Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 79: It’s just an imperial weapon and god, let Wu Shi come!

Chapter 79: It’s just an imperial weapon and god, let Wu Shi come!
At this moment, above the Big Dipper sky——

The Cangtian Monument and the Xuan Emperor Halberd hung in the sky, no longer emitting the frightening power of the Supreme Dao.

The Xuandi Halberd was stained with blood, and drops of snow slid off the blade of the world-class bright halberd. The eight-color brilliance shone across the entire universe, shocking people's hearts.

Although Shi Xuan robbed various forbidden areas, the last immortal gold, destiny orange gold, was so rare that the nine immortal golds still could not be collected.

On the other side, the Sky Monument was rising and falling, its terrifying power restrained. Only the imperial shadow's imperial robe once again had a pattern, which seemed to vaguely transcend the category of imperial soldiers.

The two imperial weapons hung peacefully in the sky, but people couldn't look directly at them, as if their bodies were about to be cut apart, their minds were about to burst, and their scalps were numb.

As for the extremely elevated Corpse Emperor, there is no trace left, as if he has disappeared into this universe.

Beidou Shengya.

It can be regarded as the eighth restricted area among the seven restricted areas.

Holy Cliff is located at the junction of the Eastern Wilderness Middle Territory and the Northern Territory. It has a special location. On weekdays, almost no one comes here and they stay away.

Because this is an ominous place.

In the past, the holy body of Dacheng was stained with blood on the holy cliff in his later years and died here, making ordinary monks fearful.

You know, that is a supreme existence that can compete with the supreme being in the penalty area, but it ended up with a violent death.

Although the name sounds like a cliff, when you get closer, you realize that it is extremely majestic. It is a large mountain, majestic and deep.

Its whole body is black, as black as ink, and the endless dead trees on it are difficult to cover. There are more than fifty mountains standing side by side, and it is majestic.

Under the watchful eyes of the Forbidden Zone Supreme and countless powerful forces in Beidou, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor came here guarding Emperor Xuan.

“It’s time to take back the things I’ve left behind in the Immortal Mountain for hundreds of thousands of years.”

At this point, Wanlong Emperor was the first to speak:
"It's just a weapon. I, Old Dragon, am willing to do it for Emperor Xuan."

As the emperor who stands at the top of the universe, the few people present naturally knew the meaning of Shi Xuan's words.

In the past, the Dacheng Holy Body once entered the Immortal Mountain, intercepted it and took it out as a place to stop.

And because the Dacheng Holy Body is in charge, this leftover piece of Immortal Mountain was named Holy Cliff.

The last junior named Wu Shi was born and fought with the Immortal Taoist for an hour. Then he sealed the Immortal Taoist on this sacred cliff with a weapon he refined.

A long 10 years have passed, and the immortal Taoist has long been reduced to withered bones in the grave. The only remaining obstacle is the secret weapon Wu Shi left behind, the List of Gods.

They admit that Wu Shi is indeed terrible, but it is just a secret weapon he left behind, can it still change the world?

The Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor was not to be outdone and said:
"That's right, it doesn't matter if it's Wu Shi's face to face. It's just a secret weapon. My blood phoenix is ​​willing to serve."

Ancient Emperor Qilin stepped forward and said:

"Not bad, not bad. I have been sleeping for too long, and now it's time to try the methods of this younger generation."

Ancient Emperor Xuanwu was an honest man and could not keep up with the speed of the three of them. When he fell to the end, he could only say firmly:

"This is my duty at Immortal Mountain, and it is up to me to take action."

"Xuanwu, I don't want to hear what you are saying. What do you mean by your responsibility in the Immortal Mountain? The three of us are now also members of the Immortal Mountain."

"that is!"

"That's right!"

The Wanlong Emperor, the Ancient Qilin Emperor, and the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor all looked directly at the Ancient Emperor Xuanwu, as if they wanted him to give an explanation for what he just said.


Ancient Emperor Xuanwu was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

After all, not long ago, before he said those words, these three ancient emperors had already joined the Immortal Mountain, and they were considered to be members of the Immortal Mountain.

