Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 81 Discussing the Four Emperors, the New Law is Revealed

Chapter 81 Discussing the Four Emperors, the New Law is Revealed
More than several years have passed since the last cross-time and space showdown between Emperor Wushi and Emperor Xuan.

On this day, a piece of news about Emperor Xuan and the Four Emperors discussing the Immortal Mountain spread throughout the universe, giving a glimmer of life to the dead universe in the Age of Ending Dharma.

There is a misty Taoist sound, the Taoist sound is majestic and endless!
It came from the Immortal Mountain and echoed throughout most of the universe.

The sentient beings were fascinated by what they heard, and many mortals even stepped directly into the threshold of practice.

After Emperor Xuan gave his sermon, the Four Ancient Emperors of the Spirits went down in turn for a total of 49 days. Mysteries became more mysterious, auspiciousness descended from the sky, and divine lotuses grew from the earth.

All living beings were so mesmerized when they heard it. There were even monks at the level of the Second Immortal, who resisted the suppression of the Dharma Ending Age and directly entered the realm of the Third Immortal Killing Dao, dominating one star field.

The years are long, and the time of discussing the Tao is passing quickly. In the following days, more than one kind of Taoist heavenly sound is heard on the top of the Immortal Mountain.

The Four Spirit Ancient Emperors guarded the central Xuantian Emperor. They discussed their shortcomings, made up for themselves, learned from each other's strengths, and exchanged their knowledge. The scriptures filled the sky and fell down, turning into large rains of light, which greatly touched everyone and fell into the state of enlightenment.

Afterwards, Emperor Xuan spoke without reservation of the new Dharma and Tao he had created, revealing his own roots and being extremely magnanimous.

The sound of the Tao is faint, the fairy music is playing, and the sacred traces fall from the universe, turning into the supreme Dharma body, which dominates the nine heavens.

At the same time, this move forced the Ancient Emperor Si Ling to listen and not have the courage to refute.

The Dao Fruit of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor was being suppressed little by little, and he was reduced to the rank of listeners.

"This is a discussion and a battle!"

The ancient emperor Qilin shouted loudly, and a Qilin Daoguo walked towards the sky. He took Qilin steps, one step at a time, and transformed thousands of vast visions to worship the central Qilin.

The Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor's eyes lit up and he shouted:
"What an old unicorn!"

Immediately afterwards, he did not give in at all, saying that the body is like a soldier, the weapon is like a body, and the Tao and Fruit rotate, transforming from a Phoenix Emperor into an immortal weapon, and then from an immortal weapon into a human being.

Emperor Xuanwu narrated the method of longevity, the secret of prolonging life, and the way of Xuanwu's defense. A Xuanwu fairy king suppressed nine heavens and ten places.

The Wanlong Emperor was not stingy, and directly talked about how to evolve into a real dragon. All races in the world can transform into a real dragon along this avenue to reach the sky.

As Ancient Emperor Qilin said, this is both discussion and battle.

Everyone benefited a lot, the discussion was intense, and everyone spoke out all their core scriptures without reservation——

Emperor Xuan talked about the new method, while the Ancient Emperor Si Ling explained the method of the ancient emperor of divine beasts, hoping to compete with Emperor Xuan.

On the 81st day of the [-]th, the four spirits, divine beasts, and fruits collided with each other around the supreme Dharma body of Emperor Xuan, absorbing the essence of the new Dharma and repairing the body.

At the same time, Shi Xuan was standing on the shoulders of the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors at the moment, gaining insight into their fundamental ways and methods and further perfecting the new methods.

This is a great opportunity, a great fortune.

Throughout the ages, who has been able to embody the Tao and Fruit of the four ancient emperors and thoroughly understand the fundamental Tao and Dharma of the ancient emperors?

At this moment, in Shi Xuan's eyes, the ninth-level bridge of heaven and earth, which was originally obscured by the fog, was gradually appearing, and his body gradually had a supreme aura above heaven and earth.

At the same time, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor was also understanding the supreme mystery of the new method.

For them, this is also a big opportunity.

Throughout the ages, who can be personally taught by the founder of a method of cultivation when they come into contact with it?

There were only four of them.

Emperor Xuan used his true blood of the Chaos Holy Spirit to renew the royal life of the four of them for 2000 years, and now he has the favor of spreading the law.

The Ancient Emperor Si Ling has now been completely branded as Emperor Xuan and has become his person.

"The grace of Emperor Xuan in passing on the Dharma will be borne in mind by us all!"

The Ancient Emperor of Four Spirits bowed his head. From this discussion, they finally knew the gap between themselves and Emperor Xuan. It was far away, but they would work hard to catch up until they were on par with Emperor Xuan——

Even in the end, as Emperor Xuan said before, he went to follow the footsteps of the Ancient and Desolate Heavenly Emperor.

On this day, when countless sentient beings in the vast universe are still obsessed with the sound of the Tao that sounded from somewhere in the past——

A piece of news shook the entire universe.

