Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 83 In the next tens of thousands of years, if no one surpasses me, I will despise them all!

Chapter 83 In the next few million years, if no one surpasses me, I will despise them all!
On this day, a sudden and violent sound shook the nine heavens and ten earth, and the fluctuations of the avenue swept through Yunei——

Boundless thunder calamity descended on the edge of the universe.

"what happened?!"

"What! That junior, is he him?"

In the Beidou Forbidden Zone, the sleeping Supremes looked towards the edge of the universe and saw a majestic figure, surrounded by a divine ring, holding a red guqin in his arms, illuminating the universe.

Each of them was alarmed by Gai Jiuyou's power at this moment.

This junior is more than twice as powerful as a hundred years ago. It's terrible. Before they became enlightened, they were far from being so powerful.

"Is Emperor Jiuyou going to achieve enlightenment?"

In the universe, many powerful people who paid attention to this scene speculated.

The news that Emperor Jiuyou wants to defy heaven, break the Qing Emperor's path to suppress the Emperor, and create an eternal myth has long spread throughout the universe.

Many people have been looking forward to this day, but they didn't expect it to finally come.

Gai Jiuyou's thunder catastrophe, followed by the chaos yin and yang world-destroying great tribulation, the ninth level of immeasurable catastrophe, the world of thunder punishment, etc. are famous. The top ones of the heaven-defying divine punishment simply did not give Gai Jiuyou any way to survive.

And Gai Jiuyou was bathing in the ocean of thunder and punishment, holding a red guqin in his hand, constantly moving upwards, fighting for his way through the thunder and punishment of heaven.

In the distance, the white-haired old quasi-emperor was watching, with tears in his eyes.

My master's life has been too difficult.

In this Dharma-ending era, if a person goes against the will of heaven, there will be no one with equal talent.

I finally waited for a traveler, but who knew he was an old guy who was re-cultivating, and he really didn't talk about martial arts.

Then he sharpened himself with the great ways of the four great emperors and gods, and pushed himself to death.

In the past hundred years, in order to study Emperor Xuan's new methods, he was almost dead every time. If there was not a white tiger elixir brought back from the ancient star, he would probably have to give up.

At this moment, the white-haired old quasi-emperor had only one thing to say:

What kind of ending is needed to be worthy of such an arduous process?
Only Cheng Di!

In the vast universe, countless sentient beings are discussing it.

As the Emperor Jiuyou who was born and raised in this era, Gai Jiuyou has a very high influence in the universe, and can vaguely compete with Emperor Xuan, who is secretive to all living beings.

Gai Jiuyou was fiercely confronting Lei Jie. The power of the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Piano in his hand was terrifying. In terms of power alone, it was already no weaker than ordinary imperial soldiers.

The vast thunder tribulation lasted for three days and three nights without stopping.

The supreme beings in the restricted area couldn't help but lose their countenance as they watched.

In terms of combat power alone, Gai Jiuyou has surpassed the Quasi-Emperor at this moment, and is only one step away from crossing the Jidao realm.

"Do you want to take action and kill this junior?"

On Burial Island, a supreme leader made a suggestion and was ready to make a move.

"If we attack suddenly and there is such a terrifying thunder disaster, this junior will definitely not be able to survive it."

"How can it be so easy to break through the Qing Emperor's path and suppress the Emperor?"

"That's right, this junior can't get through it without us taking action."

Regarding the power of Qing Emperor, these restricted area supreme beings all know that if it were a slightly ordinary emperor, Gai Jiuyou would have a high probability of success.

But Qingdi is so terrifying, even he is not much weaker than Wu Shi.

Therefore, although Gai Jiuyou is very powerful, the supreme beings in the restricted area do not think highly of him.

The thunder tribulation was so vast that it shook the entire universe. Gai Jiuyou fought fiercely against the thunder tribulation, and his phoenix-blooded red gold harp was struck by heaven's punishment until the strings were broken and the harp was broken into pieces.

But Gai Jiuyou was using his bare hands, his hair flying, and his physical body was comparable to an imperial soldier. People couldn't help but wonder if he was a hidden holy body or a tyrant body?
At this moment, Gai Jiuyou was like an ancient emperor who came to the world and wanted to conquer the heavens, break the myth that no one has been able to achieve in all eternity, and break through the Qing Emperor's way to suppress the emperor.

