Chapter 80 Praise to Emperor Xuan
"Wushi is no longer in this world, but he can shine his due glory through the weapons he left behind, which is equivalent to him taking action."

What a huge power this is, the Conferred Gods Blood Sacrifice to a Supreme Being.

It was necessary to use an invincible power to suppress this halberd that dared to provoke it.

Not to be outdone, the Emperor Xuan's Halberd shone with eight colors of brilliance, extremely gorgeous, and the divine chain of order in the sky was clanking, trying to tear the list of gods into pieces.

the other side--


The Emperor Wushi belled, the universe shook, and the supreme law of the emperor fell down, blasting towards the Cangtian Monument.

The sound of the Emperor's Bell made the entire universe tremble. The most terrifying thing was that along with the sound of the bell, there seemed to be some underworld sound resounding between heaven and earth——

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road? Seeing the beginningless way becomes empty!"

At the same moment, at the top of the starry sky hundreds of millions of miles above the Beidou——

The Cangtian Monument trembled, vibrating out wisps of Qi that created the world, and countless brilliance soared into the sky, suppressing Wu Shizhong.


The sky shattered and the earth shattered, and a big explosion occurred deep in the starry sky. It was obviously violent.

Although the List of Conferred Gods is extraordinary, after all it is just a secret weapon that Wu Shi refined at random. Even if a supreme being was sacrificed, it could barely equal the Black Emperor Halberd.

In another place, only an ancient stele and a big bell were left confronting each other between heaven and earth, and wisps of divine light fell down.

On the Cangtian Monument, the shadow of the emperor in green stepped out, more than a billion feet high, turning from virtual to real, just like another mysterious emperor descending.

The Wushi Bell opposite also burst out with unparalleled brilliance, and then a figure with its back to everyone came from the upper reaches of the time and space, and walked step by step towards reality.

For a time, Wu Shi and Emperor Xuan had a true duel across time and space.

The universe was mute and the restricted area was silent. This scene was beyond their imagination.

They are obviously both Emperor and Emperor, why are they so different?

Even another one of them was just a former emperor. He cut off everything in the past and rebuilt it. Now he is only in the eighth heaven!

"What a great Wu Shi, what a great Emperor Xuan, I am not as good as him!"

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou watched the battle between the four weapons deep in the starry sky, sighed, and sighed.

He has enough confidence in himself that even those emperors and emperors in ancient history are not looked down upon by him, and he feels that he will surpass them sooner or later.

However, now, after seeing the peerless grace of Emperor Wushi and Emperor Xuan, he finally recognized the gap between himself and the two.

That is the gap between a true genius and an ordinary genius.

After the first battle, the Xuandi Halberd tore apart the list of gods, and the Cangtian Monument and the Wushi Bell refused to give way.

Since then, the Fengshen Bang and the Wushi Bell, which were broken into several pieces, arrived at Zishan. The sacred cliff that had stood in the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou for hundreds of thousands of years was uprooted by Shi Xuan and brought back to the Immortal Mountain——

The scraps of the Immortal Mountain that had been cut off by the Dacheng Holy Body were restored.

Beidou Immortal Mountain is no longer as desolate as it once was.

The spring water is filled with the fragrance of flowers in winter, and the peerless medicine king can be seen everywhere, sitting on the top of the central sacred mountain, and there are several immortal elixirs swaying in the wind.

The flat peach elixir borrowed from the restricted area of ​​Shenxu, the divine phoenix elixir that leapt from the Purple Mountain and fell here, as well as the Enlightenment Tea Tree and Xuanwu elixir.
At this moment, the top of the Immortal Mountain.

"Brother Blood Phoenix, please lend me a fire."

Emperor Wanlong set up the Taoist platform, placed a tea set made of feathered lapis lazuli, looked at the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor and said with a smile.

Ancient Emperor Qilin raised his eyebrows and said with a dumb smile:

"The Blood Phoenix set up the fire, the Dragon King made tea, tsk tsk, I'm afraid even the Emperor didn't have such luxury back then."

For all eternity, emperors and emperors have been lonely. It is unthinkable for four or five people to gather together now.

Therefore, the Blood Phoenix Ancient Emperor also cooperated in spitting out traces of true fire. This Phoenix True Fire, which was enough to burn mountains and seas and destroy the star field when placed outside, boiled the divine spring water little by little under the control of the ancient emperor.

This divine spring is originally made from the best treasure medicine in the world. It is full of immortal energy and contains the essence.

