Chapter 92 Luan Gu manifests and the war begins

At this moment, in the depths of the chaos, a catastrophe was shocking the world. Even the chaos outside the world that had not changed for hundreds of millions of years was trembling, as if it could no longer bear it.

During the catastrophe, the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors were mainly guarding Shi Xuan around him.

"Come on the halberd!"

The next moment, the Blood Phoenix Ancient Emperor, one of the four ancient spirit emperors, was seen merging with the huge phoenix dharma body. In an instant, the glow of hundreds of millions of meters was forcibly merged with the Xuan Emperor Halberd in Shi Xuan's hand.

The power of the Emperor Xuan Halberd in Shi Xuan's left hand has risen to a terrifying level, surpassing the imperial soldiers by many.

At this moment, it should be called Blood Phoenix~Xuan Emperor Halberd.

"Come on monument!"

Immediately, the Ancient Emperor Xuanwu, one of the Four Spirit Ancient Emperors, also combined himself with the huge Xuanwu Dharma Body, which also combined with the Cangtian Monument on Shi Xuan's right hand, evolving into a slab of supreme power.

"A come!"

As the words fell, Wanlong Emperor, one of the four ancient emperors of spirits, simultaneously transformed into a huge divine dragon body, transformed into a set of supreme armor, and struck Shi Xuan's body.

In an instant, I saw——

Shi Xuan stepped on the Qilin, with the Xuanwu - Cangtian Monument in his right hand, and the Blood Phoenix - Xuan Emperor Halberd in his left hand. Wearing Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, he ascended to the sky to fight with this world-shattering catastrophe.

Such a strange scene completely shocked the eyes of many restricted area supremes.

Naturally, they are also people who have experienced strong winds and waves, but today's scene is really unbelievable.

They knew that the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor had once transformed into a divine weapon.

But what happened to the other three.

Well, the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor Transformation Armor makes sense.

But you, Qilin, are a majestic and ancient person who once dominated an era and was considered a figure, so you are willing to ride under me.

And Emperor Xuanwu, how could he be willing to act as a pendant?

I'm really worried about the bottom line of the four of you being beasts.

What, if you do this, it comes with the Emperor’s Package?

snort!We are not tempted!

If we want to do this, we must be proud and supreme, so we will not become beasts like you.

Absolutely not!


"Clang! Clang! Clang!."

Faintly and vaguely, there is a magnificent and fuzzy scene presented in the thunder and calamity. The entire palace is magnificent and majestic, so majestic that it is unimaginable.

There were monstrous shouts of killing and the sound of gold and iron clashing, echoing in the depths of chaos and shaking the universe.

There are terrifying creatures one after another. They stand on top of the thunder in the temple, overlooking the common people there.

This is beyond the scenes of all the great and ancient emperors who achieved enlightenment in the past.

"Such a catastrophe"

"Could it be a reappearance of the battle scene from the unspeakable ancient era?"

"This is absolutely unprecedented. Is it really going to go against the grain?"

"I'm afraid that the legendary Huangtian Emperor, who is unparalleled in ancient and modern times, has infinite talents, uses great wisdom and perseverance to create secret realms against the will of heaven, and is rumored to be the only one who became an immortal. The scene during the tribulation will not be as good as that, right?"

This made those restricted area supremes who were watching with cold eyes change their expressions and become a little frightened.


The sky is rumbling, and thousands of roads are roaring.

It was unimaginably huge, shaking the entire chaos. The powerful and terrifying thunder light shone in the distance.


A beam of crimson electric light, extremely bright and fiery, only a million long and wide, but it felt as if it could easily destroy a large world.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel cold from head to toe.

The catastrophe was vast, the world-shattering thunder and punishment shook the sky and the earth, and the chaos was directly split open.

The terrifying crimson electric light penetrated the chaos and drowned Shi Xuan, who was ascending to the sky on Qilin.

The whole chaos was becoming nothingness in an instant.

Completely submerged by the red lightning, it struck down mercilessly one after another.

Each crimson thunder calamity is enough to easily chop an ordinary alternative enlightened person into pieces, like a world-destroying heavenly punishment.


Unparalleled, the mighty blood flooded the chaos, the vastness was endless, shaking the past, present and future.

"Come to fight!!"

Shi Xuan stepped on the unicorn, wore ten thousand dragon armor, and used both the stele and the halberd in his hands. Without any reservation, he rushed directly into the endless thunder and calamity and started a world-shattering battle.