"It's just a secret weapon. Let my halberd do the work for you."

As soon as the words were spoken, the Xuandi Halberd hanging above the Beidou Starry Sky seemed to sense the master's words, cut through the void directly, and appeared on the Holy Cliff.

At this moment, on the holy cliff, the light is soaring into the sky, and the aura is unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

A dazzling divine list loosened after reading quickly, and then quickly fell off from the most majestic main peak.

Moreover, at the next moment, a total of 360 five talismans flew up, then exploded, turning into 360 five rays of immortal light and submerged into the divine list.

It makes it even more brilliant, shining so brightly that people can't open their eyes.

"No, don't!" came the Queen from inside the Holy Cliff, but it couldn't change anything at all.

The holy cliff cracked, and a huge fairy source appeared. It was full of auspiciousness and rays of light. There were souls struggling there, and then an ancient coffin flew out. There was a body buried in it, which was an old Taoist.

"What. My body is still there, so close!"

The immortal Taoist who was sealed on the holy cliff was full of regret, and his soul, which had been cut into several parts, was struggling.


The list of gods glowed, rolled up several parts of the immortal Taoist soul, and then wrapped around the Taoist corpse, directly transformed into an immortal radiance that shot up into the sky and penetrated the stars.

"That is the list of gods left by Emperor Wu Shi. Could it be that he is still alive!"


The Emperor Xuan's Halberd was also reviving. One after another, brilliant light and radiance destroyed the void, breaking through time and space, and struck with a killing blow.

The endless divine chain of order clangs.

next moment--


A bell rang, and the Purple Mountain exploded. This sacred mountain, which was called the Ancient Imperial Mountain in the ancient times and could be close to the gods, shone hundreds of millions of feet. A big bell flew out, and the chaos energy steamed and rushed straight towards the holy cliff.

"The clock without beginning?"

"Oh my God! That's the Wushi Bell. Is the Wushi Emperor really still alive? Is the Wushi Emperor taking action?"

Throughout the Beidou Star Territory, countless sentient beings are prostrating.

Just because of the man called Wu Shi.

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road?!"

In the Wushi Bell, a voice came, shaking the sky, causing all the heavens and all realms to shake and rumble, conveying the sound of heaven and earth.

Outside the territory, Zhu Xiong couldn't help but tremble. Only people who lived in that era could understand the meaning of the two words Wu Shi.

"It's just a god of the imperial army, but I dare to challenge the world and let Wu Shi come!"

Shi Xuan responded coldly.

Immediately, above the sky, the floating sky monument revived, as if a chaotic world was evolving, suppressing it like the eternal blue sky.


The whole world is trembling. The immortal laws of the Emperor Wushi have reappeared in the world. The horror has reached the extreme. The long river of time and the sea of ​​space have turned into chaos, boundless, and they have been suppressed together.

However, on top of the Cangtian Monument, there is an independent figure of the emperor in blue, standing on top of the chaos, like an emperor of heaven suppressing time and space for eternity. Every move and every move is filled with terror.

At this point, the four weapons that are the master's continuation are completely matched.

The heroes were all amazed, their pupils bursting with shock.

Just because of this battle, it can be indirectly seen as a duel between Emperor Xuan and Emperor Wushi across the long river of time and space.

It was a collision across time and space between the two most powerful emperors in history.

"This is. What a beginning!"

In the restricted area, some people were amazed. The eyes of the ancient supreme being were shining with blazing light, staring at the sudden battle.

Wu Shi, a name that makes even the supreme beings in the restricted area admire.

In his era, the restricted area was secluded and the underworld was dusty. No one dared to cause trouble, otherwise they would all be suppressed and killed.

He is a truly invincible and powerful person.

However, Emperor Xuan, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, was equally powerful and invincible, even faintly superior to Wu Shi.

He innovated new methods, crossed the Immortal Slaying Platform, and reached the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor, killing three flawless supreme beings in a row. His natural talent was enough to rival the Ancient and Desolate Heavenly Emperor.

Now, in the duel between these two people across time and space, who will win?

no one knows.

(End of this chapter)

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