Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 90: Heaven and Earth are appointed, I should be respected

Chapter 90: Heaven and Earth are appointed, I should be respected


At this moment, God is angry.

The monstrous thunder and punishment started again, and it was even more terrifying than before.

The entire universe and the vast sea of ​​stars were obscured by the boundless sea of ​​thunder.

"Crack clap clap."

The black clouds of calamity covered the sea of ​​stars, suppressing them so much that the countless creatures almost couldn't breathe. Their faces were pale, sweating profusely, and they were lying on the ground in fear.

However, on the top of Beidou Immortal Mountain, the five beams of light that cover the sky and the sun swallow up the chaotic fairy light and Taoism. The terrifying thunder disaster seems to be suppressed by a terrible force and has been unable to come down.


Five beams of light broke through the sky and dispersed the sea of ​​thunder at the top of the sky.

The endless Tao principles gathered together and turned into streams of light baptizing the five beams of light.

This is a terrible sight. It represents the majesty of God's thunder punishment. It is unable to fight back in front of these five beams of light and can only be torn into pieces.

One after another, the terrifying huge thunder and lightning turned into streams of the purest energy and merged into the five beams of light.

"It's really going to go against the grain."

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou, the extraterrestrial starry sky, looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know what to say.

Yao thought that he had survived a catastrophe before, was beaten to death, and almost fell under the catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, five robber-like beings broke out from the Immortal Mountain and violently suppressed the avenue of heaven and earth in this universe, directly stopping this catastrophe that shocked the past and present.

With immortal runes flashing in his eyes, he looked directly at the five beams of light and felt a new method that was more profound and as complete as the five secret realm methods of the human body.

Even though he couldn't directly understand everything, he still had great gains, which made him a little shocked.

In just a hundred years, he was able to perfect the new method to such an extent. How incredible is his talent?

I'm afraid even the mythical emperor is not as good as him. He might really be comparable to the ancient Huang Tian Emperor.

"As soon as the nine orifices are opened, the true spirit will be revealed!"

"A little bit of true spirit enters the ancestral cavity, and from now on my destiny is up to me!"

Emperor Xuan, who was guarded by the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor in the center, did not care about the monstrous divine punishment. The blazing divine light in his eyes was shocking, the mighty divine voice shook the sky, and all the realms were trembling and surrendering.


The blood in the body of the Four Spirit Ancient Emperor was rumbling, grand and solemn.

At this moment, the body that suffered heavy damage due to the ancient emperor Si Ling's forcibly shattering the five secret realms of the human body has recovered again, and the endless divine treasures contained in the body are opening up.

In an instant, they turned into an endless source of divine power, all glowing together in a mighty and mighty way, like a rolling torrent of the universe, surging and surging, shocking people.

"Understand the yin and yang, understand life and death, the Dharma body can communicate with the spirit, and create the world."

The thunder punishment at the top of the sky became more and more terrifying, as if the entire sky was going to be destroyed.

But those five sky-reaching light beams were like five sky pillars, supporting the collapsed sky and suppressing the thunder punishment.

But in the eyes of Gai Jiuyou and many restricted area supremes, it was a different scene——

The Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, guarding a supreme central emperor of heaven, stood on the eternal blue sky, directly suppressing the thunder and punishment of the avenue, leaving no punishment from God.

The Immortal Mountain sounded with the sound of Emperor Xuan's words——

In the eyes of the Four Spirit Ancient Emperor, a fourth-level ladder emerged.

After a hundred years of studying the new method, they already have a very deep understanding of the new method. Naturally, they understand that the four steps of the ladder in front of them are the four steps of the fourth level of the new method, the life palace realm.

The next moment, a vast divine voice sounded between heaven and earth——

"I, the Qilin of Emperor Xuantian's four spirits, are arrayed in the west!" As the sound of the word fell, to the west of the five-light pillar that reached the sky, a huge Qilin that covered the sky and the sun evolved, roaring to shake the heaven and earth, and stepping on chaos.

"I, the Blood Phoenix of the Four Spirits of Emperor Xuantian, are arrayed in the south!"