At this moment, the Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Punishment changes again——

It was an extremely majestic and majestic ancient continent, unimaginably large and boundless.

The endless thunder turned into billions of powerful creatures, roaring to the heavens, roaring to the sky, and fighting violently, extremely cruelly.

"Is this really the indescribable war in ancient times?"

"So this continent is the universe of the ancient era?"

The supreme beings in the restricted area all took a deep breath, their gazes were piercing, staring directly at the magnificent scene above the thunder.

"Are those creatures standing high above the continent immortals?"

This really shocked them.

Because those who can be imitated by Heaven's Punishment cannot be just ordinary creatures.

He must be extremely talented and unimaginably powerful.

And if it is a creature from the ancient era, it is probably an immortal!


There are blood splashes.

At this point in the battle, even someone as powerful as Shi Xuan would not be able to escape unscathed.

The Ten Thousand Dragon Armor on his body, the ancient stele and war halberd in his hand, and the Qilin under him have all lost their previous magic and become dull and dull.

At the same moment, deep in the chaos, at the top of the endless sea of ​​thunder——

Shi Xuan stepped on the Qilin beast, wore ten thousand dragon armor, and used the stele and halberd together to kill at the highest point of the thunder calamity.

"Red, Orange, Yellow"

The Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone, who was knowledgeable about the past and present, opened his third eye and looked into the depths of chaos. He suddenly thought of something and said in shock:
"Could this be the Nine-Color Immortal and Golden Immortal Soldier Tribulation recorded in ancient history?"


The supreme conjecture was verified.

Blue World-Destroying Immortal Weapons, cyan World-Destroying Immortal Weapons, purple World-Destroying Immortal Weapons, and orange World-Destroying Immortal Weapons fell one after another, and there were ninety-nine and eighty-one of them.

Then, the 81 world-destroying immortal weapons were smelted and unified, evolving into a supreme immortal weapon with nine handles and nine colors!
This scene shocked the world and was unparalleled.Since ancient times, every emperor and emperor who once stood on the top of the universe has searched the universe, hoping to gather the nine immortal golds to create the supreme immortal weapon.

But I have never heard of anyone successfully collecting the Nine Immortal Golds, not even the Mythical Emperor.

However, now, there are nine nine-color immortal weapons descending from the sky. This is really unbelievable.

Shi Xuan didn't dodge at all, and went directly to the sky, intending to face off against the nine-handled nine-color immortal weapon.

In this battle, the power of the Crazy Shixuan Shen and the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor reached its peak, but the nine-color immortal weapons falling from the sky were like the real supreme warriors made of the nine immortal golds——

The supreme secrets of the Nine Immortal Golds are flowing through it, as if nine true immortals have come to the world to destroy everything in the world.


The heaven and earth rumbled, and that terrifying power came from the depths of chaos.

All people in the world are terrified and trembling.It seemed like a big disaster was coming, he was lying on the ground, his face was pale.

The supreme beings in the restricted area are all changing their colors.

The nine-handled nine-color immortal weapon manifests itself with such extreme splendor and beauty that it is so dazzling that people can't help but feel lost in it.

Just like the nine-color glow produced when the world was created, it was extremely majestic and with supreme power, it directly attacked Shi Xuan.

Billions of immortal radiances completely penetrated the chaos and illuminated the eight wastelands of the universe, trying to wipe out the figure in Tsing Yi who was trying to defy the sky and commit the crime.

This is not a test from God, but a real punishment from heaven, punishing all creatures who try to disobey the Dao.

"The emperor's great path has been completed, and there is nothing you can do to me!"

Shi Xuan chuckled lightly, and combined with the power of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, he directly overturned the nine-handled nine-color immortal weapons. His invincible fighting spirit swept through the sky, shaking the sky and the earth. He arrogantly blasted the nine-handled nine-color immortal weapons. Gotta break apart.

All the supreme beings in the restricted area were moved, their pupils tightened, such combat power
terrible!It’s too strong!
Faintly, beyond their knowledge.


God seemed to be angered.

The sky is rumbling, and all the ways are singing in unison.

One after another, terrifying thunder creatures rushed directly down from the vast thunder continent.


