Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 82: The nameless town, the Immortal Gold Holy Spirit, is robbed!

Chapter 82: The nameless town, the Immortal Gold Holy Spirit, is robbed!

The Great Emperor of the Void, this is a special emperor among the many ancient emperors of the human race, whose fame is on par with that of the Ruthless Emperor and the Wushi Emperor.

It's just that unlike Wu Ren and Wu Shi, Void is famous not because of his power, but because of his career as an emperor.

He took over the responsibility of guarding all souls from the Holy Cliff Saint, one of the nine holy bodies. He spent his whole life fighting, and also had a deep enmity with the Immortal Mountain.

It can be said that the Void Emperor and the Immortal Mountain are mortal enemies.

But the Ji family is not, because the Ji family is not worthy.

Now the Lord of the Immortal Mountain calls himself Emperor Xuan, escapes from the restricted area, lives a new life, creates new methods, and has a power that surpasses the emperors of ancient and modern times.

Especially since a few years ago, the Emperor Xuan tore up the list of gods enshrined in the Holy Cliff and brought the Holy Cliff back to the Immortal Mountain.

On the same day, an ancient coffin landed at Ji's house.

As soon as the ancient coffin appeared, it alarmed the Void Mirror, and was then suppressed and sealed into the Ji family's ancestral land by the Void Realm with great magical powers.

Faintly, some senior members of the Ji family who knew the secret seemed to have guessed where the ancient coffin came from and who was buried in the ancient coffin.

Now, with another major move by Emperor Xuan, the Ji family is once again in a dilemma.

If you go to climb the Xuandi Pagoda, you will feel sorry for your ancestors.

However, if they remain stubborn and insist on not practicing new laws, the Ji family is likely to be gradually left behind by the Yakuza forces at the same level.

Now it has been proven that practicing the new method can complement each other with the secret method, achieving the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Although the requirements for practicing the new method are strict and it is difficult for non-geniuses to get started, the Ji family inherited it from the Great Emperor of the Void, and there are still many people who can reach the threshold of the new method.

Until this day, the world-famous Emperor Jiuyou climbed to the top of the Xuandi Tower, causing news of the arrival of the incarnation of the Xuandi to spread throughout Beidou.

The news that Gai Jiuyou has received the inheritance from Emperor Void, Emperor Hengyu, Emperor Amitabha and Daode Tianzun is no longer a secret in the universe.

At the same time, Gai Jiuyou also visited the Ji family and the Jiang family in person. It can be said that Gai Jiuyou has a very high status in the Ji family and the Jiang family. Now as Gai Jiuyou's cultivation is approaching the realm of the great emperor, it is even more faintly related to the two. Family ancestors are on par with each other.

So at this moment, the ancestors of the Ji family made a decision that went against their ancestors.

From this day on, somewhere in the Eastern Wasteland, there was a small city.

It is said that the lord of the small town, whose surname is Ji, once climbed to the seven-story Xuandi Tower and obtained two volumes of the Xuantian Sutra's Heavenly Veins and Condensing Patterns.

After that, this small town became the most dazzling place in this area.

Not only did several geniuses appear one after another who climbed to the fifth floor or even higher of the Xuandi Tower.

It is said that an unparalleled genius has appeared and practiced the new method to the third level of enlightenment.

But I don’t know why, although this small town has produced many geniuses, they all understand it in a simple way.

So many years have passed, and this small town is still the same small town.

It's just that the owner of this small town changes from time to time. Sometimes his surname is Jiang, sometimes his surname is Ji, and sometimes his surname is Feng.
"What a great Emperor Xuan. The new laws and scriptures are indeed unique."

"If I can borrow another hundred years of my peak years from heaven, I will definitely be able to take another step forward. What a pity!"

"Heavenly Veins, Condensing Patterns, Kaiqiao, Ming Palace, Ta Tian is another supreme method that is no less than the Secret Realm method. It's a pity that I am no longer at the peak, otherwise I will definitely have a fight with you."

The Supreme Beings who were sleeping in the various restricted areas naturally also obtained new methods of practice.

With their realm, they can naturally see more things.

Based on the secret method, the new method further develops the hidden treasures of the human body.

Regardless of the issue of combat power, compared to the secret realm method, after practicing the new method, the ability to save lives is indeed much stronger.