The new law is made public!

His Majesty Emperor Xuan teamed up with the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors to set up a peerless formation, and built a mysterious tower on many ancient stars in the universe. It was ten thousand feet tall, towering into the clouds, and could be seen from a long distance away.

According to legend, Emperor Xuan used his peerless magic power to inscribe the new method he created on the universe.

The tower is ten stories high. As long as someone breaks through the ancient tower, he can get the new method of practice.The new method is divided into five realms. Each time you pass a level, you can obtain the practice method of one realm.

Of course, Shi Xuan would not want nothing if he spent so much effort. He is not so noble.

Everyone who breaks into the tower, regardless of success or failure, will receive a special mark. In addition to recording everyone's practice of the new method and returning it to Shi Xuan through the Xuandi Tower throughout the universe, this mark is also very important to the monks. It doesn't hurt in the slightest.

It can even reduce the difficulty for monks to practice new methods to a certain extent, which can be described as a win-win situation.

For example, compared to the base station of Xuandi Tower, the mark is equivalent to a mobile phone.

By analogy, as long as you climb the tower, you can get a new mobile phone with top performance for free. In addition to backing up your usage records, this mobile phone has no other disadvantages. It can also help you regulate your body and help you live longer. .

It can be said that there are many benefits.

And this is equivalent to Shi Xuan having the entire universe as practical material.

Although the quality is far inferior to that of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, the advantage lies in the quantity. Naturally, Shi Xuan understands the principle that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

"Big news! Big news! The sixth to tenth floors of the Xuandi Tower contain boundless creations. Every time you pass one floor, you can get His Majesty the Xuandi's Godless Scriptures."

"That's right. Emperor Xuan even left a motto. If anyone can modify and improve the ancient scriptures or new laws he left behind, then he is in a good mood and can satisfy his wish to the best of his ability without going overboard or exceeding the standard."

Many ancient powers were shaken.

The first five floors of the ancient pagoda were not very difficult to pass, and even those with a little bit of qualifications could pass them.

Nowadays, the new method has been spread in the universe, but due to the lack of scriptures and the high threshold for practicing the new method, most people can only get started with it, except for the real geniuses.

But even so, once the new method is successful, it will have a mysterious resonance with the secret method. Not only will everyone feel that their combat power has increased a lot, but their life span will also be longer.

For example, if a monk in the Wheel Sea Realm reaches the Tianmai Realm, his lifespan will be increased by at least [-]% and his combat power will be almost doubled. .

The lifespan of the Dao Palace realm is only [-]%, and the combat power has only increased by [-] to [-]%.

For monks in the Four Extremes Realm, except for a small increase in combat power, their life span is almost not increased.

If you have cultivated the Condensing Pattern Realm, you will be comparable to the Dao Palace monks.

So on and so forth.

Although nowadays, the highest practitioners of the new method are only at the Condensing Pattern Realm, this is enough to drive countless monks crazy.

Especially when it was reported that Emperor Xuan's ancient scriptures were still left on the sixth to tenth levels, this completely ignited the hearts of the monks.

As for the maxims left by Emperor Xuan, many people are very moved. However, Emperor Xuan is so powerful in nature, it is not that easy to modify and perfect new laws or emperor scriptures.

Many people are self-aware and will not stick to this aspect. Almost all of them come to climb the pagoda to find new methods and obtain the Emperor's Sutra.

For a time, great powers and kings who were rumored to have died long ago appeared one after another, preparing to climb the tower and seek scriptures.

Sometimes, you can even see some old antiques with gray hair and wrinkled faces. They have an unfathomable aura and are surrounded by an otherworldly Tao.

Countless ancient stars, and in front of each Xuandi Tower, there are many figures, and everything is harmonious, with no one making trouble.

As time went by, no fighting was allowed in front of the Xuandi Tower, and it became a common practice recognized by the world.

Until this day, a majestic figure broke into a Xuandi Tower.

Then, under the gaze of countless people, the majestic figure broke through the ten-story Xuandi Tower, causing the avenue to roar, and the endless light broke through the sky and reached the sky, shocking the entire universe.

"It's Emperor Jiuyou!"

At this moment, many people recognized that figure. It was the most powerful man known as Gai Jiuyou who had taken away the glory of an era.

She was one of the two peerless beauties who once stood at the top of the independent universe. As for the other one of the two beauties, she was Emperor Xuan.

Although today's Emperor Xuan has surpassed ordinary emperors and emperors, some people still miss the past.

Because at that time, Emperor Xuan was just Emperor Xuan, not the Lord of the Immortal Mountain today.

Regarding the name Xuan Emperor, many people have complicated feelings.

Because the Lord of the Immortal Mountain is known as one of the greatest sources of darkness in ancient and modern times.

Among them, the most contradictory one is the Ji family in the southern region of Beidou Eastern Wasteland.

(End of this chapter)

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