Chapter 93 Tianyuan Emperor Pass

Blood-stained Changge, bronze war spear, bloody sword, Tianding, ancient pagoda, and ancient bell.
All kinds of weapons violently blasted over.

It was packed into the world, and it was almost a killing blow.

Even the supreme beings in the restricted area who were paying attention could not calm down. Such a cruel battle had surpassed all the battles in their past careers and frightened them.

The ancient era of chaos was buried, but as the strongest men who dominated an era, they traveled all over the universe and searched for ancient and modern times. They were still able to find some information about that era.

I know some things about the Ancient Era, but only a few words.

It was as if there was a supreme being who forcibly erased everything about the ancient era. Documents, ancient books, ancient steles, stone carvings, and even the methods of cultivation were invisible and unknowable.

Occasionally, I gained a little bit, and I just knew that there had been an unimaginable war in the ancient era, and that a powerful man named Emperor Huangtian had become an immortal.

In addition, it is not clear whether there was a being above the Supreme in the Ancient Era.

It is hard to imagine what happened in that buried ancient era, and what a brutal war it was that could lead to everything in the past being buried.

"Even though we have ruled the universe for thousands of years, we still have no way of knowing what the ancient era was like."

A Supreme Being sighed, with a rare hint of regret in his tone.

"What's the use of saying this?"

"In this era, the road to immortality is open. If you break into the immortal realm and strive for immortality, you will naturally have the opportunity to know everything."

These Forbidden City Supremes, after waiting for eternity, have already become as cold as iron, and they don't care about anything else. Except for the road to immortality that they have been waiting for for eternity, everything is like a dream in their eyes.

At this moment, in the depths of chaos, Shi Xuan let go of his hands and feet.

The halberd in his left hand was swung into a big stick, and countless weapons flew away and destroyed.

The Cangtian Monument in his right hand turned into a brick, smashing the corpses into pieces.

The body is covered with ten thousand dragon armor, and the unicorn beast under its feet is bathed in battle blood, looking ferocious and terrifying.

He, like a god and a demon, launched a killing spree.

This is an unequal and bloody battle.

This is the great avenue of heaven and earth that punishes and kills the arrogant people who seek to be disobedient, who do not know how high the sky is, and who want to go against the sky and trample on the great avenue.

During the battle, Shi Xuan couldn't help but suffer injuries. A handful of soldiers broke through the absolute defense of Wanlong Armor, penetrated Shi Xuan's body, and blood spattered for hundreds of millions of miles.

This battle is destined to be difficult.

Bleeding and floating oars, corpses littered the field.

Stepping on endless bones, he passed through towering city gates one after another.

After being killed to the point of numbness, Shi Xuan was already covered in blood. Shocking wounds were all over his body, and even a corner of the Kirin beast under his feet was broken.

The Ten Thousand Dragon Armor on his body was full of cracks, and the ancient stele and war halberd in his hands were splitting in half.

One day. Two days and one month.
It lasted two and a half months.

During this time, when the divine power dries up, it devours the thunder creatures to replenish itself.

"Is this incredible?"

"The thunder tribulation has lasted for so long, and it's not even halfway through, right?"

The expressions of all the supreme beings in the restricted area changed. The catastrophe caused by Shi Xuan and others lasted longer than they imagined.

Everyone looked at the ancient continent suspended on the top of the Thunder Tribulation, and the majestic towers standing on the top of the Imperial Pass, as if they were overlooking the past, present and future. The creatures that even the supreme beings like them could not see clearly had not yet been seen. Any movement.

The majestic, desolate and ancient Xiongguan is suspended in the sky.

The endless sun, moon and stars guarded the area, which was so majestic that it was unimaginable. It moved the faces of these restricted area supreme beings and their eyes flickered.

To say it is just a giant city is obviously not quite appropriate.

It is so huge that even the Big Dipper cannot be compared to it. It even seems to be vaster than the entire universe. It is extremely majestic and majestic. It has a great visual impact and is shocking.

