings, standing on the pinnacle of humanity, challenging the so-called fate, trying to get rid of the shackles of fate, and set foot in the realm of immortals.

It's a pity that generations of people's ambitions of conquering nature with man have failed, and they have not been able to escape their fixed destiny and have become restricted areas in life.

This is the disaster of immortality, the dark supreme who challenged the road of immortality but failed, unwilling to fail, and cut himself with a sword is the greatest disaster of immortality.

Looking at the majestic Emperor Xuan, who was traveling like a god, the Supremes felt complicated.

Especially the former Emperor Xuan, like them, was a self-destructed supreme being in the restricted area.

Why has everything changed in less than 2000 years?

"It should be noted that the young Ling Yunzhi was once the best in the world."

A mythical Heavenly Lord whose vitality was declining and who was getting old could not help but sigh slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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