There are ancient mythical beasts such as real dragons, phoenixes, white tigers, unicorns and suzakus, as well as ethereal and immortal humanoid powerful men.
The aura of each figure is above the Supreme, lifelike, and the size is so huge that it can be said to cover the sky and the sun. It does not look like it was transformed by thunder, but spans the long river of time and space and comes from the upper reaches of the years.

"There is no need for you to wait, I will kill you on my own!"

Shi Xuan's face is indifferent, shining with immortal runes. Your pupils are majestic, and your whole body is filled with the chaotic holy spirit. You are wearing ten thousand dragon armor, with the ancient monument in your right hand used to move bricks, the halberd in your left hand turned into a thick stick, and the Qilin beast is stepping on your feet. Ascend to the sky——

He forcefully broke into the vast Thunder Continent.

His momentum was as strong as the abyss, unparalleled in the world. Without any hesitation or fear, he directly attacked the roaring army of ancient creatures with incomparable arrogance.


The huge real dragon howled, and its huge dragon claws were directly smashed into pieces by the incomparable ancient tablet bricks, and the dragon's blood spattered.

That is not the real dragon blood, but the manifestation of the rules of thunder.


A terrifying halberd struck straight down, more terrifying and domineering than a real dragon's tail swing, splitting the huge real dragon into two halves.

A large amount of dragon's blood couldn't stop being spilled.

It makes people look pale.

But the next moment, there was another roaring god that was thousands of feet tall and crashed directly into him. His eyes were extremely sharp and without looking back, he just hit the ancient monument with the hand of the invincible god and demon to suppress it.

The unparalleled palm force knocked the divine phoenix coming from behind and flew backwards. It screamed and its blood flew everywhere.

'kill! '

Shi Xuan's fighting spirit reached its peak, and he carried the Qilin beast across the endless void and time. The violent hands of the gods and demons blasted the ferocious head of the roaring god into pieces.

At its feet, fragments of time are scattered, extremely gorgeous.

Open and close.

The stele and the halberd are used together, and the ten thousand dragon armor shines brightly, and the unparalleled invincibility sweeps across the sky, unparalleled.

Bathed in the rules of thunder, he went crazy, shaking the chaos and shaking the universe.

One after another, the huge and terrifying beasts were wailing. It was not like they wanted to kill Shi Xuan, but that Shi Xuan wanted to kill them.

One after another, he was punched and crushed by a kick.

Extremely domineering and rough, with awe-inspiring invincible power, making those in the restricted area extremely fearful.


The bright halberd was waved, and the chaotic energy was as vast as the sea. The whole chaos seemed to be split open, and one after another huge and terrifying dragons were wailing.

It was Shi Xuan who was suppressing them, and these ancient creatures were unable to stop their progress.

With the last real dragon covered in blood wailing and being smashed to pieces by an ancient monument, he powerfully landed on this ancient continent that evolved from the sea of ​​thunder.


"Clang clang!"

The shouts of killing were overwhelming, and the sound of gold and iron clashing was incomparably loud.

It's like going against the long river of time and space and returning to a long, indescribable ancient era.

Countless creatures were divided into two camps, fighting desperately and selflessly, with incomparable cruelty.

Bloody corpses were lying there in disorder, and even heads, severed arms, broken legs, and minced meat were all over the ancient battlefield.

Extremely shocking.

The endless blood gathered into the vastness and dyed the entire ancient continent red.

At least there are trillions of living beings.

A majestic giant city stood between heaven and earth, until it was finally broken into pieces, leaving only ruins, extremely desolate and long-lasting.

In the mountains, rivers, rivers, seas, and lakes, there are all living beings fighting in bloody battles, killing the sky and the earth, and the blood is pouring into the sky.


"One breath remains, the battle will not stop!"

"Live to fight, to die!"

Vaguely, there were bursts of extreme anger and sadness, hysteria, and roars full of determination, echoing across this ancient continent.

People can't help but be infected, their eyes are red, their blood is boiling, and they want to die in a bloody battle.

At this moment, on the ancient continent transformed by thunder, all the fighting creatures, no matter which camp they belonged to, stopped in unison.


The endless creatures seemed to have been summoned by some kind of call. Their murderous intent was soaring into the sky, and their fighting spirit was terrifying. They all came towards Shi Xuan who was boarding the Thunder Sea.

This is the battlefield where the indescribable ancient times were buried, and the old scenes of the past and present appear.

The strength of every living being has been lifted by the great avenue of heaven and earth, almost all of them are above the supreme level, and they are heading straight towards Shi Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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