Especially after the fourth stage of the Life Palace, when yin and yang are understood, and after life and death, the cultivated Dharma merges with the human body and the universe and evolves into the supreme Dharma body, it will be really difficult to kill.

Knowing this, they finally understood that when Emperor Xuan went through the Heavenly Punishment of Creation of Magic, crossed the Immortal Slaughter Platform, and forcibly killed the three supreme beings, he obviously was about to die, but he still survived.

All this was because he had perfected his new method. Although the injury was very serious, so severe that even the current emperor could only wait to sit down and die, and taking the elixir was of no use, but it still could not kill him.

Facing the new method with such a good life-saving effect, they were all moved, but that was the extent of it.These supreme beings have lived for too long, and their bodies and souls have decayed. Even if they can understand the mystery of the new method, it will take more than 01:30 to adjust their status.

During this process, the two cultivation methods may become imbalanced in the body, resulting in a decrease in their combat effectiveness.

This is also what they are most taboo about. You must know that it is less than ten thousand years since the road to immortality begins, and every bit of combat power at this moment is crucial to them.

This means that they have crossed the road to immortality and achieved the success or failure they have been waiting for for eternity.

They dare not bet!
They have lost too much and waited too long, and they cannot afford to lose.

Time passes, another hundred years will pass
In the Immortal Mountain, under the tea tree of Enlightenment——

The Four Spirit Ancient Emperors guarded the Central Xuan Emperor, and there was a vague Taoist rhyme circulating between heaven and earth.

In a daze, the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor and the Central Xuan Emperor seemed to form a whole body——

The ancient emperor transformed into soldiers, condensed armor, and made cavalry, and combined with the central Xuan Emperor to evolve a supreme supernatural power.

This is a taboo method proposed by the Blood Phoenix Ancient Emperor and unanimously approved by the five people. It can combine the power of everyone and be extremely terrifying.

And on the side.There is also a placenta conceived between heaven and earth, flowing with inexplicable Taoist charms, which is incredible.

The whole body of the placenta is crystal clear, simple, round and radiant, and is about two feet high.

At this moment, if someone opens their third eye, they will be able to see a human-shaped golden holy spirit being gestated in the placenta.

This Immortal Gold Holy Spirit is extraordinary.

If the gestation period had not been a little longer, if it had been during Ye Fan's first or second life, I am afraid that Emperor Ye Tian in the original work would have been miserable.

Because this is definitely the strongest person of the Holy Spirit lineage in ancient times. He was bred from the Immortal Tears Green Gold, one of the nine Immortal Golds. The original work will defy heaven and live a second life in later generations.

Even Shi Xuan, who had attained spiritual enlightenment before his transformation, was far inferior to him.

The Immortal Tears Green Gold Holy Spirit is one of the most amazing and powerful beings in the history of this universe and for several eras.

Nowadays, I always accompany the five powerful men at the pinnacle of the universe and listen to the sermon. Although they are far from being born, they have already given birth to spiritual wisdom, just like a newborn baby.

Shi Xuan, as the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, and also the Holy Spirit, the Immortal Golden Holy Spirit who was born from the Immortal Mountain, is very close to him.

Since he returned to the Immortal Mountain, he has been by Shi Xuan's side.

He hummed softly, a bit affectionately to please him.

It's like a child rubbing against an adult and acting coquettishly.


The essence of the sun and moon is swallowed up, and pieces of fairy clouds spurt out. There are faint mysterious patterns flashing, and there are bursts of Taoist sounds.

The Ancient Emperor Four Spirits couldn't help but be shocked.

Even though the four of them were ancient emperors who once dominated an era, they had rarely seen the process of heaven and earth giving birth to the Holy Spirit, not to mention that this was a Immortal Gold Holy Spirit.

It can be said that it is the only example in history.

"Being able to accompany Emperor Xuan every day is considered a gift from this Holy Spirit."

The Ancient Emperor Si Ling sighed,
After a hundred years, the current Four Spirit Ancient Emperors have long been dominated by Emperor Xuan, and they are fully aware that Emperor Xuan has gone further and deeper on the road of cultivation than the world has seen.

Emperor Xuan's creation of new methods was not accidental, but inevitable.

At this moment, a terrifying energy suddenly descended from the universe, and it seemed as if the sky was collapsing.

The five people standing on the top of the Immortal Mountain looked into the distance and suddenly understood in their hearts——

It was him!

(End of this chapter)

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