At this moment, the sound of the Tao echoed across the heaven and earth, and a bloody divine phoenix flew out from the south of the five-light pillar.

The divine phoenix soared into the sky, its crystal clear crimson feathers extremely dreamy. It spread its wings hanging down from the sky and illuminated the endless stars, shocking the entire heaven.

"I, the Purple Dragon of the Four Spirits of Emperor Xuantian, are arrayed in the east!"

Immediately, purple light shot into the sky, and to the east of the five-light pillar, the huge purple divine dragon gradually became clear, no longer hazy, revealing eyes like the sun and moon, and a huge dragon body breaking through the sky and the earth.

"I, Xuanwu, the four spirits of Emperor Xuantian, are arrayed in the north!"

The void buzzed, and a terrifying ancient emperor's divine power continued to radiate. Suddenly, in the north of the five-light pillar, a huge basalt god and ghost burst out with terrifying light and radiance. Everyone felt as if the whole world was suppressed at this moment.

"The four spirits have appeared, respectfully inviting the Emperor of Heaven!"

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of miles above Beidou, space suddenly became distorted, and an extremely terrifying force manifested.

The power of the Heavenly Emperor that made the avenue roar came shattering into the void, and the space was trembling.

For a moment, it seemed as if the entire avenue of the universe was roaring, causing the endless void to tremble continuously.

It reaches the sky and the earth, and is extremely terrifying.

Under the guard of four divine beasts, a supreme dharma body appeared here, and the aura of ten thousand ways overwhelmed the eternal sky and shook the nine heavens and ten earth.

At this moment, the scene in the Immortal Mountain finally appeared in the eyes of the world——

The Dharma Bodies of the Four Spirits and Divine Beasts are located at the four extremes of heaven and earth, guarding the central Emperor of Heaven and stepping from the depths of chaos.

At this moment, all living beings are trembling, the entire universe is trembling with fear, as if they are on a divine land, as if they are facing a god, in the endless void, billions of people are kneeling down to worship.

"Are we really going to surpass the realm of Emperor?"

Gai Jiuyou and the Forbidden City Supreme were extremely shocked. They opened their third eyes and divine eyes one by one. Their eyes were extremely bright and dazzling. They looked to the source and wanted to see everything clearly.

"Heaven and earth have their limits, and the nine are the extremes. There are nine bridges in the sky, one bridge and one sky!"

Accompanied by the heavenly sound that shakes the heavens and earth, it is like the supreme emperor issuing a decree. It is extremely majestic and spreads throughout the eight wastelands of the universe with great force.


Endless divine chains of order are intertwined with laws, so dazzlingly gorgeous that the original power of the terrifying avenue of heaven and earth appears, converging into the nine-layer divine bridge of heaven and earth.

"The Nine Heavens and Earth Bridge has appeared!"

"I am the one who has given orders to heaven and earth, and I shall be the one who respects you!"

The sonorous and powerful Taoist sound seems to have reversed the years, shaking the past, present and future.

At this moment, on the top of the Immortal Mountain, five figures erupted with immeasurable light and radiance, and they merged with the five huge dharma bodies that covered the sky and the sun.

In a daze, it seemed as if there really was a nine-level bridge connecting heaven and earth, spanning the past, present and future, leading to the unknown other shore.

Between the heaven and the earth, the sound of scriptures, the sound of sacrifices, and the bursts of light and shadow are hazy.

I saw four divine beasts standing at the four poles of heaven and earth, guarding Emperor Xuan Tian in the center, stepping on the nine-layer bridge of heaven and earth, overlooking the vast universe and endless people.

Controlling the origin of heaven and earth, he can destroy all the ways of heaven and earth with a single movement of his hand, and control the rise and fall of the universe.


God sensed that the monstrous thunder and punishment and catastrophe were gathering, which was extremely terrifying.

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, all tangible things have been wiped out by the world-destroying light, and there is no life left at all.

The Four Spirits Ancient Emperor defended the Central Xuantian Emperor and ascended into the starry sky of the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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