The magnificent Imperial City was half collapsed and stained with blood.

There are shocking traces of weapons such as axes, spears, bows and arrows on it.

"Could this majestic city really come from that chaotic ancient era?"

A blazing figure woke up from its slumber and stared at the majestic and desolate dilapidated city on the vast thunder sea.My heart is up and down and I can't calm down.

This magnificent pass is likely to come from the buried ancient era, or even be one of the sites where the battle was fought, but some traces of its existence have been erased by some incomprehensible existence.

At this moment, above Xiongguan——

There are creatures wearing black armor and filled with magic mist, and there are creatures with wings on their backs that look extremely holy.
They all looked cold and murderous, and they all waved their weapons to kill.


The war halberd and the ancient stele cut across the nine heavens, and the invincible light and radiance illuminated the chaos, causing chaos in the sky and the earth.

Endless creatures turned into blood mist, and there was also crystal blood that destroyed the galaxies evolved from the sea of ​​thunder. That was Shi Xuan's own blood.

But these terrible disasters could not stop him at all.

"If you dare to block this emperor's path to enlightenment, then let's dance together!"

He was bloody and crazy, crossed this dilapidated imperial pass, climbed up, and fought into the most terrifying and tragic battle.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The cry of killing shook the entire universe and was breathtaking.

Endless ancient powerful men, a mass of darkness, all so powerful that they were so powerful that the heaven and earth were rumbling with murderous intent.

Compared with the previous battle, their number was pitifully small, but they were more terrifying. Each one of them was immeasurably stronger.

At the beginning of the battle, these creatures evolved from thunder seemed to be really alive and conscious. They sensed the terror of Shi Xuan, and did not want it to succeed in breaking through, so they started with the ancient and terrifying forbidden secret technique.

To use an invincible momentum to crush those who come.



Above the magnificent Imperial Pass, there was a vast battlefield.

The walls are broken and the fragments of weapons are flying and splashing.

The battle was extremely brutal, with millions of extremely powerful beings swarming in a black mass, just to kill one person.

The halberd in his hand was bright, blooming with immeasurable and immortal eight-color brilliance, drawing out the vast chaos of chaos, drowning everything, and cutting off the world.

One hexagram after another, countless big stars evolved from thunder were all blown to pieces.

One by one, strong men were crushed by the majestic figure bathed in endless blood.

His body is as strong as a dragon, with the Qilin beast on his feet. He steps up into the sky step by step, and his invincible power becomes more and more terrifying.

Senhan's halberd and thick ancient monument!
Billions of wisps of chaotic air pressure collapsed into the void, and the figure was like a hidden dragon emerging from the abyss, or a divine phoenix soaring into the nine heavens.

The hands of unparalleled gods and demons and the intention of the end of heaven cleanse away the chaos.



It seemed to be blocking the holy spear pierced by a creature with two wings on its back, somewhat like the Yu Clan, one of the powerful tribes in the universe, but with obvious differences.

Sparks splattered.

He slapped a brick with his right hand, like a world of chaos pressing down, with endless order and rules hitting the opponent mercilessly.

Crush it into powder.

In the blink of an eye, an unparalleled war halberd struck down, shattering the killing sword.

The center of his eyebrows glowed, immortal runes shone in the Palace of Life, and the nine-level bridge of heaven and earth crossed the void, breaking through the limitations of time and space, and breaking through all obstacles.


Above, a creature riding a gluttonous beast, stepping on the sky and holding a war spear, arrived. It was an unknown race. It was a creature three feet tall, with three horns on its head and six arms. It was directly hit by the terrifying bridge between heaven and earth. obliterate.

But there are too many enemies. They have no scruples and just want to kill the enemies in front of them.

After all, his whole body was pierced by a terrifying halberd, and in the blink of an eye, another long sword slashed down from behind, almost splitting his head in half.

(End of this chapter)

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