Now being cooked by the two supreme ancient emperors is even more extraordinary. The clear water has smoke rising up, turning into Phoenix, Suzaku, Qingluan, Fire Phoenix and many other fairy spirits. Sometimes they jump, sometimes they turn into smoke, as if they have transformed this place. Transformed into a fairyland.The water of the divine spring was boiling. Emperor Wanlong glanced at the purple-gold tea can with eye marks. He did not dare to waste it. He took out different forms of Enlightenment tea leaves and put them into the tea in front of different ancient emperors.

The ancient emperor Qilin’s teacup was placed with the tea leaves of Little Qilin’s Enlightenment.

Blood Phoenix Ancient Emperor’s tea cup contains Phoenix-shaped Enlightenment tea leaves.

Emperor Xuanwu’s teacup contained tea leaves from Xuanwu Camel Fairy.
Wanlong Emperor placed the real dragon tea leaf with two wings on its back.

Emperor Xuan's tea cup contained the tea leaves that Emperor Tian stepped on chaos.

The quasi-emperor Gong Yangchen on the side was also given a tea leaf that was close to the fairyland because of the glory of Emperor Xuan.

Of course he didn't have a seat, so he had to stand respectfully aside.

Despite this, he was already flattered. You must know that this was the Immortal Tea of ​​Enlightenment brewed in boiling water by the ancient emperor.

The fragrance of tea is wafting, diffused, and spread far away, making people unforgettable.

Looking at the shape of the tea leaves, Ancient Emperor Qilin sighed:
"The tea tree of Enlightenment is extraordinary, but one tree can undertake one hundred and eight great ways."

Emperor Xuanwu took a sip, closed his eyes to rest, and said softly:

“I don’t know how many times I’ve drank Enlightenment Tea, but every time it brings me new insights and experiences, it’s really extraordinary.”

"It's not just the Enlightenment Tea Tree. All elixirs are extraordinary. Enlightenment Tea can make people realize enlightenment temporarily, and the Immortal Bodhi Tree can make people realize enlightenment at any time."

The ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor's eyes flashed with memories, and he said leisurely:
"When I became enlightened, it was thanks to the help of the Bodhi tree. I don't know what is happening to this immortal Bodhi tree now."

Emperor Wanlong chuckled:
"Who can be immortal forever, only immortal weapons and elixir. Brother Blood Phoenix, it's better not to ruin your mood. Even if you and I are dead in the future, the elixir will definitely still be there."

There are great secrets hidden in the elixir, and each one is unique. Almost every ancient emperor will look for an elixir to understand it, so few people in the world will actually destroy an elixir.

The Ancient Emperors and Heavenly Lords are all independent beings at the pinnacle of the universe, but there are things in this world that they cannot explore, such as the eternal truth and the legendary immortals.

"Emperor Xuan, would you like to explain to us in detail what an immortal is?"

At this time, Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor remembered what he had said about immortals in the Taichu Ancient Mine.

Since ancient times, the ancient emperors and gods have been pursuing immortals, pursuing immortal immortals, hoping to break into the realm of immortals and become immortals!

But before, Emperor Xuan actually told him——

Xiandu is dead!

The fairy will be dead...!
If this news spreads, it will shake the world forever, and the universe will be shocked. Those supreme beings in the restricted area will also have their Taoist hearts turbulent. They pursue their lives and abandon everything in the past just to become immortals, and the immortals are dead? !

How ridiculous, how sad.

"The immortals are dead, the gods are destroyed, and our world has undergone earth-shaking changes. It's not that we can't become immortals, but that something is wrong with the world."

Shi Xuan described something very calmly:
"I am going retrograde, fighting for my way through the world of mortals, but I am immortal. Only by catching up or even matching the footsteps of the Ancient Emperor of Heaven can I control my own destiny in the catastrophe in the future."

He knows better than anyone else the cruelty of the future war. It was an era that could make even the Immortal Emperor despair. The only way is to strengthen yourself at all costs.

Otherwise, it will just be fish on the chopping board, to be slaughtered by others.

After a long silence, the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor's voice became hoarse, and he said extremely solemnly:

"Praise to Emperor Xuan, I, the Blood Phoenix, am willing to follow Emperor Xuan and become immortal in this mortal world."

Wanlong Emperor also stood up and said in a deep voice:
"Praise to Emperor Xuan, I, the old dragon, am willing to follow Emperor Xuan and hope to follow the footsteps of the Ancient and Desolate Heavenly Emperor."

Ancient Emperor Qilin stood up and solemnly promised:

"Praise to Emperor Xuan, I, Qilin, are willing to follow Emperor Xuan and follow the footsteps of Emperor Huang Tian."

Ancient Emperor Xuanwu was stunned, and after a long time he was the last one to speak:

"I praise Emperor Xuan, and I, Xuanwu, do the same!"

As for Gong Yangchen on the side, he was not qualified to speak at all.

(End of this chapter)

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