"After all, this junior can't defy heaven."

The supreme beings in the restricted area had an indescribable feeling when they looked at the terrifying existence that had been trying to break through the ten thousand blocks and fight against the thunder tribulation.They do not want another extremely powerful human emperor to appear.

But deep down in my heart, I yearn for someone to create an eternal myth and prove that there are no difficulties in this world that cannot be overcome.

However, they soon cut off this unnecessary emotion. Their life was only to become immortals, and everything else was vain.

In the wilderness of the universe, even if you are repelled time and time again, you will face difficulties again and again, without fear of life or death.

Even though he was scarred, Gai Jiuyou still had no intention of backing down.

"This human monk named Gai Jiuyou is very talented and has a very deep understanding of the new method."

On the top of the Immortal Mountain, under the tea tree of Enlightenment.

The Ancient Emperor Qilin looked at the eight wastelands of the universe and sighed at the figure that was rising against the sky against the vast thunder calamity.

"Yes, if it hadn't been for Emperor Xuan to preach, I'm afraid we wouldn't be far ahead of him!"

Blood Phoenix also said with emotion.

"In just a hundred years, he has already reached the second level of the Life Palace Realm. This junior is truly extraordinary."

There are four steps to heaven in the Palace of Life, one step and one level.

The first ladder in the destiny palace realm corresponds to the three immortal kings in the secret realm, and so on.

The second step of the ladder in the Ming Palace Realm corresponds to the four saints of the Secret Realm Dharma Immortal.

The third step of the ladder of the Life Palace is equivalent to the existence of the Saint King.

It took a hundred years to practice the new method to such an extent. Emperor Wanlong and Ancient Emperor Xuanwu also gave Gai Jiuyou a very high evaluation.

Only those who have truly come into contact with it will know how difficult it is to practice the new method.

The previous two realms of Heavenly Veins and Condensing Patterns were fine, but starting from the third realm of Awakening, it was truly one step at a time.

Of course, if the new method can be practiced, the benefits to the monks will be obvious.

The first four realms of the new method can complement each other and the five secret realms of the human body, and can further open up the hidden treasures of the human body, allowing monks to achieve true physical connection with the spirit.

Starting from the fifth realm of stepping on the sky, you need to make a choice.

If you continue to practice the new method, you need to combine the five secret realms of the human body with the first four realms of the new method to form a single one, thereby opening the bridge between heaven and earth.

However, this step is very difficult, and it is impossible for a young prodigy who is not a rare genius to succeed.

If ordinary monks try it rashly, the only result will be death.

And if you successfully open the bridge of heaven and earth, you can stand directly on the top of the first-level bridge of heaven and earth, possessing invincible power in every move, and truly invincible in heaven and earth.

On the contrary, if you continue to choose the secret realm method, you can accommodate the first four realms of the new method in the five secret realms of the human body, open up the body's divine treasures, achieve a jump in life levels, and promote the practice of the secret realm method.

In short, if you choose the former option, you will have a narrow escape, but once you succeed, you will change the world and truly be reborn.

As for the latter one, which is relatively safe, although the benefits are also huge, compared to the former one, at [-]%, this benefit can only be considered a passing grade.

"There are talented people in every generation of the universe, and each of them will lead the way for 1 years!"

"Future generations should surpass their predecessors, and each generation will become stronger than the previous generation. Our era is destined to be more exciting than any era in the past!"

The Four Spirits Ancient Emperor looked at Gai Jiuyou, who was standing on the edge of the universe with a huge cosmic thunder tribulation rising against the sky. He looked at Emperor Xuan, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain beside him, and felt the towers of Emperor Xuan that were spread across all the ancient stars in the universe. , filled with endless confidence.

"My Dharma and my Tao are all inscribed in this world and in the universe. In the next few million years, if no one surpasses me, I will despise them all!"

Shi Xuan's voice was shocking, shaking the mind of the Ancient Emperor Si Ling.

At this moment, the four of them faintly felt their own insignificance.

"Xuan Emperor, can the four of us also burn our own Tao and Dharma into the Xuan Emperor Tower?"

(End of this chapter)

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