Chapter 91: One Emperor Rules Four Emperors (I have something to do in the morning, I will catch up in the evening)

"Crack clap clap."

One after another, the terrifying huge thunder and lightning turned into iron chains and connected into a sky net, trying to trap the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor and the Central Xuantian Emperor. The world-destroying majestic tribulation light struck down one after another.

Endless blood and bones were chopped into pieces, annihilating the boundless sea of ​​​​stars, making people's scalp numb.

This is not overcoming a catastrophe, but more like killing, wiping out all living things in the world.

"With such a calamity and punishment, even if ten great emperors attain enlightenment together, it would be enough, right?"

The vast universe and countless sentient beings will be frightened to death by this scene.

The four supreme divine beasts, guarding the central Emperor Xuantian, withstood countless thunder punishments and ascended to the top of the starry sky in the universe.

This scene is too terrible.

It's like five great ancient emperors were born together to overcome the tribulation, to break through all the heavenly punishments and reach the top of the universe.

"The Stone Emperor of the past has truly emerged from his cocoon and turned into a butterfly. He has soared into the sky and can be called the Xuantian Emperor!"

The supreme beings in the restricted area could not help but take a breath of cold air.

A person who used to be arrogant and conceited in the restricted area has mixed feelings in his heart and his expression is extremely complicated.

No matter how unwilling you are, no matter how arrogant and arrogant you are in your heart, you have to bow your head and admit it——

If it were them, they wouldn't be where they are now like Shi Xuan.

From today onwards, it is no longer an empty talk for Emperor Xuantian to surpass the mythical Emperor and rival the Ancient Emperor of Desolation. This is indeed a possibility.

Create a new method and lead the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to realize the new method——

This is really too extraordinary. After countless times of endless eras, I am afraid that only the Emperor Huangtian of the past and the Emperor Xuantian of today can do it.


God's will is like a knife!

The majestic calamity light flooded the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe, which was so vast that it was unimaginable.

God's punishment is becoming more and more terrible.

The boundless starry sky collapsed, and chaos raged endlessly.

Because the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor and the Central Xuantian Emperor really took a big step forward on the new method, which is extremely astonishing.

Even the Supreme Taoist body of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor could not bear the terrible punishment. A large amount of blood and bones were splattered.

The supreme healing holy methods are all in operation, and the sound of magnificent scriptures is coming.

But the speed of recovery is far less than the speed of destruction by the Tribulation and Punishment Divine Light. The terrifying power of destruction is constantly wiping away the vitality and spirit of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, leaving no trace of life.


The entire universe seems to be really going to be destroyed.

Five powerful qi machines.The pressure made everything unstable, rumbling and trembling.

Deep in the starry sky, even Gai Jiuyou couldn't help but frown, almost being affected and triggering his enlightenment disaster again.


In the Eastern Wasteland of Beidou, there were four dusty figures in four directions, feeling the familiar atmosphere between heaven and earth, and murmured.

"Haha, is this God's punishment? I, the Blood Phoenix, will take it!"

To the west of the four extremes of heaven and earth, a red figure stands on the top of the starry sky. Behind him is a divine phoenix that covers the sky. It is surrounded by fairy lights and looks majestic.

"Haha, I, Zilong, also took it!"

"Haha, I, Qilin, also took it!"

"I'm just like Xuanwu!"

At the same time, at the other three poles of the sky, three laughters resounded throughout the world.

At this moment, behind the three ancient emperors, the huge Kirin Dharma Body, Divine Dragon Dharma Body, and Xuanwu Dharma Body flew into the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Punishment.

"let's start!"

At this time, the voice of the Central Xuantian Emperor spread throughout the universe.


The unparalleled energy that changed the color of famous emperors and emperors in ancient and modern times caused the eternal blue sky to rumble, and all the realms of heaven and earth seemed to be wailing. The vast blood energy rose up and broke through the entire heaven and earth.The Ancient Emperor of Four Spirits defended the Central Emperor Xuantian, and they wanted to jointly prove the new method and create a new path of practice. This scene is destined to be recorded in history.

Never before!
The future is also destined to be impossible to reproduce, and it will never be seen again!


As if in response, the punishment sent by God exceeded everyone's imagination. Even the supreme level existence felt chills in the scalp.

The entire universe seemed to be in danger of impending disaster and was about to collapse, shaking endlessly.

The world shook violently.

"It's unprecedented."

What kind of era is this?

It was supposed to be the most incredible age of Dharma Ending in all eternity, and even the great powers could not see it.

Now there is an Emperor Xuantian born, who wants to lead the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor to realize the new method.

What if I really succeeded in breaking through today?
I am afraid that the light of many emperors and emperors will be blocked throughout the ages. Even the most dazzling and invincible emperors in ancient history will become dim in the future!

"That will have to wait until they can really get through."

Someone looked on with cold eyes and spoke coldly, with a cold voice.
Too many people are unwilling to succeed in the new methods of the Ancient Emperor Si Ling and Emperor Xuantian.

But with such a terrifying punishment from heaven, who dares to cause chaos?
Even the great emperor of the current generation would be frightened when facing this punishment from God.

Even these supreme beings in the restricted area who have always been conceited and firmly believe that they are invincible, face this kind of natural punishment, and they are very secretive and dare not say anything.


The vast sea of ​​thunder covered the stars and rivers in the sky, crowding the entire sky.

The extremely terrifying and destructive aura was extremely oppressive, making everyone tremble and panic.

As the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors guarded the central Emperor Xuantian and ascended to the top of the starry sky, the thunderous punishment from the sky that was originally suppressed finally fell.

For a time, a supreme Xuantian Emperor controlled four ancient emperors, and a total of five powerful men overcame the tribulation together.

The whole scene completely shocked the universe, and even those restricted area supremes who had lived for countless years were so shocked that their eyes widened.

Is it possible that in this era there will really be an eternal myth of five great emperors living at the same time?
This is so scary and unbelievable.

In the vast universe, countless sentient beings feel that they are dreaming?

Is it still possible to accomplish something like enlightenment and becoming an emperor like this?
It was really an eye-opener.


One beam after another of world-destroying light, like the torrential Milky Way pouring down its embankment, seems to penetrate the entire universe, causing the Supreme to change color, make his scalp numb, and feel terrified.

Completely submerged the five supreme figures including the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor and the Central Xuantian Emperor.


Thousands of roads rumbled, and the avenues of heaven and earth trembled.

The sea of ​​thunder was so vast that one could clearly see the tribulation light that seemed to penetrate the entire sky from half a universe away, making countless creatures tremble and panic.

On the top of the starry sky outside the territory, dark clouds of calamity dominate the world.

Chaos yin and yang destroy the world, the great calamity, the nine-fold immortal calamity, and the nine-color calamity.
It seems that all the disasters in this universe from ancient times to the present have landed at this moment, and the power makes the restricted area supreme change color.

Suddenly, all the creatures in the endless universe felt a great sense of terror in their hearts, as if the end was coming.

"not good!"

At this moment, Gai Jiuyou, who had always looked calm when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, suddenly changed his expression.

"Is it because the catastrophes of the five of them resonated with each other and superimposed on each other, and they actually exceeded the endurance limit of the universe?"

The supreme beings in the restricted area naturally understood what happened immediately and said with some worry.

They don't care about the life and death of all sentient beings, but if this universe is destroyed, will the road to immortality they have been waiting for for eternity still open?

However, the next moment, these restricted area supreme beings once again acted as a crowd, watching with cold eyes the five figures who led this world-shattering catastrophe into the endless chaos.

PS: I have something to do today and have to catch the high-speed train, so I’ll do two updates first, and I’ll catch up later tonight! !

(End of this chapter)

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